982 resultados para planetary rover


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Sampling and specimen preparation produce changes in mean effective stresses and pore water pressures, even with ‘perfect sampling’. The paper takes an existing simplified three-parameter cross-anisotropic elastic model and uses it to model these changes. The required ratio of cross-anisotropic parameters J/3G* can be obtained from standard CIU triaxial tests. If measurements are also made of suctions in unloaded specimens in the laboratory, then a combination of J/3G*, the measured suction, and the effective overburden pressure permits an estimation of the horizontal effective pressure and the K 0 ‘at rest’ coefficient. This can be helpful in numerical modelling that needs to start from in situ conditions, and in planning pressure levels for reconsolidation of clay specimens in the laboratory. Tests were done on Belfast Upper Boulder Clay from a depth of 28 m. Values of horizontal in situ effective stress estimated from these measurements compare favorably with conventional estimates of the ‘at rest’ coefficient K 0 and the overconsolidation ratio. Estimates of horizontal stress in London Clay were made using published data and the results compared with actual measurements. Again reasonable agreement was obtained.


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High-resolution optical spectra of 57 Galactic B-type supergiant stars have been analysed to determine their rotational and macroturbulent velocities. In addition, their atmospheric parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity and microturbulent velocity) and surface nitrogen abundances have been estimated using a non-local thermodynamic equilibrium grid of model atmospheres. Comparisons of the projected rotational velocities have been made with the predictions of stellar evolutionary models and in general good agreement was found. However, for a small number of targets, their observed rotational velocities were significantly larger than predicted, although their nitrogen abundances were consistent with the rest of the sample. We conclude that binarity may have played a role in generating their large rotational velocities. No correlation was found between nitrogen abundances and the current projected rotational velocities. However, a correlation was found with the inferred projected rotational velocities of the main-sequence precursors of our supergiant sample. This correlation is again in agreement with the predictions of single star evolutionary models that incorporate rotational mixing. The origin of the macroturbulence and microturbulent velocity fields is discussed and our results support previous theoretical studies that link the former to subphotospheric convection and the latter to non-radial gravity mode oscillations. In addition, we have attempted to identify differential rotation in our most rapidly rotating targets.


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Age–depth models form the backbone of most palaeoenvironmental studies. However, procedures for constructing chronologies vary between studies, they are usually not explained sufficiently, and some are inadequate for handling calibrated radiocarbon dates. An alternative method based on importance sampling through calibrated dates is proposed. Dedicated R code is presented which works with calibrated radiocarbon as well as other dates, and provides a simple, systematic, transparent, documented and customizable alternative. The code automatically produces age–depth models, enabling exploration of the impacts of different assumptions (e.g., model type, hiatuses, age offsets, outliers, and extrapolation).


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Tree-ring analysis of subfossil Pinus sylvestris L., from nine new peatland sites located beyond the species’ current northern limit in Scotland, established a regional chronology called WRATH-9. The chronology has been provisionally dated against Irish pine chronologies and provides the first annual resolution picture of Scots pine expansion from c. 3200 bc and subsequent demise from c. 3000 bc. Pine germination and growth is suggested to be associated with a widespread fall in bog water-tables that indicates a regional climatic control. Bog pines progressively declined in number, rather than died out in a single event, reflecting their growth in a marginal habitat, close to a critical ecological threshold. The use of tree-ring sequences from in situ bog pine macrofossils provides a higher resolution insight into past conditions than possible with existing radiocarbon and pollen-based chronologies.


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Aims. A magneto-hydrostatic model is constructed with spectropolarimetric properties close to those of solar photospheric magnetic bright points.
Methods. Results of solar radiative magneto-convection simulations are used to produce the spatial structure of the vertical component of the magnetic field. The horizontal component of magnetic field is reconstructed using the self-similarity condition, while the magneto-hydrostatic equilibrium condition is applied to the standard photospheric model with the magnetic field embedded. Partial ionisation processes are found to be necessary for reconstructing the correct temperature structure of the model.
Results. The structures obtained are in good agreement with observational data. By combining the realistic structure of the magnetic field with the temperature structure of the quiet solar photosphere, the continuum formation level above the equipartition layer can be found. Preliminary results are shown of wave propagation through this magnetic structure. The observational consequences of the oscillations are examined in continuum intensity and in the Fe I 6302 angstrom magnetically sensitive line.


