964 resultados para Build


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Why are the old politically successful? We build a simple interest group model in which political pressure is time-intensive, showing that in the political competitive equilibrium each group lobbies for government policies that lower their own value of time but the old do so to a greater extent and as a result are net gainers from the political process. What distinguishes the elderly from other political groups (and what makes them more succesful) is that they have lower labor productivity and/or that we are all likely to become elderly at some point, while we are relatively unlikely to change gender, race, sexual orientation, or even ocupation, The model has a variety of implications for the design of social security programs, which we test using data from the Social Security Administration. For example, the model predicts that social security programs with retirement incentives are larger and that the old are more "single-minded" in their politics, implications which we verify using cross-country government finance data and cross-country political participation surveys. Finally, we show that the forced savings programs intended to "reform" the social security system may increase the amount of intergenerational redistribution. As a model for evaluating policy reforms, ours has the attractive feature that reforms must be time time consistent from a political point of view rather than a public interest point of view.


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Hymenoepimecis neotropica (Brues & Richardson) (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Pimplinae) parasitoid of Araneus omnicolor (Keyserling) (Araneae, Araneidae): first host record and new occurrence to Brazil. The species of the genus Hymenoepimecis occur only in Neotropical region, being recognized for using as their hosts spiders which build orbicular webs. That wasp was described occurring only in the Guyana. This work expands the geographical distribution of the species to Brazil and records the spider Araneus omnicolor (Araneae, Araneidae) as its host. Furthermore, it provides information about the natural history of this interaction.


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Digital libraries (DL) are seen as a hope to developing countries in their struggle for accessing bibliographic resources, especially in a context where the traditional distribution mechanisms failed tragically. Several difficulties are however faced by these countries to build and use digital libraries, due mainly to its high development costs and to the poor existing ICT resources in these countries. This paper discusses the importance of digital libraries for developing countries and introduces the main challenges they face in building and using such libraries. The current alternatives and major initiatives for making digital information accessible to developing countries are also addressed.


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El projecte presentat en aquest document formal conté la proposta per a la nova marca de vins Enjoyme, el projecte consta de la creació de diverses peces gràfiques per tal de construir una proposta global per a la marca. L’encàrrec per part del client consta de: construcció de marca Enjoyme (logotip), lloc web enfocat a la venda on line, packaging del producte, OPI i revista digital. Cadascuna d’aquestes peces es troba explicada detalladament dins d’aquest document amb les seves respectives especificacions creatives, tècniques, estratègiques i econòmiques. El concepte creatiu d’aquesta campanya “Cultiva els teus sentits” està reflectit en cadascuna de les peces, formant un equilibri en conjunt. La idea central de la campanya s’enfoca a transmetre als clients totes les sensacions que li pot donar la natura en ser humà, tenint en compte l’orgànic i biodinàmic com a part fonamental del projecte, ja que aquest producte elaborat amb aquest tipus d’agricultura.


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ABSTRACT Dynamics of the restoration of physical trails in the grass-cutting ant Atta capiguara. Leaf-cutting ants of the genus Atta build long physical trails by cutting the vegetation growing on the soil surface and removing the small objects they find across their path. Little is known on the dynamics of trail construction in these ants. How much time do they need to build a trail? To answer this question we selected six trails belonging to two different nests of A. capiguara and removed on each trail a block of soil of 20 cm × 15 cm that included a portion of the physical trail. This block was then replaced by a new block of the same size that was removed in the pasture near the trail and that was uniformly covered by the same type of vegetation as that found on the block of soil that was removed. The time required to restore the trail was then evaluated by the length of the grass blades found along the former location of the trail. The results show that ants rapidly restore the portion of the physical trail that was interrupted, which suggests that they could also do the same after their trails have been recolonized by the vegetation.


