864 resultados para marketing strategy implementation


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Mestrado em Controlo de Gestão e dos Negócios


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Title of Thesis: Thesis directed by: ABSTRACT EXAMINING THE IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES OF PROJECT-BASED LEARNING: A CASE STUDY Stefan Frederick Brooks, Master of Education, 2016 Professor and Chair Francine Hultgren Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership Department Project-based learning (PjBL) is a common instructional strategy to consider for educators, scholars, and advocates who focus on education reform. Previous research on PjBL has focused on its effectiveness, but a limited amount of research exists on the implementation challenges. This exploratory case study examines an attempted project- based learning implementation in one chemistry classroom at a private school that fully supports PjBL for most subjects with limited use in mathematics. During the course of the study, the teacher used a modified version of PjBL. Specifically, he implemented some of the elements of PjBL, such as a driving theme and a public presentation of projects, with the support of traditional instructional methods due to the context of the classroom. The findings of this study emphasize the teacher’s experience with implementing some of the PjBL components and how the inherent implementation challenges affected his practice.


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O cinema, desde o seu início, teve uma constante necessidade de se promover. Os filmes, para além de serem um produto cultural, são também um produto que necessita de rentabilidade, tornando fulcral uma receita adequada de bilhetes vendidos para garantir retorno no dinheiro gasto à produção dos mesmos. Sendo assim, os filmes exibidos em salas de cinema são anunciados semanas ou até meses antes da sua estreia, criando, desta forma, complexas campanhas de marketing e publicidade de forma a garantir que o maior número de pessoas tome conhecimento da sua existência. No presente projeto procura-se conhecer e compreender os fatores determinantes na frequência de ida às salas de cinema, tendo como objetivo principal analisar a promoção de cinema, cada um dos meios de divulgação cinematográficos e o seu respetivo papel comunicativo, na tentativa de se perceber de que forma estes se destacam em modos promocionais, incentivando o consumidor a visionar um filme numa sala de cinema. O estudo desenvolveu-se através de uma análise conceptual teórica da promoção e consumo de cinema, dos seus respetivos meios de divulgação, e da utilização de uma abordagem quantitativa que consistiu na análise e interpretação dos resultados de um questionário que contou com a participação de 380 sujeitos. O questionário procurou compreender os hábitos de obtenção de informação cinematográfica dos inquiridos, bem como os fatores que os influenciam a ver filmes nas salas de cinema e os meios de divulgação que mais impacto causam nas suas preferências. A análise dos dados recolhidos revela que existe uma ligação entre a ida às salas de cinema e a ideia da crescente falta de tempo das pessoas, associada ao reduzido poder de compra. Já no que se refere aos fatores e meios de divulgação determinantes na escolha de filmes, os participantes destacaram a Internet e o “bocaa- boca” como principais influenciadores. Os resultados alcançados sugerem assim tendências que devem ser consideradas na implementação de uma estratégia cuja intenção seja a do aumento da frequência da ida às salas de cinema.


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In order to address the increasing stakeholder requirements for environmentally sustainable products and processes, firms often need the participation of their supply chain partners. Green supply chain management has emerged as a set of managerial practices that integrate environmental issues into supply chain management. If implemented successfully, green supply chain management can be a way to achieve competitive advantage while enhancing the environmental sustainability of the firm. The overall purpose of this dissertation is to contribute to the discussion on green supply chain management practices from the perspective of their drivers and performance implications. The theoretical background arises from the literature on competitive strategy, firm performance and green supply chain management. The research questions are addressed by analysing firm-level data from manufacturing, trading and logistics firms operating in Finland. The empirical data comes from two consecutive Finland State of Logistics surveys in 2012 and 2014, combined with financial reporting data from external databases. The data is analysed with multiple statistical methods. First, the thesis contributes to the discussion of the drivers of GSCM practices. To enhance the understanding of the relationship between competitive strategy and GSCM practices, a conceptual tool to describe generic competitive strategy approaches was developed. The findings suggest that firms pursuing marketing differentiation are more likely to be able to compete by having only small environmental effects and by adopting a more advanced form of external green supply chain management, such as a combination of strong environmental collaboration and the increased environmental monitoring of suppliers. Furthermore, customer requirements for environmental sustainability are found to be an important driver in the implementation of internal GSCM practices. Firms can respond to this customer pressure by passing environmental requirements on to their suppliers, either through environmental collaboration or environmental monitoring. Second, this thesis adds value to the existing literature on the effects of green supply chain management practices on firm performance. The thesis provides support for the idea that there is a positive relationship between GSCM practices and firm performance and enhances the understanding of how different types of GSCM practices are related to 1) financial, 2) operational and 3) environmental performance in manufacturing and logistics. The empirical results suggest that while internal GSCM practices have the strongest effect on environmentalperformance, environmental collaboration with customers seems to be the most effective way to improve financial performance. In terms of operational performance, the findings were more mixed, suggesting that the operational performance of firms is more likely to be affected by firm characteristics than by the choices they make regarding their environmental collaboration. This thesis is also one of the first attempts to empirically analyse the relationship between GSCM practices and performance among logistics service providers. The findings also have managerial relevance. Management, especially in manufacturing and logistics industries, may benefit by gaining knowledge about which types of GSCM practice could provide the largest benefits in terms of different performance dimensions. This thesis also has implications for policy-makers and regulators regarding how to promote environmentally friendly activities among 1) manufacturing; 2) trading; and 3) logistics firms.


