944 resultados para multiplex reverse transcription-polymerase


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RNA polymerase II (pol II) transcription termination requires co-transcriptional recognition of a functional polyadenylation signal, but the molecular mechanisms that transduce this signal to pol II remain unclear. We show that Yhh1p/Cft1p, the yeast homologue of the mammalian AAUAAA interacting protein CPSF 160, is an RNA-binding protein and provide evidence that it participates in poly(A) site recognition. Interestingly, RNA binding is mediated by a central domain composed of predicted -propeller-forming repeats, which occurs in proteins of diverse cellular functions. We also found that Yhh1p/Cft1p bound specifically to the phosphorylated C-terminal domain (CTD) of pol II in vitro and in a two-hybrid test in vivo. Furthermore, transcriptional run-on analysis demonstrated that yhh1 mutants were defective in transcription termination, suggesting that Yhh1p/Cft1p functions in the coupling of transcription and 3'-end formation. We propose that direct interactions of Yhh1p/Cft1p with both the RNA transcript and the CTD are required to communicate poly(A) site recognition to elongating pol II to initiate transcription termination.


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Interactions of pre-mRNA 3′end factors and the CTD of RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) are required for transcription termination and 3′end processing. Here, we demonstrate that Ssu72p is stably associated with yeast cleavage and polyadenylation factor CPF and provide evidence that it bridges the CPF subunits Pta1p and Ydh1p/Cft2p, the general transcription factor TFIIB, and RNAP II via Rpb2p. Analyses of ssu72-2 mutant cells in the absence and presence of the nuclear exosome component Rrp6p revealed defects in RNAP II transcription elongation and termination. 6-azauracil, that reduces transcription elongation rates, suppressed the ssu72-2 growth defect at 33°C. The sum of our analyses suggests a negative influence of Ssu72p on RNAP II during transcription that affects the commitment to either elongation or termination.


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 RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) transcription and pre-mRNA 3' end formation are linked through physical and functional interactions. We describe here a highly efficient yeast in vitro system that reproduces both transcription and 3' end formation in a single reaction. The system is based on simple whole-cell extracts that were supplemented with a hybrid Gal4-VP16 transcriptional activator and supercoiled plasmid DNA templates encoding G-less cassette reporters. We found that the coupling of transcription and processing in vitro enhanced pre-mRNA 3' end formation and reproduced requirements for poly(A) signals and polyadenylation factors. Unexpectedly, however, we show that in vitro transcripts lacked m⁷G-caps. Reconstitution experiments with CF IA factor assembled entirely from heterologous components suggested that the CTD interaction domain of the Pcf11 subunit was required for proper RNAP II termination but not 3' end formation. Moreover, we observed reduced termination activity associated with extracts prepared from cells carrying a mutation in the 5'-3' exonuclease Rat1 or following chemical inhibition of exonuclease activity. Thus, in vitro transcription coupled to pre-mRNA processing recapitulates hallmarks of poly(A)-dependent RNAP II termination. The in vitro transcription/processing system presented here should provide a useful tool to further define the role of factors involved in coupling.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The presence of the very virulent (vv) Brazilian strain of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) was determined in the bursa of Fabricius, thymus and liver of 2-week-old broilers from a flock with a higher than expected mortality. For this purpose, a direct in situ reverse transcriptase (RT)-linked polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method was developed using specific primers for vvIBDV. Unlabelled forward and reverse biotinylated oligonucleotides were used for RT-PCR in a one-step method and the respective products were revealed by a direct enzymatic reaction. The results were compared with those obtained by standard RT-PCR using general primers for IBDV and virus isolation. The virus isolation, RT-PCR and in situ RT-PCR revealed positive results on the bursa of Fabricius in 86%, 80% and 100%, respectively. The in situ RT-PCR detected vvIBDV in all tested thymus and liver samples, whereas the standard RT-PCR detected virus in 80% and 90% of the samples, respectively. After three consecutive passages on chicken embryonated eggs, IBDV was isolated from 64% of the thymus samples and 30% of the liver samples. In the present study, no classical or antigenic variants of IBDV were detected. The developed in situ RT-PCR assay was able to detect the very virulent strain of IBDV with a higher sensitivity than the conventional RT-PCR and virus isolation.


