879 resultados para Age group


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Within the literature there is a growing concern about lower voter turnout rates among young age cohorts. In this article we investigate the reported willingness to vote among 72,466 14-year old adolescents from 22 European countries, taking part in the International Citizen and Civic Education Survey (ICCS, 2009). Results indicate that the willingness to vote remains quite high among this age group, but with a clear gender division. While girls are more likely to state that they will vote, boys are more likely to see themselves as a future election candidate. An open classroom climate at school contributes to the willingness to vote in future elections. The elements that are known to have an effect on the turnout level of adults, however, do not have a significant impact on the intention to vote among adolescents. This would suggest that the observed low turnout rate among young age groups cannot just be attributed to an alleged lack of political motivation among adolescents.


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This report aims at understanding how persons aged 50 years and older are and can be integrated into the working society in Belgium. We are interested in how people in this age group can be induced to engage in various forms of employment and lifelong learning. Based on secondary literature, descriptive databases as well as interviews with experts and focus groups, we find that the discussion on active ageing in Belgium is well advanced with numerous contributions by academics, stakeholders, social partners, the public administration and interest groups. The wish to retire at 60 is widely shared, but at the same time the majority of Belgium’s elderly are able and would be willing to work under specific conditions. Therefore, we recommend that Belgium should invest in more flexible systems including a revision of the tax scheme, such as the part-time retirement system proposed by the insurance company Delta Lloyd. An equally relevant recommendation would be to ensure that public employment agencies, employers and agencies that provide training encourage all workers to work and learn regardless of their age.


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The European Union has always struggled to build a strong relation with its electorate and the results of the 2009 European elections showed that turnout is still declining but also significantly lower than in national elections. The percentage of young people that voted in these elections was even lower, with an average of 29% for the age group 18-24 and 36% for the age group 25-36. To investigate this further, FutureLab Europe carried out an online survey, asking young Europeans about their attitude towards the EU and the upcoming EP elections, with the results presented here in the report: ‘Missing a generation in EU politics’.


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This report offers a comparative policy study on adult learning within the scope of complementary research conducted by Beblavý et al. (2013) on how people upgrade their skills during their adult lifetimes. To achieve our objectives, we identified regulatory policies and financial support in 11 countries for two main categories of learning: formal higher education and employer-based training. Drawing upon the results of the country reports carried out by our partners in the MoPAct project, we found that in none of the countries examined is there an ‘older student’ policy. In most cases grants and financial support are awarded only up until a certain age. In all of the countries studied, standard undergraduate and post-graduate studies are available for part-time students. The distribution of full-time students and part-time students in tertiary education varies from one country to another as well as from one age group to another. The participation in full-time tertiary education programmes decreases with the age of students. In Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and the UK, there are no mandatory policies to ensure employer-based training. However, in Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain, employer-based training is more clearly regulated and the employers might have obligations to provide training for their staff. Taking into consideration Beblavý et al. (2013), we observe that comparative differences across countries can be related to policy differences only in some cases. The policy framework seems to impact more the employer-based training than the educational attainment (upgrade of ISCED level). In Denmark, the Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic and Poland, we find a perfect match between policy outcomes and the results of Beblavý et al. (2013) related to employer-based training. This is not the case in the United Kingdom, where the two aspects observed are not correlated.


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Introdução - A abordagem da intervenção promotora da atividade física funcional em um grupo de idosas hipertensas consiste em considerar a pessoa na sua integridade física, psíquica e social. Objetivo – Avaliar o efeito da implementação de um programa de treinamento funcional sobre a pressão arterial em repouso em mulheres idosas hipertensas, submetidas ao treinamento de exercício físico durante um período de 24 meses. Métodos - Pesquisa de caráter exploratório, com orientação analítico-descritiva com a finalidade de analisar a ação da atividade física direcionada e implementada três vezes por semana no prognóstico da hipertensão arterial. Esta pesquisa foi suportada na recolha de dados da pressão arterial em repouso numa amostra de idosas brasileiras na faixa etária de 60 a 90 anos, em condições de excelente motivação por parte do grupo. Para as análises estatísticas foi utilizado o programa IBM SPSS 20, onde os dados foram tratados de forma descritiva e inferencial. Verificou-se o pressuposto de parametria quanto à normalidade dos resíduos para PAS e PAD ao longo das avaliações pressóricas na amostra pelo teste K-S, onde o mesmo não foi detectado (p<0,05). Assim, foram utilizados o teste de X2 e de Comparações Múltiplas para observações acerca de quais diferenças estatísticas eram significativas (p<0,05), além da Análise de Correlação de Pearson (rho) para apontar as devidas associações entre os níveis de PAS e PAD durante o estudo. Resultados – A maioria (100%) das idosas estavam hipertensas, constatando-se que durante o período de treino apresentaram pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica muito abaixo do padrão da normalidade para essa faixa etária. Tal decréscimo foi altamente significativo (p<00,1) e foi detectado tanto nas estatísticas comparativas quanto nas de associação. Conclusões - Após a intervenção do Projeto Prevenção de Saúde Estádio Vivo, as idosas apresentaram redução e maior controle dos valores da sua pressão arterial. Considera-se assim, que o treinamento físico ao exercer um efeito fisiológico especifica ao nível muscular e cardiocirculatório é protetor do estado de saúde global pelo que deve ser incentivado ao longo de todo o ciclo vital. Infere-se também que o Programa implementado pode ser replicado como medida de educação terapêutica, de avaliação e de auditoria de boas práticas em saúde. Palavra-chave: Idosos. Atividade Física. Hipertensão.


