942 resultados para reasons for their existence
In this article, I show how new spaces are being prefigured for colonization in new economy policy discourses. Drawing on a corpus of 1.3 million words collected from legislatures throughout the world, I show the role of policy language in creating the foundations of an emergent form of political economy: The analysis is informed by principles from critical discourse analysis (CDA), classical political economy and critical media studies. It foregrounds a functional aspect of language called process metaphor to show how aspects of human activity are prefigured for mass commodification by the manipulation of realis and irrealis spaces. I also show how the fundamental element of any new political economy, the property element, is being largely ignored. Current moves to create a privately owned global space, which is as concrete as landed property - namely, the electromagnetic spectrum - has significant ramifications for the future of social relations in any global knowledge economy.
Recent advances in several experimental techniques have enabled detailed structural information to be obtained for floating (Langmuir) monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett films. These techniques are described briefly and their application to the study of films of fatty acids and their salts is discussed. Floating monolayers on aqueous subphases have been shown to possess a complex polymorphism with phases whose structures may be compared to those of smectic mesophases. However, only those phases that exist at high surface pressures are normally used in Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) deposition. In single LB monolayers of fatty acids and fatty acid salts the acyl chains are in the all-cans conformation with their long axes normal to the substrate. The in-plane molecular packing is hexagonal with long-range bond orientational order and short-range positional order: known as the hexatic-B structure. This structure is found irrespective of the phase of the parent floating monolayer. The structures of multilayer LB films are similar to the structures of their bulk crystals, consisting of stacked bilayer lamellae. Each lamella is formed from two monolayers of fatty acid molecules or ions arranged head to head and held together by hydrogen bonding between pairs of acids or ionic bonding through the divalent cations. With acids the acyl chains are tilted with respect to the substrate normal and have a monoclinic structure, whereas the salts with divalent cations may have the chains normal to the substrate or tilted. The in-plane structures are usually centred rectangular with the chains in the trans conformation and packed in a herringbone pattern, Multilayer films of the acids show only a single-step order-disorder transition at the malting point, This temperature tends to rise as the number of layers increases. Complex changes occur when multilayer films of the salts are heated. Disorder of the chains begins at low temperatures but the arrangement of the head groups does not alter until the melting temperature is reached, Slow heating to a temperature just below the melting temperature gives, with some salts, a radical change in phase. The lamellar structure disappears and a new phase consisting of cylindrical rods lying parallel to the substrate surface and stacked in a hexagonal pattern is formed, In each rod the cations are aligned along the central axis surrounded by the disordered acyl chains. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B,V. All rights reserved.
Immunocytochemical techniques were used to examine the distribution of neurons immunoreactive (-ir) for nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), somatostatin (SOM), neuropeptide Y (NPY), parvalbumin (PV), calbindin (CB) and calretinin (CH), in the inferotemporal gyros (Brodmann's area 21) of the human neocortex. Neurons that colocalized either nNOS or SOM with PV, CB or CR were also identified by double-labeling techniques. Furthermore, glutamate receptor subunit profiles (GluR1, GluR2/3, GluR2/4, GluR5/6/7 and NMDAR1) were also determined for these cells. The number and distribution of cells containing nNOS, SOM, NPY, PV, CB or CR differed for each antigen. In addition, distinct subpopulations of neurons displayed different degrees of colocalization of these antigens depending on which antigens were compared. Moreover, cells that contained nNOS, SOM, NPY, PV, GB or CR expressed different receptor subunit profiles. These results show that specific subpopulations of neurochemically identified nonpyramidal cells may be activated via different receptor subtypes. As these different subpopulations of cells project to specific regions of pyramidal calls, facilitation of subsets of these cells via different receptor subunits may activate different inhibitory circuits. Thus, various distinct, but overlapping, inhibitory circuits may act in concert in the modulation of normal cortical function, plasticity and disease.
