997 resultados para reflectance difference spectroscopy


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The main objective of the present study is to understand different mechanisms involved in the production and evolution of plasma by the pulsed laser ablation and radio frequency magnetron sputtering. These two methods are of particular interest, as these are well accomplished methods used for surface coatings, nanostructure fabrications and other thin film devices fabrications. Material science researchers all over the world are involved in the development of devices based on transparent conducting oxide (TCO) thin films. Our laboratory has been involved in the development of TCO devices like thin film diodes using zinc oxide (ZnO) and zinc magnesium oxide (ZnMgO), thin film transistors (TFT's) using zinc indium oxide and zinc indium tin oxide, and some electroluminescent (EL) devices by pulsed laser ablation and RF magnetron sputtering.In contrast to the extensive literature relating to pure ZnO and other thin films produced by various deposition techniques, there appears to have been relatively little effort directed towards the characterization of plasmas from which such films are produced. The knowledge of plasma dynamics corresponding to the variations in the input parameters of ablation and sputtering, with the kind of laser/magnetron used for the generation of plasma, is limited. To improve the quality of the deposited films for desired application, a sound understanding of the plume dynamics, physical and chemical properties of the species in the plume is required. Generally, there is a correlation between the plume dynamics and the structural properties of the films deposited. Thus the study of the characteristics of the plume contributes to a better understanding and control of the deposition process itself. The hydrodynamic expansion of the plume, the composition, and SIze distribution of clusters depend not only on initial conditions of plasma production but also on the ambient gas composition and pressure. The growth and deposition of the films are detennined by the thermodynamic parameters of the target material and initial conditions such as electron temperature and density of the plasma.For optimizing the deposition parameters of various films (stoichiometric or otherwise), in-situ or ex-situ monitoring of plasma plume dynamics become necessary for the purpose of repeatability and reliability. With this in mind, the plume dynamics and compositions of laser ablated and RF magnetron sputtered zinc oxide plasmas have been investigated. The plasmas studied were produced at conditions employed typically for the deposition of ZnO films by both methods. Apart from this two component ZnO plasma, a multi-component material (lead zirconium titanate) was ablated and plasma was characterized.


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In this article we present size dependent spectroscopic observations of nanocolloids of ZnO. ZnO is reported to show two emission bands, an ultraviolet (UV) emission band and another in the green region. Apart from the known band gap 380 nm and impurity 530 nm emissions, we have found some peculiar features in the fluorescence spectra that are consistent with the nanoparticle size distribution. Results show that additional emissions at 420 and 490 nm are developed with particle size. The origin of the visible band emission is discussed. The mechanism of the luminescence suggests that UV luminescence of ZnO colloid is related to the transition from conduction band edge to valence band, and visible luminescence is caused by the transition from deep donor level to valence band due to oxygen vacancies and by the transition from conduction band to deep acceptor level due to impurities and defect states. A correlation analysis between the particle size and spectroscopic observations is also discussed.


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Hevea latex is a natural biological liquid of very complex composition .Besides rubber hydrocarbons,it contains many proteinous and resinous substances,carbohydrates,inorganic matter,water,and others.The Dry Rubber Content (DRC) of latex varies according to season, tapping system,weather,soil conditions ,clone,age of the tree etc. The true DRC of the latex must be determined to ensure fair prices for the latex during commercial exchange.The DRC of Hevea latex is a very familiar term to all in the rubber industry.It has been the basis for incentive payments to tappers who bring in more than the daily agreed poundage of latex.It is an important parameter for rubber and latex processing industries for automation and verious decesion making processes.This thesis embodies the efforts made by me to determine the DRC of rubber latex following different analytical tools such as MIR absorption,thermal analysis.dielectric spectroscopy and NIR reflectance.The rubber industry is still Looking for a compact instrument that is accurate economical,easy to use and environment friendly.I hope the results presented in this thesis will help to realise this goal in the near future.


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Màster en Nanociència i Nanotecnologia curs 2006-2007. Directors: Francesca Peiró i Martínez and Jordi Arbiol i Cobos


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We have employed time-dependent local-spin-density theory to analyze the far-infrared transmission spectrum of InAs self-assembled nanoscopic rings recently reported [A. Lorke et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. (to be published)]. The overall agreement between theory and experiment is fairly good, which on the one hand confirms that the experimental peaks indeed reflect the ringlike structure of the sample, and on the other hand, asseses the suitability of the theoretical method to describe such nanostructures. The addition energies of one- and two-electron rings are also reported and compared with the corresponding capacitance spectra


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This thesis is divided into two parts. The first part deals with some studies in molecular mechanics Using spectroscopic data and has four chapters in it. Certain approximation methods for the evaluation of molecular force fields are herein developed The second part, which consists of the last two chaptcrs, deals with infrared spectral studies of ternary liquid systems and a polymer film prepared by glow discharge method.


