930 resultados para sparse matrices


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Development of tissue-engineered constructs for skeletal regeneration of large critical-sized defects requires the identification of a sustained mineralizing cell source and careful optimization of scaffold architecture and surface properties. We have recently reported that Runx2-genetically engineered primary dermal fibroblasts express a mineralizing phenotype in monolayer culture, highlighting their potential as an autologous osteoblastic cell source which can be easily obtained in large quantities. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the osteogenic potential of Runx2-expressing fibroblasts when cultured in vitro on three commercially available scaffolds with divergent properties: fused deposition-modeled polycaprolactone (PCL), gas-foamed polylactide-co-glycolide (PLGA), and fibrous collagen disks. We demonstrate that the mineralization capacity of Runx2-engineered fibroblasts is scaffold dependent, with collagen foams exhibiting ten-fold higher mineral volume compared to PCL and PLGA matrices. Constructs were differentially colonized by genetically modified fibroblasts, but scaffold-directed changes in DNA content did not correlate with trends in mineral deposition. Sustained expression of Runx2 upregulated osteoblastic gene expression relative to unmodified control cells, and the magnitude of this expression was modulated by scaffold properties. Histological analyses revealed that matrix mineralization co-localized with cellular distribution, which was confined to the periphery of fibrous collagen and PLGA sponges and around the circumference of PCL microfilaments. Finally, FTIR spectroscopy verified that mineral deposits within all Runx2-engineered scaffolds displayed the chemical signature characteristic of carbonate-containing, poorly crystalline hydroxyapatite. These results highlight the important effect of scaffold properties on the capacity of Runx2-expressing primary dermal fibroblasts to differentiate into a mineralizing osteoblastic phenotype for bone tissue engineering applications.


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This study investigated a novel drug delivery system (DDS), consisting of polycaprolactone (PCL) or polycaprolactone 20% tricalcium phosphate (PCL-TCP) biodegradable scaffolds, fibrin Tisseel sealant and recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) for bone regeneration. PCL and PCL-TCP-fibrin composites displayed a loading efficiency of 70% and 43%, respectively. Fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy revealed sparse clumps of rhBMP-2 particles, non-uniformly distributed on the rods’ surface of PCL-fibrin composites. In contrast, individual rhBMP-2 particles were evident and uniformly distributed on the rods’ surface of the PCL-TCP-fibrin composites. PCL-fibrin composites loaded with 10 and 20 μg/ml rhBMP-2 demonstrated a triphasic release profile as quantified by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This consisted of burst releases at 2 h, and days 7 and 16. A biphasic release profile was observed for PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with 10 μg/ml rhBMP-2, consisting of burst releases at 2 h and day 14. PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with 20 μg/ml rhBMP-2 showed a tri-phasic release profile, consisting of burst releases at 2 h, and days 10 and 21. We conclude that the addition of TCP caused a delay in rhBMP-2 release. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and alkaline phosphatase assay verified the stability and bioactivity of eluted rhBMP-2 at all time points


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and potential of a hybrid scaffold system in large- and high-load-bearing osteochondral defects repair. The implants were made of medical-grade PCL (mPCL) for the bone compartment whereas fibrin glue was used for the cartilage part. Both matrices were seeded with allogenic bone marrow-derived mesenchymal cells (BMSC) and implanted in the defect (4 mm diameter×5 mm depth) on medial femoral condyle of adult New Zealand White rabbits. Empty scaffolds were used at the control side. Cell survival was tracked via fluorescent labeling. The regeneration process was evaluated by several techniques at 3 and 6 months post-implantation. Mature trabecular bone regularly formed in the mPCL scaffold at both 3 and 6 months post-operation. Micro-Computed Tomography showed progression of mineralization from the host–tissue interface towards the inner region of the grafts. At 3 months time point, the specimens showed good cartilage repair. In contrast, the majority of 6 months specimens revealed poor remodeling and fissured integration with host cartilage while other samples could maintain good cartilage appearance. In vivo viability of the transplanted cells was demonstrated for the duration of 5 weeks. The results demonstrated that mPCL scaffold is a potential matrix for osteochondral bone regeneration and that fibrin glue does not inherit the physical properties to allow for cartilage regeneration in a large and high-load-bearing defect site. Keywords: Osteochondral tissue engineering; Scaffold; Bone marrow-derived precursor cells; Fibrin glue


