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Transmission and switching in digital telecommunication networks require distribution of precise time signals among the nodes. Commercial systems usually adopt a master-slave (MS) clock distribution strategy building slave nodes with phase-locked loop (PLL) circuits. PLLs are responsible for synchronizing their local oscillations with signals from master nodes, providing reliable clocks in all nodes. The dynamics of a PLL is described by an ordinary nonlinear differential equation, with order one plus the order of its internal linear low-pass filter. Second-order loops are commonly used because their synchronous state is asymptotically stable and the lock-in range and design parameters are expressed by a linear equivalent system [Gardner FM. Phaselock techniques. New York: John Wiley & Sons: 1979]. In spite of being simple and robust, second-order PLLs frequently present double-frequency terms in PD output and it is very difficult to adapt a first-order filter in order to cut off these components [Piqueira JRC, Monteiro LHA. Considering second-harmonic terms in the operation of the phase detector for second order phase-locked loop. IEEE Trans Circuits Syst [2003;50(6):805-9; Piqueira JRC, Monteiro LHA. All-pole phase-locked loops: calculating lock-in range by using Evan`s root-locus. Int J Control 2006;79(7):822-9]. Consequently, higher-order filters are used, resulting in nonlinear loops with order greater than 2. Such systems, due to high order and nonlinear terms, depending on parameters combinations, can present some undesirable behaviors, resulting from bifurcations, as error oscillation and chaos, decreasing synchronization ranges. In this work, we consider a second-order Sallen-Key loop filter [van Valkenburg ME. Analog filter design. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston; 1982] implying a third order PLL The resulting lock-in range of the third-order PLL is determined by two bifurcation conditions: a saddle-node and a Hopf. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Electric arc furnace (EAF) dust is a waste generated in the EAF during the steel production process. Among different wastes, EAF dust represents one of the most hazardous, since it contains heavy metals such as Zn, Fe, Cr, Cd and Pb. The goal of the present work is to characterise the waste through chemical analysis, particle size distribution, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy detection and thermal analysis. The waste sample is composed essentially of spherical particles and has a very small particle size and the majority of the identified elements were Fe, Zn, Ca, Cr, Mn, K and Si. The XRD has presented compounds such as ZnO, ZnFe2O4, Fe2O3, MnO, SiO2, FeFe2O4 and MnAl2O4. According to the thermal analysis results, up to 1000 degrees C the total weight loss was similar to 5%. The results of waste characterisation are very important to these further investigations.
The distribution of clock signals throughout the nodes of a network is essential for several applications. in control and communication with the phase-locked loop (PLL) being the component for electronic synchronization process. In systems with master-slave (MS) strategies, the PLLs are the slave nodes responsible for providing reliable clocks in all nodes of the network. As PLLs have nonlinear phase detection, double-frequency terms appear and filtering becomes necessary. Imperfections in filtering process cause oscillations around the synchronous state worsening the performance of the clock distribution process. The behavior of one-way master-slave (OWMS) clock distribution networks is studied and performances of first- and second-order filter processes are compared, concerning lock-in ranges and responses to perturbations of the synchronous state. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
In the present work we report the characterization of PbO-GeO(2) films containing silver nanoparticles (NPs). Radio Frequency (RF) co-sputtering was used for deposition of amorphous films on glass substrates. Targets of 60PbO-40GeO(2) (in wt%) and bulk silver with purity of 99.99% were RF-sputtered using 3.5 m Torr of argon. The concentration of silver and gold NPs in the films was controlled varying the RF-power applied to the targets (40-50W for the PbO-GeO(2) target; 6-8 W for the metallic target). The films obtained were annealed in air at different temperatures and various periods of time. Absorption measurements have shown strong NPs surface plasmon bands. Different widths and peak wavelengths were observed, indicating that size, shape and distribution of the silver NPs are dependent on the deposition process parameters and on the annealing of the samples. X-Ray Fluorescence and Transmission Electron Microscopy were also used to characterize the samples. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Back in 1970s and 1980s, cogeneration plants in sugarcane mills were primarily designed to consume all bagasse, and produce steam and electricity to the process. The plants used medium pressure steam boilers (21 bar and 300 degrees C) and backpressure steam turbines. Some plants needed also an additional fuel, as the boilers were very inefficient. In those times, sugarcane bagasse did not have an economic value, and it was considered a problem by most mills. During the 1990s and the beginning of the 2000s, sugarcane industry faced an open market perspective, thus, there was a great necessity to reduce costs in the production processes. In addition, the economic value of by-products (bagasse, molasses, etc.) increased, and there was a possibility of selling electricity to the grid. This new scenario led to a search for more advanced cogeneration systems, based mainly on higher steam parameters (40-80 bar and 400-500 degrees C). In the future, some authors suggest that biomass integrated gasification combined cycles are the best alternative to cogeneration plants in sugarcane mills. These systems might attain 35-40% efficiency for the power conversion. However, supercritical steam cycles might also attain these efficiency values, what makes them an alternative to gasification-based systems. This paper presents a comparative thermoeconomic study of these systems for sugarcane mills. The configurations studied are based on real systems that could be adapted to biomass use. Different steam consumptions in the process are considered, in order to better integrate these configurations in the mill. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this paper is to present an economical design of an X chart for a short-run production. The process mean starts equal to mu(0) (in-control, State I) and in a random time it shifts to mu(1) > mu(0) (out-of-control, State II). The monitoring procedure consists of inspecting a single item at every m produced ones. If the measurement of the quality characteristic does not meet the control limits, the process is stopped, adjusted, and additional (r - 1) items are inspected retrospectively. The probabilistic model was developed considering only shifts in the process mean. A direct search technique is applied to find the optimum parameters which minimizes the expected cost function. Numerical examples illustrate the proposed procedure. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this work is the production and preliminary characterization of adsorbent new materials useful for sensor development. A new plasma chamber was simulated and designed in order to obtain multiple layers and/or composites in a single step. Plasma deposited organic fluorocompound and hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) thin films were produced and tested as adsorbent layers. Chemical characterization used ellipsometry, Raman. infrared and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Hydrophobic and oleophobic character were determined by contact angle measurements. Adsorption characteristics were evaluated using quartz crystal microbalance. Not only HMDS but also the fluorocompound can polymerize but intermixing and a double layer are only obtained in very narrow conditions. The films are adsorbent and mildly hydrophobic. Films deposited on a microchromatographic column can be used on sample pretreatment to remove and/or preconcentrate volatile organic Compounds. Therefore, with this approach it is possible to obtain films with different monomers on double layer or composites, with organic/inorganic materials or particles and use them on sample pretreatment for chemical analysis. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Bioethanol is a biofuel produced mainly from the fermentation of carbohydrates derived from agricultural feedstocks by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. One of the most widely adopted strains is PE-2, a heterothallic diploid naturally adapted to the sugar cane fermentation process used in Brazil. Here we report the molecular genetic analysis of a PE-2 derived diploid (JAY270), and the complete genome sequence of a haploid derivative (JAY291). The JAY270 genome is highly heterozygous (similar to 2 SNPs/kb) and has several structural polymorphisms between homologous chromosomes. These chromosomal rearrangements are confined to the peripheral regions of the chromosomes, with breakpoints within repetitive DNA sequences. Despite its complex karyotype, this diploid, when sporulated, had a high frequency of viable spores. Hybrid diploids formed by outcrossing with the laboratory strain S288c also displayed good spore viability. Thus, the rearrangements that exist near the ends of chromosomes do not impair meiosis, as they do not span regions that contain essential genes. This observation is consistent with a model in which the peripheral regions of chromosomes represent plastic domains of the genome that are free to recombine ectopically and experiment with alternative structures. We also explored features of the JAY270 and JAY291 genomes that help explain their high adaptation to industrial environments, exhibiting desirable phenotypes such as high ethanol and cell mass production and high temperature and oxidative stress tolerance. The genomic manipulation of such strains could enable the creation of a new generation of industrial organisms, ideally suited for use as delivery vehicles for future bioenergy technologies.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae hexokinase-less strains were produced to study the production of ethanol and fructose from sucrose. These strains do not have the hexokinases A and B. Twenty-three double-mutant strains were produced, and then, three were selected for presenting a smaller growth in yeast extract-peptone-fructose. In fermentations with a medium containing sucrose (180.3 g L-1) and with cell recycles, simulating industrial conditions, the capacity of these mutant yeasts in inverting sucrose and fermenting only glucose was well characterized. Besides that, we could also see their great tolerance to the stresses of fermentative recycles, where fructose production (until 90 g L-1) and ethanol production (until 42.3 g L-1) occurred in cycles of 12 h, in which hexokinase-less yeasts performed high growth (51.2% of wet biomass) and viability rates (77% of viable cells) after nine consecutive cycles.