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The transcription process is crucial to life and the enzyme RNA polymerase (RNAP) is the major component of the transcription machinery. The development of single-molecule techniques, such as magnetic and optical tweezers, atomic-force microscopy and single-molecule fluorescence, increased our understanding of the transcription process and complements traditional biochemical studies. Based on these studies, theoretical models have been proposed to explain and predict the kinetics of the RNAP during the polymerization, highlighting the results achieved by models based on the thermodynamic stability of the transcription elongation complex. However, experiments showed that if more than one RNAP initiates from the same promoter, the transcription behavior slightly changes and new phenomenona are observed. We proposed and implemented a theoretical model that considers collisions between RNAPs and predicts their cooperative behavior during multi-round transcription generalizing the Bai et al. stochastic sequence-dependent model. In our approach, collisions between elongating enzymes modify their transcription rate values. We performed the simulations in Mathematica® and compared the results of the single and the multiple-molecule transcription with experimental results and other theoretical models. Our multi-round approach can recover several expected behaviors, showing that the transcription process for the studied sequences can be accelerated up to 48% when collisions are allowed: the dwell times on pause sites are reduced as well as the distance that the RNAPs backtracked from backtracking sites. © 2013 Costa et al.


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Interactions between the cAMP receptor protein (CRP) and the carboxy-terminal regulatory domain (CTD) of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase α subunit were analyzed at promoters carrying tandem DNA sites for CRP binding using a chemical nuclease covalently attached to α. Each CRP dimer was found to direct the positioning of one of the two α subunit CTDs. Thus, the function of RNA polymerase may be subject to regulation through protein–protein interactions between the two α subunits and two different species of transcription factors.


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RNA polymerase I (pol I) is a nuclear enzyme whose function is to transcribe the duplicated genes encoding the precursor of the three largest ribosomal RNAs. We report a cell-free system from broccoli (Brassica oleracea) inflorescence that supports promoter-dependent RNA pol I transcription in vitro. The transcription system was purified extensively by DEAE-Sepharose, Biorex 70, Sephacryl S300, and Mono Q chromatography. Activities required for pre-rRNA transcription copurified with the polymerase on all four columns, suggesting their association as a complex. Purified fractions programmed transcription initiation from the in vivo start site and utilized the same core promoter sequences required in vivo. The complex was not dissociated in 800 mM KCl and had a molecular mass of nearly 2 MDa based on gel filtration chromatography. The most highly purified fractions contain ≈30 polypeptides, two of which were identified immunologically as RNA polymerase subunits. These data suggest that the occurrence of a holoenzyme complex is probably not unique to the pol II system but may be a general feature of eukaryotic nuclear polymerases.


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Sequence-specific DNA-binding small molecules that can permeate human cells potentially could regulate transcription of specific genes. Multiple cellular DNA-binding transcription factors are required by HIV type 1 for RNA synthesis. Two pyrrole–imidazole polyamides were designed to bind DNA sequences immediately adjacent to binding sites for the transcription factors Ets-1, lymphoid-enhancer binding factor 1, and TATA-box binding protein. These synthetic ligands specifically inhibit DNA-binding of each transcription factor and HIV type 1 transcription in cell-free assays. When used in combination, the polyamides inhibit virus replication by >99% in isolated human peripheral blood lymphocytes, with no detectable cell toxicity. The ability of small molecules to target predetermined DNA sequences located within RNA polymerase II promoters suggests a general approach for regulation of gene expression, as well as a mechanism for the inhibition of viral replication.


