991 resultados para iodine deficiency disorders


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Copper (Cu) is a potentially toxic yet essential element. Menkes disease, a copper deficiency disorder, and Wilson disease, a copper toxicosis condition, are two human genetic disorders, caused by mutations of two closely related Cu-transporting ATPases. Both molecules efflux copper from cells. Quite diverse clinical phenotypes are produced by different mutations of these two Cu-transporting proteins. The understanding of copper homeostasis has become increasingly important in clinical medicine as the metal could be involved in the pathogenesis of some important neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, motor neurone diseases and prion diseases.


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‘Impetus to explore’ is studied through post-lesson video-stimulated student interviews. This impetus focuses ‘spontaneous’ decisions to explore unfamiliar mathematics. Uncertainty, quests for elegance and curiosity have been found to contribute to this impetus. This study identified other contributing factors: inability to undertake the teacher’s task, ‘optimistic explanatory style’ (Seligman, 1995), and identifying relevant complexities (Williams, 2002). Explanatory style affects how a person perceives successes and failures. Enactment of optimism in this study illuminated its role in creating an impetus to explore. Re-conceptualising ‘operational deficiency’ (Chen & Siegler, 2000) to include absence of resources to undertake a task illuminated a task design feature that can increase exploration.


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This paper discusses the cultural, attitudinal and structural factors that impact upon the social experiences and educational achievements of Arabic-speaking background (ASB) students in three Melbourne secondary schools with high levels of cultural and linguistic diversity. The paper makes the case for and then outlines a multidimensional approach to multicultural education to better integrate ASB students and their families into the schooling environment. Key strategies developed and tested include a model of school-community partnership, online and interactive teacher support material (TSM) as well as on-going teacher professional development workshops on reflexive approaches to cultural diversity and intercultural tension.


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Introduction: Recent reports in adult humans suggest that heart rate variability is modulated by the concentration of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) contained in blood cell membranes. Material and methods: Hurst analysis of ECG data was conducted on 12 male adult hooded (Long-Evans) rats, representing the 3rd generation to be fed diets that were either deficient in, or supplemented with, omega-3 PUFA. ECG data were obtained from surface electrodes and 4000 beats were analyzed for each animal. Results: Dietary manipulation, despite leading to large changes in tissue omega- 3 PUFA levels, did not significantly affect the complexity of heart rate dynamics, with Hurst exponent (H) values of 0.15±0.02 and 0.12±0.03, for animals fed omega- 3 fatty acid-adequate and -deficient diets, respectively. Mean heart rate was also unaffected by the diets. A power calculation revealed that about one hundred animals per group would have been required to avoid a type II error. Conclusions: According to this model of dietary PUFA manipulation, omega-3 fatty acids are unlikely to exert a large effect on the autonomic functions that control heart rate variability. Prospective studies into the effect of omega-3 fatty acids on HRV should consider the need for large sample size as estimated by the results contained in this report.


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OBJECTIVE: To Investigate Australian general practitioners' experiences of accessing education about depression and their preferences for future education on depression and related disorders.
METHOD: Six hundred and eight anonymous surveys were distributed to GPs through 52 rural and urban divisions of general practice; 420 were retumed.
RESULTS: Educational formats involving direct contact with people having mental health expertise were highly valued. Distance education and web based technologies were least used. In the previous year, women and older GPs had spent more time on education about depression. Most intended to undertake more such education in the future and said that education in psychosocial strategies would be very useful. General practitioners' attitudes to further education about depression were influenced by their gender, practice location, and their previous mental health training.
DISCUSSION: More face-to-face training may be desirable to take advantage of GPs' willingness to spend more time on education about depression and related disorders.


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Within the multi-disciplinary team concerned with child and adolescent development, speech pathologists are uniquely positioned to understand the nature and overall developmental significance of language acquisition in childhood and adolescence. Other disciplines contribute valuable insights about psychosocial development during the childhood and adolescent years. The field of developmental psychology, for example provides a large and convincing body of evidence about the role of academic success as a protective factor against a range of psychosocial harms, in particular substance misuse, truancy, early school leaving, and juvenile offending. In this paper, we argue that juvenile offending embodies the notion of "adolescent risk", but in Australia in particular, has been under-investigated with respect to possible associations with developmental language disorders and subsequent academic failure. We present findings pertaining to a sample of 30 male juvenile offenders completing community based orders. Performance on a range of oral language processing and production skills was poorer than that of a demographically similar comparison group. Our results confirm the need to conceptualize language within a broader risk and protective framework. We therefore emphasize the public health importance of early language competence, by virtue of the psychosocial protection it confers on young people with respect to the development of prosocial skills, transition to literacy and overall academic achievement. We argue that speech pathologists are best positioned to advocate at a policy level about the broader public health importance of oral language competence.


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Given that the human brain is plastic and that structural alterations have been seen in monks who meditate on a regular basis, the question arises of whether these two facts are actually related. Furthermore, if this is in fact the case, would it be possible to apply these findings to the public? In this paper I will present the different conditions that induce neuroplasticity as well as give an overview of meditation and the ways that it is practiced nowadays. To this end I will argue that if monks are able to alter the structure of their brains and the brain is naturally inclined to heal itself then incorporating eastern practices, such as mindfulness and imagery, into western therapies could benefit patients suffering from mood disorders and, in particular, stress.


