990 resultados para random processes


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Sobriety checkpoints are not usually randomly located by traffic authorities. As such, information provided by non-random alcohol tests cannot be used to infer the characteristics of the general driving population. In this paper a case study is presented in which the prevalence of alcohol-impaired driving is estimated for the general population of drivers. A stratified probabilistic sample was designed to represent vehicles circulating in non-urban areas of Catalonia (Spain), a region characterized by its complex transportation network and dense traffic around the metropolis of Barcelona. Random breath alcohol concentration tests were performed during spring 2012 on 7,596 drivers. The estimated prevalence of alcohol-impaired drivers was 1.29 PER CENT, which is roughly a third of the rate obtained in non-random tests. Higher rates were found on weekends (1.90 PER CENT on Saturdays, 4.29 PER CENT on Sundays) and especially at night. The rate is higher for men (1.45 PER CENT) than for women (0.64 PER CENT) and the percentage of positive outcomes shows an increasing pattern with age. In vehicles with two occupants, the proportion of alcohol-impaired drivers is estimated at 2.62 PER CENT, but when the driver was alone the rate drops to 0.84 PER CENT, which might reflect the socialization of drinking habits. The results are compared with outcomes in previous surveys, showing a decreasing trend in the prevalence of alcohol-impaired drivers over time.


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Ikääntyneiden yksinäisyys ja intervention elementit sen lievittämisessä Ikääntyneiden yksinäisyys on yleistä ja hoitotyöntekijöillä on vähän keinoja sen lievittämiseen. Tutkimus oli kaksiosainen. Ensimmäisen osan tavoitteena oli saada tietoa yksinäisyyden käsitteestä, sen yhteydestä sosiaaliseen eristäytyneisyyteen ja yleiseen turvattomuuden tunteeseen sekä kotona asuvien ikääntyneiden (≥75 v.) yksinäisyyden yleisyydestä ja siihen yhteydessä olevista tekijöistä sekä selvittää ikääntyneiden itsensä kokemia yksinäisyyden syitä. Toisessa osassa tavoitteena oli tunnistaa yksinäisyyden lievittämiseen pyrkivän psykososiaalisen ryhmäkuntoutus (PRK) –intervention elementit sekä kuvata ryhmiin osallistuneiden kokemuksia interventiosta. Ensimmäisessä osassa tutkimusaineosto kerättiin postikyselyllä, joka lähetettiin eri puolilla Suomea kotona tai palvelutalossa asuville satunnaisotannalla valituille ikääntyneille henkilöille (N=6 786). Vastausprosentti oli 72 % (n=4113). Vastaajien keski-ikä oli 81 vuotta. Tutkimuksen toisessa osassa aineisto koostui PRK intervention ryhmänvetäjien (N=14) kirjoittamista päiväkirjoista, tutkijoiden vapaista muistiinpanoista ryhmätoiminnasta (N=32) sekä ryhmäläisten intervention jälkeen täyttämistä palautekyselystä (n=103). Tulosten mukaan yksinäisyys, sosiaalinen eristäytyneisyys ja yleinen turvattomuuden tunne näyttävät olevan eri asioita. Vastanneista 39 % kärsi yksinäisyydestä vähintään joskus. Useat demografiset ja terveyteen liittyvät tekijät, psyykkisen hyvinvoinnin ulottuvuudet kuten myös sosiaalisiin suhteisiin kohdistetut odotukset olivat yhteydessä yksinäisyyden kokemiseen. Vanhempien menettäminen lapsuudessa ei ollut yhteydessä yksinäisyyden kokemiseen. Yksinäisyyden kokemuksiin oli useita syitä. Aineistosta tunnistettiin elementtejä, joiden katsottiin olevan tärkeitä yksinäisyyden lievittämiseen pyrkivän PRK-intervention toteutuksessa. Nämä voitiin jakaa ennalta määriteltyihin elementteihin, ryhmäläisten sisäisiin ja välisiin suosiollisiin prosesseihin sekä välittäviin tekijöihin. Ennalta määritellyt elementit liittyivät ryhmäläisiin, ryhmän vetäjiin ja ryhmätoimintaan. Ryhmäläiset kokivat ryhmät erittäin merkityksellisiksi, ja 95 % koki, että yksinäisyys oli lievittynyt ryhmän aikana. Ikääntyneiden henkilöiden yksinäisyys on haaste hoitotyön tekijöille. Tutkimuksessa kuvattu PRK-interventio auttaa hoitajia tunnistamaan ikääntyneiden yksinäisyyden lievittämiseen liittyviä elementtejä.


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New product launches are becoming more and more important to companies around the globe. Being first on the market is a good place to be, and it will mostly likely bring the best profits. Gaining that desired position requires a lot of work where cooperation inside as well as outside of the company need to be in line. This thesis discusses launching processes in a pharmaceutical firm. The topic is looked at from supply chain management's point of view where purchasing department's role is emphasized. Additionally, launching strategies related to launches are investigated and the idea of internal alignment is introduced. Moreover, the topic is examined in project and process management perspective; how with the tools of project and process management the launching processes could be improved. The main findings reveal that there are many improvement points in the current launching process. Problems in the areas of information exchange, leadership and internal alignment were discovered yet trust and confidence for the better future compound the interviewees. This study presents what are the most important factors for a successful product launch and how the current processes could be streamlined.