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Photosystem II (PSII) of oxygenic photosynthesis is susceptible to photoinhibition. Photoinhibition is defined as light induced damage resulting in turnover of the D1 protein subunit of the reaction center of PSII. Both visible and ultraviolet (UV) light cause photoinhibition. Photoinhibition induced by UV light damages the oxygen evolving complex (OEC) via absorption of UV photons by the Mn ion(s) of OEC. Under visible light, most of the earlier hypotheses assume that photoinhibition occurs when the rate of photon absorption by PSII antenna exceeds the use of the absorbed energy in photosynthesis. However, photoinhibition occurs at all light intensities with the same efficiency per photon. The aim of my thesis work was to build a model of photoinhibition that fits the experimental features of photoinhibition. I studied the role of electron transfer reactions of PSII in photoinhibition and found that changing the electron transfer rate had only minor influence on photoinhibition if light intensity was kept constant. Furthermore, quenching of antenna excitations protected less efficiently than it would protect if antenna chlorophylls were the only photoreceptors of photoinhibition. To identify photoreceptors of photoinhibition, I measured the action spectrum of photoinhibition. The action spectrum showed resemblance to the absorption spectra of Mn model compounds suggesting that the Mn cluster of OEC acts as a photoreceptor of photoinhibition under visible light, too. The role of Mn in photoinhibition was further supported by experiments showing that during photoinhibition OEC is damaged before electron transfer activity at the acceptor side of PSII is lost. Mn enzymes were found to be photosensitive under visible and UV light indicating that Mn-containing compounds, including OEC, are capable of functioning as photosensitizers both in visible and UV light. The experimental results above led to the Mn hypothesis of the mechanism of continuous-light-induced photoinhibition. According to the Mn hypothesis, excitation of Mn of OEC results in inhibition of electron donation from OEC to the oxidized primary donor P680+ both under UV and visible light. P680 is oxidized by photons absorbed by chlorophyll, and if not reduced by OEC, P680+ may cause harmful oxidation of other PSII components. Photoinhibition was also induced with intense laser pulses and it was found that the photoinhibitory efficiency increased in proportion to the square of pulse intensity suggesting that laser-pulse-induced photoinhibition is a two-photon reaction. I further developed the Mn hypothesis suggesting that the initial event in photoinhibition under both continuous and pulsed light is the same: Mn excitation that leads to the inhibition of electron donation from OEC to P680+. Under laser-pulse-illumination, another Mn-mediated inhibitory photoreaction occurs within the duration of the same pulse, whereas under continuous light, secondary damage is chlorophyll mediated. A mathematical model based on the Mn hypothesis was found to explain photoinhibition under continuous light, under flash illumination and under the combination of these two.


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El treball desenvolupat ha consistit en analitzar el sistema d'informació Logic Class sota la perspectiva de la necessitat de construir un sistema d'indicadors (quadre de comandament operatiu) que integri informació de les diferents fonts de dades.


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The effective dose delivered to the patient was determined, by modeling, for 257 types of examinations covering the different modalities of diagnostic and interventional radiology. The basic operational dosimetric quantities considered were obtained from the parameters of the examinations on the basis of dosimetric models. These models required a precise characterization of each examination. The operational dosimetric quantities were converted into doses to organs and effective doses using appropriate conversion factors. The determination of the collective effective dose to the Swiss population requires a number of corrections to account for the variability of several parameters: sensitivity of the detection system, age, gender, and build of the patient. The use of various dosimetric models is illustrated in this paper for a limited number of examination types covering the different radiological modalities, for which the established typical effective doses are given. With regard to individual doses, the study indicated that the average effective doses per type of examination can be classified into three levels: (a) the weakly irradiating examinations (less than 0.1 mSv), which represent 78% of the examinations and 4% of the collective dose, (b) the moderately irradiating examinations (between 0.1 mSv and 10 mSv), which represent 21% of the examinations and 72% of the collective dose, (c) the strongly irradiating examinations (more than 10 mSv), which represent 1% of the examinations and 24% of the collective dose.


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In liberalized electricity markets, generation Companies must build an hourly bidthat is sent to the market operator. The price at which the energy will be paid is unknown during the bidding process and has to be forecast. In this work we apply forecasting factor models to this framework and study its suitability.


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The DRG classification provides a useful tool for the evaluation of hospital care. Indicators such as readmissions and mortality rates adjusted for the hospital Casemix could be adopted in Switzerland at the price of minor additions to the hospital discharge record. The additional information required to build patients histories and to identify the deaths occurring after hospital discharge is detailed.


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This Executive Order expects the State of Iowa executive agencies and Regent Institutions own, purchase, build and lease property, including office space, worth billions of dollars for educational, correctional, recreational, conservation, transportation, communication, public health, workforce and related public functions and the placement of state offices in historic central business districts "downtown" can strengthen and revitalize Iowa's cities and towns.


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El present treball és un aprofundiment teòric sobre la resiliència, un concepte transgressor en les ciències socials que invita a tenir una nova visió de les situacions concretes, a un canvi de perspectiva que ens guia a refermar maneres d’intervenció diferents. Precisament, perquè ens porta a canviar la nostra mirada vers les persones i sobre la vida. Aquest projecte s’emmarca en els orígens del concepte, en quin moment es troba avui dia, aquelles teories explicatives i una aportació sobre la seva visió pràctica; tenint present en tot moment tant la dimensió individual com la dimensió comunitària del mateix. La resiliència, reconeix el valor de la imperfecció de l’espècia humana. No és una resposta immediata a l’adversitat sinó un procés que està en constant construcció, canvi i/o evolució en el transcurs del temps. No és un concepte absolut ni total, sinó que està lligat als conceptes dinàmics i complexos de desenvolupament i creixement humà i va més enllà de l’actitud passiva de resistir qualsevol cop; implica l’actitud proactiva d’aprendre/reapendre a viure i construir/reconstruir la vida.