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Cessation of transcription at specific terminator DNA sequences is used by viruses, bacteria, and eukaryotes to regulate the expression of downstream genes, but the mechanisms of transcription termination are poorly characterized. To elucidate the kinetic mechanism of termination at the intrinsic terminators of enteric bacteria, we observed, by using single-molecule light microscopy techniques, the behavior of surface-immobilized Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (RNAP) molecules in vitro. An RNAP molecule remains at a canonical intrinsic terminator for ≈64 s before releasing DNA, implying the formation of an elongation-incompetent (paused) intermediate by transcription complexes that terminate but not by those that read through the terminator. Analysis of pause lifetimes establishes a complete minimal mechanism of termination in which paused intermediate formation is both necessary and sufficient to induce release of RNAP at the terminator. The data suggest that intrinsic terminators function by a nonequilibrium process in which terminator effectiveness is determined by the relative rates of nucleotide addition and paused state entry by the transcription complex.


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By using site-specific protein-DNA photocrosslinking, we define the positions of TATA-binding protein, transcription factor IIB, transcription factor IIF, and subunits of RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) relative to promoter DNA within the human transcription preinitiation complex. The results indicate that the interface between the largest and second-largest subunits of RNAPII forms an extended, ≈240 Å channel that interacts with promoter DNA both upstream and downstream of the transcription start. By using electron microscopy, we show that RNAPII compacts promoter DNA by the equivalent of ≈50 bp. Together with the published structure of RNAPII, the results indicate that RNAPII wraps DNA around its surface and suggest a specific model for the trajectory of the wrapped DNA.


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Werner syndrome (WS) is a human progeroid syndrome characterized by the early onset of a large number of clinical features associated with the normal aging process. The complex molecular and cellular phenotypes of WS involve characteristic features of genomic instability and accelerated replicative senescence. The gene involved (WRN) was recently cloned, and its gene product (WRNp) was biochemically characterized as a helicase. Helicases play important roles in a variety of DNA transactions, including DNA replication, transcription, repair, and recombination. We have assessed the role of the WRN gene in transcription by analyzing the efficiency of basal transcription in WS lymphoblastoid cell lines that carry homozygous WRN mutations. Transcription was measured in permeabilized cells by [3H]UTP incorporation and in vitro by using a plasmid template containing the RNA polymerase II (RNA pol II)–dependent adenovirus major late promoter. With both of these approaches, we find that the transcription efficiency in different WS cell lines is reduced to 40–60% of the transcription in cells from normal individuals. This defect can be complemented by the addition of normal cell extracts to the chromatin of WS cells. Addition of purified wild-type WRNp but not mutated WRNp to the in vitro transcription assay markedly stimulates RNA pol II–dependent transcription carried out by nuclear extracts. A nonhelicase domain (a direct repeat of 27 amino acids) also appears to have a role in transcription enhancement, as revealed by a yeast hybrid–protein reporter assay. This is further supported by the lack of stimulation of transcription when mutant WRNp lacking this domain was added to the in vitro assay. We have thus used several approaches to show a role for WRNp in RNA pol II transcription, possibly as a transcriptional activator. A deficit in either global or regional transcription in WS cells may be a primary molecular defect responsible for the WS clinical phenotype.


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Transcription of ribosomal RNA genes by RNA polymerase (pol) I oscillates during the cell cycle, being maximal in S and G2 phase, repressed during mitosis, and gradually recovering during G1 progression. We have shown that transcription initiation factor (TIF)-IB/SL1 is inactivated during mitosis by cdc2/cyclin B-directed phosphorylation of TAFI110. In this study, we have monitored reactivation of transcription after exit from mitosis. We demonstrate that the pol I factor UBF is also inactivated by phosphorylation but recovers with different kinetics than TIF-IB/SL1. Whereas TIF-IB/SL1 activity is rapidly regained on entry into G1, UBF is reactivated later in G1, concomitant with the onset of pol I transcription. Repression of pol I transcription in mitosis and early G1 can be reproduced with either extracts from cells synchronized in M or G1 phase or with purified TIF-IB/SL1 and UBF isolated in the presence of phosphatase inhibitors. The results suggest that two basal transcription factors, e.g., TIF-IB/SL1 and UBF, are inactivated at mitosis and reactivated by dephosphorylation at the exit from mitosis and during G1 progression, respectively.