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The object of this thesis is to formulate a basic commutative difference operator theory for functions defined on a basic sequence, and a bibasic commutative difference operator theory for functions defined on a bibasic sequence of points, which can be applied to the solution of basic and bibasic difference equations. in this thesis a brief survey of the work done in this field in the classical case, as well as a review of the development of q~difference equations, q—analytic function theory, bibasic analytic function theory, bianalytic function theory, discrete pseudoanalytic function theory and finally a summary of results of this thesis


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Near-infrared spectroscopy can be a workhorse technique for materials analysis in industries such as agriculture, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and polymers. A near-infrared spectrum represents combination bands and overtone bands that are harmonics of absorption frequencies in the mid-infrared. Near-infrared absorption includes a combination-band region immediately adjacent to the mid-infrared and three overtone regions. All four near-infrared regions contain "echoes" of the fundamental mid-infrared absorptions. For example, vibrations in the mid-infrared due to the C-H stretches will produce four distinct bands in each of the overtone and combination regions. As the bands become more removed from the fundamental frequencies they become more widely separated from their neighbors, more broadened and are dramatically reduced in intensity. Because near-infrared bands are much less intense, more of the sample can be used to produce a spectra and with near-infrared, sample preparation activities are greatly reduced or eliminated so more of the sample can be utilized. In addition, long path lengths and the ability to sample through glass in the near-infrared allows samples to be measured in common media such as culture tubes, cuvettes and reaction bottles. This is unlike mid-infrared where very small amounts of a sample produce a strong spectrum; thus sample preparation techniques must be employed to limit the amount of the sample that interacts with the beam. In the present work we describe the successful the fabrication and calibration of a linear high resolution linear spectrometer using tunable diode laser and a 36 m path length cell and meuurement of a highly resolved structure of OH group in methanol in the transition region A v =3. We then analyse the NIR spectrum of certain aromatic molecules and study the substituent effects using local mode theory


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High-sensitivity electron paramagnetic resonance experiments have been carried out in fresh and stressed Mn12 acetate single crystals for frequencies ranging from 40 GHz up to 110 GHz. The high number of crystal dislocations formed in the stressing process introduces a E(Sx2-Sy2) transverse anisotropy term in the spin Hamiltonian. From the behavior of the resonant absorptions on the applied transverse magnetic field we have obtained an average value for E=22 mK, corresponding to a concentration of dislocations per unit cell of c=10-3.


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We investigate the shot noise of nonequilibrium carriers injected into a ballistic conductor and interacting via long-range Coulomb forces. Coulomb interactions are shown to act as an energy analyzer of the profile of injected electrons by means of the fluctuations of the potential barrier at the emitter contact. We show that the details in the energy profile can be extracted from shot-noise measurements in the Coulomb interaction regime, but cannot be obtained from time-averaged quantities or shot-noise measurements in the absence of interactions.


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Biclustering is simultaneous clustering of both rows and columns of a data matrix. A measure called Mean Squared Residue (MSR) is used to simultaneously evaluate the coherence of rows and columns within a submatrix. In this paper a novel algorithm is developed for biclustering gene expression data using the newly introduced concept of MSR difference threshold. In the first step high quality bicluster seeds are generated using K-Means clustering algorithm. Then more genes and conditions (node) are added to the bicluster. Before adding a node the MSR X of the bicluster is calculated. After adding the node again the MSR Y is calculated. The added node is deleted if Y minus X is greater than MSR difference threshold or if Y is greater than MSR threshold which depends on the dataset. The MSR difference threshold is different for gene list and condition list and it depends on the dataset also. Proper values should be identified through experimentation in order to obtain biclusters of high quality. The results obtained on bench mark dataset clearly indicate that this algorithm is better than many of the existing biclustering algorithms


