1000 resultados para prática


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As relações interpessoais são imprevisíveis e intrigantes devido ao grande número de variáveis que as envolvem. Especificamente, a relação família-atleta apresenta diferentes fatores, que interagem, e provocam reações sobre o físico, o cultural e o psicológico dos envolvidos; reações estas que envolveram também o pesquisador e motivaram este estudo. Adotou-se, assim, a técnica de entrevista semi-estruturada, o qual permitiu a reunião dos fatores pessoais e contextuais que envolveram os participantes, através de suas relações familiares, esportivas e em suas possíveis inter-relações. Ao combinar estes fatores, buscamos verificar a influência dos pais sobre a motivação dos filhos para a prática esportiva. Essa análise nos permitiu confirmar nossas expectativas, uma vez que concluímos que os pais podem influenciar tanto de forma positiva, como de forma negativa na prática esportiva de seus filhos, dependendo da relação que já possuem com os mesmos fora do ambiente esportiva sendo, na opinião da maioria dos atletas, uma espécie de força fundamental para que possam praticar sua modalidade com mais segurança, prazer e liberdade.


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O estudo busca, num ato comprometido, aproximar-se das questões da autonomia na prática docente a partir do diálogo com autores(as) e com professoras(es) da rede pública de Ensino Básico com vistas no repensar da noção de autonomia na prática docente. Na primeira parte, familiarizo-me com o cenário no qual estamos inseridos: influências da globalização e da política neoliberal sobre as políticas educacionais brasileiras, como nos discursos dos PCNs e os currículos oficiais. Em seguida, dialogo com alguns autores sobre o que se compreende por autonomia e as questões da autonomia na prática docente. Com eles, vou descobrindo afinidades. Na segunda parte, em busca do diálogo com e entre professoras(es), organizei um grupo de discussão por meio de um curso. O Curso de Difusão Cultural - Leituras de Paulo Freire: autonomia e subjetividade - foi um espaço criado no intuito de fomentar o diálogo, a reflexão e a troca de saberes entre professoras(es) e alunas(os) de licenciatura a partir de escritos de Paulo Freire. A escolha dos textos pautou-se no entendimento destes como disparadores de reflexões que pudessem acercar-se do tema em estudo. Cada encontro apresentava uma leitura antecipada na qual sugeri que destacassem trechos a serem compartilhados e discutidos com os demais colegas no encontro seguinte. Durante as leituras, para cada texto, propus que escrevessem algo relacionando os trechos destacados com suas práticas docentes; nomeei esta atividade de produção escrita. Após o término dos encontros, os materiais de registros – gravações em audiovisual, produções escritas e anotações em caderno de registros – foram analisados. Nota-se que, mesmo diante de tantas incoerências de uma política educacional que pouco promove a legitimação de seu discurso, a autonomia na prática docente, como a compreendo neste estudo, não pode ser exclusivamente dada nem... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The present paper is a reflection of studies and analyzes on issues involving the training of Geography Teachers. By realizing this projetc, we aim to analyze the influences of specialization training in the teaching practice of the subjects who graduated in Geography at the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Rio Claro Campus. This is primarily a discussion of the university curriculum, the professionals it forms and the current politics of training teachers of Geography. Thus, we conducted a literature review, and will be used questionnaires and interviews with the subjects, graduated in degree course and a BA in Geography in the last four years


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The difficulties related to physics teaching are related to methodology, that hinder learning, because some physical concepts beyond the common sense of most students. Just as poor training of some physics instructors in teaching is pedagogical difficulties. And also factors of infrastructure, heterogeneity in students' previous training etc.. It is proposed aim of this work to use reflection of teaching practice as a methodology. Practiced in a private school, mostly state and, in high school in Rio Claro. The method consists of preparing a daily pedagogical practice in parallel to the development of teaching, for analysis and identification of factors that result in improving the teaching of physics and physics teacher qualification


