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We investigate the magneto-optical properties of a nanostructured metamaterial comprised of arrays of nickel nanorods embedded in an anodized aluminum oxide template. The rods are grown using a self-assembly bottom-up technique that provides a uniform, quasi-hexagonal array over a large area, quickly and at low cost. The tuneability of the magneto-optic response of the material is investigated by varying the nanorod dimensions: diameter, length and inter-rod spacing as well as the overall thickness of the template. It is demonstrated that the system acts as a sub-wavelength light trap with enhanced magneto-optical properties occurring at reflectivity minima corresponding to photonic resonances of the metamaterial. Changes in dimensions of the nickel rods on the order of tens of nanometers cause a spectral blue-shift in the peak magneto-optical response of 270 nm in the visible range. A plasmonic enhancement is also observed at lower wavelengths, which becomes increasingly damped with larger diameters and increased volume fraction of nickel inclusions. This type of structure has potential applications in high density magneto-optical data storage (up to 1011–12 rods per square inch), ultrafast magneto-plasmonic switching and optical components for telecommunications.


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Previous work has suggested that there are specific deficits in dorsal stream processing in a variety of developmental disorders. Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is associated with two main genetic subtypes, deletion and disomy. Relative strengths in visual processing are shown in PWS, although these strengths may be specific to the deletion subtype. We investigated visual processing in PWS using an adapted Simon task which contrasted location (dorsal stream) and shape identity (ventral stream) tasks. Compared to a group of typically developing children, children with PWS deletion showed a greater degree of impairment in the dorsal stream task than in the ventral stream task, a pattern similar to that shown in a group of boys with Fragile-X syndrome. When matched on a measure of non-verbal ability, children with PWS disomy showed the opposite pattern with better performance in the location compared to the shape task, although these task performance asymmetries may have been linked to executive control processes. It is proposed that children with PWS deletion show a relative strength in visual processing in the ventral stream along with a specific deficit in dorsal stream processing. In contrast, children with PWS disomy show neither effect. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The widespread availability and demand for multimedia capable devices and multimedia content have fueled the need for high-speed wireless connectivity beyond the capabilities of existing commercial standards. While fiber optic data transfer links can provide multigigabit- per-second data rates, cost and deployment are often prohibitive in many applications. Wireless links, on the contrary, can provide a cost-effective fiber alternative to interconnect the outlining areas beyond the reach of the fiber rollout. With this in mind, the ever increasing demand for multi-gigabit wireless applications, fiber segment replacement mobile backhauling and aggregation, and covering the last mile have posed enormous challenges for next generation wireless technologies. In particular, the unbalanced temporal and geographical variations of spectrum usage along with the rapid proliferation of bandwidth- hungry mobile applications, such as video streaming with high definition television (HDTV) and ultra-high definition video (UHDV), have inspired millimeter-wave (mmWave) communications as a promising technology to alleviate the pressure of scarce spectrum resources for fifth generation (5G) mobile broadband.


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The allocation of a large amount of bandwidth by regulating bodies in the 70/80 GHz band, i.e., the E-band, has opened up new potentials and challenges for providing affordable and reliable Gigabit per second wireless point-to-point links. This article first reviews the available bandwidth and licensing regulations in the E-band. Subsequently, different propagation models, e.g., the ITU-R and Cane models, are compared against measurement results and it is concluded that to meet specific availability requirements, E-band wireless systems may need to be designed with larger fade margins compared to microwave systems. A similar comparison is carried out between measurements and models for oscillator phase noise. It is confirmed that phase noise characteristics, that are neglected by the models used for narrowband systems, need to be taken into account for the wideband systems deployed in the E-band. Next, a new multi-input multi-output (MIMO) transceiver design, termed continuous aperture phased (CAP)-MIMO, is presented. Simulations show that CAP-MIMO enables E-band systems to achieve fiber-optic like throughputs. Finally, it is argued that full-duplex relaying can be used to greatly enhance the coverage of E-band systems without sacrificing throughput, thus, facilitating their application in establishing the backhaul of heterogeneous networks.


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BACKGROUND: Glaucoma is a leading cause of avoidable blindness worldwide. Open angle glaucoma is the most common type of glaucoma. No randomised controlled trials have been conducted evaluating the effectiveness of glaucoma screening for reducing sight loss. It is unclear what the most appropriate intervention to be evaluated in any glaucoma screening trial would be. The purpose of this study was to develop the clinical components of an intervention for evaluation in a glaucoma (open angle) screening trial that would be feasible and acceptable in a UK eye-care service.