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In any investigation, information about the molecules under consideration is very essential for tailoring their properties. Evaluation of dispersion parameters, namely optical dielectric constant, static dielectric constant, relaxation time and spreading factor, assumes significance in this context. Dielectric spectroscopy is a useful tool for estimating these parameters. Not only does it reveal details about these constants but it also gives insight into the mechanism of conduction. In this paper the evaluation of dispersion parameters of cobalt phthalocyanine tetramer in the temperature range 300–393K is attempted using Cole–Cole plots. The temperature variation of the spreading factor indicates the existence of multiple equilibrium positions in the case of cobalt phthalocyanine tetramer. To the best of our knowledge, the evaluation of dispersion parameters for cobalt phthalocyanine tetramer is reported for the first time


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Co–Fe–Si based films exhibit high magnetic moments and are highly sought after for applications like soft under layer sinper pendicular recording mediatomagneto-electro-mechanical sensor applications.In this workt he effect of annealing on s tructural,morphologicaland magnetic propertiesofco–Fe–Si thin films wasinvestigated.compositional analysis using x-rayphotoelectron spectroscopy and secondary ion massspectroscopyrevealedanativeoxidesurfacelayerconsistingofoxidesofco,feandsionthe surface. The morphology of theas deposited films shows mound like structures conformingtothe Volmer–Webergrowthmodel.Nanocrystallisationofamorphous films upon annealing was observed by glancing anglex-raydiffraction and transmission electron microscopy.Theevolutionofmagnetic properties with annealing is explained using the Herzermodel.Vibrating sample magnetometry measurements carried out at various angles from01 to 901 to the applied magnetic field were employed to study the angula rvariation of coercivity.The angular variation fits the modified Kondorsky model. Interestingly,the coercivity evolution with annealing deduced frommagneto-opticalKerreffectstudies indicates areversetrendcomparedtomagetisationobservedinthebulk.Thiscanbeattributedtoa domain wallpinningatnativeoxidelayeronthesurfaceofthin films. Theevolutionofsurfacemagnetic properties iscorrelatedwithmorphologyevolutionprobedusingatomicforcemicroscopy.The morphology aswellasthepresenceofthenativeoxidelayerdictatesthesurfacemagneticproperties and this is corroborated by the apparent difference in the bulk and surface magnetic properties


