1000 resultados para Adiposidade Teses


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This research aims to elucidate some of the historical aspects of the idea of infinity during the creation of calculus and set theory. It also seeks to raise discussions about the nature of infinity: current infinite and potential infinite. For this, we conducted a survey with a qualitative approach in the form of exploratory study. This study was based on books of Mathematics' History and other scientific works such as articles, theses and dissertations on the subject. This work will bring the view of some philosophers and thinkers about the infinite, such as: Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Galilei, Augustine, Cantor. The research will be presented according to chronological order. The objective of the research is to understand the infinite from ancient Greece with the paradoxes of Zeno, during the time which the conflict between the conceptions atomistic and continuity were dominant, and in this context that Zeno launches its paradoxes which contradict much a concept as another, until the theory Cantor set, bringing some paradoxes related to this theory, namely paradox of Russell and Hilbert's paradox. The study also presents these paradoxes mentioned under the mathematical point of view and the light of calculus and set theory


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Ps-graduao em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ps-graduao em Geografia - IGCE


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Gramsci um autor da atualidade, terico da mundializao do capitalismo, mas ainda desconhecido, mesmo no campo do marxismo, entre as suas tendncias dominantes. Pensar a globalizao, o sculo XXI, a nova conjuntura poltica nos quadros da contemporaneidade um desafio intelectual da maior relevncia que tem, em Gramsci certamente para surpresa de uns e negao de outros , uma de suas fontes mais estimulantes e reveladoras. fascinante desvendar em seus escritos teses indispensveis para refletirmos alguns dos principais temas do momento em horizontes mundiais.


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Ps-graduao em Cincia da Informao - FFC


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This study investigated the main methods of separation of components of lignocellulosic biomass, with an emphasis on obtaining lignin and its application. The work was developed based on the concept of Biorefinery proposing full use of renewable raw materials and / or the use of lignocellulosic agricultural residues by biochemical or biotechnological conversion in obtaining high value added products with minimal environmental impact. From this premise, a literature review was performed in refereed journal articles and theses in order to gather enough material for critical analysis of usual and alternative methods in the literature. When researching methods that add value to lignin, it was found that with the technology found today, the cost required to have a degree of competitiveness is still too high, preventing much of the process. However, the isolated lignin can be used as raw material in the production of numerous types of biocomposites and polymers and other products such as phenols, benzene, dispersants, vanillin, emulsifying agents, antioxidants, pesticides, fertilizers, charcoal, concrete additives, among others. As an industrial production level is necessary, because the consumption of biomass will only grow over the years, it is necessary that new methods or technologies to be created in order to facilitate the extensive use of lignocellulosic biomass


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This research aims to elucidate some of the historical aspects of the idea of infinity during the creation of calculus and set theory. It also seeks to raise discussions about the nature of infinity: current infinite and potential infinite. For this, we conducted a survey with a qualitative approach in the form of exploratory study. This study was based on books of Mathematics' History and other scientific works such as articles, theses and dissertations on the subject. This work will bring the view of some philosophers and thinkers about the infinite, such as: Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Galilei, Augustine, Cantor. The research will be presented according to chronological order. The objective of the research is to understand the infinite from ancient Greece with the paradoxes of Zeno, during the time which the conflict between the conceptions atomistic and continuity were dominant, and in this context that Zeno launches its paradoxes which contradict much a concept as another, until the theory Cantor set, bringing some paradoxes related to this theory, namely paradox of Russell and Hilbert's paradox. The study also presents these paradoxes mentioned under the mathematical point of view and the light of calculus and set theory


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Ps-graduao em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ps-graduao em Geografia - IGCE