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A psicologia do esporte se constitui como uma vasta área, tanto de atuação profissional como de produção de conhecimento. Sua importância se dá no sentido de preparar o praticante de atividade física psicologicamente para que, diante de momentos decisivos, apresente um rendimento ótimo e preparo para lidar com as situações que a modalidade exprime. Em todo nível de atividade física ou esporte deve haver um motivo que leve o indivíduo a optar por determinada prática esportiva. A motivação é caracterizada como um processo ativo, intencional e dirigido a uma meta, o qual depende de fatores pessoais (intrínsecos) e ambientais (extrínsecos). Ela denota os fatores e processos que levam as pessoas a uma ação ou inércia em diversas situações. As Atividades Físicas de Aventura vêm ganhando adeptos, despertando o interesse e a curiosidade de muitas pessoas. Diversos são os motivos que acarretam na prática das Atividades Físicas de Aventura. Diante disso, torna-se relevante identificar as razões pelas quais mais e mais pessoas procuram as Atividades Físicas de Aventura como prática de atividade física. Embasado em um estudo qualitativo, buscou-se, por meio de uma extensa revisão de literatura, elencar os principais motivos que fomentam a prática das Atividades Físicas de Aventura. Espera-se que o presente estudo possa contribuir para o melhor entendimento da razão pela qual as pessoas optam por praticar Atividades Físicas de Aventura. Diversos estudos sugerem que a escolha por tais atividades pode ser traduzida pelo desejo de aproximação maior e mais intensa com o meio natural. As pessoas procuram o contato mais substancial e constante com o ambiente natural, não somente no intuito de beneficiar a saúde, mas, inclusive, para promover atitudes que beneficiem a preservação do ambiente, sendo este um fator essencial no equilíbrio existencial das espécies. Conclui-se que o contato com a natureza e a superação de..


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal aprofundar a análise sobre o processo avaliativo presente em uma escola organizada em ciclos, debruçando-se na reflexão da prática avaliativa e na concepção dos alunos e dos professores acerca dessa temática, sendo estes, entre outros, agentes intimamente ligados à avaliação na escola. Para a realização deste estudo, a metodologia empregada contou com a observação sistemática de uma turma de alunos do ciclo final do ensino fundamental (9º ano), bem como entrevistas com professores e alunos. Desta forma, pretendeu-se entender e refletir sobre o papel da avaliação na organização do trabalho pedagógico – os ciclos – e como essa nove organização requer que a avaliação seja diferenciada também, e assim contribuir para a construção de práticas pedagógicas e avaliativas transformadoras


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Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso tem como objeto de estudo a prática educativa em arte na educação infantil, focando em atividades que concedam ao aluno liberdade de ação e leve ao desenvolvimento emocional e intelectual. As aulas de arte muitas vezes resumem-se a um produto estereotipado, copiado, festivo, e não a um processo provocador, instigador da criatividade original. Considerando a importância de um trabalho efetivo com Arte na Educação Infantil, pretendo levantar atividades, que estejam de acordo com os referenciais teóricos e que fomentem o desenvolvimento da criatividade das crianças, oferecendo, aos professores desse nível de ensino, facilitadores para o trabalho com arte


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The fights are one of the most elementary manifestations of body culture, which are also constituted by sports, dances, games, and others. They are present in a lot of different ways, being very diverse among themselves. However, there is no consensus or agreements in the literature about the pedagogical practice of these modalities in fitness centers, sport clubs and sports centers. How do the teachers teach in these environments? What strategies do they use? How do they organize the contents? In what subjects they are based to execute the teaching and learning process? In this way, the objective of this study was to analyze some classes from different styles of fights/ martial arts teachers, trying to find what are their focus, goals, methodologies, classes’ dynamics and didactical and pedagogical procedures, aiming to check what is the focus of fights/ martial arts´ pedagogical practice in non-formal education. For this, it was selected one experienced teacher from the following modalities of fights from oriental origin: karate, judo, jiu jitsu and kung fu. The methodology used in this study consisted first in a literature review about the fights and sports pedagogy. Furthermore, there was one field research of qualitative nature, whose methods of data collection were divided in two: systematic observations of some classes of each teacher and semi-structured interviews with each teacher after the observation process, looking deeper into the pedagogical practice of these modalities. The results were analyzed through a content analyze, crossing the informations acquired with the instruments used. In addition to the description of these teachers and their classes, there was a classification of information, arriving the following categories: ritual and ceremony, tradition and discipline, didactical and pedagogical procedures ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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It is possible to note that the teaching done in the usual way goes against the language of youth today. It is essential that there be incentives and subsidies regarding the use of such media, whether the responsible government agencies and their members, be they principals and teachers, so there is a reform in the existing educational models and teaching. Currently, teaching is in a purely encyclopedic context of teaching models with pre-defined, ignoring the teaching based on the context in which the student lives (ethnomathematics). The objective of this work is to show how the use of audiovisual best known, such as newspapers, magazines, TV and computers can assist in teaching and learning of mathematics education, making teaching more enjoyable and inserted into the day-to-day student