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This thesis is divided in to 9 chapters and deals with the modification of TiO2 for various applications include photocatalysis, thermal reaction, photovoltaics and non-linear optics. Chapter 1 involves a brief introduction of the topic of study. An introduction to the applications of modified titania systems in various fields are discussed concisely. Scope and objectives of the present work are also discussed in this chapter. Chapter 2 explains the strategy adopted for the synthesis of metal, nonmetal co-doped TiO2 systems. Hydrothermal technique was employed for the preparation of the co-doped TiO2 system, where Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4, urea and metal nitrates were used as the sources for TiO2, N and metals respectively. In all the co-doped systems, urea to Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4 was taken in a 1:1 molar ratio and varied the concentration of metals. Five different co-doped catalytic systems and for each catalysts, three versions were prepared by varying the concentration of metals. A brief explanation of physico-chemical techniques used for the characterization of the material was also presented in this chapter. This includes X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Raman Spectroscopy, FTIR analysis, Thermo Gravimetric Analysis, Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX), Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM), UV-Visible Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (UV-Vis DRS), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), BET Surface Area Measurements and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). Chapter 3 contains the results and discussion of characterization techniques used for analyzing the prepared systems. Characterization is an inevitable part of materials research. Determination of physico-chemical properties of the prepared materials using suitable characterization techniques is very crucial to find its exact field of application. It is clear from the XRD pattern that photocatalytically active anatase phase dominates in the calcined samples with peaks at 2θ values around 25.4°, 38°, 48.1°, 55.2° and 62.7° corresponding to (101), (004), (200), (211) and (204) crystal planes (JCPDS 21-1272) respectively. But in the case of Pr-N-Ti sample, a new peak was observed at 2θ = 30.8° corresponding to the (121) plane of the polymorph brookite. There are no visible peaks corresponding to dopants, which may be due to their low concentration or it is an indication of the better dispersion of impurities in the TiO2. Crystallite size of the sample was calculated from Scherrer equation byusing full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the (101) peak of the anatase phase. Crystallite size of all the co-doped TiO2 was found to be lower than that of bare TiO2 which indicates that the doping of metal ions having higher ionic radius into the lattice of TiO2 causes some lattice distortion which suppress the growth of TiO2 nanoparticles. The structural identity of the prepared system obtained from XRD pattern is further confirmed by Raman spectra measurements. Anatase has six Raman active modes. Band gap of the co-doped system was calculated using Kubelka-Munk equation and that was found to be lower than pure TiO2. Stability of the prepared systems was understood from thermo gravimetric analysis. FT-IR was performed to understand the functional groups as well as to study the surface changes occurred during modification. EDX was used to determine the impurities present in the system. The EDX spectra of all the co-doped samples show signals directly related to the dopants. Spectra of all the co-doped systems contain O and Ti as the main components with low concentrations of doped elements. Morphologies of the prepared systems were obtained from SEM and TEM analysis. Average particle size of the systems was drawn from histogram data. Electronic structures of the samples were identified perfectly from XPS measurements. Chapter 4 describes the photocatalytic degradation of herbicides Atrazine and Metolachlor using metal, non-metal co-doped titania systems. The percentage of degradation was analyzed by HPLC technique. Parameters such as effect of different catalysts, effect of time, effect of catalysts amount and reusability studies were discussed. Chapter 5 deals with the photo-oxidation of some anthracene derivatives by co-doped catalytic systems. These anthracene derivatives come underthe category of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Due to the presence of stable benzene rings, most of the PAH show strong inhibition towards biological degradation and the common methods employed for their removal. According to environmental protection agency, most of the PAH are highly toxic in nature. TiO2 photochemistry has been extensively investigated as a method for the catalytic conversion of such organic compounds, highlighting the potential of thereof in the green chemistry. There are actually two methods for the removal of pollutants from the ecosystem. Complete mineralization is the one way to remove pollutants. Conversion of toxic compounds to another compound having toxicity less than the initial starting compound is the second way. Here in this chapter, we are concentrating on the second aspect. The catalysts used were Gd(1wt%)-N-Ti, Pd(1wt%)-N-Ti and Ag(1wt%)-N-Ti. Here we were very successfully converted all the PAH to anthraquinone, a compound having diverse applications in industrial as well as medical fields. Substitution of 10th position of desired PAH by phenyl ring reduces the feasibility of photo reaction and produced 9-hydroxy 9-phenyl anthrone (9H9PA) as an intermediate species. The products were separated and purified by column chromatography using 70:30 hexane/DCM mixtures as the mobile phase and the resultant products were characterized thoroughly by 1H NMR, IR spectroscopy and GCMS analysis. Chapter 6 elucidates the heterogeneous Suzuki coupling reaction by Cu/Pd bimetallic supported on TiO2. Sol-Gel followed by impregnation method was adopted for the synthesis of Cu/Pd-TiO2. The prepared system was characterized by XRD, TG-DTG, SEM, EDX, BET Surface area and XPS. The product was separated and purified by column chromatography using hexane as the mobile phase. Maximum isolated yield of biphenyl of around72% was obtained in DMF using Cu(2wt%)-Pd(4wt%)-Ti as the catalyst. In this reaction, effective solvent, base and catalyst were found to be DMF, K2CO3 and Cu(2wt%)-Pd(4wt%)-Ti respectively. Chapter 7 gives an idea about the photovoltaic (PV) applications of TiO2 based thin films. Due to energy crisis, the whole world is looking for a new sustainable energy source. Harnessing solar energy is one of the most promising ways to tackle this issue. The present dominant photovoltaic (PV) technologies are based on inorganic materials. But the high material, low power conversion efficiency and manufacturing cost limits its popularization. A lot of research has been conducted towards the development of low-cost PV technologies, of which organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices are one of the promising. Here two TiO2 thin films having different thickness were prepared by spin coating technique. The prepared films were characterized by XRD, AFM and conductivity measurements. The thickness of the films was measured by Stylus Profiler. This chapter mainly concentrated on the fabrication of an inverted hetero junction solar cell using conducting polymer MEH-PPV as photo active layer. Here TiO2 was used as the electron transport layer. Thin films of MEH-PPV were also prepared using spin coating technique. Two fullerene derivatives such as PCBM and ICBA were introduced into the device in order to improve the power conversion efficiency. Effective charge transfer between the conducting polymer and ICBA were understood from fluorescence quenching studies. The fabricated Inverted hetero junction exhibited maximum power conversion efficiency of 0.22% with ICBA as the acceptor molecule. Chapter 8 narrates the third order order nonlinear optical properties of bare and noble metal modified TiO2 thin films. Thin films were fabricatedby spray pyrolysis technique. Sol-Gel derived Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4 in CH3CH2OH/CH3COOH was used as the precursor for TiO2. The precursors used for Au, Ag and Pd were the aqueous solutions of HAuCl4, AgNO3 and Pd(NO3)2 respectively. The prepared films were characterized by XRD, SEM and EDX. The nonlinear optical properties of the prepared materials were investigated by Z-Scan technique comprising of Nd-YAG laser (532 nm,7 ns and10 Hz). The non-linear coefficients were obtained by fitting the experimental Z-Scan plot with the theoretical plots. Nonlinear absorption is a phenomenon defined as a nonlinear change (increase or decrease) in absorption with increasing of intensity. This can be mainly divided into two types: saturable absorption (SA) and reverse saturable absorption (RSA). Depending on the pump intensity and on the absorption cross- section at the excitation wavelength, most molecules show non- linear absorption. With increasing intensity, if the excited states show saturation owing to their long lifetimes, the transmission will show SA characteristics. Here absorption decreases with increase of intensity. If, however, the excited state has strong absorption compared with that of the ground state, the transmission will show RSA characteristics. Here in our work most of the materials show SA behavior and some materials exhibited RSA behavior. Both these properties purely depend on the nature of the materials and alignment of energy states within them. Both these SA and RSA have got immense applications in electronic devices. The important results obtained from various studies are presented in chapter 9.