METHODS: A mixed-methods study, based on the Medical Research Council (MRC) framework for complex interventions, integrating qualitative (semi-structured interviews with 46 UK eye-care providers, policy makers and health service commissioners), and quantitative (economic modelling) methods. Interview data were synthesised and used to revise the screening interventions compared within an existing economic model.

RESULTS: The qualitative data indicated broad based support for a glaucoma screening trial to take place in primary care, using ophthalmic trained technical assistants supported by optometry input. The precise location should be tailored to local circumstances. There was variability in opinion around the choice of screening test and target population. Integrating the interview findings with cost-effectiveness criteria reduced 189 potential components to a two test intervention including either optic nerve photography or screening mode perimetry (a measure of visual field sensitivity) with or without tonometry (a measure of intraocular pressure). It would be more cost-effective, and thus acceptable in a policy context, to target screening for open angle glaucoma to those at highest risk but for both practicality and equity arguments the optimal strategy was screening a general population cohort beginning at age forty.

CONCLUSIONS: Interventions for screening for open angle glaucoma that would be feasible from a service delivery perspective were identified. Integration within an economic modelling framework explicitly highlighted the trade-off between cost-effectiveness, feasibility and equity. This study exemplifies the MRC recommendation to integrate qualitative and quantitative methods in developing complex interventions. The next step in the development pathway should encompass the views of service users.


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The semiconductor photocatalysed (SPC) oxidation of toluene is performed inside an NMR spectrometer and the reaction monitored simultaneously in-situ, using a fibre optic probe/diffuser to provide the UV light to activate the titania photocatalyst coating on the inside of the NMR tube. Such a system has great potential for the simple rapid screening of a wide range of SPC mediated organic reactions.


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Bridge Weigh in Motion (B-WIM) uses accurate sensing systems to transform an existing bridge into a mechanism to determine actual traffic loading. This information on traffic loading can enable efficient and economical management of transport networks and is becoming a valuable tool for bridge safety assessment. B-WIM can provide site specific traffic loading on deteriorating bridges, which can be used to determine if the reduced capacity is still sufficient to allow the structure to remain operational and minimise unnecessary replacement or rehabilitation costs and prevent disruption to traffic. There have been numerous reports on the accuracy classifications of existing B-WIM installations and some common issues have emerged. This paper details some of the recent developments in B-WIM which were aimed at overcoming these issues. A new system has been developed at Queens University Belfast using fibre optic sensors to provide accurate axle detection and improved accuracy overall. The results presented in this paper show that the fibre optic system provided much more accurate results than conventional WIM systems, as the FOS provide clearer signals at high scanning rates which require less filtering and less post processing. A major disadvantage of existing B-WIM systems is the inability to deal with more than one vehicle on the bridge at the same time; sensor strips have been proposed to overcome this issue. A bridge can be considered safe if the probability that load exceeds resistance is acceptably low, hence B-WIM information from advanced sensors can provide confidence in our ageing structures.


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In recent years, Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems have been developed to monitor bridge deterioration, assess real load levels and hence extend bridge life and safety. A road bridge is only safe if the stresses caused by the passing vehicles are less than the capacity of the bridge to resist them. Conventional SHM systems can be used to improve knowledge of the bridges capacity to resist stresses but generally give no information on the causes of any increase in stresses (based on measuring strain). The concept of in Bridge Weigh-in-Motion (B-WIM) is to establish axle loads, without interruption to traffic flow, by using strain sensors at a bridge soffit and subsequently converting the data to real time axle loads or stresses. Recent studies have shown it would be most beneficial to develop a portable system which can be easily attached to existing and new bridge structures for a specified monitoring period. The sensors could then be left in place while the data acquisition can be moved for various other sites. Therefore it is necessary to find accurate sensors capable of capturing peak strains under dynamic load and suitable methods for attaching these strain sensors to existing and new bridge structures. Additionally, it is important to ensure accurate strain transfer between concrete and steel, the adhesives layer and the strain sensor. This paper describes research investigating the suitably of using various sensors for the monitoring of concrete structures under dynamic vehicle load. Electrical resistance strain (ERS) gauges, vibrating wire (VW) gauges and fibre optic sensors (FOS) are commonly used for SHM. A comparative study will be carried out to select a suitable sensor for a bridge Weigh in Motion System. This study will look at fixing methods, durability, scanning rate and accuracy range. Finite element modeling is used to predict the strains which are then validated in laboratory trials.


