992 resultados para Alveolar osteitis
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess radiographically the effect of photodynamic therapy (PDT) as an adjunctive treatment to scaling and root planing (SRP) on induced periodontitis in dexamethasone-induced immunosuppressed rats. Material and Methods: The animals were divided into 2 groups: ND group (n=60): saline treatment; D group (n=60): dexamethasone treatment. In both ND and D groups, periodontal disease was induced by the placement of a ligature in the left first mandibular molar. After 7 days, ligature was removed and all animals received SRP, being divided according to the following treatments: SRP: saline and PDT: phenothiazinium dye (TBO) plus laser irradiation. Ten animals per treatment were killed at 7, 15 and 30 days. The distance between the cementoenamel junction and the height of the alveolar bone crest in the mesial surface of the mandibular left first molars was determined in millimeters in each radiograph. The radiographic values were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test at a p value <0.05. Results: Intragroup radiographic assessment (ND and D groups) showed that there was statistically significant less bone loss in the animals treated with PDT in all experimental periods compared to those submitted to SRP. Intergroup radiographic analysis (ND and D groups) demonstrated that there was greater bone loss in the ND group treated with SRP compared to the D group treated with PDT at 7 and 30 days. Conclusion: PDT was an effective adjunctive treatment to SRP on induced periodontitis in dexamethasone-induced immunosuppressed rats.
Although the search for the ideal bone substitute has been the focus of a large number of studies, autogenous bone is still the gold standard for the filling of defects caused by pathologies and traumas, and mainly, for alveolar ridge reconstruction, allowing the titanium implants installation. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the dynamics of autogenous bone graft incorporation process to surgically created defects in rat calvaria, using epifluorescence microscopy. Material and methods: Five adult male rats weighing 200-300 g were used. The animals received two 5-mm-diameter bone defects bilaterally in each parietal bone with a trephine bur under general anesthesia. Two groups of defects were formed: a control group (n=5), in which the defects were filled with blood clot, and a graft group (n=5), in which the defects were filled with autogenous bone block, removed from the contralateral defect. The fluorochromes calcein and alizarin were applied at the 7th and 30th postoperative days, respectively. The animals were killed at 35 days. Results: The mineralization process was more intense in the graft group (32.09%) and occurred mainly between 7 and 30 days, the period labeled by calcein (24.66%). Conclusions: The fluorochromes showed to be appropriate to label mineralization areas. The interfacial areas between fluorochrome labels are important sources of information about the bone regeneration dynamics.
Root fractures in immature teeth are rare because the resilience of the alveolar bone is more favorable to the occurrence of luxation. This article reports a case of traumatic injury in an immature permanent tooth that progressed to root fracture, having a parafunctional oral habit as the possible modifying factor of case evolution. A 12-year-old boy presented for treatment complaining of a defective restoration and mild pain on the maxillary right central incisor. The patient had a history of crown fracture in this tooth due to trauma 2 years before. The clinical examination showed healthy gingival tissues and no abnormal tooth mobility, whereas radiographic projections revealed healthy periradicular tissues, incomplete root formation, and no visible root fracture. As pulp necrosis was diagnosed, calcium hydroxide therapy was started for canal disinfection and subsequent obturation. However, after 4 weeks of treatment, a horizontal fracture line was observed radiographically in the root's middle third. The patient denied a new traumatic injury, but revealed the habit of chewing on a pencil. Refraining from the deleterious oral habit was strongly advised, and root canal filling with mineral trioxide aggregate was performed to treat the root fracture. After 4 years of follow-up, the tooth has normal function and no abnormal mobility. Images suggestive of remodeling at the apical end of the coronal segment and replacement resorption of the apical segment are seen radiographically. This case demonstrates the need of following cases of dental trauma and the possible influence of parafunctional oral habits as modifying factors of case progression.
