899 resultados para Alfonso de Madrigal, 1400-1455
本文以我国西南的土法炼锌为例,较为系统的研究了锌矿冶炼导致的环境重金属污染问题。研究表明,土法炼锌使用硫化矿和使用氧化矿冶炼Cd通过大气的释放因子分别为1400 g/t和1200 g/t,Pb的释放因子分别为37000 g/t和25000 g/t,远高于国外相同行业相应污染物的释放因子。 土法炼锌活动造成了土壤和农作物严重的重金属污染。通过土壤中重金属的Zn/Cd和Pb/Cd比值,可以对炼锌烟尘沉降来源与冶炼废渣释放来源的重金属进行区分。污染土壤的Pb同位素组成特征证实土壤中的重金属主要来自于土法炼锌的释放。玉米不同器官中的Pb同位素比值表明,玉米根和茎中的Pb主要是来自土壤,而叶和果实中的Pb则主要来自大气中Pb的沉降。 对草海重金属污染研究结果显示,草海沉积物受到了Cd、Pb和Zn的严重污染。沉积物中的重金属主要以有机质结合态和残渣态形式存在。Pb同位素数据表明草海湖沉积物中重金属污染主要来自于土法炼锌的释放,同时其它来源Pb(例如汽车尾气的排放)对草海沉积物中的Pb也有一定贡献。草海沉积物重金属污染导致草海水生动植物体内重金属呈现不同程度的富积,部分鱼类体内Cd、Pb含量已超过国家食品卫生限量标准。
以矿物学理论为基础,采用XRD、AAS、TEM和OM等分析仪器,对国产70kN、日本120kN和210kN高强度瓷绝缘子的化学成分、显微结构等特征进行了分析,找出造成国内外瓷绝缘子性能差异的主要因素。并对贵州地区的高强瓷非金属矿物原料进行了较系统的矿物学研究,确定了6个主要原料基地。在以上研究的基础上,优化设计了420kN和300kN高强度瓷绝缘子的配方及相关生产工艺。并对烧结出420kN高强度瓷绝缘子的化学成分与显微结构进行了研究分析。得到的主要结论如下: (1)对比国内外高强瓷得出,造成国内高强瓷性能差的主要因素是化学成分和显微结构。国内70kN样品含有较高的K2O和TiO2,严重超过了高强瓷标准配方值,而国外配方恰好落在标准值范围内;国内70kN样品晶相含量仅为35%,而国外210kN样品的晶相含量为48%,且晶粒细小分布均匀,玻璃相和气孔相含量也比国内产品少且分布均匀。 (2)采用XRD对贵州地区矿物原料进行分析,最终选定了毕节、大方6个高强瓷原材料产地。这些基地粘土类矿物原料,具有可塑性好,有害矿物含量少,化学成分中Si、Al比适中,Fe、Ti等杂质元素含量低的特点;铝氧类矿物具有含Al2O3含量高且杂质元素少的特点,是制备高强度瓷绝缘子的优质原料。 (3)在主要使用贵州所产的矿物原料基础上,结合国内外高强瓷的性能差异,优化设计了300kN和420kN高强瓷的配方和工艺。其中将坯料的颗粒度组成设定在:≥5µm43-48%,≥10µm25-31%,≥20µm5-12%,并采用合理烧结制度下烧结出420kN高强瓷,其烧结温度范围在13001400℃,最终产品通过IEC检测且显微结构较好。
香山基性—超基性杂岩体位于新疆哈密境内,地理坐标为东经94°30'-94°37',北纬42°15'-42°20'。本文研究了该岩体的岩石学、地球化学、矿物学特征。最后提出了关于香山岩体成因的假设。香山岩体的主体是辉长苏长岩,它占整个杂岩体出露地表面积的绝大部分,其它岩石类型有斜长方辉橄榄岩、(斜长角闪)二辉橄榄岩,(斜长角闪)单辉橄榄岩、(角闪)橄榄辉长(苏长)岩,辉长岩。岩体中各种岩石均为中粗粒结构,块状构造。显微结构最特征的是包含结构,还有辉长结构,反应边结构,金属矿物较多时具海绵陨铁结构。主要蚀变类型有蛇纹石化,还有绿泥石化,透闪石化,滑石化、绢石化、钠黝帘石化、碳酸盐化等。杂岩体中的超基性岩的m/f = 1.9-4.6,属于铁质超基性岩,为与铜镍矿床有关的岩石类型。各种岩石在久野(1966)的Na_2O + K_2O → SiO_2变异图中,大部分属于碱性玄武岩系。但由于在CIPW标准矿物组成和薄片不均未发现富碱矿物(霞石或白榴石),因此,认为岩体的母岩浆是一种过渡型的碱性橄榄玄武岩浆。岩石的微量元素含量,从方辉橄榄岩至辉长苏长岩,随着基性度减小,Ti、V、Zn、Sr、Ba逐渐增加。Cr、Ni、Co、Cu逐渐减小。所有岩石均呈轻稀土富集型,从方辉橄榄岩、二辉橄榄岩、单辉橄榄岩直至辉长苏长岩,稀土总量和轻重稀土比L/HREE逐渐增加。方辉橄榄岩有Eu轻微正异常 、二辉橄榄岩Eu轻微负异常。单辉橄榄岩是具较大的Eu正异常,辉长苏长岩有正的或负的Eu异常,所有的岩石均具Ce轻微负异常。岩体中各种造岩矿物橄榄石为贵橄榄石,单斜辉石为顽透石或普通辉石,斜长石为拉长石,角闪石则为钙角闪石。岩石中各种矿物的结晶温度(用不同方法计算的结果比较一致)分别为:橄榄石1455~1654 ℃,单斜辉石976~1150 ℃(与母岩类型有关),斜长石1100 ℃左右,角闪石812-1002 ℃(与母岩有有关。岩体的母岩浆是在1200 ℃,25.9Kb(约80 KM深处)条件下上地幔岩经8-9%的部分熔融产生的(用平衡部分熔融状型计算得出)。岩浆结晶过程可用F_o-D_i-An三元相图定性说明,依次结晶生成:纯橄榄岩(未见)→ 辉石橄榄岩(方辉橄榄岩、二辉橄榄岩、单辉橄榄岩) → 橄榄辉长苏长岩,由于实际情况复杂,还有其它岩石类型生成。