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Masonry arch bridges are one of the oldest forms of bridge construction and have been around for thousands of years. Brick and stone arch bridges have proven to be highly durable as most of them have remained serviceable after hundreds of years. In contrast, many bridges built of modern materials have required extensive repair and strengthening after being in service for a relatively short part of their design life. This paper describes the structural monitoring of a novel flexible concrete arch known as: FlexiArchTM. This is a bridge system that can be transported as a flat-pack system to form an arch in-situ by the use of a flexible polymeric membrane. The system has been developed under a Knowledge Transfer Partnership between Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) and Macrete Ltd. Tievenameena Bridge in Northern Ireland was a replacement bridge for the Northern Ireland Roads Service and was monitored under different axle loadings using a range of sensors including discrete fiber optic Bragg gratings to measure the change in strain in the arch ring under live loading. This paper discusses the results of a laboratory model study carried out at QUB. A scaled arch system was loaded with a simulated moving axle. Various techniques were used to monitor the arch under the moving axle load with particular emphasis on the interaction of the arch ring and engineered backfill.


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To assess the outcomes of cataract surgery performed by novice surgeons during training in a rural programme. Design: Retrospective study. Participants: Three hundred thirty-four patients operated by two trainees under supervision at rural Chinese county hospitals. Methods: Two trainees performed surgeries under supervision. Visual acuity, refraction and examinations were carried out 3 months postoperatively. Main Outcome Measures: Postoperative uncorrected visual acuity, pinhole visual acuity, causes of visual impairment (postoperative uncorrected visual acuity<6/18) Results: Among 518 operated patients, 426 (82.2%) could be contacted and 334 (64.4% of operated patients) completed the examinations. The mean age was 74.1±8.8 years and 62.9% were women. Postoperative uncorrected visual acuity was available in 372 eyes. Among them, uncorrected visual acuity was ≥6/18 in 278 eyes (74.7%) and <6/60 in 60 eyes (16.1%), and 323 eyes (86.8%) had pinhole visual acuity≥6/18 and 38 eyes (10.2%) had pinhole visual acuity<6/60. Main causes of visual impairment were uncorrected refractive error (63.9%) and comorbid eye disease (24.5%). Comorbid eye diseases associated with pinhole visual acuity<6/60 (n=23, 6.2%) included glaucoma, other optic nerve atrophy, vitreous haemorrhage and retinal detachment. Conclusions: The findings suggest that hands-on training remains safe and effective even when not implemented in centralized training centres. Further refinement of the training protocol, providing postoperative refractive services and more accurate preoperative intraocular lens calculations, can help optimize outcomes. © 2012 The Authors Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology © 2012 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists.


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Among Caucasians, it is well known that 75-95% of primary glaucoma is due to open-angle glaucoma (POAG), with angle-closure (PACG) comprising only a very small minority of cases. These figures are reversed among other groups such as Asians and Eskimos, where PACG makes up 80-90% of primary glaucoma. Among Eskimos, the prevalence of PACG has been reported as 2-8%, as compared to 0.1% among Caucasians. It appears that a population tendency toward shallow anterior chambers may explain the excess burden of PACG morbidity. Among Asians, the prevalence of PACG is intermediate between Caucasians and Eskimos. Existing biometrical data do not show a clear tendency toward shallower anterior chambers among Asians. PACG may be screened for on a population basis by means of various techniques that estimate axial or limbal anterior chamber depth, measure intraocular pressure, or evaluate the optic disc or visual fields. Demographic information and medical and family history will also be of great importance in screening for PACG in large populations. Groups at increased risk for the disease include women, individuals over 50, first-degree relatives of PACG probands, and hyperopes.


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The topic "nutrition and the eye" cannot adequately be covered in a single review article; indeed, dozens of books and hundreds of articles have been written on the subject. This review concentrates on three areas in which specific nutrients are known or theorized to have a major impact on vision and the visual system: vitamin A deficiency; antioxidants and their proposed role in the prevention of age-related cataract and macular degeneration; and nutritional optic neuropathies, including those of the recent Cuban epidemic. In addition, this article touches on nutritional treatments that have been suggested for several less common eye diseases and, finally, considers several less prevalent conditions in which deficiency of or excess exposure to a particular nutrient has been associated with ocular pathology.


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The prevalence of angle-closure glaucoma (ACG) is greater for Eskimos/Inuit than it is for any other ethnic group in the world. Although it has been suggested that this prevalence may be due to a population tendency toward shallower anterior chamber angles, available evidence for other populations such as Chinese with high rates of ACG has not consistently demonstrated such a tendency.