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Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. Previous work in both animals and humans with high blood pressure has demonstrated the antihypertensive effects of n−3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), although it is not known whether these nutrients are effective in preventing hypertension. The predominant n−3 PUFA in the mammalian nervous system, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), is deposited into synaptic membranes at a high rate during the perinatal period, and recent observations indicate that the perinatal environment is important for the normal development of blood pressure control. This study investigated the importance of perinatal n−3 PUFA supply in the control of blood pressure in adult Sprague-Dawley rats. Pregnant rat dams were fed semisynthetic diets that were either deficient in (DEF) or supplemented with (CON) n−3 PUFA. Offspring were fed the same diets as their mothers until 9 wk; then, half of the rats from each group were crossed over to the opposite diet, creating four groups, i.e., CON-CON; CON-DEF; DEF-DEF, DEF-CON. Mean arterial blood pressures (MAP) were measured directly, at 33 wk of age, by cannulation of the femoral artery. The phospholipid fatty acid profile of the hypothalamic region was determined by capillary gas-liquid chromatography. The tissue phospholipid fatty acid profile reflected the diet that the rats were consuming at the time of testing. Both groups receiving DEF after 9 wk of age (i.e., DEF-DEF and CON-DEF) had similar profiles with a reduction in DHA levels of 30%, compared with rats receiving CON (i.e., CON-CON and DEF-CON). DEF-DEF rats had significantly raised MAP compared with all other groups, with differences as great as 17 mm Hg. DEF-CON rats had raised MAP compared with CON-CON rats, and DEF-DEF rats had higher MAP than CON-DEF rats, despite the fact that their respective fatty acid profiles were not different. These findings indicate that inadequate levels of DHA in the perinatal period are associated with altered blood pressure control in later life. The way in which these long-term effects are produced remains to be elucidated.


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Objective: To investigate the effect of maternal dietary ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) deficiency and repletion on food appetite signaling.
Research Methods and Procedures: Sprague-Dawley rat dams were maintained on diets either supplemented with (CON) or deficient in (DEF) ω-3 PUFA. All offspring were raised on the maternal diet until weaning. After weaning, two groups remained on the respective maternal diet (CON and DEF groups), whereas a third group, born of dams fed the DEF diet, were switched to the CON diet (REC). Experiments on food intake began when the male rats reached 16 weeks of age. Food intake was stimulated either by a period of food restriction, by blocking glucose utilization (by 2-deoxyglucose injection), or by blocking β-oxidation of fatty acids (by β-mercaptoacetate injection).
Results: DEF animals consumed more than CON animals in response to all stimuli, with the greatest difference (1.9-fold) demonstrated following administration of 2-deoxyglucose. REC animals also consumed more than CON animals in response to food restriction and 2-deoxyglucose but not to β-mercaptoacetate.
Discussion: These findings indicate that supply of ω-3 PUFA, particularly during the perinatal period, plays a role in the normal development of mechanisms controlling food intake, especially glucoprivic (i.e. reduced glucose availability) appetite signaling. Dietary repletion of ω-3 PUFA from 3 weeks of age restored intake responses to fatty acid metabolite signaling but did not reverse those in response to food restriction or glucoprivic stimuli.


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OBJECTIVE: A growing number of studies have tested the efficacy of preventive interventions in reducing the incidence of depressive disorders. Until now, no meta-analysis has integrated the results of these studies. METHOD: The authors conducted a meta-analysis. After a comprehensive literature search, 19 studies were identified that met inclusion criteria. The studies had to be randomized controlled studies in which the incidence of depressive disorders (based on diagnostic criteria) in an experimental group could be compared with that of a control group. RESULTS: The mean incidence rate ratio was 0.78, indicating a reduction of the incidence of depressive disorders by 22% in experimental compared with control groups. Heterogeneity was low to moderate (I2=33%). The number needed to treat to prevent one case of depressive disorder was 22. Moderator analyses revealed no systematic differences between target populations or types of prevention (universal, selective, or indicated). The data included indications that prevention based on interpersonal psychotherapy may be more effective than prevention based on cognitive-behavioral therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Prevention of new cases of depressive disorders does seem to be possible. Prevention may become an important way, in addition to treatment, to reduce the enormous public health burden of depression in the coming years.


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Research has established that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), plays a fundamental role in brain structure and function. Epidemiological and cross-sectional studies have also identified a role for long-chain omega-3 PUFA, which includes DHA, eicosapentaenoic acid, and docosapentaenoic acid, in the etiology of depression. In the past ten years, there have been 12 intervention studies conducted using various preparations of longchain omega-3 PUFA in unipolar and bipolar depression. The majority of these studies administered long-chain omega-3 PUFA as an adjunct therapy. The studies have been conducted over 4 to 16 weeks of intervention and have often included small cohorts. In four out of the seven studies conducted in depressed individuals and in two out of the five studies in bipolar patients, individuals have reported a positive outcome following supplementation with ethyl-eicosapentaenoic acid or fish oil containing long-chain omega-3 PUFA. In the three trials that researched the influence of DHA-rich preparations, no significant effects were reported. The mechanisms that have been invoked to account for the benefits of long-chain omega-3 PUFA in depression include reductions in prostaglandins derived from arachidonic acid, which lead to decreased brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels and/or alterations in blood flow to the brain.