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Objective: The aim of this literature review is to identify the role of probiotics in the management of enteral tube feeding (ETF) diarrhoea in critically ill patients.---------- Background: Diarrhoea is a common gastrointestinal problem seen in ETF patients. The incidence of diarrhoea in tube fed patients varies from 2% to 68% across all patients. Despite extensive investigation, the pathogenesis surrounding ETF diarrhoea remains unclear. Evidence to support probiotics to manage ETF diarrhoea in critically ill patients remains sparse.---------- Method: Literature on ETF diarrhoea and probiotics in critically ill, adult patients was reviewed from 1980 to 2010. The Cochrane Library, Pubmed, Science Direct, Medline and the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) electronic databases were searched using specific inclusion/exclusion criteria. Key search terms used were: enteral nutrition, diarrhoea, critical illness, probiotics, probiotic species and randomised clinical control trial (RCT).---------- Results: Four RCT papers were identified with two reporting full studies, one reporting a pilot RCT and one conference abstract reporting an RCT pilot study. A trend towards a reduction in diarrhoea incidence was observed in the probiotic groups. However, mortality associated with probiotic use in some severely and critically ill patients must caution the clinician against its use.---------- Conclusion: Evidence to support probiotic use in the management of ETF diarrhoea in critically ill patients remains unclear. This paper argues that probiotics should not be administered to critically ill patients until further research has been conducted to examine the causal relationship between probiotics and mortality, irrespective of the patient's disease state or projected prophylactic benefit of probiotic administration.


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A hierarchical structure is used to represent the content of the semi-structured documents such as XML and XHTML. The traditional Vector Space Model (VSM) is not sufficient to represent both the structure and the content of such web documents. Hence in this paper, we introduce a novel method of representing the XML documents in Tensor Space Model (TSM) and then utilize it for clustering. Empirical analysis shows that the proposed method is scalable for a real-life dataset as well as the factorized matrices produced from the proposed method helps to improve the quality of clusters due to the enriched document representation with both the structure and the content information.


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Online dating networks, a type of social network, are gaining popularity. With many people joining and being available in the network, users are overwhelmed with choices when choosing their ideal partners. This problem can be overcome by utilizing recommendation methods. However, traditional recommendation methods are ineffective and inefficient for online dating networks where the dataset is sparse and/or large and two-way matching is required. We propose a methodology by using clustering, SimRank to recommend matching candidates to users in an online dating network. Data from a live online dating network is used in evaluation. The success rate of recommendation obtained using the proposed method is compared with baseline success rate of the network and the performance is improved by double.


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This study investigated, validated, and applied the optimum conditions for a modified microwave assisted digestion method for subsequent ICP-MS determination of mercury, cadmium, and lead in two matrices relevant to water quality, that is, sediment and fish. Three different combinations of power, pressure, and time conditions for microwave-assisted digestion were tested, using two certified reference materials representing the two matrices, to determine the optimum set of conditions. Validation of the optimized method indicated better recovery of the studied metals compared to standard methods. The validated method was applied to sediment and fish samples collected from Agusan River and one of its tributaries, located in Eastern Mindanao, Philippines. The metal concentrations in sediment ranged from 2.85 to 341.06 mg/kg for Hg, 0.05 to 44.46 mg/kg for Cd and 2.20 to 1256.16 mg/kg for Pb. The results indicate that the concentrations of these metals in the sediments rapidly decrease with distance downstream from sites of contamination. In the selected fish species, the metals were detected but at levels that are considered safe for human consumption, with concentrations of 2.14 to 6.82 μg/kg for Hg, 0.035 to 0.068 μg/kg for Cd, and 0.019 to 0.529 μg/kg for Pb.