A common finding in patients with edentulous maxilla and partially dentate mandible is mainly the presence of flabbiness in the anterior edentulous alveolar ridge that can compromise the retention and stability of a denture. Thus, this case report presents the correction of a flabby ridge, using an auxiliary technique combining surgical excision and autogenous connective tissue grafting. The technique improved the quality of the osteomucosal support of the alveolar ridge and increased the vestibule deepness, whose result increased the success rate of the new conventional total prosthesis.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the histometry of ligature-induced periodontitis in rats at different histological section depths. Sixteen male adult Wistar rats were randomly assigned to two groups: ligature and control. In the ligature group, rats received a sterile 4/0 silk ligature around the maxillary right 2nd molar. Thirty serial sections containing the 1st and 2nd molars, in which the coronal and root pulp, cementoenamel junction (CEJ) in the mesial side of the 2nd molar, interproximal alveolar bone and connective fiber attachment were clearly visible, were selected for histometric analysis. The histological sections were clustered in groups of 10 sections corresponding the buccal (B), central (C) and lingual (L) regions of the of periodontal tissue samples. The distance between the CEJ in the mesial side of the 2nd molar and the attached periodontal ligament fibers (CEJ-PL) as well as the distance between the CEJ and the alveolar bone crest (CEJ-BC) were determined. From CEJ-PL and CEJ-BC distances measured for each specimen, the measurements obtained in the B, L and C regions were recorded individually and together. Data were submitted to statistical analysis. Significant differences (p<0.001) were observed between the control and ligature groups regarding CEJ-PL (0.05 mm and 0.26 mm, respectively) and CEJ-BC (0.47 mm and 0.77 mm, respectively) measurements. Regarding the depth of the buccal, central and lingual planes, the means of CEJ-PL and CEJ-BC of both groups showed no statistically significant differences (p>0.05). In conclusion, the selection of 10 serial sections of the central region of periodontal tissue samples at any depth can be considered as representative for the evaluation of periodontal ligament fiber attachment and bone loss in ligature-induced periodontitis in rats.
Background and objective: Stress during pregnancy may alter offspring susceptibility to diseases during adulthood. In the present study, female Lewis rats were subjected to chronic stress during the gestational period, and the effect of this stress was evaluated histometrically on the progression of ligature-induced bone loss in their adult offspring.Material and methods: After confirming pregnancy, half of the pregnant rats were randomly designated as control animals (no stress regimen was imposed), and the other half was submitted to a chronic stress model (immobilization at cold temperature) between the 7th and the 18th gestational day. After birth, 12 male rats delivered by stressed mothers - Group 1 (G1) - and 12 male rats delivered by non-stressed mothers - Group 2 (G2) - were selected. When birthed rats reached 250 g of body weight, a silk ligature was placed around their maxillary right second molar in order to induce bone loss. The non-ligated left side served as a control. Sixty days later, these animals were sacrificed by anaesthetic overdose. After routine laboratorial processing, images of the histological sections were digitized and submitted for histometric measurement using two parameters: histological attachment loss and bone loss.Results: on the ligated side, G1 presented with greater histological attachment and bone loss than G2 (p < 0.05). on the non-ligated control side, neither of the groups presented with alterations in these parameters (p > 0.05).Conclusion: The chronic stress regimen imposed on pregnant rats produced a greater progression of ligature-induced bone loss in their adult offspring. (C) 0 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the tendency of displacement of the supporting structures of the distal extension removable partial denture (DERPD) associated to the implant with different inclinations of alveolar ridge and implant localizations through a two-dimensional finite-element method. Sixteen mandibular models were fabricated, presenting horizontal, distally descending, distally ascending, or descending-ascending ridges. All models presented the left canine and were rehabilitated with conventional DERPD or implant-retained prosthesis with the ERA system. The models were obtained by the AutoCAD software and transferred to the finite-element software ANSYS 9.0 for analysis. A force of 50 N was applied on the cusp tips of the teeth, with 5 points of loading of 10 N. The results were visualized by displacement maps. For all ridge inclinations, the assembly of the DERPD with distal plate retained by an anterior implant exhibited the lowest requisition of the supporting structures. The highest tendency of displacement occurred in the model with distally ascending ridge with incisal rest. It was concluded that the association of the implant decreased the displacement of the DERPD, and the anterior positioning of the implant associated to the DERPD with the distal plate preserved the supporting structures for all ridges.
Background: Considering that an increasing number of patients are victims of mutilator surgical resections, these studies are important for treatment success of rehabilitation of patients presenting oronasal communication.Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the stress distribution through photoelasticity in palatal obturator prostheses with different attachment systems for implants.Methods: Two photoelastic models were obtained from an experimental maxillary model presenting an oronasal communication. One model was fabricated without implant, and the other with 2 implants 10 mm in length inserted in the left crest. Four colorless palatal obturator prostheses were fabricated. One prosthesis presented no attachment system, whereas the remaining prostheses were adapted to 3 attachment systems. The assembly was positioned in a circular polariscope for application of axial load.Results: The results were based on photographic records of stress in the photoelastic model submitted to loading. The records revealed higher stress concentration on the bar-clip system followed by the O'ring/bar-clip and O'ring systems, respectively. A homogeneous stress distribution was observed on the photoelastic model with the mucous-supported prosthesis.Conclusions: The attachment systems generated different characteristics of stress distribution that was concentrated surrounding the implants. The bar-clip system exhibited the highest stress concentration on the alveolar crest.