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Befor the vast economical growth and wild scientific and technological development, the companies are demanding, more and more qualification and acting of the services rendered by their employees. Like this, tasks are restricted the they be done with excellence, because the companies are always controlling the worker's development. They are several the tools used by the companies, as acting indexes to control the course of the worker's activities or certain section, integrations for new employees with the objective to present the line of work of the company so that the new employee is framed in these patterns, trainings offered for the employees to carry out their services with quality and compromising, evaluations of year end in order to test the worker's knowledge and to demand better results, finally, the companies hope the employee integrates normativamente into the reality of the company, in way to contribute for the atingimento of the organizational strategies, always collecting for this to obtain the best results and contribute to the growth of the company. This way, that research will present a tool of control of the total quality applied in a company in Rio Clearing's city and that it is managed by an educador. They will be verified the objectives that the company has in relationship a this control, the worker's subjectivity as participant subject of the tool of control of the System of Administration of the Quality and the worker's different glances before these aspects throught an interview.


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The main idea of this paper is to outline a brief overview about the fashion world from its evolution in the world and in Brazil, including also its growth in the Brazilian economy. From this point, the paper aims to show the relevance of the Public Relations professionals in the fashion market, which needs, more than anything of professionals who are capable and specialized in the relationship between the company and its target market, and in the service for customers who are more and more demanding when talking about quality of customer services


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This qualitative research was performed with the goal of investigating the contributions of theoretical and methodological perspectives in the alphabetization process, aiming to train proficient writers of texts with communicative function. Hence, such were the goals established for this research: giving a retrospective look on the synthetic and analytic methods of teaching literacy; verifying the possibilities and limits of theoretical and methodological approaches of acquiring the ability to write and identifying the teachers’ ideas concerning basic concepts (such as literacy, text and textual genres) imbued in the teaching of writing; and establishing which activities they develop in the course of teaching whether the pedagogical practices of the teacher observed contributed to the formation of students who were capable of producing significant texts of diverse genres, suitable to the objectives, to the readers, and to the context of the circulation of texts. The research was done in a public elementary school, in a 2nd grade class of the city of Jaú. Subjects of the research were four teachers and twenty-eight children. For this work, two instruments were used for data collecting: a questionnaire and direct observation, registered in research diaries. Among the observations made were that, although there are many studies on literacy, the practices actually adopted in class are empirical in nature and do not contribute to the process of developing individual writing or reading skills at all; rather, it is only valued the ability of establishing relations between phonemes and graphemes; literacy teachers do not have adequate knowledge of concepts of literacy, teaching, text and textual genres, valuing only one methodological theory and disregarding other contributions on the field of text production


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The aim of this final essay is to study the writing practice of contemporary writers from Guinea Bissau, one of the countries of the former Portuguese colony, where the literature has developed very late, due to the lack of socio-cultural conditions for the development of the this practice. This happened because the country was delay was under colonial exploitation for a long time, under the command of the portuguese government. Among the elements that explain this situation is the presence of a restrictive and longcolonial education policy.The interest of this research consists in issues relating to the practice of writing and identity, It is an exploratory study which aims to gather information and reflect a) on discourses of contemporary Guinean writers about their writing practice and b) journalistic and academic discourses about the writing practice of these writers. The search of the corpus is made mainly on the Internet and the time frame set for the talks is collected from 1990 to 2010. The issues that guide the research are: 1) How is the writing practice of these writers ?, 2) What is the purpose of writing in this socio-historical context?, 3) What are the consequences of this practice for the production of the identity of these individuals? The results have revealed that: the practice of writing have a important role in the production of Guineansubject identity, because it has been related to the identity and political movements; the use of native languages and Creole in these practices, is indicative of the attempt to build in writing, an identity for the self who writes and for the other represented. This identity speaks to the cultural manifestations of the African people