987 resultados para Algebraic Bethe Ansatz


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The design of locally optimal fault-tolerant manipulators has been previously addressed via adding constraints on the bases of a desired null space to the design constraints of the manipulators. Then by algebraic or numeric solution of the design equations, the optimal Jacobian matrix is obtained. In this study, an optimal fault-tolerant Jacobian matrix generator is introduced from geometric properties instead of the null space properties. The proposed generator provides equally fault-tolerant Jacobian matrices in R3 that are optimally fault tolerant for one or two locked joint failures. It is shown that the proposed optimal Jacobian matrices are directly obtained via regular pyramids. The geometric approach and zonotopes are used as a novel tool for determining relative manipulability in the context of fault-tolerant robotics and for bringing geometric insight into the design of optimal fault-tolerant manipulators.


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This issue comes at a time when mathematics education research is becoming more intently focused on the development of "structure" as salient to generalised mathematics learning. Not surprisingly the attention on structure creates particular synergies with the increasingly rich field of research on algebraic thinking and arithmetic processes, particularly in the early years. In many ways, this special issue is concerned with describing the process of "structuring" that enables abstraction and generalisation. A recent MERJ special issue, Abstraction in Mathematics Education (Mitchelmore & White, 2007), illustrated theories of abstraction aligning these to notions of underlying structure. The importance of structure in the transition from school to university was also highlighted by Godfrey and Thomas (2008), and Novotna and Hoch (2008) in the previous special issue of MERJ (Thomas, 2008). In this special issue we present six papers that provide evidence of developing structure as critical for all learners of mathematics throughout schooling.


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Hybrid electric vehicles are powered by an electric system and an internal combustion engine. The components of a hybrid electric vehicle need to be coordinated in an optimal manner to deliver the desired performance. This paper presents an approach based on direct method for optimal power management in hybrid electric vehicles with inequality constraints. The approach consists of reducing the optimal control problem to a set of algebraic equations by approximating the state variable which is the energy of electric storage, and the control variable which is the power of fuel consumption. This approximation uses orthogonal functions with unknown coefficients. In addition, the inequality constraints are converted to equal constraints. The advantage of the developed method is that its computational complexity is less than that of dynamic and non-linear programming approaches. Also, to use dynamic or non-linear programming, the problem should be discretized resulting in the loss of optimization accuracy. The propsed method, on the other hand, does not require the discretization of the problem producing more accurate results. An example is solved to demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed approach. The results of Haar wavelets, and Chebyshev and Legendre polynomials are presented and discussed. © 2011 The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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With the purpose of solving the real solutions number of the nonlinear transcendental equations in the selective harmonic eliminated PWM (SHEPWM) technology, the nonlinear transcendental equations were transformed to a set of polynomial equations with a set of inequality constraints using the multiple-angle formulas, an analytic method based on semi-algebraic systems machine proving algorithm was proposed to classify the real solution number of the switching angles. The complete classifications of the real solution number and the analytic boundary point of the single phase and three phases SHEPWM inverter with switch points of N=3 and the single phase SHEPWM inverter with switch points of N=4 are obtained. The results indicate that the relationship between the modulation ratio and the real solution number can be demonstrated theoretically by this method, which has great implications for the solution procedure of switching angles and the improvement of harmonic elimination effects of the inverter.


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Japanese Lesson Study has been adapted in many countries as a platform of professional development (Groves & Doig, 2010; Lewism Perry & Hurd, 2004). One of the critical elements of Japanese Lesson Study is detailed and careful planning of the research lesson with an explicit focus on the mathematics and students' mathematical thinking (Doig, Groves, & Fujii, 2011; Murata, 2011; Watanabe, Takahashi, & Yoshida, 2008). This presentation will share some findings from a small scale research project of the implementation of Japanese Lesson Study in three Victorian primary schools in 2012.It will focus on the way in which teachers used Japanese lesson Study to plan a structured problem solving rsearch lesson on algebraic thinking for students in Year 3 and Year 4. Insights into the two teachers' planning journey and their developing understanding of anticipated student responses and the mathematics of the problem to be used in the research lesson will be discussed. Implications regarding the implementation of Japanese Lesson Study - into Australian schools for teachers' professional learning will be drawn. 


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In this paper, we propose a novel approach to secure ownership transfer in RFID systems based on the quadratic residue property. We present two secure ownership transfer schemes-the closed loop and open loop schemes. An important property of our schemes is that ownership transfer is guaranteed to be atomic. Further, both our schemes are suited to the computational constraints of EPC Class-1 Gen-2 passive RFID tags as they only use operations that such passive RFID tags are capable of. We provide a detailed security analysis to show that our schemes achieve strong privacy and satisfy the required security properties of tag anonymity, tag location privacy, forward secrecy, and forward untraceability. We also show that the schemes are resistant to replay (both passive and algebraic), desynchronization, and server impersonation attacks. Performance comparisons demonstrate that our schemes are practical and can be implemented on low-cost passive RFID tags.


