918 resultados para Biographies of Spanish mathematicians
Петра Г. Стайнова - Квази-линдельофовите пространства са въведени от Архангелски като усилване на слабо-линдельофовите. В тази статия се разглеждат няколко свойства на квази-линдельофовите пространства и се правят сравнения със съответни ре- зултати за линдельофовите и слабо-линдельофовите пространства. Дадени са няколко примера, включително на слабо-линдельофово пространство, което не е квази-линдельофово; на пространство, което е топологично произведение на две линдельофови, но не е дори квази-линдельофово, и на пространство, което е квази-линдельофово, но не Суслиново. Накрая са поставени няколко отворени въпроси.
Бойко Бл. Банчев - Знае се, че рационалните числа образуват интересни и богати на изчислителни възможности структури като редици на Фарей (Феъри) и безкрайни дървета. Малко внимание се обръща на по-общо, систематично излагане на основните свойства на дробите като множество. Понятия биват въвеждани без обосноваване, някои доказателства са ненужно изкуствени, а почти винаги и едните, и другите като че биват отнесени към една или друга особена структура, вместо към множеството на дробите изобщо. Изненадващо е, че някои същностни твърдения изглежда дори не са формулирани в литературата по теория на числата. Тази статия има за цел да подобри състоянието на нещата в това отношение, като предлага общо, подходящо подредено изложение на понятия и свързани с тях твърдения. Като допълнение са представени бележки върху пораждането на множеството от всички дроби – откритие значително по-старо, отколкото е прието да се смята.
Яни Чаушев, Милослав Средков, Красимир Манев - Всяко състезание по програмиране използва множество софтуерни инструменти за управление на процесите по време на състезанието. Въпреки че тези инструменти обикновено покриват спецификите на конкретния вид състезание задоволително, те рядко адресират трудностите на дългосрочното съхранение на данни и оперативната съвместимост. В тази статия е представен един софтуерен инструмент адресиращ тези проблеми. Вместо комплексна система, касаеща всички аспекти на състезанието, CORE е централизирано хранилище за съхраняване и поддържане на необходимите за различни състезания данни. Представени са основните му елементи, текущото състояние на реализацията и перспективите за развитие на системата.
Тодор П. Чолаков, Димитър Й. Биров - Тази статия представя цялостен модел за автоматизиран реинженеринг на наследени системи. Тя описва в детайли процесите на превод на софтуера и на рефакторинг и степента, до която могат да се автоматизират тези процеси. По отношение на превода на код се представя модел за автоматизирано превеждане на код, съдържащ указатели и работа с адресна аритметика. Също така се дефинира рамка за процеса на реинженеринг и се набелязват възможности за по-нататъшно развитие на концепции, инструменти и алгоритми.
Петър Господинов, Добри Данков, Владимир Русинов, Стефан Стефанов - Изследвано е стационарно течение на Кует на разреден газ в случая на въртене на вътрешния цилиндър и неподвижен външен цилиндър чрез използване на DSMC метод и числено решение на уравненията на Навие–Стокс за относително малка (дозвукова) скорост на въртене. Изследвани са различни случаи при промяна на температурата на въртящият се цилиндър и числото на Кнудсен. Целта на изследването е да се установи влиянието на малки скорости на въртене върху макрохарактеристиките – плътността, скоростта и температурата на газа. Установено е добро съвпадение на резултатите получени по двата метода за Kn = 0.02. Получените резултати са важни при решаването на неравнинни, задачи от микрофлуидиката с отчитане на ефектите на кривината. Ключови думи: механика на флуидите, кинетична теория, разреден газ, DSMC.
Михаил Константинов, Весела Пашева, Петко Петков - Разгледани са някои числени проблеми при използването на компютърната система MATLAB в учебната дейност: пресмятане на тригонометрични функции, повдигане на матрица на степен, спектрален анализ на целочислени матрици от нисък ред и пресмятане на корените на алгебрични уравнения. Причините за възникналите числени трудности могат да се обяснят с особеностите на използваната двоичната аритметика с плаваща точка.
Здравко Д. Славов - В тази статия се разглежда математически модел на икономика с фиксирани общи ресурси, както и краен брой агенти и блага. Обсъжда се ролята на някои предположения за отношенията на предпочитание на икономическите агенти, които влияят на характеристиките на оптимално разпределените дялове. Доказва се, че множеството на оптимално разпределените дялове е свиваемо и притежава свойството на неподвижната точка.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J80.