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O estudo realizado aborda a temática "Plano de marketing: uma proposta para o Hospital do Açúcar", com direção norteadora para efetuar uma avaliação diagnóstica das atividades da Fundação Hospital da Agroindústria do Açúcar e do Álcool de Alagoas, visando proporcionar uma radiografia de sua situação e, posteriormente, plano estratégico para o desenvolvimento de um processo de gestão eficiente e eficaz. Justifica-se o presente estudo tendo em vista a importância da unidade hospitalar para o Estado de Alagoas, considerando-se sua infra¬estrutura, seus serviços prestados à comunidade alagoana, bem como possibilitar uma reorientação estratégica que possibilite otimizar suas atividades para um atendimento qualitativo e manutenção de suas atividades de forma eficiente e eficaz. Objetiva efetuar uma análise do complexo organizacional da instituição, radiografando seus pontos fortes e fracos, suas oportunidades e riscos, enfim levantando a realidade de suas atividades possibilitando a estruturação de um plano estratégico de marketing que propicie um melhor posicionamento de mercado ao hospital e que defina objetivos e metas e ser alcançados a partir da identificação de oportunidades ambientais e empresariais compatíveis com seus recursos humanos e materiais, também, levando, em consideração os seus fins a sua finalidade filantrópica, respaldada por lei. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa foi desenvolvida de natureza exploratória, objetivando proporcionar maiores informações sobre o assunto; e bibliográfica, tendo como objetivo conhecer, recolher, selecionar, analisar e interpretar as contribuições teóricas já existentes sobre o assunto. No primeiro capítulo abordará o marketing e o plano de marketing, seus conceitos e aplicações, a visualização e aplicação do marketing de serviços, a modalidade do marketing para instituições sem fins lucrativos, até chegar na estrutura e elaboração do plano de marketing. No segundo capítulo aborda o contexto do Hospital do Açúcar e Álcool de Alagoas, conceitos e definições acerca da organização hospitalar, uma abordagem histórica acerca da instituição estudada, a sua estrutura organizacional, a infraestrutura, os recursos e a realidade organizacional. No terceiro capítulo é efetuada demonstração da metodologia aplicada, considerando as duas etapas de estudo realizadas. No quarto capítulo foi efetuado uma abordagem analítica acerca do planeamento de marketing da Fundação Hospital do Açúcar, a partir da realidade encontrada, da análise de SWOT, da estratégia de marketing mix, do segmento alvo, posicionamento e tipo de concorrentes, e do plano de ação. As razões pessoas que levaram a realização do presente estudo se deve ao fato da importância da Fundação Hospital do Açúcar para o Estado de Alagoas, bem como para a população carente e consumidora dos serviços hospitalares, tendo em vista representar uma instituição tradicional e historicamente fincada na localidade, merecendo, portanto, maior atenção das autoridades e sociedade em geral. ABSTRACT; The carried through study it approaches the thematic "Marketing plan: a proposal for the Hospital of the Sugar", with norteadora direction to effect a diagnostic evaluation of the activities of the Foundation Sugar and Alcohol Hospital of Alagoas, being aimed to provide an x-ray of its situation and, later, a strategical plan for the development of a process of efficient and efficient management. The present study in view of the importance of the hospital unit for the State of Alagoas is justified, considering itself its infrastructure, its services given to the Algona community, as well as making possible a strategical reorientation that it makes possible to optimize its activities for a qualitative attendance and maintenance of its activities of efficient and efficient form. Aiming to carry out an analysis of this institution complex of the institution, being radiographed its strong and weak points, its chances and risks, at last raising the reality of its activities making possible the structure of a strategical plan in the market that propitiates one better positioning of market for the hospital and that it defines reached objectives and goals and being from the identification of compatible ambient and enterprise chances with its human resources and material, also, taking, in consideration its ends its philanthropic purpose, endorsed by law. Methodologically, the research was developed of exploratory nature, aiming to provide greaters information on the subject; bibliographical collect, to select, to analyze and theoretical contributions. ln the first chapter it will approach the marketing and the plan of marketing, its concepts and applications, the visualization and application of the marketing services, the modality of the marketing for institutions without lucrative ends, until arriving in the structure and elaboration of the marketing plan. ln as the chapter it approaches the context of the Sugar and Alcohol Hospital of Alagoas, concepts and definitions concerning the hospital organization, a historical boarding concerning the studied institution, its organizational structure, the infrastructure, the resources and the organizational reality. ln the third chapter demonstration of the applied methodology is effected, considering the two carried through stages of study. ln the room chapter an analytical boarding concerning the planning of marketing of the Foundation wich effected the Hospital of the Sugar, from the found reality, of the analysis of SWOT, the strategy of marketing mix, the white segment, positioning and type of competitors, and the plan of action. The reasons people who had taken the accomplishment of the present study to the fact of the importance of the Foundation Sugar and Alcohol Hospital of Alagoas, as well as for the devoid population and consumer of the hospital services, in view of representing a traditional institution and historicamente fincada in the locality, deserving, therefore, greater attention of the authorities and society in general.


