917 resultados para stage 4 and 5


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O objetivo deste estudo in vitro foi analisar o comportamento superficial do titânio comercialmente puro (grau 2 ASTM) usinado e obtido pelo processamento de metalurgia do pó sob a ação de diferentes soluções fluoretadas, através da análise do grau de corrosão em microscopia óptica (MO) e da rugosidade superficial. Além disso, o estudo se propôs a comparar essas análises com os resultados obtidos com o titânio fundido da dissertação de mestrado de Barros (2004). Todas as amostras receberam procedimento metalográfico padrão e foram divididas em grupos: Gr.1- saliva artificial com pH 7.0 (controle), Gr.2- gel de flúor fosfato acidulado a 1,23% com pH 3.5, Gr.3- gel de NaF a 2% com pH 6.5, Gr.4- solução de NaF a 0,05% com pH 4.0 e Gr.5- solução de NaF a 0,05% com pH 7.5. As amostras foram expostas a estas soluções por 1, 4, 8 e 16 min, intercaladas com imersão em saliva artificial por 24 h, e depois foram observadas em MO e MEV, a cada intervalo de tempo. As imagens em MO, 100x, foram classificadas através de escores de 0 a 4, conforme o grau de corrosão. A rugosidade foi analisada utilizando o parâmetro Ra. Os resultados da análise de MO foram tratados estatisticamente pelo teste qui-quadrado e da rugosidade pelo teste F de Snedecor e de Bonferroni (p<0,05). Nos três tipos de amostras, o Gr2 apresentou a corrosão mais severa, e os Gr.4 e 5 apresentaram os menores graus de corrosão. Entretanto, nas amostras usinadas o Gr5 apresentou uma corrosão menos acentuada em relação ao Gr4. No Gr3 houve um aumento da corrosão em função do tempo, sendo que as amostras fundidas mostraram este aumento mais rapidamente. Houve um aumento significativo na rugosidade superficial no Gr.2 nos três tipos de amostras. Nos diversos grupos, os valores de rugosidade superficial das amostras fundidas foram significantemente maiores que os das usinadas e as de metalurgia do pó. Os autores concluíram que as soluções fluoretadas de uso odontológico são danosas às superfícies do titânio fundido, usinado e metalurgia do pó, principalmente as soluções com alta concentração de fluoreto.


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Avaliou-se a taxa de degradação de elásticos ortodônticos de látex de diferentes fabricantes e diâmetros em diversos intervalos de tempo. Grupos de 15 elásticos de força média dos fabricantes AmericanOrthodontics (Sheboygan, Wis, EUA), Tp (La Porte, IN, EUA), Morelli (Sorocaba, SP, Brasil) e Uniden (Sorocaba, SP, Brasil); de diâmetros 3/16, 1/4 e 5/16 foram analisados nos intervalos de 0,1,3,6,12 e 24 horas, totalizando-se 1080 espécimes. Os elásticos foram estirados individualmente à distância de 30mm, respeitando-se o intervalo de um minuto entre cada estiramento. Os materiais foram acondicionados imersos em água deionizada à 37C. Realizou-se leitura das forças na máquina de ensaios Emic DL 500 (Emic Co, Sao Paulo, Brasil) à velocidade de 30 mm/min, com uma célula de 2Kg (Emic Co, Sao Paulo, Brasil). A leitura de cada elástico consumiu aproximadamente um minuto. Teste Kruskal-wallis com correções por Dunns aferiu significância estatística dos resultados. Foram observadas diferenças entre os grupos analisados, exceto às marcas Morelli e Tp. Foram significativas as inferências das variáveis tempo e marca comercial. Em 0 hora, a relação entre as forças geradas foi Morelli>AO>Uniden>Tp para elásticos 3/16 (p=0,0016) e 1/4 (p=0,0016) e, de Morelli>AO>Tp>Uniden para elásticos 5/16 (p=0,0087). Após 24 horas, as porcentagens de degradação dos elásticos foram AO>Morelli>Uniden>Tp no diâmetro 3/16; AO>Tp>Morelli>Uniden no diâmetro 1/4 e Tp>AO>Uniden>Morelli para elásticos de diâmetro 5/16. O comportamento no intervalo de 0-24 horas demonstrou uma queda acentuada no período de 0-3 horas, um ligeiro aumento em 3-6 horas, seguido de uma queda progressiva no intervalo de 6-24 horas.


