988 resultados para Ambient Assisted Living


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Photosynthetic performance was examined in Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve. under 12: 12-h light: dark (LD) cycle at ambient CO2 (350 muL L-1) and elevated CO2 (1000 muL L-1). At ambient CO2, the cellular chlorophyll a content, the light-saturated photosynthetic rate (P-m), the initial slope of the light saturation curves ( a), the photochemical efficiency of PSII (F-v/F-m), the apparent carboxylating efficiency (ACE) and the photosynthetic affinity for CO2 [1/K-m (CO2)] all showed rhythmical changes with different amplitudes during the light period. The P-m had similar changing pattern in the light period with the ACE and 1/K-m (CO2) rather than with the alpha and F-v/F-m, indicating that rhythmical changes of photosynthetic capacity may be mainly controlled by the activity of C- reduction associated with CO2 uptake during the light period. The CO2 enrichment reduced the ACE and the affinity to CO2, and increased the a, cellular chlorophyll a content and P m based on cell number. By contrast, the changing patterns of all photosynthetic parameters examined here during the light period had almost the same for cells grown at ambient CO2 and elevated CO2, suggesting that the photosynthetic rhythms of S. costatum are not affected by CO2 enrichment.


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In situ growth of heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) in Lake Donghu, a eutrophic shallow lake in mainland China, was studied from January 1999 to March 2000 using a modified Weisse protocol. The study results indicated that the growth rates of HNF showed pronounced seasonal variation (-0.37-1.25 d(-1)), reaching the maximum during spring to early summer. When the water temperature was higher than 25.5 degreesC, HNF growth was inversely proportional to water temperature. There was an effect by bacterial abundance and autotrophic picoplankton on HNF growth that depended on location. HNF biomass was the highest in late spring, and the HNF production ranged from -2.25 to 35.45 mg l(-1) d(-1) with mean of 3.17 mg l(-1) d(-1). When considered in the context of biomass and production data for zooplankton in Lake Donghu, it was evident that HNF contributed significantly to the total zooplankton production in Lake Donghu. These in situ studies indicate that temperature and food supply are the major determinants of HNF abundance and productivity.


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Diurnal photosynthesis of Nostoc flagelliforme was investigated at varied levels of CO2 concentrations and desiccation in order to estimate the effects of enriched CO2 and watering on its daily production. Photosynthetic activity was closely correlated with the desiccated status of the algal mats, increased immediately after watering, reached a maximum at moderate water loss, and then declined with further desiccation. Increased CO2 concentration enhanced the diurnal photosynthesis and raised the daily production. Watering twice per day enhanced the daily production due to prolonged period of active photosynthesis. The values of daily net production were 1321280 mumol CO2 g (d. wt)(-1) d(-1), corresponding to about 0.6-6.1% daily increase in dry weight. High-CO2-grown mats required higher levels of photon flux density to saturate the alga's photosynthesis in air. Air-grown mats showed higher photosynthetic affinity for CO2 and higher levels of dark respiration compared with high-CO2-grown samples.


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The study of inland free-living nematodes is relatively imperfect in China, only seventeen papers were previously published. Since the early researches in 20-30s, few works have been accomplished until 80s. Altogether 171 taxa were formerly recorded, among which, over eighty species have been re-combined. A checklist of the former records with notes on their distribution is presented in this paper. Recently, the function of free-living nematodes has received much attention from Chinese zoologists. Hence, the present authors carried out their studies with emphasis on taxonomy of inland nematodes. During the survey of freshwater lakes, two species are found to be nem to science. Aphanonchus orientalis sp. nov. is characterized by having sclerotized vagina, the presence of 10-11 tubular supplements and 42-62 alveoli supplements in males, but no alveoli in females. Daptonema limnobia sp, nov. is distinguished from other species of the genus in the presence of larger and more anteriorly located amphids, shorter bifurcated spicules, smaller apophysis of gubernaculum, shorter terminal setae, and postvulval uterine sac in females.


