997 resultados para Avaliação clínico-bioquímica
Twenty-two Triceps brachii muscle obtained from 11 cows aged 3 and 4 years , killed in an experimental slaughter plant, were submitted to mechanical tenderization, injection with acetic acid 0,1M and lactic acid 0,2M, ageing for 9 and 14 days and electrical stimulation (250v - 60Hz - 90s), some of them were reserved as a control group, without treatment. The 14 days ageing time presented 21% of increase in subjective tenderness and 12% of reduction in shear force, these values were similar to the electrical stimulated meat. However the injection with acids and the ageing time 9 days did not present significant effect in the texture. Although the shear force values of mechanical tenderized meat was the shortest among all treatments, suspect of superestimation because of the fractures plan created by this process. Another analyses were carried out: pH reduction curve, R value; colour analysis; weight losses by cooking and by treatment; and microbiological analysis.
The acceptability of nine commercial brazilian varietal white table wines (Riesling, Chardonnay and Gewürztraminer) was evaluated using sensory affective tests. The samples were assessed by 43 consumers of brazilian white wines using he nine-point structured hedonic scale. Judges were recruited based on their responses to a questionnary about consumer?s behavior towards white wines consumption. Subsequently, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with means comparision (Tukey test) and Internal Analysis of Preference Mapping (MDPREF) were performed on data. Analysis of Variance showed that two samples (a Riesling and a Gewürztraminer, both sweet table wines) had significantly (p < 0.05) higher acceptance means, around 7 in the hedonic scale. The least acceptance means (4,3) was obtained by a demi-sec Chardonnay wine and the other six samples achieved means around 5 in the hedonic scale, all of them either demi-sec or dry table wines. MDPREF confirmed the results showed by ANOVA showing that samples were segmented into two groups of preference. The first group was composed by 86% of consumers who prefered the sweet table wines (higher acceptance), converging to the region on the map where these samples were represented. Only 14% showed preference for the demi-sec and dry table wines, being represented on the region of the MDPREF where these samples were located. This study suggests that sweet table wines are prefered by Brazilian consumers, instead of dry or demi-sec table wines.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between quantitative ultrasonography at hand phalanges (QUS) and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and between these methods with food intake and history of bone fractures. SUBJECTS AND METHODS:After two years of follow up of 270 schoolchildren, 10 of them, who showed bone mass below - 2 SD in QUS, were included in the present study. Laboratory results and DXA data were analyzed. RESULTS: Bone mass evaluated by DXA at L1-L4 ranged from -2.8 to -1.1 SDS, and whole body bone mass, from -2.9 to -1.2 SDS. Three children had history of non-pathological bone fractures. Dietary assessment showed low intake of calcium in 10 cases, of phosphorus in 6, and of vitamin D in 8 cases. There were no differences among the cases of bone mass below-2 SD in any of the three used methods. There was no association between history of bone fractures and food intake, and between these evaluations and bone mass. CONCLUSION: In this small group of schoolchildren there was an association between the methods QUS and DXA. However, there was no association between bone mass and the history of bone fractures, or calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D intake.
Purpose: To identify improvement in visual performance of low vision students after assessment and management conducted at the Low Vision Service of State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Method: Fourteen low vision students aged six to 30 years, attended in a room with resources for visual deficiency in Americana and Santa Bárbara d'Oeste -- SP during 1998 received complete ophthalmologic examination, specialized low vision assessment and educational intervention. Results: The most prevalent cause of vision loss was operated congenital cataract with four cases (28.6%), followed by congenital bilateral toxoplasmic macular scars and eye malformation, both with two cases (14.3%) cases each. Eight students (57.2%) had acuity classified as severe vision loss, four (28.6%) profound, one (7.1%) moderate and one (7.1%) nearly normal vision. Twelve (85.7%) were behind expected school grade. Optical aids were prescribed for 12 (85.8%) students but only 7 (58.3%) acquired the aids thus improving significantly their school performance. Conclusion: All students improved school performance even considering that 12 (85.7%) had severe to profound vision loss. As a group their performance could even be better if the optical aid prescriptions were acquired by all. This indicates the need of a social work to support such needs. For good results at school and effective student inclusion a partnership between school, family and specialized education is necessary. We recommend to promote the benefits of the resource room.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the frequency of different types of glaucoma at the Hospital das Clínicas of Campinas State University. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of 329 patients followed at the Glaucoma Service of Campinas State University from October 1 to December 20, 2000. The frequency of each type of glaucoma and the treatment were analyzed. RESULTS: There were 329 patients examined at the Glaucoma Service: 132 (40.1%) were referred to the service as glaucoma suspects and 197 (59.9%) as glaucoma patients. Ninety of the 132 glaucoma suspects had glaucoma (68.2%) and 42 are still under investigation (31.8%). Among the 329 patients, 283 (86%) had glaucoma, 42 (12.8%) were glaucoma suspects, 2 (0.6%) had ocular hypertension and 2 (0.6%) did not have glaucoma. There were 530 eyes with glaucoma: 298 (56.2%) with primary open angle glaucoma, 108 (20.4%) with chronic angle closure glaucoma, 21 (4%) with glaucoma following cataract surgery, 19 (3.6%) congenital glaucoma and 16 (3%) with low-tension glaucoma. All patients received initial clinical treatment with IOP-lowering medication. After a mean follow up of 10.5 months, 89 (16.8%) underwent laser therapy: 72 (13.6%) iridotomy, 7 (1.3%) trabeculoplasty and 10 (1.9%) panphotocoagulation. A hundred and seventy nine (33%) eyes required surgical treatment. CONCLUSION: The most frequent types of glaucoma were primary open angle and angle closure glaucoma. Low tension glaucoma and glaucoma associated with exfoliation syndrome were uncommon in this population.