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Enquadramento: A segurança é um direito da criança, que deve ser assegurado pelos pais e sociedade em geral, pois devido à sua vulnerabilidade estão sujeitas a um maior risco de lesões e morte. O transporte seguro de recém-nascidos/crianças em automóveis é uma preocupação, pois os acidentes de viação são a principal causa de mortalidade e morbilidade nesta faixa etária. Nos acidentes rodoviários, o uso correto de um sistema de retenção para crianças (SRC), desde o nascimento, constitui uma forma eficaz de proteção. Objetivos: Caracterizar os conhecimentos e atitudes dos pais no uso do SRC; analisar a influência do processo de aquisição e de informação dos pais sobre o uso do SRC; identificar a relação entre as variáveis sociodemográficas dos pais e o uso de SRC; determinar se os conhecimentos são mediadores das atitudes dos pais na utilização do SRC. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, transversal, descritivo e correlacional, realizado numa amostra não probabilística, por conveniência de 112 pais de recém-nascidos, mães com média de idade de 30,37 anos (Dp=5,63) e pai 33,91 (Dp=6,09). Para recolha de informação utilizou-se um questionário, construído para o efeito, que os pais preencheram 24-48h após o parto durante os meses de março a maio de um centro hospitalar da região norte de Portugal. Resultados: Maioritariamente tinham como escolaridade o ensino secundário e entre 1 a 4 filhos. O SRC fazia parte do ―enxoval‖ do bebé em 54,5% dos participantes, destes, 72,3% já o tinha experimentado no automóvel e pretendiam usá-lo na alta desde a maternidade 97,3%. Contudo, apurou-se que apenas 47,3% o faria de forma adequada, apesar de 83% referir conhecer a legislação e todos reconhecerem que previne lesões em caso de acidente e 67% admitir ter conhecimentos adequados sobre SRC. Concluiu-se haver relação entre os conhecimentos e a idade e a escolaridade das mães, e pelos resultados obtidos, inferimos que melhores conhecimentos conduzem a melhores atitudes na utilização do SRC. Conclusões: Os resultados indicam que os conhecimentos dos pais sobre o uso adequado de SRC continuam insuficientes. Este facto justifica o investimento no ensino, treino e preparação dos pais para a alta segura desde a maternidade, momento particularmente sensível, e que será determinante nas atitudes de promoção da segurança rodoviária das crianças e adolescentes. Palavras-chave: Segurança; Recém-nascido; Sistema de retenção; Conhecimentos; Atitudes.