Na safra 2007/2008, 42 híbridos comerciais de milho foram submetidos a nove ambientes do Meio-Norte brasileiro, visando conhecer a adaptabilidade e a estabilidade para fins de recomendação. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso com duas repetições. Constataram-se, na análise de variância conjunta, diferenças entre os híbridos e os ambientes e um comportamento inconsistente desses ante as variações ambientais, no tocante ao caráter rendimento de grãos. Os municípios de Teresina, Urucuí e Bom Jesus ,PI, e São Raimundo das Mangabeiras, Colinas e Paraibano, MA, mostraram-se mais propícios ao cultivo do milho. Os híbridos que apresentaram rendimentos médios de grãos acima da média geral (8.068 kg ha-1), expressaram melhor adaptação. Os híbridos 2 B 688 e P 30 S 40, por serem exigentes nas condições desfavoráveis e responderem à melhoria ambiental, destacaram-se para os ambientes favoráveis. Os híbridos que evidenciam adaptabilidade ampla, a exemplo dos híbridos 2 B 688,2 B 710, P 30 P 70, DAS 8480, AG 7088, DKB 177 entre outros, consubstanciamse em alternativas importantes para a agricultura regional.
Durante a safra de 2007/2008, no Meio-Norte brasileiro, foram executados ensaios de milho em blocos casualizados com três repetições para a avaliação de 42 cultivares de milho (16 variedades e 26 híbridos), objetivando conhecer a adaptabilidade e a estabilidade desses materiais para fins de recomendação. Detectaram-se, nas análises de variância conjuntas, diferenças entre as cultivares e inconsistência no comportamento nos diferentes ambientes, no que se refere à produtividade de grãos. Os híbridos apresentaram, em média, produtividade de grãos (7.382 kg ha-1) 19,0 % maior que as variedades. Entre os híbridos de melhor adaptação, os que evidenciaram adaptabilidade ampla consolidaram-se como alternativas importantes para a agricultura regional, destacando-se, entre eles, os híbridos SHS 4070 e AG 7088. As variedades que revelaram adaptabilidade ampla, a exemplo das variedades BRS Caimbé e AL 25, entre outras, têm importância fundamental nos sistemas de produção dos agricultores familiares da região.
Most computational models of neurons assume that their electrical characteristics are of paramount importance. However, all long-term changes in synaptic efficacy, as well as many short-term effects, are mediated by chemical mechanisms. This technical report explores the interaction between electrical and chemical mechanisms in neural learning and development. Two neural systems that exemplify this interaction are described and modelled. The first is the mechanisms underlying habituation, sensitization, and associative learning in the gill withdrawal reflex circuit in Aplysia, a marine snail. The second is the formation of retinotopic projections in the early visual pathway during embryonic development.