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We present a model for transport in multiply scattering media based on a three-dimensional generalization of the persistent random walk. The model assumes that photons move along directions that are parallel to the axes. Although this hypothesis is not realistic, it allows us to solve exactly the problem of multiple scattering propagation in a thin slab. Among other quantities, the transmission probability and the mean transmission time can be calculated exactly. Besides being completely solvable, the model could be used as a benchmark for approximation schemes to multiple light scattering.


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This book is one out of 8 IAEG XII Congress volumes, and deals with Landslide processes, including: field data and monitoring techniques, prediction and forecasting of landslide occurrence, regional landslide inventories and dating studies, modeling of slope instabilities and secondary hazards (e.g. impulse waves and landslide-induced tsunamis, landslide dam failures and breaching), hazard and risk assessment, earthquake and rainfall induced landslides, instabilities of volcanic edifices, remedial works and mitigation measures, development of innovative stabilization techniques and applicability to specific engineering geological conditions, use of geophysical techniques for landslide characterization and investigation of triggering mechanisms. Focuses is given to innovative techniques, well documented case studies in different environments, critical components of engineering geological and geotechnical investigations, hydrological and hydrogeological investigations, remote sensing and geophysical techniques, modeling of triggering, collapse, runout and landslide reactivation, geotechnical design and construction procedures in landslide zones, interaction of landslides with structures and infrastructures and possibility of domino effects. The Engineering Geology for Society and Territory volumes of the IAEG XII Congress held in Torino from September 15-19, 2014, analyze the dynamic role of engineering geology in our changing world and build on the four main themes of the congress: environment, processes, issues, and approaches.


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The adult dentate gyrus produces new neurons that morphologically and functionally integrate into the hippocampal network. In the adult brain, most excitatory synapses are ensheathed by astrocytic perisynaptic processes that regulate synaptic structure and function. However, these processes are formed during embryonic or early postnatal development and it is unknown whether astrocytes can also ensheathe synapses of neurons born during adulthood and, if so, whether they play a role in their synaptic transmission. Here, we used a combination of serial-section immuno-electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, and electrophysiology to examine the formation of perisynaptic processes on adult-born neurons. We found that the afferent and efferent synapses of newborn neurons are ensheathed by astrocytic processes, irrespective of the age of the neurons or the size of their synapses. The quantification of gliogenesis and the distribution of astrocytic processes on synapses formed by adult-born neurons suggest that the majority of these processes are recruited from pre-existing astrocytes. Furthermore, the inhibition of astrocytic glutamate re-uptake significantly reduced postsynaptic currents and increased paired-pulse facilitation in adult-born neurons, suggesting that perisynaptic processes modulate synaptic transmission on these cells. Finally, some processes were found intercalated between newly formed dendritic spines and potential presynaptic partners, suggesting that they may also play a structural role in the connectivity of new spines. Together, these results indicate that pre-existing astrocytes remodel their processes to ensheathe synapses of adult-born neurons and participate to the functional and structural integration of these cells into the hippocampal network.


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Corticosterone is an important hormone of the stress response that regulates physiological processes and modifies animal behavior. While it positively acts on locomotor activity, it may negatively affect reproduction and social activity. This suggests that corticosterone may promote behaviors that increase survival at the cost of reproduction. In this study, we experimentally investigate the link between corticosterone levels and survival in adult common lizards (Lacerta vivipara) by comparing corticosterone-treated with placebo-treated lizards. We experimentally show that corticosterone enhances energy expenditure, daily activity, food intake, and it modifies the behavioral time budget. Enhanced appetite of corticosterone-treated individuals compensated for increased energy expenditure and corticosterone-treated males showed increased survival. This suggests that corticosterone may promote behaviors that reduce stress and it shows that corticosterone per se does not reduce but directly or indirectly increases longer-term survival. This suggests that the production of corticosterone as a response to a stressor may be an adaptive mechanism that even controls survival.


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This study analyzed high-density event-related potentials (ERPs) within an electrical neuroimaging framework to provide insights regarding the interaction between multisensory processes and stimulus probabilities. Specifically, we identified the spatiotemporal brain mechanisms by which the proportion of temporally congruent and task-irrelevant auditory information influences stimulus processing during a visual duration discrimination task. The spatial position (top/bottom) of the visual stimulus was indicative of how frequently the visual and auditory stimuli would be congruent in their duration (i.e., context of congruence). Stronger influences of irrelevant sound were observed when contexts associated with a high proportion of auditory-visual congruence repeated and also when contexts associated with a low proportion of congruence switched. Context of congruence and context transition resulted in weaker brain responses at 228 to 257 ms poststimulus to conditions giving rise to larger behavioral cross-modal interactions. Importantly, a control oddball task revealed that both congruent and incongruent audiovisual stimuli triggered equivalent non-linear multisensory interactions when congruence was not a relevant dimension. Collectively, these results are well explained by statistical learning, which links a particular context (here: a spatial location) with a certain level of top-down attentional control that further modulates cross-modal interactions based on whether a particular context repeated or changed. The current findings shed new light on the importance of context-based control over multisensory processing, whose influences multiplex across finer and broader time scales.