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Introdução: as tentativas de suicídio são uma das causas mais frequentes de atendimento nos serviços de urgência no Brasil. Poucos estudos abordam as características epidemiológicas das tentativas de suicídio, principalmente na região nordeste. Diante da importância de se conhecer as características das tentativas de suicídio e propor estratégias de minimização é que o presente estudo caracterizou o perfil sociodemográfico das pessoas que tentaram suicídio em Arapiraca – AL, no período de 2009 a 2013. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo de série histórica, com dados obtidos através da ficha de notificação/ investigação individual de Intoxicação Exógena do SINAN, de pacientes que foram atendidos no serviço de urgência e emergência da Unidade de Emergência Doutor Daniel Houly em Arapiraca. Foram analisadas as seguintes variáveis das tentativas de suicídios: faixa etária, sexo, raça, idade gestacional, zona de residência, vínculo empregatício, agente tóxico, hospitalização e evolução. Resultados: Do ano de 2009 a 2013 o total de atendidos por tentativas de suicídios na referida unidade foi de 1.184 indivíduos, sendo 71,54% do sexo feminino e 28,46% do sexo masculino. A faixa etária de maior frequência foi à de 20-29 anos, correspondendo a 33 % e a raça parda foi a que apresentou maior número de casos, 21% (n= 239). Em relação à residência 77% (n = 922) dos casos residiam em zona urbana, e o principal agente tóxico utilizado nas tentativas de suicídio, foi a ingestão medicamentosa (n = 822, 72%). Cerca de 73% (n=865) tiveram que ser hospitalizados e 95% tiveram tratamento adequado, evoluindo para cura. Conclusão: A partir dos dados foi possível traçar o perfil sociodemográfico das tentativas de suicídio, alcançando os objetivos propostos. A discussão do tema bem como a implementação da educação em saúde se constituem em elementos primordiais para a identificação dos sujeitos com ideação suicida e a busca da evitabilidade de novos casos. Ações de vigilância são necessárias para minimizar as taxas de suicídio, bem como a formação e articulação de rede de assistência no agreste alagoano. Ainda ressalta-se a necessidade de mais estudos com a população que apresenta comportamento suicida no município. Palavras-chave: Tentativa de Suicídio. Saúde Pública. Saúde Mental.


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Background: Diabetes is known as a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Portugal is known as the European country with the highest prevalence of this disease. While diabetes prevalence data is updated annually in Portugal, the General Practitioner’s (GP) Sentinel Network represents the only data source on diabetes incidence. This study describes the trends in Diabetes incidence, between 1992 and 2015, and estimate projections for the future incidence rates in Portugal until 2024. Methods: An ecological time-series study was conducted using data from GP Sentinel Network between 1992 and 2015. Family doctors reported all new cases of Diabetes in their patients’ lists. Annual trends were estimated through Poisson regression models as well as the future incidence rates (until 2024), sex and age group stratified. Incidence rate projections were adjusted to the distribution of the resident Portuguese population given Statistics Portugal projections. Results: The average increase in Diabetes incidence rate was in total 4.29% (CI95% 3.80–4.80) per year under study. Until 1998–2000, the annual incidence rate was higher in women, and from 1998–2000 to 2013–2015 turn out to be higher in men. The incidence rate projected for 2022–2024 was 972.77/105 inhabitants in total, and 846.74/105 and 1114.42/105, respectively, in women and men. Conclusions: This is the first study in Portugal to estimate diabetes incidence rate projections. The disturbing reported projections seem realistic if things continue as in the past. Actually, effective public health policies will need to be undertaken to minimize this alarming future scenario.


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Background: Flu vaccine composition is reformulated on a yearly basis. As such, the vaccine effectiveness (VE) from previous seasons cannot be considered for subsequent years, and it is necessary to monitor the VE for each season. This study (MonitorEVA- monitoring vaccine effectiveness) intends to evaluate the feasibility of using the national influenza surveillance system (NISS) for monitoring the influenza VE. Material and methods: Data was collected within NISS during 2004 to 2014 seasons. We used a case-control design where laboratory confirmed incident influenza like illness (ILI) patients (cases) were compared to controls (ILI influenza negative). Eligible individuals consisted on all aged individuals that consult a general practitioner or emergency room with ILI symptoms with a swab collected within seven days of symptoms onset. VE was estimated as 1- odds ratio of being vaccinated in cases versus controls adjusted for age and month of onset by logistic regression. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to test possible effect of assumptions on vaccination status, ILI definition and timing of swabs (<3 days after onset). Results: During the 2004-2014 period, a total of 5302 ILI patients were collected but 798 ILI were excluded for not complying with inclusion criteria. After data restriction the sample size in both groups was higher than 148 individuals/ season; minimum sample size needed to detect a VE of at least 50% considering a level of significance of 5% and 80% power. Crude VE point estimates were under 45% in 2004/05, 2005/06, 2011/12 and 2013/14 season; between 50%-70% in 2006/07, 2008/09 and 2010/11 seasons, and above 70% in 2007/08 and 2012/13 season. From season 2006/07 to 2013/14, all crude VE estimates were statistically significant. After adjustment for age group and month of onset, the VE point estimates decreased and only 2008/09, 2012/13 and 2013/14 seasons were significant. Discussion and Conclusions: MonitorEVA was able to provide VE estimates for all seasons, including the pandemic, indicating if the VE was higher than 70% and less than 50%. When comparing with other observational studies, MonitorEVA estimates were comparable but less precise and VE estimates were in accordance with the antigenic match of the circulating virus/ vaccine strains. Given the sensitivity results, we propose a MonitorEVA based on: a) Vaccination status defined independently of number of days between vaccination and symptoms onset; b) use of all ILI data independent of the definition; c) stratification of VE according to time between onset and swab (< 3 and ≥3 days).