Color, pH, shear force, water-holding capacity, chemical composition, cholesterol content, and fatty acid profile from conventional, free-range and alternative broiler breast meat were determined in order to evaluate differences in the quality of broiler meat produced under different systems. Broilers reared in a conventional system had the highest lipid content (1.3%) but lower proportions of polyunsaturated (17.3%) and omega-3 fatty acids (0.3%) (p<0.05) compared to free-range and alternative broilers. On the other hand, free-range broilers had a lower cholesterol content (48.6 mg center dot 100 g(-1)) and lower pH (5.7 1) while broilers raised in an alternative system had a higher shear force (2.33 kgf) and lower yellowness value (b* value = 3.15) when compared to the other rearing systems (p<0.05).
Hormones are likely to be important factors modulating the light-dependent anthocyanin accumulation. Here we analyzed anthocyanin contents in hypocotyls of near isogenic Micro-Tom (MT) tomato lines carrying hormone and phytochrome mutations, as single and double-mutant combinations. In order to recapitulate mutant phenotype, exogenous hormone applications were also performed Anthocyanin accumulation was promoted by exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) and inhibited by gibberellin (GA), in accordance to the reduced anthocyanin contents measured in ABA-deficient (notabills) and GA-constitutive response (procera) mutants. Exogenous cytokinin also enhanced anthocyanin levels in MT hypocotyls. Although auxin-insensitive chageotropica mutant exhibited higher anthocyanin contents, pharmacological approaches employing exogenous auxin and a transport inhibitor did not support a direct role of the hormone in anthocyanin accumulation Analysis of mutants exhibiting increased ethylene production (epwastic) or reduced sensitivity (Never ripe), together with pharmacological data obtained from plants treated with the hormone, indicated a limited role for ethylene in anthocyanin contents. Phytochrome-deficiency (aurea) and hormone double-mutant combinations exhibited phenotypes suggesting additive or synergistic interactions, but not fully espistatic ones, in the control of anthocyanin levels in tomato hypocotyls. Our results indicate that phytochrome-mediated anthocyanin accumulation in tomato hypocotyls is modulated by distinct hormone classes via both shared and independent pathways. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved
Tabasco pepper production with CO(2) application using drip irrigation. Application of CO(2) through water reduces the soil solution pH, causing variations in nutrient mobility and consequent effects on the absorption. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of carbon dioxide rates supplied by drip irrigation in the production of Capsicum frutescens L. crop. A randomized block design with four treatments and eight replications was used. The treatments were four rates of CO(2): 0 (T1), 451.95 (T2); 677.93 (T3) and 903.92 (T4) kg ha(-1). The fruits were counted and weighed; the length and the diameter were obtained from an average of 20 fruits per plant, randomly taken, from each treatment in the plot. The quadratic effect (p < 0.01) occurred for CO(2) on the yield and there was quadratic effect (p < 0.05) of the rates on the number of fruits. There were no effects of CO(2) rates on the green matter, dry matter and fruit length and diameter. The T2 treatment provided greater yield and higher number of fruits per plant with an increase of 16 and 26%, respectively in relation to T1 (without CO(2)). CO(2) application favored the increase in the yield because of the greater number of fruits per plant in the Tabasco pepper crop.