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Beach surface temperature is recorded every morning between 7h30 and 8h00 at each coastal station. On figure 2, 3, 4 and 5 it has been plotted daily variation and mean variation computed on 7, 15 and 30 days basis of sea surface temperature. However it seems that variations of dynamic height anomaly are reflecting more accurately the stages of the coastal upwelling than the sea surface temperature.


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Esta tese investiga os efeitos agudos da poluição atmosférica no pico de fluxo expiratório (PFE) de escolares com idades entre 6 e 15 anos, residentes em municípios da Amazônia Brasileira. O primeiro artigo avaliou os efeitos do material particulado fino (PM2,5) no PFE de 309 escolares do município de Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso (MT), durante a estação seca de 2006. Modelos de efeitos mistos foram estimados para toda a amostra e estratificados por turno escolar e presença de sintomas de asma. O segundo artigo expõe as estratégias utilizadas para a determinação da função de variância do erro aleatório dos modelos de efeitos mistos. O terceiro artigo analisa os dados do estudo de painel com 234 escolares, realizado na estação seca de 2008 em Tangará da Serra, MT. Avaliou-se os efeitos lineares e com defasagem distribuída (PDLM) do material particulado inalável (PM10), do PM2,5 e do Black Carbon (BC) no PFE de todos os escolares e estratificados por grupos de idade. Nos três artigos, os modelos de efeitos mistos foram ajustados por tendência temporal, temperatura, umidade e características individuais. Os modelos também consideraram o ajuste da autocorrelação residual e da função de variância do erro aleatório. Quanto às exposições, foram avaliados os efeitos das exposições de 5hs, 6hs, 12hs e 24hs, no dia corrente, com defasagens de 1 a 5 dias e das médias móveis de 2 e 3 dias. No que se refere aos resultados de Alta Floresta, os modelos para todas as crianças indicaram reduções no PFE variando de 0,26 l/min (IC95%: 0,49; 0,04) a 0,38 l/min (IC95%: 0,71; 0,04), para cada aumento de 10=549;g/m3 no PM2,5. Não foram observados efeitos significativos da poluição no grupo das crianças asmáticas. A exposição de 24hs apresentou efeito significativo no grupo de alunos da tarde e no grupo dos não asmáticos. A exposição de 0hs a 5:30hs foi significativa tanto para os alunos da manhã quanto para a tarde. Em Tangará da Serra, os resultados mostraram reduções significativas do PFE para aumentos de 10 unidades do poluente, principalmente para as defasagens de 3, 4 e 5 dias. Para o PM10, as reduções variaram de 0,15 (IC95%: 0,29; 0,01) a 0,25 l/min (IC95%: 0,40 ; 0,10). Para o PM2,5, as reduções estiveram entre 0,46 l/min (IC95%: 0,86 to 0,06 ) e 0,54 l/min (IC95%: 0,95; 0,14). E no BC, a redução foi de aproximadamente 0,014 l/min. Em relação ao PDLM, efeitos mais importantes foram observados nos modelos baseados na exposição do dia corrente até 5 dias passados. O efeito global foi significativo apenas para o PM10, com redução do PFE de 0,31 l/min (IC95%: 0,56; 0,05). Esta abordagem também indicou efeitos defasados significativos para todos os poluentes. Por fim, o estudo apontou as crianças de 6 a 8 anos como grupo mais sensível aos efeitos da poluição. Os achados da tese sugerem que a poluição atmosférica decorrente da queima de biomassa está associada a redução do PFE de crianças e adolescentes com idades entre 6 e 15 anos, residentes na Amazônia Brasileira.


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This consultation document sets out the proposed future licensing strategy for the Lune Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy (CAMS) area. Following the three month consultation period, the Environment Agency will determine the final licensing strategy and publish it in the CAMS document. The strategy will provide an indication of whether new abstraction licences are likely to be available and the conditions that should be expected on licences. Water plays a vital role in the Lune catchment, providing water for public supply, supporting recreation, such as angling and canoeing, and providing sustainable flows to preserve numerous designated sites. There is minimal abstraction throughout much of the catchment, apart from the lower reaches of the River Lune. The document is split into five sections relating to the CAMS process. Sections 1 to 4 outline the CAMS process, and Section 5 outlines the proposed licensing strategy for the Lune CAMS areas. It is important to note that this strategy deals with groundwater and surface water abstractions separately; Sections 4 and 5 are split to differentiate between the surface water and groundwater results and strategy.