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a soy diet on the excretion of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae in five farms with subclinically infected pigs. The effects on general health, faecal consistency and dry matter were analysed. In total, 200 pigs of different ages (group 1 <100 days of age (n=120) and group 2 ≥100 days (n=80)) were randomly assigned to the control (C) and the treatment (T) groups. Group C received the farm's standard diet. In group T half of the daily feed ration was replaced by pure soy on two consecutive days. Faecal scores were used to determine faecal consistency and a microwave method to assess faecal dry matter content (FDMC). In age group 1, soy feeding resulted in a statistically significant decrease of the FDMC of 2.5 per cent compared with group C and in age group 2 in a significant increase of 2.2 per cent compared with group C at day 2. Overall seven (T: 5, C: 2) out of 597 faecal samples tested positive for B hyodysenteriae by PCR. In conclusion, a high soy diet applied over two days influenced the faecal consistency and the FDMC in growers, finishers and sows under field conditions. Further investigations with more sensitive diagnostic methods are needed to prove a potential influence of a high soy diet on the detection rate of B hyodysenteriae in subclinically infected herds.


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Within the literature there is a growing concern about lower voter turnout rates among young age cohorts. In this article we investigate the reported willingness to vote among 72,466 14-year old adolescents from 22 European countries, taking part in the International Citizen and Civic Education Survey (ICCS, 2009). Results indicate that the willingness to vote remains quite high among this age group, but with a clear gender division. While girls are more likely to state that they will vote, boys are more likely to see themselves as a future election candidate. An open classroom climate at school contributes to the willingness to vote in future elections. The elements that are known to have an effect on the turnout level of adults, however, do not have a significant impact on the intention to vote among adolescents. This would suggest that the observed low turnout rate among young age groups cannot just be attributed to an alleged lack of political motivation among adolescents.


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Provides hospitals, health plans, and citizens with meaningful comparative data about hospital-related illnesses and provides pruchasers with information they can use to obtain greater value for their health care purchasing decisions as they relate to pneumonia hospitalizations by presenting information and statistics on such hospitalizations for calendar year 1998 by age group, gender, payer type, hospital health service area, and trend section, covering the years 1991 through 1998.


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Hip fracture is the most adverse outcome of osteoporosis. Few surveillance sources exist to estimate the extent of the burden of illness of osteoporosis in Illinois. Because hip fractures are an important proxy measure for the existence of osteoporosis, the Illinois Health Care Cost Containment Council examined hospital use, treatment and outcome measures for hip fracture patients during the years 1995 through 2000. Osteoporosis, as the underlying cause of hip fracture hospitalizations, is investigated for results of treatment and disposition at discharge. In the year 1995, 12,637, discharges for hip fracture patients were reported by Illinois hospitals. In contrast, in the year 2000, 12,311, discharges for hip fracture patients were reported by Illinois hospitals. This study will provide a descriptive analysis of hospital reported discharges during this six-year period, focusing on patient age and gender, cause of injury, treatments, outcomes, billed charges and expected payment source. A significant percentage of hip fractures occurred in people aged 65 and above. Hip fracture rates per thousand persons in females exceeded males in every age group in the study. Females accounted for approximately 75% of all hip fracture discharges during the study period. Facility charges for hip fracture cases in 1995 were over $213.5 million. Comparable charges in 2000 exceeded $270 million. Over 80% of patients in 2000 were discharged to another health care facility for additional care. A review of pathological fractures and reported cases of diagnosed osteoporosis are included to round out the study.


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Incessant ovulation is thought to be one of the primary causes of epithelial ovarian cancer. However, the effects of ovulation at different ages and of the various exposures or events that suppress ovulation have not been established. We used data from an Australian case-control study of 791 ovarian cancer cases and 853 controls to examine the effect of ovulation on ovarian cancer risk. The total number of lifetime ovulations was calculated using information provided in a monthly contraceptive/reproductive calendar, as well as incorporating other information such as average menstrual cycle length. An increase of I year's worth of ovulation was associated with a 6% increase in risk of ovarian cancer (95% confidence interval [CI] = 4-8%). Ovulations in the 20-29-year age group were associated with the greatest risk, with a 20% increase in risk associated with each year of ovulation during this age period (95% Cl = 13-26%). When the effects of different exposures that suppress ovulation were compared, there was an indication that some factors may have a greater effect than others. These findings support the theory that incessant ovulation is a major contributor to the occurrence of ovarian cancer and suggest that ovulations during the 20s may be those most associated with disease risk. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.