988 resultados para tourism Impacts
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão da Água e da Costa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, University of Plymouth, Universidad de Cadiz, 2010
In recent decades, the combination of tourism and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), has originated considerable changes in tourists’ behaviour. The analysis of tourism demand resulting from the Internet is of growing importance, given the increasing number of online reservations observed in recent years. However, in order to analyse the new trends caused by online bookings, the availability of data enabling the measurement and characterization of this phenomenon is essential. This has, however, been a considerable limitation, given that either no data on key variables is available or the available data is sometimes of questionable quality. For professionals and researchers in the area of tourism, the high volume of tourists who use the Internet to make hotel and travel reservations is worth of consideration, given that it may potentiate the discovery of new source markets, the identification of clients with different characteristics and may help explain the dynamics between suppliers or countries. The existence of predictive studies to support decision-making and planning, by professionals of the tourism sector, is of great importance. Panel data models are a useful and appropriate method for the analysis and modelling of tourism demand. These models consider both the time series and the cross-sectional dimensions of the data and allow for the inclusion of social variables. The results of estimation of tourism demand, through panel data models, show that the Internet and the sharp technological development have encouraged the increasing demand for tourism. The growing number of tourism companies online will naturally promote or potentiate an increase of tourism demand.
Environmental impacts of airports are similar to those of many industries, though their operations expand over a very large area. Most international impact assessment studies and environmental management programmes have been giving less focus on the impacts to soil and groundwater than desirable. This may be the result of the large attention given to air and noise pollution, relegating other environmental descriptors to a second role, even when the first are comparatively less relevant. One reason that contributes to such ‘‘biased’’ evaluation is the lack of systematic information about impacts to soil and groundwater from airport activities, something the present study intends to help correct. Results presented here include the review of over seven hundred documents and online databases, with the objective of obtaining the following information to support environmental studies: (i) which operations are responsible for chemical releases?; (ii) where are these releases located?; (iii) which contaminants of concern are released?; (iv) what are the associated environmental risks? Results showed that the main impacts occur as a result of fuel storage, stormwater runoff and drainage systems, fuel hydrant systems, fuel transport and refuelling, atmospheric deposition, rescue and fire fighting training areas, winter operations, electrical substations, storage of chemical products by airport owners or tenants, and maintenance of green areas. A new method for ranking environmental risks of organic substances, based on chemical properties, is proposed and applied. Results show that the contaminants with the highest risks are the perfluorochemicals, benzene, trichloroethylene and CCl4.
The latest economic downturn raises new predicaments for DMO’s and stakeholders to meet their target’s needs, but it also takes to the forefront of the tourism industry the importance to assess how the tourism experiences impact on the tourists’ perceived destination image, to prevent money being loss in the wrong promotion strategies. This paper purpose is twofold: A) to review the destination image and tourism experiences constructs; B) to develop a theoretical model between the experiences and the destination image.
À travers la littérature théorique sur le sujet, nous avons pu remarquer que pendant les dernières années, le processus migratoire a subi des changements : le nombre de migrations internationales a augmenté et les flux migratoires ont privilegié des directions nouvelles. En même temps, grâce au développement accélére des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) et à la baisse de leurs coûts, les caractéristiques de la migration ont été modifiées : les pratiques de communication transnationales sont devenues facilement accessibles et plus fréquentes. Les TIC ont mis au service des migrants de nouveaux circuits pour communiquer et ont introduit des changements dans la façon de le faire. Le discours transmis au moyen des TIC n'est pas limité au récit d'événements : il est composé par des expressions d'émotions, d'états d'âme récents, des sensations, qui permettent de rapprocher les territoires, et même de les unifier, donnant l'image d'une présence connectée. Ce lointain devenu accessible par les TIC crée un espace social de présences simultanées, ou plutôt de coprésences, défini par une forte interaction qui a remplacé aujourd'hui le sentiment ancien de double absence (n'être plus là et pas encore ici). L'ancienne image du migrant déraciné s'est vue remplacée par celle d'un migrant qui circule en gardant le contact avec son pays d'origine. Ce nouveau modèle, celui du migrant connecté, est caracterisé par l'hypermobilité et la multiappartenance qui l'installent dans une mobilité perçue, de nos jours, comme positive. L'usage répandu des nouvelles technologies a permis l'expression d'une culture du lien (jusqu'ici existante à l'état latent et peu développée), axée sur la création de réseaux. Les réseaux pourraient occuper une importance majeure dans le processus d'intégration à un nouveau territoire, dans la participation à la vie associative ainsi que dans la conservation de la mémoire identitaire. Notre cadre théorique est constitué par la littérature sur le sujet et nous allons nous appuyer sur une recherche de terrain pour constater à quel degré un groupe précis, celui des immigrants argentins à Sherbrooke, se sert des TIC dans son vécu migratoire et de quelle manière cet usage peut avoir une influence sur son intégration au pays d'accueil.