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A software has been developed for the peak recognition of 136 polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) after high resolution gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (HRGC/HRMS). Based on the retention times of C-13 labelled 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD/F internal standards, the retention times of all PCDD and PCDF can be calibrated automatically and accurately. Therefore, it is very convenient to identify the peaks by comparing the retention of samples and the calibrated retention times of their chromatograms. Hence, this approach is very significant because it is impossible to obtain always a standard chromatogram and PCDD/F analysis are very expensive and time consuming. The calibration results can be transferred to Excel for calculation. The approach is a first step to store costly and environmentally relevant data for future application.


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The confined longitudinal-optical phonon-assisted tunneling through a parabolic quantum well with double barriers in a magnetic field perpendicular to the interfaces is studied theoretically based on a dielectric continuum model. The numerical results show that the applied magnetic field sharpens and heightens the phonon-assisted tunneling peaks in agreement with experimental observation. Furthermore, the phonon-assisted magnetotunneling peaks shift towards the higher biases as the magnetic field increases. In contrast to the results for a rectangular quantum well, the ratio of peak to valley of the phonon-assisted tunneling is larger for the wider well case. It also indicates that the phonon-assisted tunneling current peaks can be easily observed for a wider parabolic quantum well. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Cubic boron nitride (c-BN) films were prepared by ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD) technique, and the stresses were primary estimated by measuring the frequency shifts in the infrared-absorption peaks of c-BN samples. To test the possible effects of other factors, dependencies of the c-BN transversal optical mode position on film thickness and c-BN content were investigated. Several methods for reducing the stress of c-BN films including annealing, high temperature deposition, two-stage process, and the addition of a small amount of Si were studied, in which the c-BN films with similar thickness and cubic phase content were used to evaluate the effects of the various stress relief methods. It was shown that all the methods can reduce the stress in c-BN films to various extents. Especially, the incorporation of a small amount of Si (2.3 at.%) can result in a remarkable stress relief from 8.4 to similar to 3.6 GPa whereas the c-BN content is nearly unaffected, although a slight degradation of the c-BN crystallinity is observed. The stress can be further reduced down below I GPa by combination of the addition of Si with the two-stage deposition process. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Deep defects in annealed InP have been investigated by deep level transient capacitance spectroscopy (DLTS), photo induced current transient spectroscopy (PICTS) and thermally stimulated current spectroscopy (TSC). Both DLTS results of annealed semiconducting InP and PICTS and TSC results of annealed semi-insulating InP indicate that InP annealed in phosphorus ambient has five defects, while lid? annealed in iron phospbide ambient has two defects. Such a defect formation phenomenon is explained in terms of defect suppression by the iron atom diffusion process. The correlation of the defects and the nature of the defects in annealed InP are discussed based on the results.


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We have investigated the transient electroluminescence (EL) onset of the double-layer light-emitting devices made from poly(N-vinylcarbozole) (PVK) doped with 4-(dicyanomethylene)-2-t-butyl-6(1,1,7,7-tetramethyljulolidyl-9-enyl)-4H-pyran (DCJTB) and tris(8-hydroxy-quinoline) aluminium (Alq(3)). For the double-layered device in which PVK was doped with 0.1 wt% DCJTB, the EL onset of PVK lags that of DCJTB and Alq(3), while the EL onset of DCJTB and Alq(3) is simultaneous. However, the EL emission of the double-layered device of PVK/Alq(3) originates only from Alq(3). The results show that DCJTB dopants can not only help to tunnel electrons from Alq(3) zone to PVK but can also assist electrons transfer in PVK under high electric field by hopping between DCJTB molecules or from DCJTB to PVK sites at a low doping concentration of 0.1 wt%. When the DCJTB doping concentration is 4.0 wt%, the EL onset of Alq(3) lags that of DCJTB. The difference in the EL onsets of DCJTB, Alq(3) and PVK is attributed to the slow build-up of the internal space charge in the vicinity of the interface between PVK and Alq(3). The electron potential difference of the interface between Alq(3) and PVK doped by DCJTB can be adjusted by changing the DCJTB doping concentration in double-layer devices.