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A promoção de um espírito empreendedor e de inovação é uma necessidade primordial para o crescimento económico, sustentado na criação de empresas inovadoras. Este trabalho de projecto consiste na elaboração de um plano de negócios para a criação de um empreendimento, que propõe uma nova abordagem estratégica ao sector parafarmacêutico. A Pharma Spa pretende promover o negócio de uma forma inovadora, através da diversificação e complementaridade da actividade da parafarmácia, com a prestação de serviços da área da saúde e bem-estar, integrando uma clínica e um Spa. Este conceito de negócio segue uma estratégia de Marketing Lateral e aposta nas relações com o cliente, promovendo o Marketing Experiencial. O plano de negócios apresentado, permite aferir que a Pharma Spa apresenta viabilidade económico-financeira, sendo interessante a sua concretização, pelo que podemos inferir que estamos na presença de um projecto com elevado potencial de sucesso. ABSTRACT; The promotion of an entrepreneurial and innovative spirit is a primordial necessity for economic growth, supported by the creation of innovative companies. This project consists in the elaboration of a business plan to create an enterprise, which considers a new strategical vision to the parapharmaceutical sector. The Pharma Spa pretends to promote the business in an innovative way, through the diversification and complementing of the parapharmacy activity, with the services rendering in the health area and well-being, integrating a clinic and a Spa. This business concept follows a strategy of “Lateral Marketing” and increment the relations with the customer, promoting the “Experiential Marketing”. The business plan presented, allows concluding that the Pharma Spa presents economical and financial viability, which his implementation is interesting, and we can assess that we are in the presence of a project with high potential of success.


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The present study it analyzes the Management of the Marketing of strategy Relationship as distinguishing for the host s companies of the city of Natal - RN. To carry through this analysis interviews with managers had been carried through, as well as the direct comment of processes, documents, actions and strategies developed for the hotels, with intention to know the level of perception and valuation of the relationship with customers, to verify resources and technologies used in the Management of the Relationship Marketing, identification, segmentation and differentiation of customers, personalization of products and services, and results of the emphasis in the relationship with customers for the host s companies. The research can be classified as exploratory - descriptive, and its universe is limited to the city of Natal, having enclosed hotels that have carried through tourist activity in 2005 and 2006. Still on the criteria of election of the sample, the study it investigated host s companies who if fit in the category superior luxury, or either, five stars, pertaining the national nets and international. How much to the treatment and analysis of the data the was made to leave of the theoretical support of the authors who work the thematic one and of the analysis of the interviews with managers, documents and processes observed for the researcher in the studied hotels. The research sample that the interviewed ones understand the importance to work the Management of the Marketing of Relationship in the host s companies me intention to get sustainable competitive advantage. One still evidenced that the searched hotels make use of strategies and instruments of Management of the Marketing of Relationship, however without an ample theoretical knowledge and yes only as base in the experience of the managers and spread processes already, generating one moment competitive advantage and not relationships of long duration


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Field lab in marketing


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This paper studies the internationalization process of Dom Pedro to South Brazil. The company’s strategy is critically assessed and it is argued that a professionalization of corporate strategic planning is needed regarding further internationalization. This finding combined with a regional macro environment and hotel industry scanning helps deriving success factors for an expansion to South Brazil. Building on those factors, the market is analyzed regarding the most favorable hotel location and typology and an implementation plan is proposed. It is concluded that a business hotel in Porto Alegre represents a reasonable investment opportunity, if connected to an improved strategic planning.


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Field lab in marketing


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Field lab: SME competitiveness


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Field lab: Entrepreneurial and innovative ventures


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Mestrado em Marketing


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Doutoramento em Gestão.