OBJECTIVE: To characterize the behavior of premature newborns in the first year of chronological age. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study, bound to a longitudinal study titled: Comparison of visual behavior on the first quarter of year of life of premature nursling born at two maternities of Recife/PE. The sample was composed by 52 premature newborns selected from June, 2007 to June, 2008 from the Maternity of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). Biological, socioeconomic and demographic data was collected through medical records and interviews with progeny. Newborns were evaluated by the Assessment Guide of Visual Ability in Infants. RESULTS: Most of the newborns were male at a gestational period between 33 weeks and 36 weeks and 6 days, showed a good visual behavior development for the age researched, and most of the families showed good socioeconomical and demographic profile. Besides, it was possible to detect ocular signs in 19% of sample, that were referred to an Ophthalmology Service. CONCLUSION: This study results point out the method like an important key in the early detection and visual screening for premature nursling since the first month of life and it led us to believe that clinical view for occupational therapy intervention must be focused not only on biological risks but also at the influence environment in newborn performance.
Central nervous system involvement in Candida septicaemia is rare and not more than four cases have been published in Brazil. Five new cases of systemic candidiasis with cerebral lesions are reported. All patients (four adults and a child) had serious underlying diseases and were submitted to heavy long-term antibiotic therapy with multiple drugs. Seizures in one case and neck stiffness in another were the only neurologic signs that could be attributed to candidiasis. In no case were the lesions severe enough to be considered an immediate cause of death. In three patients, no macroscopic changes were evident in the brain, but microabscesses and granulomata were observed on microscopical examination; another patient had two gross areas with necrotic and haemorrhagic appearance in the cerebral hemispheres; the child had only two microscopic granulomata. The aetiological agent was demonstrated by Grocott's methenamine silver technique in all cases. Involvement of organs other than the central nervous system could be demonstrated in three autopsies. Discussion is confined mainly to such aspects as the contributory factors in the pathogenesis of systemic candidiasis as well as the marked rise in the incidence of this condition in the past few decades. It is suggested that the frequence of monilial septicaemia in Brazil may be far more serious than apparent from the scarcity of reported cases.
The authors analysed 34 cases of resistant epilepsy (20 males and 14 females, mean age 23 years), treated clinically between February/1984 and May/1986. The patients underwent neurological, neuropsychological, psychological, psychiatric, cerebrospinal fluid, electroencephalographic, tomographic and/or angiographic examination. Most of the patients had complex partial seizures. The etiology was unknown in 19 patients (55.8%), probable neurocysticercosis in 6, perinatal hypoxia in 5, delivery trauma in 3 and probable sequelae of encephalitis in 2 patients. There was a clear past history of infantile febrile convulsion in 2 patients. Most patients received carbamazepine (mean dose 24.5 mg/kg/day), phenytoin (5 mg/kg and valproic acid (28 mg/kg) as monotherapy or in association. Twenty-two patients (64.7%) had more than 80% decrease of the seizure frequency. Nine resistant epilepsy-cases (24.5%) were evaluated as candidates for surgical therapy. The authors concluded that the resistant epilepsy is best managed by a specialised, multidisciplinary team, and pointed out the need of a correct diagnosis of the seizure type, an adequate drug therapy and a good engagement of the patient and his family in the treatment.
We present the neuropsychological assessment with computer aid of six cerebral palsy children. Three children had right hemiparesis and three, left hemiparesis. The tomographic examination showed parietal cavities (porencephalic cyst in 4 children, ischemic injury in 1 case and subarachnoid cyst in 1 case). We have proposed to assess the visuo-spatial function since we suspected the children could have disturbance of this function. We did not detect this disturbance. On the other hand, the children had astereognosia and the right hemiparetic children preferred to execute signs on the right part of the computer visor. We discuss and propose explanations for both findings.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física