848 resultados para Arena transepistêmica


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Föreliggande studie har projektet Det handlar om kärlek i fokus. Det är ett projekt i Rädda Barnens regi som tar sin utgångspunkt i Barnkonventionen och mänskliga rättigheter. Projek-tet har genomförts med medel från Länsstyrelsen Dalarna på tre skolor i Dalarna. Denna stu-die rör dock endast Maserskolan i Borlänge kommun. Målgruppen är årskurs 7-9. Syftet är att förebygga hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck, något som emellertid inte uttrycks officiellt, då en del i projektidén är att inte någon ska känna sig utpekad. Man kan diskutera att ha ett un-derliggande syfte som finns med i det material som skolans ledning får ta del av, men som inte delges eleverna. De vuxna som varit involverade i projektet har dock inte sett detta som så problematiskt. De framhåller att den komplexitet som omger elever som lever i hederskulturer i sitt privatliv och som samtidigt i sitt offentliga liv ständigt konfronteras med en helt annorlunda samhällskultur, skapar en situation som måste hanteras på specifika sätt och att detta förfarande föll väl ut för elevernas del. Detta sågs som det väsentliga i den här projekt-idén. Studiens underlag har insamlats via triangulering, vilket innebär att flera olika metoder använts. I detta fall observation vid olika aktiviteter inom projektets ram, informella samtal, elevenkäter och intervjuer. Resultatet visar att projektidén fungerade väl med avseende på dess intentioner och syfte. Eleverna fick ökade kunskaper om barns och ungas rättigheter och majoriteten av eleverna visade intresse och engagemang i de aktiviteter som genomfördes. Skolan som en viktigt arena för att sprida kunskap om mänskliga rättigheter synliggjordes.


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The overall aim with this thesis is to describe and analyze women’s and men’s recovery processes. More specifically, the aim is to determine what women and men with experience of mental illness describe as contributing to the personal recovery process. The point of departure for the studies was 30 in-depth interviews conducted with 15 men and 15 women. The selection of interview subjects was limited to individuals who had been treated in 24-hour psychiatric care and diagnosed as having schizophrenia, psychosis, a personality disorder, or a bipolar disorder.   Four studies have been carried.  Study 1 was a baseline article that examined what people in recovery from mental illness outline as facilitating factors to their recovery. The results that emerged from that study indicated areas for further analysis to condense the understanding of the recovery process. In study 2 the similarities and the differences in recovery described by women and men were examined. In Study 3 women’s and men’s meaning-making with reference to severe mental illness facilitate the recovery process were studied. The forth study explored how peer-support contribute to women’s and men’s recovery from mental illness.   The results emphasize recovery from mental illness as a social process in which relationships play a key role in creating new identities beside the mental illness. For a majority of the participants meeting peers facilitated the recovery process. The participants described how peer support meant an end to isolation and became an arena for identification, connection, and being important to others. Throughout these recovery processes the impact of gender has been emphasized. The results from this thesis provide new insight into gender as an important factor in understanding the recovery processes. The results from the four studies emphasize the mental patient, the psychiatric interventions and the individual recovery strategies as being influenced by gender constructions.


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This article examines processes of doing gender during the initiation of students into engineering programs at university level in Sweden. The article draws on interviews with students, focusing on their understandings of gender. The aim is to explore difficulties with and challenges to traditional gender roles in an academic male dominated arena, by using theories of doing and undoing gender. The empirical material reveals the initiation period or ‘reception’ as a phenomenon both reinforcing and challenging traditional orders. The attempts to challenge norms meet resistance, revealing two paradoxes and one dilemma. In the first paradox the formal purpose of the reception (inclusion) is partly at odds with its informal consequence (exclusion of deviations). The second paradox concerns the contradictory effects of the reception. Even though the reception ensures participation of women, it reinforces existing hierarchies including gender inequality. This results in a dilemma, since in order to protect individual safety, there is a taboo on harassing women which then reproduces stable gender stereotypes. So while harassment taints the respect senior students must earn during the reception, the fact that female students exist in the engineering field challenges the established order and opens the way for change.