This study examined the long-term effects of bilingual education/ESOL instruction on Hispanic university students' subsequent Spanish language maintenance using sociolinguistic methodology as its framework. The study investigated whether or not Hispanic university students who had participated in bilingual or ESOL classes in their elementary schooling maintained Spanish as young adults. Maintenance included using Spanish in their personal and professional lives and demonstrating written competence in Spanish, as well as whether subjects considered themselves to be bilingual, how they rated their ability in different skill areas for the two languages, and if they exhibited positive attitudes toward language and education as compared to Hispanic students who had experienced an all English classroom situation. A Language and Education Survey was developed to collect data pertaining to these areas. ^ A convenience sample of 202 Hispanic undergraduate university students enrolled in education classes at Florida International University during the 2000–2001 academic year participated in the study. Subjects were grouped according to the type of program they had experienced at the elementary school level, Bilingual/ESOL and All English. ^ Statistically significant differences were found between the groups in subjects' self-ratings of their abilities in speaking, reading, writing, and comprehension. No statistically significant differences were found with respect to the continuation of Spanish language study at the secondary school or college levels although there was a significant difference in number of semesters for those who planned to do so. ^ In language use, there were statistically significant differences overall as there were in the personal domain, but none were found in the professional domain; nor were there any statistically significant differences between the groups with respect to attitudes regarding education and language. There were statistically significant differences between the two groups for communicative competence in written Spanish. These statistically significant findings in language ability, language use and written communicative competence indicated that Hispanic university students who were enrolled in bilingual programs/ESOL in their earlier schooling did maintain Spanish as their native language as compared to Hispanic students who did not participate in such programs. ^
The demise of Generalissimo Francisco Franco in 1975 and the subsequent democratization of Spain and its inclusion in the European Community have profoundly altered the patriarchal traditions of Spanish society. This study focused on the changes that women in Moixent, a rural village in Valencia, Spain, have experienced as a result of this liberalization of government policies, modernization, and economic development. ^ The purpose of this research was to illuminate the changing lives of two generations of women and their families in rural Valencia. The qualitative research techniques of participant observation, in-depth interviewing, and narrative analysis were used to present the different frames of reference of the two generations. Young working women in this rural community have come to rely on the help and support of their mothers in their attempts to work outside the home and improve their standard of living. As they enter Spain's modernizing economy their consumption patterns increasingly mimic those promoted by the global media, and especially television. As these young women take jobs outside the home they are having fewer children and dramatically altering the nation's demographic profile. ^ The older generation of women, who lived through decades of deprivation during the Spanish Civil War and Franco's long regime, support their daughters' new independence by assuming the arduous tasks of providing informal day care for their grandchildren and performing a variety of unpaid services for their daughters, including shopping, cooking, and housecleaning. This older generation of grandmothers is assuming a more difficult and demanding workload in what otherwise would be their retirement years. Hence they are the true enablers of their daughters' economic progress and modern patterns of consumption. ^ Other influences from the outside world have altered family farming practices. The participation of women in the harvests has declined, and most harvesting is now done by migrant foreign workers. As young women enter the workforce grandmothers strive to impart traditional values to their grandchildren, in the face of a rapidly changing world. ^
The purpose of this dissertation is to demonstrate that the esperpentos by the Spanish playwright Ramón del Valle-Inclán (1866–1936), represent a culminating moment of theatrical precepts of modern European drama, while perpetuating the ancient esoteric traditions of the Iberian Peninsula. Focusing on four plays—Los cuernos de Don Friolera (1920), Luces de Bohemia (1921), Las galas del difunto (1926) y La hija del Capitán (1927)—the research elucidates how this interpretation furthers understanding of the process that embraces the anti-realistic clamours during the initial decades of the XX century, up to the subsequent climax of the aesthetics of Cruelty, Absurdity, Simulation, and Menace. ^ In search for an ideal scenic language capable of reflecting the grotesque character and mystical essence of the esperpentos, this project examines the most significant works of philosophers from the hermetic tradition such as Plato, Pithagoras, Aquinas, and Flamel. Other important authors are Éliphas Lévy and H. P. Blavatsky, two personalities of great preponderance in the spiritual