945 resultados para internationalization.


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Designing educational resources allow students to modify their learning process. In particular, on-line and downloadable educational resources have been successfully used in engineering education the last years [1]. Usually, these resources are free and accessible from web. In addition, they are designed and developed by lecturers and used by their students. But, they are rarely developed by students in order to be used by other students. In this work-in-progress, lecturers and students are working together to implement educational resources, which can be used by students to improve the learning process of computer networks subject in engineering studies. In particular, network topologies to model LAN (Local Area Network) and MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) are virtualized in order to simulate the behavior of the links and nodes when they are interconnected with different physical and logical design.


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While many studies of franchising have examined the organizational antecedents of internationalization, few have examined how differences among markets lead to this internationalization. Studies linking environmental factors to the companies' decision to internationalize showed that various political, social and economic factors either attract or repel international franchising investment. We build on these studies' selected variables to understand the similarities and differences among international franchising markets. Using these variables, our results show that countries divide into eight clusters with similar international franchising market characteristics. A discussion of each cluster follows with implications for franchising research.


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Traditional explanations of MNE geographic scope formation fit somewhat uncomfortably with recent empirical and theoretical work in IB that suggests (1) that wholesale (not just gradual) changes in MNE geographic scope may be more frequent than previously thought, and (2) that managers’ responses to a world increasingly characterized by random, unpredictable change are more experimental and less optimizing in nature than assumed in most models of international expansion. In this paper we draw from studies portraying industries as dynamic networks, and from the literature on managerial cognition to provide a complementary explanation of the evolution of MNE geographic scope that reconciles the insights of traditional IB models with the questions raised by more recent studies in this field. We illustrate the proposed model through a detailed account of the internationalization process of Telefonica, the Spanish telecommunications company.


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O objetivo central deste estudo é o de identificar a influência das principais características da orientação empreendedora de um gestor de PME-Pequena e Média Empresa do setor metal-mecânico de São Bernardo do Campo, no processo de internacionalização da empresa. A pesquisa, por meio de estudo de caso em quatro empresas do município de São Bernardo do Campo, município que concentra muitas empresas e é responsável por importante parcela da corrente de comércio do Brasil inteiro, identifica a influência das principais características da orientação empreendedora de um gestor destas PME. Na estruturação e validação do instrumento de investigação, por meio do estudo de caso, foram entrevistados pelo autor os quatro principais gestores destas PME, sob um roteiro estruturado, que confrontado com as dimensões das orientações empreendedoras e as teorias de internacionalização, conseguiu concluir que o sucesso neste processo está diretamente ligado à orientação do seu gestor, que pode ou não encaminhar a empresa a um processo de internacionalização, para tanto, este gestor precisa dominar parte destas dimensões de orientação de forma sistêmica e aplicá-las no seu negócio.


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A presente dissertação teve como objetivo verificar as razões pelas quais a empresa Metal Leve cedeu o controle acionário a uma empresa concorrente de porte internacional e comparar a situação existente à época da sua desnacionalização e o estágio em que se encontra a nova controladora Mahle Metal Leve S. A. em termos de produção e gestão, após a reorganização produtiva. Esse processo de internacionalização produtiva acarretou modificações na empresa ensejando uma reestruturação da produção e da gestão e um novo círculo vicioso, constituindo as bases de um novo crescimento econômico, com um projeto estratégico de longo prazo, associado ao seu poder econômico, a sua capacidade gerencial e a sua tradição. O estudo está fundamentado em um conjunto de informações sobre os dois momentos, focalizando os resultados financeiros, aspectos gerenciais, liderança, capacidade competitiva e a evolução ao longo desses dois momentos comparados. Concluindo que não apenas o fenômeno da globalização da economia internacional tornou inevitável a cessão do controle acionário. Porém, também faltou visão estratégica para perceber as mudanças que inevitavelmente ocorriam a sua volta e que a nova controladora, a Mahler Metal Leve, trouxe uma competência gerencial que resultou em ganhos de produtividade e melhorou sua competitividade