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High-cadence, multiwavelength, optical observations of solar magnetic bright points (MBPs), captured at the disk center using the ROSA and IBIS imaging systems on the Dunn Solar Telescope, are presented. MBPs manifesting in the Na I D-1 core are found to preferentially exist in regions containing strong downflows, in addition to cospatial underlying photospheric magnetic field concentrations. Downdrafts within Na I D-1 bright points exhibit speeds of up to 7 km s(-1), with preferred structural symmetry in intensity, magnetic field, and velocity profiles about the bright point center. Excess intensities associated with G-band and Ca II K observations of MBPs reveal a power-law trend when plotted as a function of the magnetic flux density. However, Na I D-1 observations of the same magnetic features indicate an intensity plateau at weak magnetic field strengths below approximate to 150 G, suggesting the presence of a two-component heating process: one which is primarily acoustic and the other predominantly magnetic. We suggest that this finding is related to the physical expansion of magnetic flux tubes, with weak field strengths (approximate to 50 G) expanding by similar to 76%, compared to a similar to 44% expansion when higher field strengths (approximate to 150 G) are present. These observations provide the first experimental evidence of rapid downdrafts in Na I D-1 MBPs and reveal the nature of a previously unresolved intensity plateau associated with these structures.


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We report on the discovery of a new extremely short period transiting extrasolar planet, WASP-19b. The planet has mass M pl = 1.15 ± 0.08 MJ , radius R pl = 1.31 ± 0.06 RJ , and orbital period P = 0.7888399 ± 0.0000008 days. Through spectroscopic analysis, we determine the host star to be a slightly super-solar metallicity ([M/H] = 0.1 ± 0.1 dex) G-dwarf with T eff = 5500 ± 100 K. In addition, we detect periodic, sinusoidal flux variations in the light curve which are used to derive a rotation period for the star of P rot = 10.5 ± 0.2 days. The relatively short stellar rotation period suggests that either WASP-19 is somewhat young (~ 600 Myr old) or tidal interactions between the two bodies have caused the planet to spiral inward over its lifetime resulting in the spin-up of the star. Due to the detection of the rotation period, this system has the potential to place strong constraints on the stellar tidal quality factor, Q' s , if a more precise age is determined.


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We report the discovery of the transiting giant planet WASP-17b, the least-dense planet currently known. It is 1.6 Saturn masses, but 1.5-2 Jupiter radii, giving a density of 6%-14% that of Jupiter. WASP-17b is in a 3.7 day orbit around a sub-solar metallicity, V = 11.6, F6 star. Preliminary detection of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect suggests that WASP-17b is in a retrograde orbit (? ˜ -150°), indicative of a violent history involving planet-planet or star-planet scattering. WASP-17b's bloated radius could be due to tidal heating resulting from recent or ongoing tidal circularization of an eccentric orbit, such as the highly eccentric orbits that typically result from scattering interactions. It will thus be important to determine more precisely the current orbital eccentricity by further high-precision radial velocity measurements or by timing the secondary eclipse, both to reduce the uncertainty on the planet's radius and to test tidal-heating models. Owing to its low surface gravity, WASP-17b's atmosphere has the largest scale height of any known planet, making it a good target for transmission spectroscopy.


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We present the first detailed spatio-kinematical analysis and modelling of the southern planetary nebula SuWt 2. This object presents a problem for current theories of planetary nebula formation and evolution, as it is not known to contain a central post-main-sequence star. Deep narrow-band [NII]6584Å images reveal the presence of faint bipolar lobes emanating from the edges of the nebular ring. Long-slit observations of the Ha and [NII]6584Å emission lines were obtained using the ESO (European Southern Observatory) Multi-Mode Instrument on the 3.6-m ESO New Technology Telescope. The spectra reveal the nebular morphology as a bright torus encircling the waist of an extended bipolar structure. By deprojection, the inclination of the ring is found to be 68° +/- 2° (cf. ~90° for the double A-type binary believed to lie at the centre of the nebula), and the ring expansion velocity is found to be 28 kms-1. Our findings are discussed with relation to possible formation scenarios for SuWt 2. Through comparison of the nebular heliocentric systemic velocity, found here to be -25 +/- 5km s-1, and the heliocentric systemic velocity of the double A-type binary, we conclude that neither component of the binary could have been the nebular progenitor. However, we are unable to rule out the presence of a third component to the system, which would have been the nebula progenitor.


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We present seven light curves of the exoplanet system HAT-P-3, taken as part of a transit timing programme using the rapid imager to search for exoplanets instrument on the Liverpool Telescope. The light curves are analysed using a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to update the parameters of the system. The inclination is found to be i = 86.75+0.22-0.21°, the planet-star radius ratio to be Rp/R* = 0.1098+0.0010-0.0012 and the stellar radius to be R* = 0.834+0.018-0.026Rsolar, consistent with previous results but with a significant improvement in the precision. Central transit times and uncertainties for each light curve are also determined, and a residual permutation algorithm is used as an independent check on the errors. The transit times are found to be consistent with a linear ephemeris, and a new ephemeris is calculated as Tc(0) = 2454856.70118 +/- 0.00018 HJD and P = 2.899738 +/- 0.000007 d. Model timing residuals are fitted to the measured timing residuals to place upper mass limits for a hypothetical perturbing planet as a function of the period ratio. These show that we have probed for planets with masses as low as 0.33 and 1.81 M? in the interior and exterior 2:1 resonances, respectively, assuming the planets are initially in circular orbits.