The aim is to critically review the more relevant evidence on the interrelationships between exercise and metabolic outcomes. The research questions addressed in the recent specific literature with the most relevant randomized controlled trials, meta-analysis and cohort studies are presented in three domains: aerobic exercise, resistance exercise, combined aerobic and resistance exercise. From this review appear that the effects of aerobic exercise are well established, and interventions with more vigorous aerobic exercise programs resulted in greater reductions in HbA1c, greater increase in VO2max and greater increase in insulin sensitivity. Considering the available evidence, it appears that resistance training could be an effective intervention to help glycemic control, especially considering that the effects of this form of intervention are comparable with what reported with aerobic exercise. Less studies have investigated whether combined resistance and aerobic training offers a synergistic and incremental effect on glycemic control; however, from the available evidences appear that combined exercise training seems to determine additional change in HbA1c that can be seen significant if compared with aerobic training alone and resistance training alone.
Background Data on the cardiac characteristics of centenarians are scarce. Our aim was to describe electrocardiogram (ECG) and echocardiography in a cohort of centenarians and to correlate them with clinical data. Methods We used prospective multicenter registry of 118 centenarians (28 men) with a mean age of 101.5 ± 1.7 years. Electrocardiogram was performed in 103 subjects (87.3%) and echocardiography in 100 (84.7%). All subjects underwent a follow-up for at least 6 months. Results Centenarians with abnormal ECG were less frequently females (72% vs 93%), had higher rates of previous consumption of tobacco (14% vs 0) and alcohol (24% vs 12%), and scored lower in the perception of health status (6.8 ± 2.0 vs 8.3 ± 6.8). Centenarians with significant abnormalities in echocardiography were less frequently able to walk 6 m (33% vs 54%). Atrial fibrillation/flutter was found in 27 subjects (26%). Mean left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction was 60.0 ± 10.5%. Moderate or severe aortic valve stenosis was found in 16%, mitral valve regurgitation in 15%, and aortic valve regurgitation in 13%. Diastolic dysfunction was assessed in 79 subjects and was present in 55 (69.6%). Katz index and LV dilation were independently associated with the ability to walk 6 m. Age, Charlson and Katz indexes, and the presence of significant abnormalities in echocardiography were associated with mortality. Conclusions Centenarians have frequent ECG alterations and abnormalities in echocardiography. More than one fifth has atrial fibrillation, and most have diastolic dysfunction. Left ventricular dilation was associated with the ability to walk 6 m. Significant abnormalities in echocardiography were associated with mortality.
Aims Surgery for infective endocarditis (IE) is associated with high mortality. Our objectives were to describe the experience with surgical treatment for IE in Spain, and to identify predictors of in-hospital mortality. Methods Prospective cohort of 1000 consecutive patients with IE. Data were collected in 26 Spanish hospitals. Results Surgery was performed in 437 patients (43.7%). Patients treated with surgery were younger and predominantly male. They presented fewer comorbid conditions and more often had negative blood cultures and heart failure. In-hospital mortality after surgery was lower than in the medical therapy group (24.3 vs 30.7%, p = 0.02). In patients treated with surgery, endocarditis involved a native valve in 267 patients (61.1%), a prosthetic valve in 122 (27.9%), and a pacemaker lead with no clear further valve involvement in 48 (11.0%). The most common aetiologies were Staphylococcus (186, 42.6%), Streptococcus (97, 22.2%), and Enterococcus (49, 11.2%). The main indications for surgery were heart failure and severe valve regurgitation. A risk score for in-hospital mortality was developed using 7 prognostic variables with a similar predictive value (OR between 1.7 and 2.3): PALSUSE: prosthetic valve, age ≥ 70, large intracardiac destruction, Staphylococcus spp, urgent surgery, sex [female], EuroSCORE ≥ 10. In-hospital mortality ranged from 0% in patients with a PALSUSE score of 0 to 45.4% in patients with PALSUSE score > 3. Conclusions The prognosis of IE surgery is highly variable. The PALSUSE score could help to identify patients with higher in-hospital mortality.
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Douglas, Robert; Cullen, M.J.P., (2002) 'Large-Amplitude nonlinear stability results for atmospheric circulations', The Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 129 pp.1969-1988 RAE2008
Wood, Ian; Geissert, M.; Heck, H.; Hieber, M., (2005) 'The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup in exterior domains', Archiv der Mathematik 86 pp.554-562 RAE2008
Flikkema, E., & Bromley, S. T. (2004). Dedicated global optimization search for ground state silica nanoclusters: (SiO2)(N) (N=6-12). Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108 (28), 9638-9645. RAE2008