Tourism sector in Algarve region is the main engine of regional economy. Although frequently, tourism is considered as a low – moderate innovative sector, tourism competitiveness is still highly dependent on specific features of a Regional Innovation Platform, highlighting the crucial importance of knowledge creation and diffusion, learning, cooperative and collaborative interaction that may evolve to a Regional Innovation System (RIS). Studies of Local Knowledge Spillovers have been frequently focused on empirical evidence provided by regions highly related with manufacturing sectors. Considering a case study in Tourism Algarve Region, emphasizing a theoretical character on the analysis of these areas and using a qualitative methodology, the goal of this study was to provide preliminary evidence of the main sources and vehicles of regional knowledge spillovers used by tourism enterprises. Main information has been obtained using primary information collected from 20 interviews over main stakeholders regarding regional private and public sector. Primary information was complemented with secondary information, a deeply and extensive bibliography revision and also statistical information. Results show that, on the one hand, main sources of knowledge used by micro and small tourism enterprises are human resources and formal and informal networks. On the other hand, large tourism companies are weakly related with regional sources using mainly internal company and economic group resources to generate innovation activities. Regional innovation platform shows clear weaknesses on linkages and coordinated initiatives to promote and support innovation performance of firms hampering to increase tourism competitiveness and regional development.
The main goal of this thesis is to analyse tourism as a contributor to sustainable development, from a supply and demand perspective, in Timor-Leste, a destination not only “young” but also framed in an early stage of touristic development. From the supply side, studies 1 and 2 present a literature review on the concept of sustainable development, in small islands destinations, its weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and whose attractiveness lies in an integrated set of natural resources (attractive beaches, biodiversity, the coral triangle, a rich fauna and flora), its geographic location, tropical climate, socio cultural tradition and a Luso-Timorense cultural mix, that can meet the needs of important segments of the tourist demand. In these studies, the focus is on the residents’ attitudes in relation to sustainable development and, in particular, on the perceptions of local leaders about the importance of the operationalization of the concept. As Timor-Leste is a “young” destination, it is travel industry is still faced with several problems in order to be able to satisfy the demand and to meet the tourists’ motivations, preferences and requirements. In this perspective, the study 3 examines diaspora tourism, while a niche market, allowing for not only the entry of Timor-Leste in the international tourism market, but also an articulation between the people of Timor-Leste in the diasporas and the development of sustainable tourism . In general, the results show that the development of sustainable tourism cannot be successfully implemented without the involvement of all stakeholders such as residents, public sector (local government, policy makers, planners), private sector (tourism operators), and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that include civil society, religious institutions, the academic community (the supply side), and Timorese diasporas tourists as consumers (the demand side).
Dissertação de mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Dissertação de Mestrado, Economia do Turismo e Desenvolvimento Regional, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
In the hotel industry, undistributed operating expenses represent a significant portion of the operating costs for a hotel. Exactly how most of these expenses arise is not well understood. Using data from more than 40 hotels operated by a major chain, the authors examine the links between the variety of a hotel’s products and customers and its undistributed operating expenses and revenues. Their findings show that undistributed operating expenses are related to the extent of the property’s business and product-services mix. The results suggest that although increasing a property's product-service mix results in higher undistributed operating expenses, the incremental costs are compensated for by higher revenues. However, increasing business mix while increasing undistributed operating expenses does not result in higher revenues.
This paper reports on the financial impacts from the termination of a pay for performance plan for the salesforce at a retail establishment. Using monthly panel data spanning more than eight years for 15 outlets of a major retailer, this study documents that store-level sales and operating profits decrease after the incentive plan is terminated. Individual performance data are then investigated to help identify the role of effort and selection effects in explaining the documented decrease. The analysis of the individual employee sales data reveals that virtually all of the declining store level sales can be explained by selection effects.
Tese de doutoramento, Turismo (Planeamento dos Espaços Turísticos), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, 2014
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Geofísicas e da Geoinformação (Deteção Remota), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015
Senior thesis written for Oceanography 444