A reticule, slit-lamp, and standard Goldmann one-mirror goniolens were used to make measurements in the anterior chamber (AC) angle according to a previously reported protocol for biometric gonioscopy (BG) (Ophthalmology 1999;106:2161-7). Measurements were made in all four quadrants of one eye among 133 phakic Alaskan Eskimos aged 40 years and older. Automatic refraction, dilated examination of the anterior segment and optic nerve, and A-scan measurements of AC depth, lens thickness, and axial length were also carried out for all subjects.


Both central and peripheral AC measurements for the Eskimo subjects were significantly lower than those previously reported by us for Chinese, blacks, and whites under the identical protocol. Eskimos also seemed to have somewhat more hyperopia. There were no differences in biometric measurements between men and women in this Eskimo population. Angle measurements by BG seemed to decline more rapidly over life among Eskimos and Chinese than blacks or whites. Although there was a significant apparent decrease in AC depth, increase in lens thickness, and increase in hyperopia with age among Eskimos, all of these trends seemed to reverse in the seventh decade and beyond.


Eskimos do seem to have shallower ACs than do other racial groups. Measurements of the AC angle seem to decline more rapidly over life among Eskimos than among blacks or whites, a phenomenon also observed by us among Chinese, another group with high ACG prevalence. This apparent more rapid decline may be due to a cohort effect with higher prevalence of myopia and resulting wider angles among younger Eskimos and Chinese.


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To investigate the heritability of intraocular pressure (IOP) and cup-to-disc ratio (CDR) in an older well-defined population.


Family-based cohort study.


Through the population-based Salisbury Eye Evaluation study, we recruited 726 siblings (mean age, 74.7 years) in 284 sibships.


Intraocular pressure and CDR were measured bilaterally for all participants. The presence or absence of glaucoma was determined by a glaucoma specialist for all probands on the basis of visual field, optic nerve appearance, and history. The heritability of IOP was calculated as twice the residual between-sibling correlation of IOP using linear regression and generalized estimating equations after adjusting for age, gender, mean arterial pressure, race, self-reported diabetes status, and history of systemic steroid use. The heritability of CDR was calculated using the same model and adjustments as above, while also adjusting for IOP.


Heritability and determinants of IOP and CDR, and impact of siblings' glaucoma status on IOP and CDR.


We estimated the heritability to be 0.29 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.12-0.46) for IOP and 0.56 (95% CI, 0.35-0.76) for CDR in this population. Mean IOP in siblings of glaucomatous probands was statistically significantly higher than in siblings of normal probands (mean difference, 1.02 mmHg; P = 0.017). The mean CDR in siblings of glaucomatous probands was 0.07 (or 19%) larger than in siblings of glaucoma suspect referrals (P = 0.045) and siblings of normal probands (P = 0.004).


In this elderly population, we found CDR to be highly heritable and IOP to be moderately heritable. On average, siblings of glaucoma patients had higher IOPs and larger CDRs than siblings of nonglaucomatous probands.


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To determine the test-retest variability in perimetric, optic disc, and macular thickness parameters in a cohort of treated patients with established glaucoma.


In this cohort study, the authors analyzed the imaging studies and visual field tests at the baseline and 6-month visits of 162 eyes of 162 participant in the Glaucoma Imaging Longitudinal Study (GILS). They assessed the difference, expressed as the standard error of measurement, of Humphrey field analyzer II (HFA) Swedish Interactive Threshold Algorithm fast, Heidelberg retinal tomograph (HRT) II, and retinal thickness analyzer (RTA) parameters between the two visits and assumed that this difference was due to measurement variability, not pathologic change. A statistically significant change was defined as twice the standard error of measurement.


In this cohort of treated glaucoma patients, it was found that statistically significant changes were 3.2 dB for mean deviation (MD), 2.2 for pattern standard deviation (PSD), 0.12 for cup shape measure, 0.26 mm for rim area, and 32.8 microm and 31.8 microm for superior and inferior macular thickness, respectively. On the basis of these values, it was estimated that the number of potential progression events detectable in this cohort by the parameters of MD, PSD, cup shape measure, rim area, superior macular thickness, and inferior macular thickness was 7.5, 6.0, 2.3, 5.7, 3.1, and 3.4, respectively.


The variability of the measurements of MD, PSD, and rim area, relative to the range of possible values, is less than the variability of cup shape measure or macular thickness measurements. Therefore, the former measurements may be more useful global measurements for assessing progressive glaucoma damage.