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Electronic medical record (EMR) offers promises for novel analytics. However, manual feature engineering from EMR is labor intensive because EMR is complex - it contains temporal, mixed-type and multimodal data packed in irregular episodes. We present a computational framework to harness EMR with minimal human supervision via restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM). The framework derives a new representation of medical objects by embedding them in a low-dimensional vector space. This new representation facilitates algebraic and statistical manipulations such as projection onto 2D plane (thereby offering intuitive visualization), object grouping (hence enabling automated phenotyping), and risk stratification. To enhance model interpretability, we introduced two constraints into model parameters: (a) nonnegative coefficients, and (b) structural smoothness. These result in a novel model called eNRBM (EMR-driven nonnegative RBM). We demonstrate the capability of the eNRBM on a cohort of 7578 mental health patients under suicide risk assessment. The derived representation not only shows clinically meaningful feature grouping but also facilitates short-term risk stratification. The F-scores, 0.21 for moderate-risk and 0.36 for high-risk, are significantly higher than those obtained by clinicians and competitive with the results obtained by support vector machines.


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We suggest the use of a particular Divisia index for measuring welfare losses due to interest rate wedges and in‡ation. Compared to the existing options in the literature: i) when the demands for the monetary assets are known, closed-form solutions for the welfare measures can be obtained at a relatively lower algebraic cost; ii) less demanding integrability conditions allow for the recovery of welfare measures from a larger class of demand systems and; iii) when the demand speci…cations are not known, using an index number entitles the researcher to rank di¤erent vectors of opportunity costs directly from market observations. We use two examples to illustrate the method.


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Trabalho apresentado Numerical Solution of Differential and Differential-Algebraic Equations (NUMDIFF-14), Halle, 7-11 Sep 2015


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We give a thorough account of the various equivalent notions for \sheaf" on a locale, namely the separated and complete presheaves, the local home- omorphisms, and the local sets, and to provide a new approach based on quantale modules whereby we see that sheaves can be identi¯ed with certain Hilbert modules in the sense of Paseka. This formulation provides us with an interesting category that has immediate meaningful relations to those of sheaves, local homeomorphisms and local sets. The concept of B-set (local set over the locale B) present in [3] is seen as a simetric idempotent matrix with entries on B, and a map of B-sets as de¯ned in [8] is shown to be also a matrix satisfying some conditions. This gives us useful tools that permit the algebraic manipulation of B-sets. The main result is to show that the existing notions of \sheaf" on a locale B are also equivalent to a new concept what we call a Hilbert module with an Hilbert base. These modules are the projective modules since they are the image of a free module by a idempotent automorphism On the ¯rst chapter, we recall some well known results about partially ordered sets and lattices. On chapter two we introduce the category of Sup-lattices, and the cate- gory of locales, Loc. We describe the adjunction between this category and the category Top of topological spaces whose restriction to spacial locales give us a duality between this category and the category of sober spaces. We ¯nish this chapter with the de¯nitions of module over a quantale and Hilbert Module. Chapter three concerns with various equivalent notions namely: sheaves of sets, local homeomorphisms and local sets (projection matrices with entries on a locale). We ¯nish giving a direct algebraic proof that each local set is isomorphic to a complete local set, whose rows correspond to the singletons. On chapter four we de¯ne B-locale, study open maps and local homeo- morphims. The main new result is on the ¯fth chapter where we de¯ne the Hilbert modules and Hilbert modules with an Hilbert and show this latter concept is equivalent to the previous notions of sheaf over a locale.


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The present study provides a methodology that gives a predictive character the computer simulations based on detailed models of the geometry of a porous medium. We using the software FLUENT to investigate the flow of a viscous Newtonian fluid through a random fractal medium which simplifies a two-dimensional disordered porous medium representing a petroleum reservoir. This fractal model is formed by obstacles of various sizes, whose size distribution function follows a power law where exponent is defined as the fractal dimension of fractionation Dff of the model characterizing the process of fragmentation these obstacles. They are randomly disposed in a rectangular channel. The modeling process incorporates modern concepts, scaling laws, to analyze the influence of heterogeneity found in the fields of the porosity and of the permeability in such a way as to characterize the medium in terms of their fractal properties. This procedure allows numerically analyze the measurements of permeability k and the drag coefficient Cd proposed relationships, like power law, for these properties on various modeling schemes. The purpose of this research is to study the variability provided by these heterogeneities where the velocity field and other details of viscous fluid dynamics are obtained by solving numerically the continuity and Navier-Stokes equations at pore level and observe how the fractal dimension of fractionation of the model can affect their hydrodynamic properties. This study were considered two classes of models, models with constant porosity, MPC, and models with varying porosity, MPV. The results have allowed us to find numerical relationship between the permeability, drag coefficient and the fractal dimension of fractionation of the medium. Based on these numerical results we have proposed scaling relations and algebraic expressions involving the relevant parameters of the phenomenon. In this study analytical equations were determined for Dff depending on the geometrical parameters of the models. We also found a relation between the permeability and the drag coefficient which is inversely proportional to one another. As for the difference in behavior it is most striking in the classes of models MPV. That is, the fact that the porosity vary in these models is an additional factor that plays a significant role in flow analysis. Finally, the results proved satisfactory and consistent, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the referred methodology for all applications analyzed in this study.