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We have used a scanning tunneling microscope to manipulate heteroleptic phthalocyaninato, naphthalocyaninato, porphyrinato double-decker molecules at the liquid/solid interface between 1-phenyloctane solvent and graphite. We employed nano-grafting of phthalocyanines with eight octyl chains to place these molecules into a matrix of heteroleptic double-decker molecules; the overlayer structure is epitaxial on graphite. We have also used nano-grafting to place double-decker molecules in matrices of single-layer phthalocyanines with octyl chains. Rectangular scans with a scanning tunneling microscope at low bias voltage resulted in the removal of the adsorbed doubledecker molecular layer and substituted the double-decker molecules with bilayer-stacked phthalocyanines from phenyloctane solution. Single heteroleptic double-decker molecules with lutetium sandwiched between naphthalocyanine and octaethylporphyrin were decomposed with voltage pulses from the probe tip; the top octaethylporphyrin ligand was removed and the bottom naphthalocyanine ligand remained on the surface. A domain of decomposed molecules was formed within the double-decker molecular domain, and the boundary of the decomposed molecular domain self-cured to become rectangular. We demonstrated a molecular “sliding block puzzle” with cascades of double-decker molecules on the graphite surface.


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The development of growth factor delivery strategies to circumvent the burst release phenomenon prevalent in most current systems has driven research towards encapsulating molecules in resorbable polymer matrices. For these polymer release techniques to be efficacious in a clinical setting, several key points need to be addressed. This present study has investigated the encapsulation of the growth factor, BMP-2 within PLGA/PLGA-PEG-PLGA microparticles. Morphology, size distribution, encapsulation efficiency and release kinetics were investigated and we have demonstrated a sustained release of bioactive BMP-2. Furthermore, biocompatibility of the PLGA microparticles was established and released BMP-2 was shown to promote the differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells towards the osteogenic lineage to a greater extent than osteogenic supplements (as early as day 10 in culture), as determined using alkaline phosphatase and alizarin red assays. This study showcases a potential BMP-2 delivery system which may now be translated into more complex delivery systems, such as 3D, mechanically robust scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration applications.


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We assess the performance of an exponential integrator for advancing stiff, semidiscrete formulations of the unsaturated Richards equation in time. The scheme is of second order and explicit in nature but requires the action of the matrix function φ(A) where φ(z) = [exp(z) - 1]/z on a suitability defined vector v at each time step. When the matrix A is large and sparse, φ(A)v can be approximated by Krylov subspace methods that require only matrix-vector products with A. We prove that despite the use of this approximation the scheme remains second order. Furthermore, we provide a practical variable-stepsize implementation of the integrator by deriving an estimate of the local error that requires only a single additional function evaluation. Numerical experiments performed on two-dimensional test problems demonstrate that this implementation outperforms second-order, variable-stepsize implementations of the backward differentiation formulae.


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Three different methods of inclusion of current measurements by phasor measurement units (PMUs) in a power sysetm state estimator is investigated. A comprehensive formulation of the hybrid state estimator incorporating conventional, as well as PMU measurements, is presented for each of the three methods. The behaviour of the elements because of the current measurements in the measurement Jacobian matrix is examined for any possible ill-conditioning of the state estimator gain matrix. The performance of the state estimators are compared in terms of the convergence properties and the varian in the estimated states. The IEEE 14-bus and IEEE 300-bus systems are used as test beds for the study.


