949 resultados para nutraceuticals uses
Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Oikos © 2014 Nordic Society Oikos.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, 11 de Junho de 2014, Universidade dos Açores.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
PURPOSE: Fatty liver disease (FLD) is an increasing prevalent disease that can be reversed if detected early. Ultrasound is the safest and ubiquitous method for identifying FLD. Since expert sonographers are required to accurately interpret the liver ultrasound images, lack of the same will result in interobserver variability. For more objective interpretation, high accuracy, and quick second opinions, computer aided diagnostic (CAD) techniques may be exploited. The purpose of this work is to develop one such CAD technique for accurate classification of normal livers and abnormal livers affected by FLD. METHODS: In this paper, the authors present a CAD technique (called Symtosis) that uses a novel combination of significant features based on the texture, wavelet transform, and higher order spectra of the liver ultrasound images in various supervised learning-based classifiers in order to determine parameters that classify normal and FLD-affected abnormal livers. RESULTS: On evaluating the proposed technique on a database of 58 abnormal and 42 normal liver ultrasound images, the authors were able to achieve a high classification accuracy of 93.3% using the decision tree classifier. CONCLUSIONS: This high accuracy added to the completely automated classification procedure makes the authors' proposed technique highly suitable for clinical deployment and usage.
This project was developed to fully assess the indoor air quality in archives and libraries from a fungal flora point of view. It uses classical methodologies such as traditional culture media – for the viable fungi – and modern molecular biology protocols, especially relevant to assess the non-viable fraction of the biological contaminants. Denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) has emerged as an alternative to denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and has already been applied to the study of a few bacterial communities. We propose the application of DHPLC to the study of fungal colonization on paper-based archive materials. This technology allows for the identification of each component of a mixture of fungi based on their genetic variation. In a highly complex mixture of microbial DNA this method can be used simply to study the population dynamics, and it also allows for sample fraction collection, which can, in many cases, be immediately sequenced, circumventing the need for cloning. Some examples of the methodological application are shown. Also applied is fragment length analysis for the study of mixed Candida samples. Both of these methods can later be applied in various fields, such as clinical and sand sample analysis. So far, the environmental analyses have been extremely useful to determine potentially pathogenic/toxinogenic fungi such as Stachybotrys sp., Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus, and Fusarium sp. This work will hopefully lead to more accurate evaluation of environmental conditions for both human health and the preservation of documents.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências Económicas e Empresariais
This paper presents work in progress, to develop an efficient and economic way to directly produce Technetium 99metastable (99mTc) using low-energy cyclotrons. Its importance is well established and relates with the increased global trouble in delivering 99mTc to Nuclear Medicine Departments relying on this radioisotope. Since the present delivery strategy has clearly demonstrated its intrinsic limits, our group decided to follow a distinct approach that uses the broad distribution of the low energy cyclotrons and the accessibility of Molybdenum 100 (100Mo) as the Target material. This is indeed an important issue to consider, since the system here presented, named CYCLOTECH, it is not based on the use of Highly Enriched (or even Low Enriched) Uranium 235 (235U), so entirely complying with the actual international trends and directives concerning the use of this potential highly critical material. The production technique is based on the nuclear reaction 100Mo (p,2n) 99mTc whose production yields have already been documented. Until this moment two Patent requests have already been submitted (the first at the INPI, in Portugal, and the second at the USPTO, in the USA); others are being prepared for submission on a near future. The object of the CYCLOTECH system is to present 99mTc to Nuclear Medicine radiopharmacists in a routine, reliable and efficient manner that, remaining always flexible, entirely blends with established protocols. To facilitate workflow and Radiation Protection measures, it has been developed a Target Station that can be installed on most of the existing PET cyclotrons and that will tolerate up to 400 μA of beam by allowing the beam to strike the Target material at an adequately oblique angle. The Target Station permits the remote and automatic loading and discharge of the Targets from a carriage of 10 Target bodies. On other hand, several methods of Target material deposition and Target substrates are presented. The object was to create a cost effective means of depositing and intermediate the target material thickness (25 - 100μm) with a minimum of loss on a substrate that is able to easily transport the heat associated with high beam currents. Finally, the separation techniques presented are a combination of both physical and column chemistry. The object was to extract and deliver 99mTc in the identical form now in use in radiopharmacies worldwide. In addition, the Target material is recovered and can be recycled.
Este texto incide sobre o tema do pensamento algébrico nos primeiros anos de escolaridade ao nível da formação contínua de professores. Na abordagem apresentada o tema dos padrões surge como contexto estruturante para o desenvolvimento do pensamento algébrico. Começa-se por fazer um enquadramento dos referenciais teóricos que fundamentam a adoção de uma proposta didática desenvolvida nesse âmbito, recorrendo em seguida a um estudo empírico que foi desenvolvido, do qual se relata aqui uma parte centrada nas práticas de sala de aula de uma professora do primeiro ciclo em formação, de modo a poder confirmar a eficácia da proposta no ensino e desenvolvimento do pensamento algébrico dos alunos. Os resultados permitem concluir que a professora interiorizou e projetou na sua prática os aspetos essenciais que conduziram ao desenvolvimento do pensamento algébrico nos alunos. O texto termina com algumas conclusões e implicações para a formação de professores.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências Económicas e Empresariais.
Mestrado em Engenharia Geotécnica e Geoambiente
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação - especialidade Supervisão em Educação
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica – Sistemas Eléctricos de Energia.
Artigo também disponível no PROA-UA: plataforma de revistas em open access da universidade de aveiro com o URI http://revistas.ua.pt/index.php/Carnets/article/view/768/695.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica na Área de Especialização de Energia