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This work aims to analyze the historical and epistemological development of the Group concept related to the theory on advanced mathematical thinking proposed by Dreyfus (1991). Thus it presents pedagogical resources that enable learning and teaching of algebraic structures as well as propose greater meaning of this concept in mathematical graduation programs. This study also proposes an answer to the following question: in what way a teaching approach that is centered in the Theory of Numbers and Theory of Equations is a model for the teaching of the concept of Group? To answer this question a historical reconstruction of the development of this concept is done on relating Lagrange to Cayley. This is done considering Foucault s (2007) knowledge archeology proposal theoretically reinforced by Dreyfus (1991). An exploratory research was performed in Mathematic graduation courses in Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) and Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The research aimed to evaluate the formation of concept images of the students in two algebra courses based on a traditional teaching model. Another experience was realized in algebra at UFPA and it involved historical components (MENDES, 2001a; 2001b; 2006b), the development of multiple representations (DREYFUS, 1991) as well as the formation of concept images (VINNER, 1991). The efficiency of this approach related to the extent of learning was evaluated, aiming to acknowledge the conceptual image established in student s minds. At the end, a classification based on Dreyfus (1991) was done relating the historical periods of the historical and epistemological development of group concepts in the process of representation, generalization, synthesis, and abstraction, proposed here for the teaching of algebra in Mathematics graduation course


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In Mathematics literature some records highlight the difficulties encountered in the teaching-learning process of integers. In the past, and for a long time, many mathematicians have experienced and overcome such difficulties, which become epistemological obstacles imposed on the students and teachers nowadays. The present work comprises the results of a research conducted in the city of Natal, Brazil, in the first half of 2010, at a state school and at a federal university. It involved a total of 45 students: 20 middle high, 9 high school and 16 university students. The central aim of this study was to identify, on the one hand, which approach used for the justification of the multiplication between integers is better understood by the students and, on the other hand, the elements present in the justifications which contribute to surmount the epistemological obstacles in the processes of teaching and learning of integers. To that end, we tried to detect to which extent the epistemological obstacles faced by the students in the learning of integers get closer to the difficulties experienced by mathematicians throughout human history. Given the nature of our object of study, we have based the theoretical foundation of our research on works related to the daily life of Mathematics teaching, as well as on theorists who analyze the process of knowledge building. We conceived two research tools with the purpose of apprehending the following information about our subjects: school life; the diagnosis on the knowledge of integers and their operations, particularly the multiplication of two negative integers; the understanding of four different justifications, as elaborated by mathematicians, for the rule of signs in multiplication. Regarding the types of approach used to explain the rule of signs arithmetic, geometric, algebraic and axiomatic , we have identified in the fieldwork that, when multiplying two negative numbers, the students could better understand the arithmetic approach. Our findings indicate that the approach of the rule of signs which is considered by the majority of students to be the easiest one can be used to help understand the notion of unification of the number line, an obstacle widely known nowadays in the process of teaching-learning


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The objective of the present work was develop a study about the writing and the algebraic manipulation of symbolical expressions for perimeter and area of some convex polygons, approaching the properties of the operations and equality, extending to the obtaining of the formulas of length and area of the circle, this one starting on the formula of the perimeter and area of the regular hexagon. To do so, a module with teaching activities was elaborated based on constructive teaching. The study consisted of a methodological intervention, done by the researcher, and had as subjects students of the 8th grade of the State School Desembargador Floriano Cavalcanti, located on the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The methodological intervention was done in three stages: applying of a initial diagnostic evaluation, developing of the teaching module, and applying of the final evaluation based on the Mathematics teaching using Constructivist references. The data collected in the evaluations was presented as descriptive statistics. The results of the final diagnostic evaluation were analyzed in the qualitative point of view, using the criteria established by Richard Skemp s second theory about the comprehension of mathematical concepts. The general results about the data from the evaluations and the applying of the teaching module showed a qualitative difference in the learning of the students who participated of the intervention


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This work present a interval approach to deal with images with that contain uncertainties, as well, as treating these uncertainties through morphologic operations. Had been presented two intervals models. For the first, is introduced an algebraic space with three values, that was constructed based in the tri-valorada logic of Lukasiewiecz. With this algebraic structure, the theory of the interval binary images, that extends the classic binary model with the inclusion of the uncertainty information, was introduced. The same one can be applied to represent certain binary images with uncertainty in pixels, that it was originated, for example, during the process of the acquisition of the image. The lattice structure of these images, allow the definition of the morphologic operators, where the uncertainties are treated locally. The second model, extend the classic model to the images in gray levels, where the functions that represent these images are mapping in a finite set of interval values. The algebraic structure belong the complete lattices class, what also it allow the definition of the elementary operators of the mathematical morphology, dilation and erosion for this images. Thus, it is established a interval theory applied to the mathematical morphology to deal with problems of uncertainties in images