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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The experimental mesonic density of states ρmeson(m)≃ρbaryon(m) from 0.9 to 1.3 GeV. In this region the ρmeson fits the ρ(m) deduced for it from discrete bag model states. Beyond 1.3 GeV one can expect exotic mesons. If ρmeson is replaced by the baryon density (as suggested by string model studies [D. Kutasov and N. Seiberg, Nucl. Phys. B 358 (1991) 600; P.G.O. Freund and J.L. Rosner, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68 (1992) 765]), agreement with theory is obtained up to 1.7 GeV. Beyond 1.7 GeV exotic baryons may be expected.
We show that the ground-state energy of the q-deformed Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Hamiltonian can be estimated by q-deformed coherent states. We also use these coherent states to analyse qualitatively the suppression of the second order ground-state energy phase transition of this model. © 1993.
This is a cross-sectional study with a randomized choice of individuals aiming at studying the validity of the Brazilian biological exposure limits applied to lead level in the blood (PbB) and delta-aminolevulinic acid in the urine (ALAU), which are 60 μ/dl and 10 mg/g.creat., respectively. Thus, twenty workers, whose PbB and ALAU values have been below these limits over the past two years, were selected at random at a battery plant in the State of S. Paulo, Brazil. The workers were submitted to a variation of the WHO Neurobehavioral Core Test Battery. The results were compared with those obtained for workers of a control group also chosen at random. The lead workers showed memory, mood and motor coordination disorders. Comparing these results with those obtained from the control group, a significant difference was observed (p-value < 0.02). The results indicate that the Brazilian biological exposure limits above should be reconsidered.
Four 0.02-ha earthen ponds at the UNESP Aquaculture Center, Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil, were stocked with newly metamorphosed Macrobrachium rosenbergii post-larvae at 1.5 animals/m2. After 8 mo, prawn density at harvest ranged from 0.3/ m2 to 0.8/m2. Growth curves were determined for each population using von Bertalanffy growth functions. Asymptotic maximum length and asymptotic maximum weight increased as final population size decreased indicating that a strong density effect on prawn growth occurs in semi-intensive culture, even when populational density varies within a small range of less than 1 animal/m2.
Recently, was proposed a chemical method for preparation of ferroelectric thin films based on oxide precursors. In this work, PZT thin films were prepared to attest the viability of this method for cation-substitution. In this study, a small concentration of Nb (5 mol%) was selected as substitute of B-site in ABO 3 structure of PZT. Dielectric and ferroelectric properties of PZT films were studied as a function of cation-substitution. Results for Nb-PZT were compared with PZT films undoped. The values of dielectric constant, at typical 100 kHz frequency, were 358 and 137, for PZT and Nb-PZT films respectively. Remanent polarizations of these films were respectively 7.33 μ C/cm 2 and 13.3 μ C/cm 2 , while the measured coercive fields were 101 kV/cm and 93 kV/cm. As a result, changes on observed dielectric and ferroelectric values confirm the Nb substitution in PZT thin film produced by oxide precursor method. © 2002 Taylor & Francis.
Mathematical programming problems with equilibrium constraints (MPEC) are nonlinear programming problems where the constraints have a form that is analogous to first-order optimality conditions of constrained optimization. We prove that, under reasonable sufficient conditions, stationary points of the sum of squares of the constraints are feasible points of the MPEC. In usual formulations of MPEC all the feasible points are nonregular in the sense that they do not satisfy the Mangasarian-Fromovitz constraint qualification of nonlinear programming. Therefore, all the feasible points satisfy the classical Fritz-John necessary optimality conditions. In principle, this can cause serious difficulties for nonlinear programming algorithms applied to MPEC. However, we show that most feasible points do not satisfy a recently introduced stronger optimality condition for nonlinear programming. This is the reason why, in general, nonlinear programming algorithms are successful when applied to MPEC.
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most frequent entrapment neuropathy. In the last decade several papers have been published on epidemiology, clinical aspects, diagnosis, and treatment, but little is known about its natural history. The objective of this work was to study the natural history of CTS syndrome. From 358 patients with clinical and conduction study diagnosis of CTS, 12 cases were identified that had refused surgical treatment, had not used anti-inflammatory medications, and had not undergone orthopaedic procedures, such as immobilization or anaesthetic infiltration. These 12 patients have 20 compromised hands which have been followed up for between 4 and 9 years. In all cases sensory and motor conduction studies were performed on the median nerve, at the beginning and end of follow-up period. Electrical improvement was marked in 5 hands and slight in 3; there was no significant change in 10, and deterioration in 2. As 8 hands (7 patients) showed improved clinical symptoms and conduction studies over several years, this brings the universally accepted procedure of surgical treatment into doubt.