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Cell based therapies as they apply to tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, require cells capable of self renewal and differentiation, and a prerequisite is to be able to prepare an effective dose of ex vivo expanded cells for autologous transplants. The in vivo identification of a source of physiologically relevant cell types suitable for cell therapies therefore figures as an integral part of tissue engineering. Stem cells serve as a reserve for biological repair, having the potential to differentiate into a number of specialised cell types within the body; they therefore represent the most useful candidates for cell based therapies. The primary goal of stem cell research is to produce cells that are both patient specific, as well as having properties suitable for the specific conditions for which they are intended to remedy. From a purely scientific perspective, stem cells allow scientists to gain a deeper understanding of developmental biology and regenerative therapies. Stem cells have acquired a number of uses for applications in regenerative medicine, immunotherapy, gene therapy, but it is in the area of tissue engineering that they generate most excitement, primarily as a result of their capacity for self-renewal and pluripotency. A unique feature of stem cells is their ability to maintain an uncommitted quiescent state in vivo and then, once triggered by conditions such as disease, injury or natural wear or tear, serve as a reservoir and natural support system to replenish lost cells. Although these cells retain the plasticity to differentiate into various tissues, being able to control this differentiation process is still one of the biggest challenges facing stem cell research. In an effort to harness the potential of these cells a number of studies have been conducted using both embryonic/foetal and adult stem cells. The use of embryonic stem cells (ESC) have been hampered by strong ethical and political concerns, this despite their perceived versatility due to their pluripotency. Ethical issues aside, other concerns raised with ESCs relates to the possibility of tumorigenesis, immune rejection and complications with immunosuppressive therapies, all of which adds layers of complications to the application ESC in research and which has led to the search for alternative sources for stem cells. The adult tissues in higher organisms harbours cells, termed adult stem cells, and these cells are reminiscent of unprogrammed stem cells. A number of sources of adult stem cells have been described. Bone marrow is by far the most accessible source of two potent populations of adult stem cells, namely haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs). Autologously harvested adult stem cells can, in contrast to embryonic stem cells, readily be used in autografts, since immune rejection is not an issue; and their use in scientific research has not attracted the ethical concerns which have been the case with embryonic stem cells. The major limitation to their use, however, is the fact that adult stem cells are exceedingly rare in most tissues. This fact makes identifying and isolating these cells problematic; bone marrow being perhaps the only notable exception. Unlike the case of HSCs, there are as yet no rigorous criteria for characterizing MSCs. Changing acuity about the pluripotency of MSCs in recent studies has expanded their potential application; however, the underlying molecular pathways which impart the features distinctive to MSCs remain elusive. Furthermore, the sparse in vivo distribution of these cells imposes a clear limitation to their study in vitro. Also, when MSCs are cultured in vitro, there is a loss of the in vivo microenvironment, resulting in a progressive decline in proliferation potential and multipotentiality. This is further exacerbated with increased passage numbers in culture, characterized by the onset of senescence related changes. As a consequence, it is necessary to establish protocols for generating large numbers of MSCs but without affecting their differentiation potential. MSCs are capable of differentiating into mesenchymal tissue lineages, including bone, cartilage, fat, tendon, muscle, and marrow stroma. Recent findings indicate that adult bone marrow may also contain cells that can differentiate into the mature, nonhematopoietic cells of a number of tissues, including cells of the liver, kidney, lung, skin, gastrointestinal tract, and myocytes of heart and skeletal muscle. MSCs can readily be expanded in vitro and can be genetically modified by viral vectors and be induced to differentiate into specific cell lineages by changing the microenvironment–properties which makes these cells ideal vehicles for cellular gene therapy. MSCs can also exert profound immunosuppressive effects via modulation of both cellular and innate immune pathways, and this property allows them to overcome the issue of immune rejection. Despite the many attractive features associated with MSCs, there are still many hurdles to overcome before these cells are readily available for use in clinical applications. The main concern relates to in vivo characterization and identification of MSCs. The lack of a universal biomarker, sparse in vivo distribution, and a steady age related decline in their numbers, makes it an obvious need to decipher the reprogramming pathways and critical molecular players which govern the characteristics unique to MSCs. This book presents a comprehensive insight into the biology of adult stem cells and their utility in current regeneration therapies. The adult stem cell populations reviewed in this book include bone marrow derived MSCs, adipose derived stem cells (ASCs), umbilical cord blood stem cells, and placental stem cells. The features such as MSC circulation and trafficking, neuroprotective properties, and the nurturing roles and differentiation potential of multiple lineages have been discussed in details. In terms of therapeutic applications, the strengths of MSCs have been presented and their roles in disease treatments such as osteoarthritis, Huntington’s disease, periodontal regeneration, and pancreatic islet transplantation have been discussed. An analysis comparing osteoblast differentiation of umbilical cord blood stem cells and MSCs has been reviewed, as has a comparison of human placental stem cells and ASCs, in terms of isolation, identification and therapeutic applications of ASC in bone, cartilage regeneration, as well as myocardial regeneration. It is my sincere hope that this book will update the reader as to the research progress of MSC biology and potential use of these cells in clinical applications. It will be the best reward to all contributors of this book, if their efforts herein may in some way help the readers in any part of their study, research, and career development.