effervescence and occultist apotheosis at the turn of the 20th century. Finally, the mystical ideas of Spanish philosopher Roso de Luna and the psychological works on alchemy and magic by Jung find their conceptual correspondence in Valle-Inclán's aesthetic manifesto, La lámpara maravillosa. ^ The ultimate objective of this dissertation is to provide a proposal for a mise en scène of the esperpentos, aesthetically based on the simultaneous scenarios of the New Stagecraft and conceptually inspired by the mystical principles of the hermetic tradition. The comparative approach of this study establishes a dialogue between modernity and the esoteric tradition that results in a new Koncept for their representation, providing a simultaneous scenario, far from realistic theatre, and more coherent to house the magical substance of the esperpentos. ^
A life of piracy offered marginal men a profession with a degree of autonomy, despite the brand of "outlaw" and the fear of prosecution. At various times throughout history, governments and crowned heads suspended much of their piracy prosecution, licensing men to work as "privateers" for the state, supplementing naval forces. This practice has a long history, but in sixteenth-century England, Elizabeth I (1558-1603) significantly altered this tradition. Recognizing her own weakness in effectively prosecuting these men and the profit they could contribute to the government, Elizabeth began incorporating pirates into the English naval corps in peacetime—not just in war. This practice increased English naval resources, income, and presence in the emerging Atlantic World, but also increased conflict with the powerful Spanish empire. By 1605, making peace with Spain, James VI/I (1603-1625) retracted Elizabeth's privateering promotion, prompting an emigration of English seamen to the American outposts they had developed in the previous century. Now exiles, no longer beholden to the Crown, seamen reverted back to piracy. The Carolinas and Jamaica served as bases for these rover communities. In 1650, the revolutionary leader Oliver Cromwell (1649-1658) once again recognized the merits of such policies. Determined to demonstrate his authority and solidify his rule, Cromwell offered citizenship and state support to Caribbean exiles in exchange for their aiding of his navy in the taking of Spanish Jamaica. Official chartering of Port Royal, Jamaica served as reward for these men's efforts and as the culmination of a century-long cycle of piracy legislation, creating one of England's most lucrative colonies in the middle of a traditionally Spanish Caribbean empire. Through legal and diplomatic records, correspondence, and naval and demographic records from England and Spain, this dissertation explores early modern piracy/privateering policy and its impact on the development of the Atlantic World. European disputes and imperial competition converged in these piracy debates with significant consequences for the definitions of criminality and citizenship and for the development of Atlantic empire.
In this paper, I present preliminary findings of the first-large scale, systematic study of English Latino vowels in Miami. Sociolinguistic interviews were conducted with 25 Miami-born participants: 10 Anglo Whites and 15 Latinos with varying degrees of Spanish fluency. Here I focus on the vowel quality (/i, ɪ, ai, æ, ɔ, u /) in the speech of the 2nd and 3rd generations to examine the nature of influence of Spanish on English in Miami over the past 60 years. I conduct an in-depth analysis of the vowel productions of two female speakers, Maria & Blaze, to show the range of vowel productions in Miami Latino English. The vocalic analysis is comprised of a minimum of 15 non-repeating tokens of each vowel. These vowels were extracted from interview data and analyzed for F1, F2, and F3 values using PRAAT. Two allophones of /æ/ were considered: pre-nasal and pre-non-nasal, since Latinos in other regions have shown to resist pre-nasal /æ/ raising (Thomas 2001).
While it may be argued that aggression against women is part of a culture of violence deeply rooted in Spanish society, the gender-related violence that exists in today’s Spain is more specifically a legacy of Franco’s dictatorship (1939-1975). Franco’s Spain endorsed unequal gender relations, championed patriarchal dominance and power over women, and imposed models of hegemonic and authoritarian masculinities that internalized violence by rendering it a feature inseparable from manhood and virility. ^ This dissertation provides a comprehensive analysis of masculinity and gender violence in Franco’s Spain, by analyzing the novel as the primary cultural vehicle of social criticism and political dissent against the new regime during a period (1939-1962) dominated by silence and censorship. The first part of this work defines and elucidates the concepts of masculinity and gender violence and the relationship between them. It also compares the significant social and cultural achievements of Spanish women during the Second Republic (1931-1939) with the reactionary curbing of those achievements during Francoism. The second part of this research presents a multidisciplinary analysis of masculinity and gender violence in three novels: Nada (1944) by Carmen Laforet, Juegos de manos (1954) by Juan Goytisolo and Tiempo de silencio (1962) by Luis Martin Santos. ^ Through the literary representation of different models of masculinity and the psychological and social parameters that encourage and incite gender violence, these authors conceptualize and express their political ideology, as well as their symbolic interpretation of Francoist Spain.^