1000 resultados para Anthropological linguistics--Spain--Maps.
We establish numerically the validity of Huberman-Rudnick scaling relation for Lyapunov exponents during the period doubling route to chaos in one dimensional maps. We extend our studies to the context of a combination map. where the scaling index is found to be different.
In the last 50 years, we have had approximately 40 events with characteristics related to financial crisis. The most severe crisis was in 1929, when the financial markets plummet and the US gross domestic product decline in more than 30 percent. Recently some years ago, a new crisis developed in the United States, but instantly caused consequences and effects in the rest of the world. This new economic and financial crisis has increased the interest and motivation for the academic community, professors and researchers, to understand the causes and effects of the crisis, to learn from it. This is the one of the main reasons for the compilation of this book, which begins with a meeting of a group of IAFI researchers from the University of Barcelona, where researchers form Mexico and Spain, explain causes and consequences of the crisis of 2007. For that reason, we believed this set of chapters related to methodologies, applications and theories, would conveniently explained the characteristics and events of the past and future financial crisis This book consists in 3 main sections, the first one called "State of the Art and current situation", the second named "Econometric applications to estimate crisis time periods" , and the third one "Solutions to diminish the effects of the crisis". The first section explains the current point of view of many research papers related to financial crisis, it has 2 chapters. In the first one, it describe and analyzes the models that historically have been used to explain financial crisis, furthermore, it proposes to used alternative methodologies such as Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. On the other hand , Chapter 2 , explains the characteristics and details of the 2007 crisis from the US perspective and its comparison to 1929 crisis, presenting some effects in Mexico and Latin America. The second section presents two econometric applications to estimate possible crisis periods. For this matter, Chapter 3, studies 3 Latin-American countries: Argentina, Brazil and Peru in the 1994 crisis and estimates the multifractal characteristics to identify financial and economic distress. Chapter 4 explains the crisis situations in Argentina (2001), Mexico (1994) and the recent one in the United States (2007) and its effects in other countries through a financial series methodology related to the stock market. The last section shows an alternative to prevent the effects of the crisis. The first chapter explains the financial stability effects through the financial system regulation and some globalization standards. Chapter 6, study the benefits of the Investor activism and a way to protect personal and national wealth to face the financial crisis risks.
The study of simple chaotic maps for non-equilibrium processes in statistical physics has been one of the central themes in the theory of chaotic dynamical systems. Recently, many works have been carried out on deterministic diffusion in spatially extended one-dimensional maps This can be related to real physical systems such as Josephson junctions in the presence of microwave radiation and parametrically driven oscillators. Transport due to chaos is an important problem in Hamiltonian dynamics also. A recent approach is to evaluate the exact diffusion coefficient in terms of the periodic orbits of the system in the form of cycle expansions. But the fact is that the chaotic motion in such spatially extended maps has two complementary aspects- - diffusion and interrnittency. These are related to the time evolution of the probability density function which is approximately Gaussian by central limit theorem. It is noticed that the characteristic function method introduced by Fujisaka and his co-workers is a very powerful tool for analysing both these aspects of chaotic motion. The theory based on characteristic function actually provides a thermodynamic formalism for chaotic systems It can be applied to other types of chaos-induced diffusion also, such as the one arising in statistics of trajectory separation. It was noted that there is a close connection between cycle expansion technique and characteristic function method. It was found that this connection can be exploited to enhance the applicability of the cycle expansion technique. In this way, we found that cycle expansion can be used to analyse the probability density function in chaotic maps. In our research studies we have successfully applied the characteristic function method and cycle expansion technique for analysing some chaotic maps. We introduced in this connection, two classes of chaotic maps with variable shape by generalizing two types of maps well known in literature.
The paper analyses the regional flows of domestic tourism that took place in Spain in year 2000, contributing to the state of knowledge on tourism required by authorities and private firms when faced with decision making, for example, for regional infrastructure planning. Although tourism is one of the main income-generating economic activities in Spain, domestic tourism has received little attention in the literature compared to inbound tourism. The paper uses among others, gravitational model tools and concentration indices, to analyse regional concentration of both domestic demand and supply; tourism flows among regions, and the causes that may explain the observed flows and attractiveness between regions. Among the most remarkable results are the high regional concentration of demand and supply, and the role of population and regional income as explanatory variables. Also remarkable are the attractiveness of own region and neighbour ones, and that domestic tourism may be acting as a regional income redistributing activity
Starting with logratio biplots for compositional data, which are based on the principle of subcompositional coherence, and then adding weights, as in correspondence analysis, we rediscover Lewi's spectral map and many connections to analyses of two-way tables of non-negative data. Thanks to the weighting, the method also achieves the property of distributional equivalence
Self-organizing maps (Kohonen 1997) is a type of artificial neural network developed to explore patterns in high-dimensional multivariate data. The conventional version of the algorithm involves the use of Euclidean metric in the process of adaptation of the model vectors, thus rendering in theory a whole methodology incompatible with non-Euclidean geometries. In this contribution we explore the two main aspects of the problem: 1. Whether the conventional approach using Euclidean metric can shed valid results with compositional data. 2. If a modification of the conventional approach replacing vectorial sum and scalar multiplication by the canonical operators in the simplex (i.e. perturbation and powering) can converge to an adequate solution. Preliminary tests showed that both methodologies can be used on compositional data. However, the modified version of the algorithm performs poorer than the conventional version, in particular, when the data is pathological. Moreover, the conventional ap- proach converges faster to a solution, when data is \well-behaved". Key words: Self Organizing Map; Artificial Neural networks; Compositional data
Wikiloc es un servicio web gratuito para visualizar y compartir rutas y puntos de interés GPS. Utilizando software libre y la API de Google Maps, Wikiloc hace la función de base de datos personal de localizaciones GPS. Desde cualquier acceso a Internet un usuario de GPS puede cargar sus datos GPS y al momento visualizar la ruta y waypoints con distinta cartografía de fondo, incluidos servidores de mapas externos WMS (Web Map Service) o descargarlo a Google Earth para ver en 3D. Paralelamente se muestra el perfil de altura, distancia, desniveles acumulados y las fotos o comentarios que el usuario quiera añadir
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Se presenta la implementación del modelo hidrológico distribuido de Témez sobre GRASS GIS. Este modelo se utiliza para la evaluación de recursos hídricos en régimen natural con paso mensual y para la totalidad del territorio español, tal como aparece en el Libro Blanco del Agua en España. A partir de las variables de entrada, precipitación y evapotranspiración potencial y los parámetros hidrológicos, el modelo obtiene los mapas de los distintos almacenamientos, humedad en el suelo y volumen de acuífero, y de las variables de salida del ciclo hidrológico, evapotranspiración y escorrentía total, obtenida esta última como suma de la escorrentía superficial y subterránea. El objetivo final del trabajo es la implementación de los componentes superficiales y subterráneos en el modelo hidrológico, desarrollando para ello un programa que hace funcional en GRASS GIS el modelo matemático en que se basa la evaluación de recursos hídricos
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In this section, you will find maps showing various important aspects of the River Tyne catchment area. All the maps are drawn based on Ordnance Survey data made available via the Digimap service. For the land cover maps of the catchment area, four variants are provided. Please note that the full details of the intext citations quoted in some of the following maps can be found in the full bibliographic listing.
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