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Hydrogels provide a 3-dimensional network for embedded cells and offer promise for cartilage tissue engineering applications. Nature-derived hydrogels, including alginate, have been shown to enhance the chondrocyte phenotype but are variable and not entirely controllable. Synthetic hydrogels, including polyethylene glycol (PEG)-based matrices, have the advantage of repeatability and modularity; mechanical stiffness, cell adhesion, and degradability can be altered independently. In this study, we compared the long-term in vitro effects of different hydrogels (alginate and Factor XIIIa-cross-linked MMP-sensitive PEG at two stiffness levels) on the behavior of expanded human chondrocytes and the development of construct properties. Monolayer-expanded human chondrocytes remained viable throughout culture, but morphology varied greatly in different hydrogels. Chondrocytes were characteristically round in alginate but mostly spread in PEG gels at both concentrations. Chondrogenic gene (COL2A1, aggrecan) expression increased in all hydrogels, but alginate constructs had much higher expression levels of these genes (up to 90-fold for COL2A1), as well as proteoglycan 4, a functional marker of the superficial zone. Also, chondrocytes expressed COL1A1 and COL10A1, indicative of de-differentiation and hypertrophy. After 12 weeks, constructs with lower polymer content were stiffer than similar constructs with higher polymer content, with the highest compressive modulus measured in 2.5% PEG gels. Different materials and polymer concentrations have markedly different potency to affect chondrocyte behavior. While synthetic hydrogels offer many advantages over natural materials such as alginate, they must be further optimized to elicit desired chondrocyte responses for use as cartilage models and for development of functional tissue-engineered articular cartilage.


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Recommender systems are one of the recent inventions to deal with ever growing information overload. Collaborative filtering seems to be the most popular technique in recommender systems. With sufficient background information of item ratings, its performance is promising enough. But research shows that it performs very poor in a cold start situation where previous rating data is sparse. As an alternative, trust can be used for neighbor formation to generate automated recommendation. User assigned explicit trust rating such as how much they trust each other is used for this purpose. However, reliable explicit trust data is not always available. In this paper we propose a new method of developing trust networks based on user’s interest similarity in the absence of explicit trust data. To identify the interest similarity, we have used user’s personalized tagging information. This trust network can be used to find the neighbors to make automated recommendations. Our experiment result shows that the proposed trust based method outperforms the traditional collaborative filtering approach which uses users rating data. Its performance improves even further when we utilize trust propagation techniques to broaden the range of neighborhood.


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Smart matrices are required in bone tissueengineered grafts that provide an optimal environment for cells and retain osteo-inductive factors for sustained biological activity. We hypothesized that a slow-degrading heparin-incorporated hyaluronan (HA) hydrogel can preserve BMP-2; while an arterio–venous (A–V) loop can support axial vascularization to provide nutrition for a bioartificial bone graft. HA was evaluated for osteoblast growth and BMP-2 release. Porous PLDLLA–TCP–PCL scaffolds were produced by rapid prototyping technology and applied in vivo along with HA-hydrogel, loaded with either primary osteoblasts or BMP-2. A microsurgically created A–V loop was placed around the scaffold, encased in an isolation chamber in Lewis rats. HA-hydrogel supported growth of osteoblasts over 8 weeks and allowed sustained release of BMP-2 over 35 days. The A–V loop provided an angiogenic stimulus with the formation of vascularized tissue in the scaffolds. Bone-specific genes were detected by real time RT-PCR after 8 weeks. However, no significant amount of bone was observed histologically. The heterotopic isolation chamber in combination with absent biomechanical stimulation might explain the insufficient bone formation despite adequate expression of bone-related genes. Optimization of the interplay of osteogenic cells and osteo-inductive factors might eventually generate sufficient amounts of axially vascularized bone grafts for reconstructive surgery.