In greenhouse potato cultivation, mineral nutrition is one of the main factors contributing to high yields and better product quality. Knowledge about the amount of nutrients accumulated in the plants at each growing phase provides important information that helps the establishment of a more balanced fertilizer application. The objective of this research was to determine the time course of macronutrients uptake and accumulation in potato plants for seed-tuber production, grown in nutrient solution. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, using in vitro material from the pre-basic category of the `Atlantic` variety. The plants were collected weekly from 14 days after transplanting (DAT) until 70 DAT The experimental design was a completely randomized block with 9 treatments to sampling times and four replicates. The highest nutrient requirement in the plant shoot occurred at the periods between 28 and 56 DAT while in the tubers it was after 49 DAT The maximum accumulation sequence of macronutrients was K > N > S > Ca > P > Mg.
Approval of the Clean Development Mechanism, provided for in the Kyoto Protocol, enables countries with afforested land to trade in carbon emissions reduction certificates related to carbon dioxide equivalent quantities (CO(2-e)) stored within a certain forest area. Potential CO(2-e) above base line sequestration was determined for two forest sites on commercial eucalyptus plantations in northern Brazil (Bahia). Compensation values for silvicultural regimes involving rotation lengths greater than economically optimal were computed using the Faustmann formula. Mean values obtained were US$8.16 (MgCO(2-e))(-1) and US $7.19 (MgCO(2-e))(-1) for average and high site indexes, respectively. Results show that carbon supply is more cost-efficient in highly productive sites. Annuities of US$18.8 Mg C(-1) and US$35.1 Mg C(-1) and yearly payments of US$4.4 m(-3) and US$8.2 m(-3) due for each marginal cubic meter produced were computed for high and average sites, respectively. The estimated value of the tonne of carbon defines minimum values to be paid to forest owners, in order to induce a change in silvicultural management regimes. A reduction of carbon supply could be expected as a result of an increase in wood prices, although it would not respond in a regular manner. For both sites, price elasticity of supply was found to be inelastic and increased as rotation length moved further away from economically optimal: 0.24 and 0.27 for age 11 years in average- and high-productivity sites, respectively. This would be due to biomass production potential as a limiting factor; beyond a certain threshold value. an increase in price does not sustain a proportional change in carbon storage supply. The environmental service valuation model proposed might be adequate for assessing potential supply in plantation forestry, from a private landowner perspective, with an economic opportunity cost. The model is not applicable to low commercial value forest plantations. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Plantation spacing selection has the primary objective of assigning each tree enough space for maximum growth and best quality to be attained with a minimum cost. From the harvest standpoint, an increase in stand density directly implies a decrease of individual tree volume, reducing also harvester productive capacity. The objective of this research is to assess the effects of several initial spacings and arrangements in eucalyptus plantations on production capacity, operational capacity and costs of forest harvester. Real operational data were collected from two eucalypt plantations at different initial spacing of 6.0, 7.5, 9.0, 12 and 18 m(2) per tree. Simulation data were obtained from a forest harvester simulator. Using spacing (E), mean tree volume (MV), diameter at breast height (DBH) and height (H) values, a stepwise regression test procedure was run, and correlations computed in order to measure their participation in operational capacity. Operational costs were computed with an accounting method proposed by FAO. Mean tree volume (MV) explained 88% of forest harvester operational capacity. Spacing (E) affected 8.5% of harvester operational capacity; wider spacings were related to higher individual tree volumes. Harvesting operation costs were lower in wider spaced treatments.