Four different fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFR) are known, three of which have splice variants (known as the b and c variants) in the FGF-binding domain, to give different patterns of sensitivity to the different FGFs. The expression of the b and c variants of the FGF receptors. together with the expression of the ligands FGF1. FGF2, FGF3, FGF7, FGF8b and FGF8c, was determined by quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction in developing whole mouse inner ears, and in dissected components of the postnatal mouse inner ear. At embryonic age (E)10.5 days, when the otocyst is a simple closed sac, the receptor most heavily expressed was FGFR2b, relative to the postnatal day 0 level. Over the period E10.5-E12.5. during which the structures of the inner ear start to form, the expression of the different FGF receptors increased 10(2)-10(4) fold per unit of tissue, and there was a gradual switch towards expression of the 'c' splice variants of FGFR2 and FGFR3 rather than the 'b' variants. At E10.5, the ligands most heavily expressed, relative to the postnatal day 0 level, were FGF3, FGF8b and FGF8c. In the postnatal inner eat. the patterns of expression of receptors and ligands tended to be correlated, such that receptor variants were expressed in the same regions as the ligands that are known to activate them effectively. The neural/sensory region expressed high levels of FGFR3c, and high levels of the ligand FGF8b. The same area also expressed high levels of FGFR1b and FGFR2b, and high levels of FGF3. The lateral wall of the cochlea (including the stria vascularis and the spiral ligament) expressed high levels of FGFR1c and FGF1. 11 is suggested that the different FGF receptors and ligands are expressed in a spatially coordinated pattern to selectively program cochlear development. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Lyngbya majuscula is a benthic filamentous marine cyanobacterium, which in recent years appears to have been increasing in frequency and size of blooms in Moreton Bay, Queensland. It has a worldwide distribution throughout the tropics and subtropics in water to 30m. It has been found to contain a variety of chemicals that exert a range of biological effects, including skin, eye and respiratory irritation. The toxins lyngbyatoxin A and debromoaplysiatoxin appear to give the most widely witnessed biological effects in relation to humans, and experiments involving these two toxins show the formation of acute dermal lesions. Studies into the epidemiology of the dermatitic, respiratory and eye effects of the toxins of this organism are reviewed and show that Lyngbya induced dermatitis has occurred in a number of locations. The effects of aerosolised Lyngbya in relation to health outcomes were also reported. Differential effects of bathing behaviour after Lyngbya exposure were examined in relation to the severity of health outcomes. The potential for Lyngbya to exhibit differential toxicologies due to the presence of varying proportions of a range of toxins is also examined. This paper reviews the present state of knowledge on the effects of Lyngbya majuscula on human health, ecosystems and human populations during a toxic cyanobacterial bloom. The potential exists for toxins from Lyngbya majuscula affecting ecological health and in particular marine reptiles. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Recent investigations have demonstrated the presence of an unidentified source of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) in the coastal zone of Queensland (Australia). The present study provides new information on the possible PCDD sources and their temporal input to this environment. Two estuarine sediment cores were collected in northern Queensland for which radiochemical chronologies were established. Core sections from different depositional ages, up to three centuries, have been analyzed for 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDDs and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs). Variations of PCDD concentrations in the sediment cores over several centuries of depositional history were relatively small, and elevated PCDD levels were still present in sediment slices from the early 17th century. PCDD/F isomer patterns and congener profiles in sediments deposited during the last 350 years were almost identical and correlated well to the characteristic profiles observed in surface sediments and soils from the entire Queensland coastline. Profiles were dominated by higher chlorinated PCDDs, in particular octachlorodibenzodioxin (OCDD), whereas PCDF concentrations were below or near the limit of detection. These results indicate the presence of a PCDD source prior to industrialization and production of commercial organochlorine products. Further, the present study demonstrates that PCDD input patterns have been similar along an extensive but localized area over at least several centuries, contributing relatively high concentrations of PCDDs to the coastal system of Queensland.
Utilization of salt affected wasteland by growing forage shrubs has enormous economic and environmental implication for developing countries like Pakistan, where approximately 6.3 million ha of the land is salt affected. Considering the importance of Atriplex and Maireana species, research has been conducted using their different species on the salt affected soils of Faisalabad. Most of Atriplex and Maireana species survived under the environmental conditions of Faisalabad and gave the good yield in the form of forage. Some of these species are woody and can be used for fuel purposes. Sixteen genotypes of Atriplex and Maireana were tested for their tolerance to waterlogging in order to identify halophytic fodder shrubs suitable for growth on secondary salt-affected and waterlogged farmland. The physiological and morphological responses of the species tested were typical of species with a generally poor tolerance to waterlogging. Despite this, some species (eg A. Amnicola) were surprisingly resistant, surviving up to five months of waterlogging at moderate salinity and high evapotranspirational demand. The most resistant species, A amnicola maintained higher transpiration rates, leaf water potentials and shoot extension rates than most other species during five weeks of waterlogging, and a return to control levels more quickly than other species after plots were drained. Although little morphological adaptation to waterlogged conditions was detected, a shallow and extensive lateral root system and the formation of many short aerenchymatous adventitious roots from procumbent branches appeared to advantage A. Amnicola in an environment highly heterogeneous in salinity and low in oxygen concentration. Shallow fibrous rooted species were quickly killed by waterlogging, although the procumbent branches of some individuals survived as clones if they developed adventitious roots.