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Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de compreender as dimensões envolvidas no processo de comunicação das organizações com atuação internacional. É um estudo de cunho qualitativo, constituído por uma pesquisa bibliográfica, onde se identificam diferentes perspectivas teóricas que contribuem para a análise e compreensão das dimensões envolvidas no processo de comunicação internacional das organizações, e de uma pesquisa empírica, de cunho exploratório, junto a quatro executivos de comunicação brasileiros, cuja técnica de coleta de dados foi a entrevista semi-estruturada. Ainda que os resultados alcançados não permitam generalizações, algumas lições importantes são extraídas, entre elas, a necessidade da compreensão da profunda articulação entre os conceitos de comunicação e cultura e sua decorrente influência para o processo de construção de significados; e a forte emergência das questões de identidade, imagem e reputação em ambiente internacional. O número de empresas brasileiras que se lançam em um processo de expansão internacional vem crescendo ano a ano. Contudo, é um assunto que ainda recebe pouca atenção de pesquisas acadêmicas no campo da comunicação organizacional. Espera-se que esta pesquisa contribua para reduzir essa lacuna ao identificar alguns dos desafios de comunicação presentes em empresas com atuação internacional.(AU)


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In this article we aim to analyze the relationship between a set of organizational extrinsic and intrinsic factors and the adoption of the Balanced Scorecard(BSC) by privately-owned Portuguese organizations (large companies and small and médium enterprises).These factos are related to companies age,the diversity of products and services,the nature of the ownership structure,the internationalization,and the organizational size. As a primary means of data collection was carried out a postal survey through a questionnaire sent to 549 privately-owned Portuguese organizations, with na overall responserate of 28.2%. The results indicate that the degree of diversity of the products/services of the organization,the owner- ship of foreign groups,and theo rganizational size are positively associated with the implementation of the BSC.Thus,we conclude that the BSC increases with the degree of diversity of the products/services of the organization,that the Portuguese organizations that use the BSC are mainly owned by foreign groups; and larger organizations are most likely to use this tool.


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It is argued that international retail research has overlooked an essential component of the retail internationalization process, notably learning. This paper proposes an exploratory framework that enables the application of learning theory to the study of international retailing. The paper provides a meaningful starting point for developing an overarching framework which would represent one sort of re-conceptualization of the retail internationalization process, and arguably a new perspective for reinterpreting, re-evaluating and refining the existing literature on international retailing. Alongside this exploratory framework, we present a series of research propositions that might serve as an agenda for research into international retail learning. The paper concludes with a summary of the key themes and ways in which the area of international retail learning may be investigated.


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This paper contends that a range of questions arising from the geographical and organizational dynamics of international retail joint ventures have been bypassed by studies in the international retail field. It argues that, despite its importance as a corporate growth strategy, comparatively less is known about the way in which retailers have employed joint ventures in international markets. Based on a review of the literature and illustrated with examples of international retail joint venturing activity, this paper reveals several gaps in our understanding of the internationalization process of retail firms. Suggestions for further research are made throughout the paper on the basis of gaps in the retailer internationalization literature.