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Pesquisa documental, de carter exploratrio, que descreve e analisa os enfoques e resultados de um conjunto de estudos sobre a produo cientfica em Turismo no exterior e no Brasil, com base em levantamento bibliogrfico e anlise de contedo. Com o objetivo de discutir a relevncia e o estgio evolutivo do conhecimento turstico, apresenta uma amostra de estudos referenciais sobre o tema no exterior e mapeia 24 estudos produzidos nessa temtica no Brasil de 1993 a 2008, destacando diferentes objetivos, objetos de estudo, metodologias e resultados. A maioria das pesquisas no exterior apresenta-se como quantitativa, centra-se em peridicos cientficos e destaca-se pelo referencial terico e a metodologia adotada. No Brasil, embora a maioria das pesquisas privilegie as dissertaes e teses acadmicas enquanto objeto de estudo h maior diversidade deste; nota-se, porm, certo distanciamento em relao ao referencial terico e metodolgico dos estudos do exterior.


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We used body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) as fat indicators to assess whether perinatal and early adulthood factors are associated with adiposity in early adulthood. We hypothesized that risk factors differ between men and women and are also different when WC is used for measuring adiposity as opposed to BMI. We conducted a longitudinal study based on a sample of 2,063 adults from the 1978/1979 Ribeirao Preto birth cohort. Adjustment was performed using four sequential multiple linear regression models stratified by sex. Both perinatal and early adulthood variables influenced adulthood BMI and WC. The associations differed between men and women and depending on the measure of abdominal adiposity (BMI or WC). Living with a partner, for both men and women, and high fat and alcohol intake in men were factors that were consistently associated with higher adulthood BMI and WC levels. The differences observed between sexes may point to different lifestyles of men and women, suggesting that prevention policies should consider gender specific strategies.


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Descartes concebe que a verdadeira ordem cientfica a ordem das razes, na qual se parte das verdades mais fceis e evidentes em direo s mais difceis e complexas. Assim, estabelece-se uma ordem nica, progressiva e irreversvel, onde cada membro da cadeia depende daqueles que o antecederam, de modo que cada tese possui um lugar no-intercambivel dentro da doutrina. Leibniz, ao contrrio, defende que "[...] uma mesma verdade pode ter vrios lugares, conforme as diferentes relaes que pode possuir" (Novos Ensaios, IV, XXI, 4). A fim de evitar as repeties, reunindo-se o mximo de verdades no mnimo de volumes, o autor prope que a melhor ordem cientfica a disposio sistemtica das matrias, que consiste em uma organizao do saber na qual cada lugar reenvia a outros, tornando clara a conexo entre os conhecimentos. Em contraposio ao modelo de sistema cartesiano, no modelo leibniziano, as teses se fundamentam mutuamente e a ordem das verdades estabelecidas reversvel. Ora, devido a essas diferenas na concepo de sistema que Leibniz, ao contrrio de Descartes, pode pretender tomar o que h de melhor nos sistemas legados pela tradio para constituir o seu prprio sistema, j que para ele h uma certa maleabilidade na constituio do sistema filosfico.


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Objetivo: desenvolver um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (AVA) para alunos do ensino fundamental sobre sndromes genticas. Mtodo: o AVA, conhecido como Cybertutor, possibilita o aprendizado do aluno pela internet de forma interativa. A metodologia deste estudo foi composta de duas etapas, a de desenvolvimento e a de disponibilizao do AVA. O desenvolvimento do contedo educacional, grfico e audiovisual do Cybertutor contou com o auxlio de um geneticista do HRAC/ USP e de informaes cientficas disponibilizadas em livros, artigos, teses e dissertaes nacionais e internacionais. O Cybertutor foi disponibilizado na plataforma do Projeto Jovem Doutor (http://www. jovemdoutor.org.br/jdr/) pela equipe tcnica da DTM/FMUSP. Resultados: o Cybertutor elaborado possibilitou estruturar o contedo educacional, grfico e audiovisual em tpicos, inserir questes de reforo, lista de discusso e verificar o desempenho dos alunos. Concluso: o AVA desenvolvido pode ser uma importante ferramenta de educao em sade em Sndromes Genticas, abrangendo as mais diversas regies do pas.