The aim of this study was to use two-dimensional finite element method to evaluate the displacement and stress distribution transmitted by a distal extension removable partial denture (DERPD) associated with an implant placed at different inclinations (0, 5, 15, and 30 degrees) in the second molar region of the edentulous mandible ridge. Six hemimandibular models were created: model A, only with the presence of the natural tooth 33; model B, similar to model A, with the presence of a conventional DERPD replacing the missing teeth; model C, similar to the previous model, with a straight implant (0 degrees) in the distal region of the ridge, under the denture base; model D, similar to model C, with the implant angled at 5 degrees in the mesial direction; model E, similar to model C, with the implant angled at 15 degrees in the mesial direction; and model F, similar to ME, with the implant angled at 30 degrees in the mesial direction. The models were created with the use of the AutoCAD 2000 program (Autodesk, Inc, San Rafael, CA) and processed for finite element analysis by the ANSYS 8.0 program (Swanson Analysis Systems, Houston, PA). The force applied was vertical of 50 N on each cusp tip. The results showed that the introduction of the RPD overloaded the supporting structures of the RPD and that the introduction of the implant helped to relieve the stresses of the mucosa alveolar, cortical bone, and trabecular bone. The best stress distribution occurred in model D with the implant angled at 5 degrees. The use of an implant as a support decreased the displacement of alveolar mucosa for all inclinations simulated. The stress distribution transmitted by the DERPD to the supporting structures was improved by the use of straight or slightly inclined implants. According to the displacement analysis and von Mises stress, it could be expected that straight or slightly inclined implants do not represent biomechanical risks to use.
Purpose: This study evaluated the influence of distal extension removable partial denture associated with implant in cases of different bone level of abutment tooth, using 2D finite element analysis.Materials and Methods: Eight hemiarch models were simulated: model A-presenting tooth 33 and distal extension removable partial denture replacing others teeth, using distal rest connection and no bone lost; model B-similar to model A but presenting distal guide plate connection; model C-similar to model A but presenting osseointegrated implant with ERA retention system associated under prosthetic base; model D-similar to model B but presenting osseointegrated implant as described in model C; models E, F, G, and H were similar to models A, B, C, and D but presenting reduced periodontal support around tooth 33. Using ANSYS 9.0 software, the models were loaded vertically with 50 N on each cusp tip. For results, von Mises Stress Maps were plotted.Results: Maximum stress value was encountered in model G (201.023 MPa). Stress distribution was concentrated on implant and retention system. The implant/removable partial denture association decreases stress levels on alveolar mucosa for all models.Conclusions: Use of implant and ERA system decreased stress concentrations on supporting structures in all models. Use of distal guide plate decreased stress levels on abutment tooth and cortical and trabecular bone. Tooth apex of models with reduced periodontal support presented increased stress when using distal rest. (Implant Dent 2011;20:192-201)
Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the dental movement that occurs during the processing of maxillary complete dentures with 3 different base thicknesses, using 2 investment methods, and microwave polymerization.Methods: A sample of 42 denture models was randomly divided into 6 groups (n = 7), with base thicknesses of 1.25, 2.50, and 3.75 mm and gypsum or silicone flask investment. Points were demarcated on the distal surface of the second molars and on the back of the gypsum cast at the alveolar ridge level to allow linear and angular measurement using AutoCAD software. The data were subjected to analysis of variance with double factor, Tukey test and Fisher (post hoc).Results: Angular analysis of the varying methods and their interactions generated a statistical difference (P = 0.023) when the magnitudes of molar inclination were compared. Tooth movement was greater for thin-based prostheses, 1.25 mm (-0.234), versus thick 3.75 mm (0.2395), with antagonistic behavior. Prosthesis investment with silicone (0.053) showed greater vertical change compared with the gypsum investment (0.032). There was a difference between the point of analysis, demonstrating that the changes were not symmetric.Conclusions: All groups evaluated showed change in the position of artificial teeth after processing. The complete denture with a thin base (1.25 mm) and silicone investment showed the worst results, whereas intermediate thickness (2.50 mm) was demonstrated to be ideal for the denture base.
Purpose: The aim of this research was to assess, by means of, the bi-dimensional finite element method, the best implant location in the alveolar edge, through stress distribution and support structure displacement of a distal extension removable partial denture associated with an osseointegrated implant of 10.0 x .75 mm, acting as abutment for the denture base.Methods and Materials: Five models in sagittal cut were used to represent: model A-hemi arch containing natural tooth 33 and the distal alveolar edge; model B-similar to model A, but with a conventional removable partial denture to replace the absent teeth; model C (MC)-similar to the previous one, with an implant in the distal region of the edge under the denture base; model D-similar to MC, with the implant in the central region of the edge; model E-similar to MC, with an implant in the mesial region of the edge. With the aid of the finite element program ANSYS 8.0, the models were loaded with strictly vertical forces of 50 N on each cusp tip. Displacement and von Mises Maps were plotted for visualization of results.Results: The introduction of implant diminished the tendency of intrusion of the removable partial denture in all situations. The maximum stress was observed on implant in all situations. Approximating implant in direction of support teeth was benefit for stress distribution.Conclusion: Model D presented the lowest value for maximum tendency to displacement when compared with those found in the other models; model E demonstrated better relief with regard to demand from the abutment tooth; locating the implant near of the abutment tooth influenced positively the distribution of stresses on the analyzed structures.