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We report a transit timing study of the transiting exoplanetary system HD 189733. In total, we observed 10 transits in 2006 and 2008 with the 2.6-m Nordic Optical Telescope, and two transits in 2007 with the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope. We used Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations to derive the system parameters and their uncertainties, and our results are in a good agreement with previously published values. We performed two independent analyses of transit timing residuals to place upper mass limits on putative perturbing planets. The results show no evidence for the presence of planets down to 1 Earth mass near the 1:2 and 2:1 resonance orbits, and planets down to 2.2 Earth masses near the 3:5 and 5:3 resonance orbits with HD 189733b. These are the strongest limits to date on the presence of other planets in this system. Based on observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope, operated on the island of La Palma jointly by Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. Based on observations made with the William Herschel Telescope operated on the island of La Palma by the Isaac Newton Group in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. ‡


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Aims: We investigated whether the predictions and results of Stanishev et al. (2002, A&A, 394, 625) concerning a possible relationship between eclipse depths in PX And and its retrograde disc precession phase, could be confirmed in long term observations made by SuperWASP. In addition, two further CVs (DQ Her and V795 Her) in the same SuperWASP data set were investigated to see whether evidence of superhump periods and disc precession periods were present and what other, if any, long term periods could be detected. Methods: Long term photometry of PX And, V795 Her and DQ Her was carried out and Lomb-Scargle periodogram analysis undertaken on the resulting light curves. For the two eclipsing CVs, PX And and DQ Her, we analysed the potential variations in the depth of the eclipse with cycle number. Results: The results of our period and eclipse analysis on PX And confirm that the negative superhump period is 0.1417 ± 0.0001d. We find no evidence of positive superhumps in our data suggesting that PX And may have been in a low state during our observations. We improve on existing estimates of the disc precession period and find it to be 4.43 ± 0.05d. Our results confirm the predictions of Stanishev et al. (2002). We find that DQ Her does not appear to show a similar variation for we find no evidence of negative superhumps or of a retrograde disc precession. We also find no evidence of positive superhumps or of a prograde disc precession and we attribute the lack of positive superhumps in DQ Her to be due to the high mass ratio of this CV. We do however find evidence for a modulation of the eclipse depth over a period of 100 days which may be linked with solar-type magnetic cycles which give rise to long term photometric variations. The periodogram analysis for V795 Her detected the likely positive superhump period 0.1165d, however, neither the 0.10826d orbital period nor the prograde 1.53d disc precession period were seen. Here though we have found a variation in the periodogram power function at the positive superhump period, over a period of at least 120 days.


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We present near-UV transmission spectroscopy of the highly irradiated transiting exoplanet WASP-12b, obtained with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope. The spectra cover three distinct wavelength ranges: NUVA (2539-2580 Å), NUVB (2655-2696 Å), and NUVC (2770-2811 Å). Three independent methods all reveal enhanced transit depths attributable to absorption by resonance lines of metals in the exosphere of WASP-12b. Light curves of total counts in the NUVA and NUVC wavelength ranges show a detection at a 2.5s level. We detect extra absorption in the Mg II ??2800 resonance line cores at the 2.8s level. The NUVA, NUVB, and NUVC light curves imply effective radii of 2.69 ± 0.24 R J , 2.18 ± 0.18 R J , and 2.66 ± 0.22 R J respectively, suggesting the planet is surrounded by an absorbing cloud which overfills the Roche lobe. We detect enhanced transit depths at the wavelengths of resonance lines of neutral sodium, tin, and manganese, and at singly ionized ytterbium, scandium, manganese, aluminum, vanadium, and magnesium. We also find the statistically expected number of anomalous transit depths at wavelengths not associated with any known resonance line. Our data are limited by photon noise, but taken as a whole the results are strong evidence for an extended absorbing exosphere surrounding the planet. The NUVA data exhibit an early ingress, contrary to model expectations; we speculate this could be due to the presence of a disk of previously stripped material.


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We present an occultation of the newly discovered hot Jupiter system WASP-19, observed with the High Acuity Wide-field K-band Imager instrument on the VLT, in order to measure thermal emission from the planet's dayside at ~2µm. The light curve was analysed using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to find the eclipse depth and the central transit time. The transit depth was found to be 0.366 +/- 0.072 per cent, corresponding to a brightness temperature of 2540 +/- 180 K. This is significantly higher than the calculated (zero-albedo) equilibrium temperature and indicates that the planet shows poor redistribution of heat to the night side, consistent with models of highly irradiated planets. Further observations are needed to confirm the existence of a temperature inversion and possibly molecular emission lines. The central eclipse time was found to be consistent with a circular orbit.


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We report the discovery of WASP-8b, a transiting planet of 2.25 ± 0.08 MJup on a strongly inclined eccentric 8.15-day orbit, moving in a retrograde direction to the rotation of its late-G host star. Evidence is found that the star is in a multiple stellar system with two other companions. The dynamical complexity of the system indicates that it may have experienced secular interactions such as the Kozai mechanism or a formation that differs from the “classical” disc-migration theory.