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Esta dissertação cujo título é Imaginário sobre a Língua Portuguesa e seu ensino em Balsas-MA, - tem como objetivo investigar os métodos pelos quais é realizado o ensino da Língua Portuguesa no Brasil, especialmente na cidade-campo, Balsas-MA. O tema foi realizado sob a orientação do Prof. Dr. Helênio de Oliveira, da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. O que motivou a decisão de investigar esse tema foi o fato de que muitas dificuldades são encontradas pelos professores no processo de ensino. No capítulo 1, é apresentado um breve histórico da cidade de Balsas. O capítulo 2 é sobre os pressupostos teóricos adotados no trabalho, onde os conceitos relacionados a imaginário são discutidos. No terceiro capítulo descrevemos a metodologia utilizada, de maneira clara e concisa. Nos capítulos 4 e 5, o corpus um conjunto de entrevistas com professores locais é analisado, com o objetivo de descrever as atitudes e crenças desses professores para com a Língua Portuguesa como língua materna e seu ensino. É uma dissertação sobre Análise do Discurso aplicada às teorias de Patrick Chauradeau, focando especialmente a noção de imaginário lingüístico


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Uma dedução dos critérios de multicriticalidade para o cálculo de pontos críticos de qualquer ordem representa a formalização de ideias utilizadas para calcular pontos críticos e tricríticos e ainda amplia tais ideias. De posse desta dedução pode-se compreender os critérios de tricriticalidade e, com isso, através de uma abordagem via problema de otimização global pode-se fazer o cálculo de pontos tricríticos utilizando um método numérico adequado de otimização global. Para evitar um excesso de custo computacional com rotinas numéricas utilizou-se aproximações na forma de diferenças finitas dos termos que compõem a função objetivo. Para simular a relação P v - T optou-se pela equação de estado cúbica de Peng-Robinson e pela regra clássica de fluidos de van der Vaals, para modelagem do problema também se calculou os tensores de ordem 2, 3, 4 e 5 da função do teste de estabilidade. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com dados experimentais e por resultados obtidos com outros autores que utilizaram métodos numéricos, equação de estado ou abordagem diferente das utilizadas neste trabalho.


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We describe reproductive dynamics of female spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) in South Carolina (SC). Batch fecundity (BF), spawning frequency (SF), relative fecundity (RF), and annual fecundity (AF) for age classes 1−3 were estimated during the spawning seasons of 1998, 1999, and 2000. Based on histological evidence, spawning of spotted seatrout in SC was determined to take place from late April through early September. Size at first maturity was 248 mm total length (TL); 50% and 100% maturity occurred at 268 mm and 301 mm TL, respectively. Batch fecundity estimates from counts of oocytes in final maturation varied significantly among year classes. One-year-old spotted seatrout spawned an average of 145,452 oocytes per batch, whereas fish aged 2 and 3 had a mean BF of 291,123 and 529,976 oocytes, respectively. We determined monthly SF from the inverse of the proportion of ovaries with postovulatory follicles (POF) less than 24 hours old among mature and developing females. Overall, spotted seatrout spawned every 4.4 days, an average of 28 times during the season. A chronology of POF atresia for water temperature >25°C is presented. Length, weight (ovary-free), and age explained 67%, 65%, and 58% of the variability in BF, respectively. Neither RF (number of oocytes/g ovary-free weight) nor oocyte diameter varied significantly with age. However, RF was significantly greater and oocyte diameter was smaller at the end of the spawning season. Annual fecundity estimates were approximately 3.2, 9.5, and 17.6 million oocytes for each age class, respectively. Spotted seatrout ages 1−3 contributed an average of 29%, 39%, and 21% to the overall reproductive effort according to the relative abundance of each age class. Ages 4 and 5 contributed 7% and 4%, respectively, according to predicted AF values.


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A 60-day long growth trial was conducted to evaluate the suitability of duckweed Lemna minor as dietary fish meal substitute for silver barb (Borbodes gonionotus Bleeker). Five iso-nitrogenous diets were formulated to contain 35% protein and each treatment had three replicates with 15 fish in each aquarium with a mean initial weight of 1.5 ± 0.2 g. Duckweed was used in the experiment to replace 10, 20, 30 and 35% of the dietary fish meal in diet 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Fish meal was used as the sole source of protein in control diet (Diet 1). Fish were fed three times daily at satiation level. In terms of growth, food conversion and protein utilization, the control diet and diet containing 17.07% duckweed showed the best (P<0.05) performance followed by diets containing 34.14%, 51.21% and 59.24% duckweed. Fish fed diets containing higher levels of duckweed had higher carcass moisture and lower lipid content compared to the control diet. Histopathological examination revealed abnormalities in the liver of fish fed diets containing higher inclusion of duckweed. It was noted that 10% of the dietary fish meal protein could be replaced by duckweed (L. minor) in the diet of silver barb (B. gonionotus).