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The power of homosociality: how young men “do” masculinity in groups and individually Using young men’s narratives, about other men, friends, dates and girlfriends, this article discusses the following questions: Can the interpretation – the understanding of young men’s collective presentations of masculinity as a surface that hides a more complex masculinity – undermine how we interpret young men’s talk about and interaction with other men, as well as with women? Can this disassembling understanding have an impact on how young men interpret and relive the interactions with other men, as well as with women? Can this disassembling of the homosocially created masculinity from the more individually created masculinity shape secondary gains for the young men, such as e.g. a more flexible and stretchable arena of responsibility, as well as more flexible space of acting? Thomas Johansson, Professor of Social Work social work, states that if we only focus the homosocially created masculinity, this will reshape a less nuanced picture of young men’s way of doing masculinity (Johansson 2005). Thus, young men’s vulnerability and difficulties remain hidden. However, this disassembling of the homosocially created masculinity from the more individually based doings of masculinity could possibly also give secondary gains, such as e.g. a more flexible and stretchable field of responsibility, as well as more flexible space of acting. This article shows that using a fragmentised and situated masculinity, as a way of understanding the complexity and the ambivalence in young men’s project of doing masculinity, makes evident – on the one hand – the vulnerability in young men’s process of doing masculinity. On the other hand, however, this view also makes it possible for young men to avoid responsibility for their actions. Instead the situated context – e.g. if in a peer group or alone, and what kind of relations the young man has – will be significant for how the act will be interpreted. The empirical material consists of six individual interviews and one group interview with four men. The age span of the participants is 16 to 24 years old. The overall theme for the discussions is heterosexual practice and relations.


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Projektet Innowent - en regional arena för samverkan och hållbar tillväxt är ett exempel på ett försök att utveckla samverkan mellan företag och offentliga organisationer i syfte att stärka den regionala ekonomiska utvecklingen. Projektet genomfördes av Stiftelsen Teknikdalen och Högskolan Dalarna. Den här rapporten avgränsas till ”Teknikdalsdelen”. I rapporten fokuseras följande frågeställningar: - Hur beskriver de involverade aktörerna att projektet genomförts och vad det resulterade i? - Vilka erfarenheter kan dras från att i projektform arbeta med att utveckla förutsättningar för att tillväxtföretag kan etableras och om detta skapar regional ekonomisk utveckling i sin förlängning, t.ex. i for av om det underlättar att branschkluster kan etableras? Kluster, d.v.s. ansamlingar av företag som samverkar inom en bransch i en region, anses kunna spela en viktig roll och därför beskrivs några grundläggande tankar om detta fenomen. Eftersom utvecklingen av en inkubator spelat en central roll i projektet, och att dess verksamhet kan i förlängningen antas understödja att kluster bildas, beskrivs vilken funktion en inkubator kan ha för att utveckla nya företag. Då coacher spelar en viktig roll i en inkubator beskrivs några olika infallsvinklar på hur denna roll kan spelas. Avslutningsvis behandla några bakomliggande tankar för att skapa vad som benämns som hållbar affärsutveckling (Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)) och som kan ses som det fundament som delprojektet Hållbar affärsutveckling vilat på. Resultatet av projektet InnoWent (Teknikdalsdelen) kan sammanfattas som att det har bidragit till att utveckla en befintlig inkubator genom att bygga upp en fungerande organisation med ett nätverk av aktörer i form av en utvidgad och bättre organiserad idéjakt. Det inledande steget i inkubatorn har gjorts om till Business Start och antalet antagningstillfällen tredubblats. Projektet har utvecklat en verksamhet runt konceptet hållbar affärsutveckling, bl.a. genom att detta inkluderats i inkubatorn och genom att nya projekt inom detta område håller på att initieras. Det har skett en framgångsrik satsning på att nå ut med information om verksamheten genom att använda sociala medier som Facebook och Twitter, liksom att bygga internationella nätverk. Däremot kvarstår problem att hantera hur företagen, framför allt i det avslutande skedet av inkubatorn, lättare kan få tillgång till riskvilligt kapital. Projektet InnoWent framstår i flera avseenden som framgångsrikt, även om svårigheter inte saknats.


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Ukraine has repeatedly shifted between the two sub-types of semi-presidentialism, i.e. between premier-presidentialism and president-parliamentarism. The aim of this article is to discuss to what extent theoretical arguments against premier-presidential and president-parliamentary systems are relevant for understanding the shifting directions of the Ukrainian regime. As a point of departure, I formulate three main claims from the literature: 1) “President-parliamentarism is less conducive to democratization than premier-presidentialism.”; 2) “Semi-presidentialism in both its variants have built-in incitements for intra-executive conflict between the president and the prime minister.”; 3) “Semi-presidentialism in general, and president-parliamentarism in particular, encourages presidentialization of political parties.” I conclude from the study’s empirical overview that the president-parliamentary system– the constitutional arrangement with the most dismal record of democratization – has been instrumental in strengthening presidential dominance and authoritarian tendencies. The premier-presidential period 2006–2010 was by no means smooth and stable, but the presidential dominance weakened and the survival of the government was firmly anchored in the parliament. During this period, there were also indications of a gradual strengthening of institutional capacity among the main political parties and the parliament began to emerge as a significant political arena.


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I denna rapport beskrivs idéerna bakom Högskolan Dalarnas prisbelönta bibliotek i Falun. Planerings- och byggprocessen beskrivs och det färdiga resultatet utvärderas, samt de erfarenheter som har gjorts delas.


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This report describes the ideas and vision behind Dalarna University's award-winning library in Falun. A description of the planning and construction processes and an evaluation of the final outcome are presented together with experiences and observations drawn from the project.