This paper describes a high senstivity low cost capacitive strain gage sensor. The theory, design, and sensor construction details are presented. It consists of eight capacitive sensors connected in two full bridges. The capacitive strain gage sensor structure was designed in order to produce high sensitivity and low dependence with temperature. By using a simple signal conditioning circuit constituted by a differential amplifier, a band-pass filter, and a precision rectifier the device can measure forces with resolution of 0.009 N and precision of 98.7%. It is rugged, presents linear response, and good repeatability. It presents sensitivity of 8.7 V/N and fall time of 12 ms.
The accuracy of impressions that transfer the relationship of the implant to the metal framework of the prosthesis continues to be a problem. This study was designed to evaluate the accuracy of the transfer process under variable conditions with regard to implant analog angulations, impression materials, and techniques. Replicas (n = 60) of a metal matrix (control) containing four implants at 90°, 80°, 75°, and 65° in relation to the horizontal surface were obtained by using three impression techniques: T1 - indirect technique with conical copings in closed trays; T2 - direct technique with square copings in open trays; and T3 - square copings splinted with autopolymerizing acrylic resin; and four elastomers: P-polysulfide; I-polyether; A-addition silicone; and Z-condensation silicone. The values of the implant analog annulations were assessed by a profilometer to the nearest 0.017°, then submitted to analysis of variance for comparisons at significance of 5% (P < .05). For implant analog at 90°, the material A associated with T2 and material Z with T3 behaved differently (P < .05) from all groups. At 80°, all materials behaved differently (P < .01) with T1. At 75°, when T1 was associated, materials P and A showed similar behavior, as well as materials I and Z; however, P and A were different from I and Z (P < .01). When T3 was associated, all experimental groups behaved differently among them (P < .01). At 65°, the materials P and Z behaved differently (P < .01) from the control group with T1, T2, and T3; the materials I and A behaved differently from the control group (P < .01) when T1 and T2, respectively, were associated. The more perpendicular the implant analog annulation is in relation to the horizontal surface, the more accurate the impression. The best materials were material I and A and the most satisfactory technique was technique 3.
Purpose: Selecting artificial teeth for edentulous patients is difficult when pre-extraction records are not available. Various guidelines have been suggested for determining the width of the maxillary anterior denture teeth. This study was undertaken to evaluate the use of the nasal width as a guide for the selection of proper width maxillary anterior denture teeth in four racial groups of the Brazilian population. Materials and Methods: One hundred and sixty subjects (40 Whites, 40 Mulattos, 40 Blacks, and 40 Asians) were selected. Using a sliding caliper, the nasal width and the intercanine distance were measured. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationship between the above measurements. A prediction was made of the percentage of subjects of the White, Mulatto, Black, and Asian populations in which the selection error due to the clinical application of the method of the nasal width would be within 0 to 2 mm, within 2 to 4 mm, and greater than 4 mm. Results: The four racial groups showed a weak correlation between the intercanine distance and the nasal width. In 39.7% of the White, 55.7% of the Mulatto, 81.9% of the Black, and 48.2% of the Asian populations, errors greater than 4 mm would be present with the use of the nasal width. Conclusions: The correlation found between the intercanine distance and the nasal width was not high enough to be used as a predictive factor. The relationship between natural tooth width and artificial tooth width as predicted by the nasal width showed that the nasal width method is not accurate for all the studied groups. Copyright © 2006 by The American College of Prosthodontists.
Rhythmite samples from Varvite Quarry and Park of Itu (SP), and well cores from Rafard (SP), were analyzed by optical microscopy to describe the petrographic characteristics of their light-colored (siltstone) and dark-colored (shale) laminae. The light-colored ones are essentially siltstones, commonly with traces of sands; the mineralogical composition is mainly quartz, with traces of feldspar and scarce mica; quartz or calcite cementation occurs in variable intensity, the first one being more intense in the Itu rhythmites; parallel laminations, internally normal graded or massive are the most common sedimentary structures in these rocks; bioturbations and dropstones are commonly observed in Itu rhythmites; contacts between siltstone laminae, and siltstone beds and shale laminae are commonly non-erosive and sharp. Considering this study and the macroscopic description of these rhythmites it was possible to clarify many questions about their composition, as the grain-size of the light-colored beds composed by silt with subordinate dropped sand, and the inappropriate use of the term varvite to the most of the Itu rhythmites. It was also important to reinforce their proglacial lacustrine origin, with random freezing of lacustrine surface water, and only sporadic ice-contact.
Studies have shown a relationship to exist between behavior problems in children and quality of parental practices such as communication, expressivity, consistency, and monitoring. This study aimed at describing relationships that parents have with their preschool children, and also at relating parenting skills to child behavior. We compared fathers' and mothers' social educational skills in two groups of children, with or without behavior problems at school. Research was conducted in a town in the State of Sao Paulo, BR. Participants were biological mothers and fathers of 48 preschoolers; twenty-five children presented behavior problems at school, and 24 had high social skills. Parents were individually interviewed at home. Results showed that fathers and mothers of socially skilled children were more consistent in their practices. They were more able to identify and describe their children's socially skilled behaviors. They also reported they gave more positive feedbak for their children's good behavior.