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Two groups of antimicrobial peptides have been isolated from skin secretions of Bombina maxima. Peptides in the first group, named maximins 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, are structurally related to bombinin-like peptides (BLPs). Unlike BLPs, sequence variations in maximins occurred all through the molecules. In addition to the potent antimicrobial activity, cytotoxicity against tumor cells and spermicidal action of maximins, maximin 3 possessed a significant anti-HIV activity. Maximins 1 and 3 were toxic to mice with LD50 values of 8.2 and 4.3 mg/kg, respectively. Peptides in the second group, termed maximins H1, H2, H3 and H4, are homologous with bombinin H peptides. cDNA sequences revealed that one maximin peptide plus one maximin H peptide derived from a common larger protein. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Lobster analogues were prepared with lobster base flavour (paste),h lobster cook water (whole lobster omogenate:water, 1:1 and 1:0.5) and lobster meat mince. In another experiment, different combinations of ginger-garlic paste and lobster base flavour, i.e., 1:3, 1:4, 1:6, 3:3, 3:4, 3:6, 5:3, 5:4 and 5:6 were added to the lobster analogue paste. It was observed that lobster analogues prepared with lobster base flavour (paste) are suitable organoleptically. The combination of ginger garlic paste and lobster base flavour in the ratio of 3:4 was found to be suitable organoleptically. Lobster analogues coloured with annatto seed colour at 1:2 (annatto seed:water) concentration had high values for the colour attribute as compared to orange-red synthetic colour, beetroot colour, caramel colour and paprika colour. It was observed that come-up-time to achieve a temperature of850°C was 28 minutes with a processing period of 11 minutes.


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The mechanical amplification effect of parametric resonance has the potential to outperform direct resonance by over an order of magnitude in terms of power output. However, the excitation must first overcome the damping-dependent initiation threshold amplitude prior to accessing this more profitable region. In addition to activating the principal (1st order) parametric resonance at twice the natural frequency ω0, higher orders of parametric resonance may be accessed when the excitation frequency is in the vicinity of 2ω0/n for integer n. Together with the passive design approaches previously developed to reduce the initiation threshold to access the principal parametric resonance, vacuum packaging (< 10 torr) is employed to further reduce the threshold and unveil the higher orders. A vacuum packaged MEMS electrostatic harvester (0.278 mm3) exhibited 4 and 5 parametric resonance peaks at room pressure and vacuum respectively when scanned up to 10 g. At 5.1 ms-2, a peak power output of 20.8 nW and 166 nW is recorded for direct and principal parametric resonance respectively at atmospheric pressure; while a peak power output of 60.9 nW and 324 nW is observed for the respective resonant peaks in vacuum. Additionally, unlike direct resonance, the operational frequency bandwidth of parametric resonance broadens with lower damping. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.