Objective: The non-homogenous aspect of periodontal ligament (PDL) has been examined using finite element analysis (FEA) to better simulate PDL behavior. The aim of this study was to assess, by 2-D FEA, the influence of non-homogenous PDL on the stress distribution when the free-end saddle removable partial denture (RPD) is partially supported by an osseointegrated implant. Material and Methods: Six finite element (FE) models of a partially edentulous mandible were created to represent two types of PDL (non-homogenous and homogenous) and two types of RPD (conventional RPD, supported by tooth and fibromucosa; and modified RPD, supported by tooth and implant [10.00x3.75 mm]). Two additional FE models without RPD were used as control models. The non-homogenous PDL was modeled using beam elements to simulate the crest, horizontal, oblique and apical fibers. The load (50 N) was applied in each cusp simultaneously. Regarding boundary conditions the border of alveolar ridge was fixed along the x axis. The FE software (Ansys 10.0) was used to compute the stress fields, and the von Mises stress criterion (sigma vM) was applied to analyze the results. Results: The peak of sigma vM in non-homogenous PDL was higher than that for the homogenous condition. The benefits of implants were enhanced for the non-homogenous PDL condition, with drastic sigma vM reduction on the posterior half of the alveolar ridge. The implant did not reduce the stress on the support tooth for both PDL conditions. Conclusion: The PDL modeled in the non-homogeneous form increased the benefits of the osseointegrated implant in comparison with the homogeneous condition. Using the non-homogenous PDL, the presence of osseointegrated implant did not reduce the stress on the supporting tooth.
OBJETIVO: avaliar as diferenças produzidas nas dimensões e forma de arco pelos tratamentos com aparelho expansor fixo tipo Hyrax e aparelho expansor removível tipo Placa de Hawley com parafuso expansor palatino centralizado. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: foram selecionados modelos de estudo iniciais e finais de 31 crianças portadoras de mordida cruzada posterior, de ambos os gêneros, de origem étnica diversa e na fase da dentadura mista, tratadas nos cursos de Graduação e Pós-Graduação em Ortodontia do Departamento de Clínica Infantil da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara - UNESP. Destas crianças, 15 foram tratadas com uso do aparelho expansor fixo tipo Hyrax e as demais 16 crianças foram tratados com expansão rápida da maxila efetuada com o aparelho expansor fixo. Foram realizadas medidas das distâncias intercaninos e intermolares, da inclinação do processo alveolar e inclinação dentária nas imagens escaneadas do arco superior e do contorno do palato, obtido com auxílio de um template ajustável e do programa de análises Radiocef Studio. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: os resultados indicam uma mudança significante nas distâncias intercaninos e intermolares em ambos os grupos e uma inclinação dentária e do processo alveolar para vestibular significante no grupo tratado com o aparelho expansor fixo. A expansão conseguida pelo aparelho expansor fixo foi aproximadamente o dobro da promovida pelo aparelho expansor removível.
OBJETIVO: Apresentar revisão de literatura sobre dentes natais e neonatais, abordando características clínicas, fatores etiológicos, medidas terapêuticas e a importância do conhecimento desta anomalia, por odontopediatras e pediatras. FONTES DE DADOS: Foram selecionados os artigos mais relevantes sobre o tema, desde 1950 até 2006, pesquisados no Medline e na Bibliografia Brasileira em Odontologia (BBO), além de livros de pertinentes. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Os dentes natais e neonatais consistem em uma anomalia de erupção, sendo caracterizados por seu irrompimento na cavidade oral durante o período intra-uterino ou no primeiro mês de vida respectivamente, podendo fazer parte da dentição decídua normal ou supranumerária. Esses dentes, em geral, apresentam bordos cortantes e podem estar relacionados ao aparecimento de ulcerações na base da língua do bebê e/ou no seio materno, comprometendo a amamentação. A fraca implantação óssea desses dentes favorece sua grande mobilidade, tornando-se, assim, um fator de risco à sua aspiração ou deglutição pela criança. A abordagem terapêutica depende da dentição à qual pertence o dente e dos possíveis problemas que este pode causar à saúde da criança ou da mãe. CONCLUSÕES: O conhecimento sobre as características clínicas e os possíveis distúrbios aos quais os dentes natais e neonatais estão relacionados por odontopediatras e pediatras possibilita a interação necessária para o diagnóstico precoce e a abordagem integral da criança.