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We have studied the Fano resonance in photon-assisted transport through a quantum dot. Both the coherent current and the spectral density of shot noise have been calculated. It is predicted that the shape of the Fano profile will also appear in satellite peaks. It is found that the variations of Fano profiles with the strengths of nonresonant transmissions are not synchronous in absorption and emission sidebands. The effect of interference on photon-assisted pumped current has also been investigated. We further predict the current and spectral density of shot noise as a periodic function of the phase, which exhibits an intrinsic property of resonant and nonresonant channels in the structures.


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National Natural Science Foundation of China 60677045 60876049


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It is found that both methods using either continuous Sb supply or pre-deposition of a very thin Sb layer are efficient for the Sb-assisted molecular beam epitaxy growth of highly strained InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells (QWs). The emission of QWs is extended to long wavelength close to 1.25 mu m with high luminescence efficiency at room temperature. The influence of rapid thermal annealing (RTA) on the photoluminescence intensity critically depends on the annealing temperature and duration for highly strained QWs. A relatively low RTA temperature of 700 degrees C with a short duration of 10 s is suggested for optimizing the annealing effect. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Isochronal thermal-annealing behavior of NTD floating-zone silicon grown in hydrogen ambient (called NTD FZ(H) Si) is presented. The dependencies of resistivity and carrier mobility on annealing temperature are determined by room-temperature Hall electrical measurements. Using infrared absorption spectroscopy, hydrogen-related infrared absorption bands evolution for NTD FZ(H) Si were measured in detail. It is demonstrated that compared with NTD FZ(Ar) Si, NTD FZ(H) Si exhibits the striking features upon isochronal annealing in temperature range of 150 similar to 650 degreesC: there appears the formation of an excessive shallow donor at annealing temperature of 500 degreesC. It is shown that the annealing behavior is directly related to the reaction of hydrogen and irradiation-induced defects. The evolution of infrared absorption bands upon temperature reflects a series of complex reaction process: irradiation-induced defects decomposition, breaking of Si-H bonds, migration and aggregation of atomic hydrogen, and formation of the secondary defects. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Positron annihilation lifetime (PAL) and photoinduced current transient spectroscopies (PICTS) have been employed to study the formation of compensation defects in undoped InP under different annealing processes with pure phosphorus (PP) ambience and iron phosphide (IP) ambience, respectively. The different annealing ambiences convert the as-grown n-type undoped InP into two types of semi-insulating (SI) states. The positron average lifetimes of as-grown InP, PP SI-InP, and IP SI-InP are found to be 246, 251, and 243 ps, respectively, which are all longer than the bulk lifetime of 240 ps, indicating the existence of vacancy-type positron-trapping defects. For as-grown InP, VInH4 complexes are the dominant defects. They dissociate into VInHn(0less than or equal tonless than or equal to3) acceptor vacancies under PP ambience annealing, compensating the residual shallow donors and turning the material semi-insulating. In forming IP SI-InP, diffusion of iron into V-In complexes under IP ambience annealing produces the substitutional compensation defect Fe-In, causing a shorter positron average lifetime. The PICTS measurements show that a group of vacancy-type defects has been suppressed by iron diffusion during the annealing process, which is in good agreement with the PAL results. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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Nanocomposite films consisting of nanosized Ag particles embedded in partially oxidized amorphous Si-containing matrices were prepared by radio frequency magnetron co-sputtering deposition. We studied the influence of ambient atmosphere during the preparation and heat-treatment of Ag/SiOx (0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 2) nanocompositefilm on its optical absorption properties. We found that the plasmon resonance absorption peak shifts to shorter wavelengths with the increasing oxygen content in the SiOx matrix. The analysis indicates that the potential barrier between Ag nanoparticles and SiOx matrix increases with the increasing x value, which will induce the surface resonance state to shift to higher energy. The electrons in the vicinity of the Fermi level of Ag nanoparticles must absorb more energy to be transferred to the surface resonance state with the increasing x value. It was also found that the plasmon resonance absorption peaks of the samples annealed in different ambient atmospheres are located at about the same position. This is because the oxidation surface layer is dense enough to prevent the oxygen from penetrating into the sample to oxidize the silicon in the inner layer.