Pectenotoxins - an issue for public health - A review of their comparative toxicology and metabolism
Pectenotoxins (PTXs) are a group of toxins associated with diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) and isolated from DSP toxin-producing dinoflagellate algae. Consumption of shellfish contaminated with PTXs has been associated with incidences of severe diarrhetic illness resulting in hospitalisation. Concern has been raised for public health following the discovery that these toxins are not only hepatotoxic and can cause diarrhetic effects in mammals, but that they are potently cytotoxic to human cancer cell lines and have been found to be tumour promoters in animals. With advances in knowledge and technology, more PTXs are being identified, but little is known of their toxicology and the potential impact these toxins may have on public health in the long term. Without such information, adequate health-risk assessments for the consumption of shellfish contaminated with PTXs cannot be performed. This review gives a brief introduction to diarrhetic shellfish toxins, details the known toxicology and metabolism of PTXs in animals, and discusses known incidences of PTX poisoning in humans. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
There is overwhelming evidence for the existence of substantial genetic influences on individual differences in general and specific cognitive abilities, especially in adults. The actual localization and identification of genes underlying variation in cognitive abilities and intelligence has only just started, however. Successes are currently limited to neurological mutations with rather severe cognitive effects. The current approaches to trace genes responsible for variation in the normal ranges of cognitive ability consist of large scale linkage and association studies. These are hampered by the usual problems of low statistical power to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) of small effect. One strategy to boost the power of genomic searches is to employ endophenotypes of cognition derived from the booming field of cognitive neuroscience This special issue of Behavior Genetics reports on one of the first genome-wide association studies for general IQ. A second paper summarizes candidate genes for cognition, based on animal studies. A series of papers then introduces two additional levels of analysis in the ldquoblack boxrdquo between genes and cognitive ability: (1) behavioral measures of information-processing speed (inspection time, reaction time, rapid naming) and working memory capacity (performance on on single or dual tasks of verbal and spatio-visual working memory), and (2) electrophyiosological derived measures of brain function (e.g., event-related potentials). The obvious way to assess the reliability and validity of these endophenotypes and their usefulness in the search for cognitive ability genes is through the examination of their genetic architecture in twin family studies. Papers in this special issue show that much of the association between intelligence and speed-of-information processing/brain function is due to a common gene or set of genes, and thereby demonstrate the usefulness of considering these measures in gene-hunting studies for IQ.
When smooth muscle cells are enzyme-dispersed from tissues they lose their original filament architecture and extracellular matrix surrounds. They then reorganize their structural proteins to accommodate a 2-D growth environment when seeded onto culture dishes. The aim of the present study was to determine the expression and reorganization of the structural proteins in rabbit aortic smooth muscle cells seeded into 3-D collagen gel and Matrigel (a basement membrane matrix). It was shown that smooth muscle cells seeded in both gels gradually reorganize their structural proteins into an architecture similar to that of their in vivo counterparts. At the same time, a gradual decrease in levels of smooth muscle-specific contractile proteins (mainly smooth muscle myosin heavy chain-2) and an increase in p-nonmuscle actin occur, independent of both cell growth and extracellular matrix components. Thus, smooth muscle cells in 3-D extracellular matrix culture and in vivo have a similar filament architecture in which the contractile proteins such as actin, myosin, and alpha -actinin are organized into longitudinally arranged myofibrils and the vimentin-containing intermediate filaments form a meshed cytoskeletal network, However, the myofibrils reorganized in vitro contain less smooth muscle-specific and more nonmuscle contractile proteins. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Despite their limitations, linear filter models continue to be used to simulate the receptive field properties of cortical simple cells. For theoreticians interested in large scale models of visual cortex, a family of self-similar filters represents a convenient way in which to characterise simple cells in one basic model. This paper reviews research on the suitability of such models, and goes on to advance biologically motivated reasons for adopting a particular group of models in preference to all others. In particular, the paper describes why the Gabor model, so often used in network simulations, should be dropped in favour of a Cauchy model, both on the grounds of frequency response and mutual filter orthogonality.