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Phylogenetic reconstructions have supported several independent appearances of C₄ photosynthesis within grasses (Poaceae). These recurrent appearances appear to contradict the large number of biochemical and morphological changes required to change from C₃ to C₄, a paradox that leads to questions about the genetic changes underlying C₄ evolution. In this study, we analysed sequences encoding phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylases (PEPCs) in grasses in order to gain insights into the origin of the ppc-C₄ gene, which encodes a key enzyme in the C₄ pathway. We screened databanks for PEPC genes or cDNAs in grasses. A coding sequence of 1130 base pairs was used to build phylogenetic trees that supported the existence of four distinct PEPC gene lineages. Ppc-C₄ present in all C₄ grasses was also found in two C₃ species. The ppc-C₄ clade was congruent with the species tree, suggesting orthologous evolution. This result would imply that ppc-C₄ appeared without any duplication event. Nevertheless, caution is needed since the sampling of our study is still far from comprehensive. Further investigation with an increased sampling is recommended to elucidate the evolutionary changes underlying ppc-C₄ gene evolution in grasses.


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RESUM El llum electric és un tipus d’energia amb la que s’il•lumina tot el món i s’utilitza tant per a il•luminar la nit com per a disposar de llum addicional durant el dia. L’energia es pren directament de la xarxa de subministrament elèctric i permet encendre tot tipus de focus i bombetes. Actualment la necessitat de controlar la intensitat lumínica de focus és de gran utilitat i es poden veure exemples en escenaris de teatres, concerts musicals, domòtica bàsica a vivendes, botigues, restaurants, etc. on s’incorporen aparells òptims per aquest control. Aspectes com la programació d’encesa, apagat i intensitat desitjada de focus a una hora convinguda facilita el fet de fer-ho manualment i disposar de més temps propi. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és dissenyar i construir un regulador de llum controlat per ordinador capac de regular la intensitat lumínica de 8 focus independentment l’un de l’altre. El control de regulació s’efectua mitjancant un programa informàtic compatible amb ordinadors que incorporin el sistema operatiu Windows i és programable en el temps permetent seleccionar la intensitat desitjada a diferents hores del dia seleccionat. Com a conclusions es pot destacar un estalvi energètic al regular la intensitat dels focus evitant així la permanent connexio a una tensió màxima de 230 VAC i la oportunitat de construir un regulador de llum amb els documents subministrats.


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Poder mesurar i enregistrar diferents tipus de magnituds com pressió, força, temperatura etc. s’ha convertit en una necessitat per moltes aplicacions actuals. Aquestes magnituds poden tenir procedències molt diverses, tals com l’entorn, o poden ser generades per sistemes mecànics, elèctrics, etc. Per tal de poder adquirir aquestes magnituds, s’utilitzen els sistemes d’adquisició de dades. Aquests sistemes, prenen mostres analògiques del món real, i les transformen en dades digitals que poden ser manipulades per un sistema electrònic. Pràcticament qualsevol magnitud es pot mesurar utilitzant el sensor adient. Una magnitud molt utilitzada en sistemes d’adquisició de dades, és la temperatura. Els sistemes d’adquisició de temperatures estan molt generalitzats, i podem trobar-los com a sistemes, on l’objectiu és mostrar les dades adquirides, o podem trobar-los formant part de sistemes de control, aportant uns inputs necessaris per el seu correcte funcionament, garantir-ne l’estabilitat, seguretat etc. Aquest projecte, promogut per l’empresa Elausa, s’encarregarà d’adquirir, el senyal d’entrada de 2 Termoparells. Aquests mesuraran temperatures de circuits electrònics, que es trobaran dintre la càmera climàtica de Elausa, sotmesos a diferents condicions de temperatura, per tal de rebre l’homologació del circuit. El sistema haurà de poder mostrar les dades adquirides en temps real, i emmagatzemar-les en un PC que estarà ubicat en una oficina, situada a uns 30 m de distància de la sala on es farà el test. El sistema constarà d’un circuit electrònic que adquirirà, i condicionarà el senyal de sortida dels termoparells, per adaptar-lo a la tensió d’entrada d’un convertidor analògic digital, del microcontrolador integrat en aquesta placa. Seguidament aquesta informació, s’enviarà a través d’un mòdul transmissor de radiofreqüència, cap al PC on es visualitzaran les dades adquirides. Els objectius plantejats són els següents: - Dissenyar el circuit electrònic d’adquisició i condicionament del senyal. - Dissenyar, fabricar i muntar el circuit imprès de la placa d’adquisició. - Realitzar el programa de control del microcontrolador. - Realitzar el programa per presentar i desar les dades en un PC. - El sistema ha d’adquirir 2 temperatures, a través de Termoparells amb un rang d’entrada de -40ºC a +240ºC - S’ha de transmetre les dades via R.F. Els resultats del projecte han estat satisfactoris i s’han complert els objectius plantejats.