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本论文由三部分共6 章组成。第一部分报道了余甘子、细叶草乌和土荆皮等三种药用植物的化学成分研究成果;第二部分报道了细叶草乌和土荆皮中分离得到的化合物的活性测试,以及这两种植物的质谱分析;第三部分概述了土荆皮的研究现状。第一部分包括1-3 章。在第1 章、第2 章和第3 章中分别报道了余甘子(Phyllanthus emblica L.) 、细叶草乌(Aconitum richardsonianum var.pseudosessiliflorum) 和土荆皮( pseudolarix kaempferi) 的化学成分。采用正、反相硅胶柱层析等各种分离方法,从余甘子中共分离出10 个化合物,其中1 个为新化合物,另外还有2 个为首次从该植物中分离得到。细叶草乌的化学成分研究尚未见报道,我们从该植物中共分离出15 个化合物,其中6 个为二萜生物碱,9个为非生物碱成分。从土荆皮中分离得到16 个化合物,其中8 个二萜、1 个三萜和7 个其它类型化合物,其中有4 个化合物为首次在该植物中分离得到;从土荆皮挥发油中分离鉴定出了22 个化合物,占挥发油总量的90%。第二部分包括45 章。第4 章报道了从细叶草乌和土荆皮中分离得到的13个化合物的药理活性研究,结果显示,展花乌头宁和土荆乙酸葡萄糖苷等表现出较高的组织蛋白酶K 抑制活性;土荆乙酸葡萄糖苷表现出较高的组织蛋白酶B抑制活性;8-去乙酰滇乌碱表现出较高的蛋白质酪氨酸磷酸酶抑制活性。第5 章报道了细叶草乌和土荆皮总浸膏的质谱( ESI-MS ) 分析,研究结果表明,ESI-MS 法可以简单快速地检测这两种植物的主要成分;通过ESI-MS2 分析初步探讨了一些化合物的裂解规律,尝试质谱在其结构测定中的具体应用。第三部分为第6 章。从化学成分、药理、构效关系、主要成分的定量分析、及其合成研究等方面概述了土荆皮的研究进展。 This dissertation consists of three parts. The first part elaborate thephytochemical investigation of three medicinal plants, Phyllanthus emblica L.,Aconitum richardsonianum var. pseudosessiliflorum and pseudolarix kaempferi. Thesecond part reported the bioassay of 13 constituents from Aconitum richardsonianumvar. pseudosessiliflorum and pseudolarix kaempferi, and ESI-MS analysis of these twoplant . The third part is a review on the research progress of pseudolarix kaempferi.The first part is composed of three chapters. Chapters 1-3 focus on the isolationand identification of chemical constituents from Phyllanthus emblica L., Aconitumrichardsonianum var. pseudosessiliflorum and pseudolarix kaempferi. 10 compoundsincluding a new tannin were isolated from the fruits of Phyllanthus emblica by repeatcolumn chromatography over normal and reversed phase silica gel, 2 of them werefirstly reported in this plant. The chemical constituents of Aconitum richardsonianumvar. pseudosessiliflorum never reported before, 15 compounds including 6 diterpenealkaloids were isolated and identified from the roots of this plant. 16 compoundsincluding 8 diterpenes , 1 triterpene and 7 other compounds were isolated from the bark of pseudolarix kaempferi, among them, 4 compounds were firstly reported fromthe EtOH extracts of this plant, and 22 compounds were identified from its essentialoil, representing 90% of the total essential oil.The second part includes chapters 4 and 5. Chapter 4 reported thepharmacological activities of 13 compounds isolated from Aconitum richardsonianumvar. pseudosessiliflorum and pseudolarix kaempferi. Results demonstrated that chasmanine and pseudolaric acid B-β-D-glucoside exhibit relatively high anti-Cathepsin K activities; pseudolaric acid B-β-D-glucoside exhibits relatively highanti-Cathepsin B activity; 8-deacetyl-yunaconitine exhibits relatively high anti-PTP1Bactivity. Chapter 5 reported the ESI-MS analysis of extractions from Aconitumrichardsonianum var. pseudosessiliflorum and pseudolarix kaempferi, it was showedthat ESI-MS can be used as an useful tool in analyzing the major constituents of thesetwo plant much quick and easy, in addition, the fragmentation rules of somecompounds were discussed, in order to find some applications of ESI-MS2 method in their structure determination.The third part is a review on the research progress of pseudolarix kaempferi,including the chemical constituents, pharmacology, structure-activity relationship(SAP), quantitative analysis and synthesis of the major constituents.