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There is growing interest in the role of corporate governance systems within the strategy-making process of firms. Using a 'strategy as practice' perspective, we conceptualize the governance system as a contested space in which management and security analysts mutually adapt/transform and enact corporate strategies vis-à-vis argumentation. Synthesizing this micropractice perspective within corporate governance research, the supple role of securities analysts' arguments in shaping corporate strategies assumes a new significance. It also provides a basis for observing and understanding the contested nature of the retail internationalization process. The implications and opportunities for management studies and economic geography are considered. © The Author (2007). Published by Oxford Press. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the learning by exporting hypothesis by examining the effect of exporting on the subsequent innovation performance of a sample of high-technology SMEs based in the UK. We find evidence of learning by exporting, but the pattern of this effect is complex. Exporting helps high-tech SMEs innovate subsequently, but does not make them more innovation intensive. There is evidence that consistent exposure to export markets helps firms overcome the innovation hurdle, but that there is a positive scale effect of exposure to export markets which allows innovative firms to sell more of their new-to-market products on entering export markets. Service sector firms are able to reap the benefits of exposure to export markets at an earlier (entry) stage of the internationalization process than are manufacturing firms. Innovation-intensive firms exhibit a different pattern of entry to and exit from export markets from low-intensity innovators, and this is reflected in different effects of exporting. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Theory points to the existence of a learning by exporting effect, in which exposure to export markets enhances performance through exposure to the knowledge stocks of trading partners. We investigate the learning by exporting hypothesis by examining the effect of exporting on the subsequent innovation performance of UK high-tech SMEs. We find evidence of learning by exporting, but the pattern of this effect is relatively complex. Exporting helps high-tech SMEs innovate subsequently, but does not make them more innovation intensive. There is also evidence that it is consistent exposure to export markets that helps firms overcome the innovation hurdle, but that there is a positive scale effect of exposure to export markets which allows innovative firms to sell more of their new-to-market products on entering export markets. Service sector firms are able to reap the benefits of exposure to export markets at an earlier (entry) stage of the internationalization process than are manufacturing firms. Firms producing a rapidly changing portfolio of innovative products exhibit higher churn in terms of entry to and exit from export markets than low-intensity innovators, and this is reflected in the effects of entry and exit into and out of such markets.


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This paper extends existing understandings of how actors' constructions of ambiguity shape the emergent process of strategic action. We theoretically elaborate the role of rhetoric in exploiting strategic ambiguity, based on analysis of a longitudinal case study of an internationalization strategy within a business school. Our data show that actors use rhetoric to construct three types of strategic ambiguity: protective ambiguity that appeals to common values in order to protect particular interests, invitational ambiguity that appeals to common values in order to invite participation in particular actions, and adaptive ambiguity that enables the temporary adoption of specific values in order to appeal to a particular audience at one point in time. These rhetorical constructions of ambiguity follow a processual pattern that shapes the emergent process of strategic action. Our findings show that (1) the strategic actions that emerge are shaped by the way actors construct and exploit ambiguity, (2) the ambiguity intrinsic to the action is analytically distinct from ambiguity that is constructed and exploited by actors, and (3) ambiguity construction shifts over time to accommodate the emerging pattern of actions.


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- We conduct a Meta-analysis of 54 papers that study the relationship between multinationality and firm performance. The aim is to understand if any systematic relationships exist between the characteristics of each study and the reported results of linear and curvilinear regressions to examine the multinationality-performance relationship. - Our main finding, robust to different specifications and to different weights for each observation, is that when analysis is based on non-US data, the reported return to multinationality is higher. However, this relationship for non-US firms is usually U-shaped rather than inverted U-shaped. This indicates that US firms face lower returns to internationalization than other firms but are less likely to incur losses in the early stages of internationalization. - The findings also highlight the differences that are reported when comparing regression and non-regression based techniques. Our results suggest that in this area regression based analysis is more reliable than say ANOVA or other related approaches. - Other characteristics that influence the estimated rate of return and its shape across different studies are: the measure of multinationality used; size distribution of the sample; and the use of market-based indicators to measure firm performance. Finally, we find no evidence of publication bias.


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Using data on 157 large companies in Poland and Hungary, this paper employs Bayesian structural equation modeling to examine the relations among corporate governance, managers' independence from owners in terms of strategic decision making, exporting, and performance. Managers' independence is positively associated with firms' financial performance and exporting. In turn, the extent of managers' independence is negatively associated with ownership concentration, but positively associated with the percentage of foreign directors on the firm's board. We interpret these results as indicating that concentrated owners tend to constrain managerial autonomy at the cost of the firm's internationalization and performance, but board participation of foreign stakeholders enhances the firm's export orientation and performance by encouraging executives' decision-making autonomy.