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Several series of Eu3+ based red emitting phosphor materials were synthesized using solid state reaction route and their properties were characterized. The present studies primarily investigated the photoluminescence properties of Eu3+ in a family of closely related host structure with a general formula Ln3MO7. The results presented in the previous chapters throws light to a basic understanding of the structure, phase formation and the photoluminescence properties of these compounds and their co-relations. The variation in the Eu3+ luminescence properties with different M cations was studied in Gd3-xMO7 (M = Nb, Sb, Ta) system.More ordering in the host lattice and more uniform distribution of Eu3+ ions resulting in the increased emission properties were observed in tantalate system.Influence of various lanthanide ion (Lu, Y, Gd, La) substitutions on the Eu3+ photoluminescence properties in Ln3MO7 host structures was also studied. The difference in emission profiles with different Ln ions demonstrated the influence of long range ordering, coordination of cations and ligand polarizability in the emission probabilities, intensity and quantum efficiency of these phosphor materials. Better luminescence of almost equally competing intensities from all the 4f transitions of Eu3+ was noticed for La3TaO7 system. Photoluminescence properties were further improved in La3TaO7 : Eu3+ phosphors by the incorporation of Ba2+ ions in La3+ site. New red phosphor materials Gd2-xGaTaO7 : xEu3+ exhibiting intense red emissions under UV excitation were prepared. Optimum doping level of Eu3+ in these different host lattices were experimentally determined. Some of the prepared samples exhibited higher emission intensities than the standard Y2O3 : Eu3+ red phosphors. In the present studies, Eu3+ acts as a structural probe determining the coordination and symmetry of the atoms in the host lattice. Results from the photoluminescence studies combined with the powder XRD and Raman spectroscopy investigations helped in the determination of the correct crystal structures and phase formation of the prepared compounds. Thus the controversy regarding the space groups of these compounds could be solved to a great extent. The variation in the space groups with different cation substitutions were discussed. There was only limited understanding regarding the various influential parameters of the photoluminescence properties of phosphor materials. From the given studies, the dependence of photoluminescence properties on the crystal structure and ordering of the host lattice, site symmetries, polarizability of the ions, distortions around the activator ion, uniformity in the activator distribution, concentration of the activator ion etc. were explained. Although the presented work does not directly evidence any application, the materials developed in the studies can be used for lighting applications together with other components for LED lighting. All the prepared samples were well excitable under near UV radiation. La3TaO7 : 0.15Eu3+ phosphor with high efficiency and intense orange red emissions can be used as a potential red component for the realization of white light with better color rendering properties. Gd2GaTaO7 : Eu3+, Bi2+ red phosphors give good color purity matching to NTSC standards of red. Some of these compounds exhibited higher emission intensities than the standard Y2O3 : Eu3+ red phosphors. However thermal stability and electrical output using these compounds should be studied further before applications. Based on the studies in the closely related Ln3MO7 structures, some ideas on selecting better host lattice for improved luminescence properties could be drawn. Analyzing the CTB position and the number of emission splits, a general understanding on the doping sites can be obtained. These results could be helpful for phosphor designs in other host systems also, for enhanced emission intensity and efficiency.