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本论文由三部分共4 章组成。第一部分阐述了大戟科大戟属传统中药千金子(Euphorbia lathyris L.)化学成分、生物学活性以及千金子化学成分的HPLC、UPLC-MS、GC-MS 分析成果。第二部分介绍了民族药材暖地大叶藓(Rhodobryum giganteum (Schwaegr.) Par.)的化学成分研究和结构鉴定。第三部分概述了大戟属 植物中大环二萜酯的研究进展。 第一章包括1-3 节。在第1, 2 节中报道了千金子(Euphorbia lathyris L.)95% 乙醇提取物的化学成分分离鉴定。我们采用正、反相硅胶柱层析、重结晶等各种分离方法,凭借MS、IR、NMR、X-ray 等现代仪器手段,从中共分离鉴定22 个化合物。其中8 个是高活性化合物前体-续随子烷型大环二萜及3 个巨大戟烷型二萜,还有香豆素、生物碱、甾体等类型,其中完成对5 个大环二萜酯构型的确认,对2 个二萜酯构型进行了修正。第3 节中介绍对千金子化学成分的细胞毒性、α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性、P-gp 表达抑制活性的模型筛选结果。 第二章包括3 节,第1 节报道不同产地千金子高效液相色谱定量分析结果。第2 节介绍了各大环二萜酯的HPLC-MS/MS 的分析结果,并且对其质谱裂解规律、UPLC-MS 快速鉴定方法做了进一步讨论。第3 节介绍了千金子挥发油成分分析。采用传统水蒸气蒸馏方法提取千金子中的挥发油,并经气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术共分离鉴定出 49 个化合物,占挥发油总量的90.48%。 第三章包括1, 2 两节,第1 节报道了暖地大叶藓化学成分。采用正、反相硅胶,凝胶柱层析等各种分离方法和MS、IR、NMR 等解析手段,共分离鉴定10个化合物,其中一个环肽化合物为新化合物。第2 节介绍了暖地大叶藓挥发油成分分析,共分离鉴定出 52 个化合物,占其挥发油总量的85.67%。 第四章概述了大戟科大戟属植物中大环二萜酯的研究进展。 This dissertation consists of three parts. In the first part, it is elaborated that the phytochemical investigation from the traditional Chinese medicine: seeds of Euphorbia lathyris L.. Biological activity and constituents analysis by HPLC、UPLC-MS、GC-MS were reported. In the second part, it is discussed that the chemical constituents were isolated and identificated from minority nationalitical herb-Rhodobryum giganteum (Schwaegr.) Par.. The third part is a review about the progress of studies on macrocyclic diterpenes from Euphorbia. The first part is composed of 1-3 sections. The section 1and 2 is focused on the isolation and identification of chemical constituents from seeds of E. lathyris. 22 compounds were isolated from the seeds of E. lathyris. by isolation methods of column chromatography (silica gel, including reversed phase) and recrystallisation on the basis of spectroscopic methods including IR, MS, NMR and X-ray. In 8 macrocyclic and 3 ingenane diterpenes, the relative configuration of 5 macrocyclic diterpenes were confirmed, in which 2 were amended. In the third section, cell cytotoxic activity, restraining activity of α-Glucosidase and multidrug resistance (MDR) reversing activity about P-gp were tested. 5 potential revsering reagents were found. The second part is composed of 1-3 sections. In first section it is described that the quality of the chemical constituents of E. lathyris from 5 sources , which were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. In addition, the fractionation rules of some macrocyclic diterpenes were discussed and Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography/ electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS) was applied for quick determination of compounds in the second section. In the third section, chemical analysis of the essential oil from seeds of E. lathyris by GC-MS were reported. The essential oil from the seeds of E. lathyris L. in Sichuan was extracted by steam distillation and 49 compounds were isolated and identified from the essential oil by gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). These compounds are accounted for 90.46% of the total essential oil. The second part, including section 4 and 5, is about the phytochemical investigation of R. giganteum. In the former section, ten compounds were isolated and identified. Among them, a new peptide was characterized by spectroscopic analysis including IR, MS and NMR. In the other section, 52 compounds were isolated and identified from the essential oil by gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). These compounds are accounted for 85.67% of the total essential oil. The third part is a review about the progress of studies on macrocyclic diterpenes from Euphorbia.


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A new approach for the crosslinking of polyimides via the lactamization of spirodilactone unit in polyimide backbone was studied by two means: model reaction and the comparison of the properties of the polyimide precursors to those of the crosslinking polymers. Polyimides 4 and 5 were soluble in N,N'dimethylacetamide (DMAc), dimethylformamide (DMF), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), N'-methylpyrrolidone (NMP), and other common organic solvents, whereas their corresponding crosslinking polymers were insoluble in these solvents. The glass transition temperatures for polyimide 5 and its crosslinking polymer were 262 degrees C and 291 degrees C, whereas those for polyimide 4 and its crosslinking polymer were 265 degrees C and 360 degrees C. The weight-loss rate of the crosslinling polymers was apparently slower than that of the precursors when the temperature was >400 degrees C. The 10% weight-loss temperature for the polyimides 4 and 5 was <500 degrees C, whereas that for the crosslinking polymers was close to or above 600 degrees C. The results indicate that this type of crosslinking polymer has good thermal properties. The temperature for the formation of lactam was above 180 degrees C. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.