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A La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2F0.8O3 mixed ionic electronic conducting (MIEC) membrane was used in a dual chamber reactor for the promotion of the catalytic activity of a platinum catalyst for ethylene oxidation. By controlling the oxygen chemical potential difference across the membrane, a driving force for oxygen ions to migrate across the membrane and backspillover onto the catalyst surface is established. The reaction is then promoted by the formation of a double layer of oxide anions on the catalyst surface. Thelectronic conductivity of the membrane material eliminates the need for an external circuit to pump the promoting oxide ion species through the membrane and onto the catalyst surface. This renders this "wireless" system simpler and more amenable for large-scale practical application. Preliminary experiments show that the reaction rate of ethylene oxidation can indeed be promoted by almost one order of magnitude upon exposure to an oxygen atmosphere on the sweep side of the membrane reactor, and thus inducing an oxygen chemical potential difference across the membrane, as compared to the rate under an inert sweep gas. Moreover, the rate does not return to its initial unpromoted value upon cessation of the oxygen flow on the sweep side, but remains permanently promoted. A number of comparisons are drawn between the classical electrochemical promotion that utilises an external circuit and the "wireless" system that utilises chemical potential differences. In addition a 'surface oxygen capture' model is proposed to explain the permanent promotion of the catalyst activity. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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A novel approach to electrochemical modification of catalytic activity using a wireless configuration has been undertaken. This paper presents preliminary results on the modification of a platinum catalyst film supported on a pellet of Sr0.97Ce0.9Yb0.1O3-δ (SCYb), considered to be a mixed protonic-electronic conductor under reducing conditions. The wireless configuration utilises the mixed ionic and electronic conductivity of the supporting membrane to supply an ionic promoting species to the catalyst surface. Control of the flux of this species is achieved by adjusting the effective hydrogen chemical potential difference across the membrane in a dual-chamber reactor with one chamber acting as the "reaction side" and the other as the "sweep side". The reaction rate can be promoted by up to a factor of 1.6, for temperatures around 500 °C and low reactant concentrations, when hydrogen is introduced on the sweep side of the membrane reactor. The use of helium, moist helium and oxygen in helium as sweep gases did not modify the reaction rate. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It has been found that the catalytic activity and selectivity of a metal film deposited on a solid electrolyte could be enhanced dramatically and in a reversible way by applying an electrical current or potential between the metal catalyst and the counter electrode (also deposited on the electrolyte). This phenomenon is know as NEMCA [S. Bebelis, C.G. Vayenas, Journal of Catalysis, 118 (1989) 125-146.] or electrochemical promotion (EP) [J. Prichard, Nature, 343 (1990) 592.] of catalysis. Yttria-doped barium zirconate, BaZr0.9Y0.1O3 - α (BZY), a known proton conductor, has been used in this study. It has been reported that proton conducting perovskites can, under the appropriate conditions, act also as oxide ion conductors. In mixed conducting systems the mechanism of conduction depends upon the gas atmosphere that to which the material is exposed. Therefore, the use of a mixed ionic (oxide ion and proton) conducting membrane as a support for a platinum catalyst may facilitate the tuning of the promotional behaviour of the catalyst by allowing the control of the conduction mechanism of the electrolyte. The conductivity of BZY under different atmospheres was measured and the presence of oxide ion conduction under the appropriate conditions was confirmed. Moreover, kinetic experiments on ethylene oxidation corroborated the findings from the conductivity measurements showing that the use of a mixed ionic conductor allows for the tuning of the reaction rate. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A solid-state electrochemical reactor with ceramic proton-conducting membrane has been used to study the effect of electrochemically induced hydrogen spillover on the catalytic activity of platinum during ethylene oxidation. Suitable proton-conducting electrolyte membranes (Gd-doped BaPrO 3 (BPG) and Y-doped BaZrO3 (BZY)) were fabricated. These materials were chosen because of their protonic conductivity in the operational temperature region of the reaction (400-700 °C). The BZY-based electrochemical cell was used to investigate the open-circuit voltage (OCV) dependence on H2 partial pressure with comparison being made to the theoretical OCV as predicted by the Nernst equation. Furthermore, the BZY pellets were used to study the effect of proton transfer of the catalytic activity of platinum during ethylene oxidation. The reaction was found to exhibit electrochemical promotion at 400 °C and to be electrophilic in nature, i.e. proton addition to the platinum surface resulted in an increase in reaction rate. At higher temperatures, the rate was not affected, within experimental error, by proton addition or removal. Under similar conditions, AC impedance showed that there was a large overall cell resistance at 400 °C with significantly decreased resistance at higher temperatures. It is possible that there could be a relationship between large cell resistances and the onset of electrochemical promotion in this system but there is, as yet, no conclusive evidence for this. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Shallow hydrophobic insertions and crescent-shaped BAR scaffolds promote membrane curvature. Here, we investigate membrane fission by shallow hydrophobic insertions quantitatively and mechanistically. We provide evidence that membrane insertion of the ENTH domain of epsin leads to liposome vesiculation, and that epsin is required for clathrin-coated vesicle budding in cells. We also show that BAR-domain scaffolds from endophilin, amphiphysin, GRAF, and β2-centaurin limit membrane fission driven by hydrophobic insertions. A quantitative assay for vesiculation reveals an antagonistic relationship between amphipathic helices and scaffolds of N-BAR domains in fission. The extent of vesiculation by these proteins and vesicle size depend on the number and length of amphipathic helices per BAR domain, in accord with theoretical considerations. This fission mechanism gives a new framework for understanding membrane scission in the absence of mechanoenzymes such as dynamin and suggests how Arf and Sar proteins work in vesicle scission.


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A preliminary investigation of electrocatalytic oxidation activity ofbutanol isomers has been carried out to study their potential asfuels for direct alcohol fuel cells. The electrochemical study wascarried out on Pt and Pd electrodes using a three electrode cell setup in alkaline media. The primary alcohol isomers of butanol wereobserved to behave similarly in their electrochemical reactionswhereas 2-butanol showed completely different oxidation featureson both catalysts. For example, no poisoning effects were observedfor 2- butanol unlike for the primary butanol isomers. In contrast,tert-butanol did not show any oxidation reaction on Pt and Pdelectrodes. Furthermore, Pd was not active at all in acidic mediafor butanol oxidation. The reactivity of butanol isomers were foundto be in the order n-butanol>iso-butanol>2-butanol>tert-butanolbased on the oxidation current density values.


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Carbons are the main electrode materials used in supercapacitors, which are electrochemical energy storage devices with high power densities and long cycling lifetimes. However, increasing their energy density capacity will improve their potential for commercial implementation.
In this regard, the use of high surface area carbons and high voltage electrolytes are well known strategies to increase the attainable energy density, and lately ionic liquids have been explored as promising alternatives to current state of the art acetonitrile-based electrolytes. Also, in terms of safety and sustainability ionic liquids are attractive electrolyte materials for supercapacitors. In addition, it has been shown that the matching of the carbon pore size with the electrolyte ion size further increases the attainable electrochemical double layer (ECDL) capacitance and energy density.
The use of pseudocapacitive reactions can significantly increase the attainable energy density, and quinonic-based materials offer a potentially sustainable and cost effective research avenue for both the electrode and the electrolyte.
This perspective will provide an overview of the current state of the art research on supercapacitors based on combinations of carbons, ionic liquids and quinonic compounds, highlighting performances and challenges and discussing possible future research avenues. In this regard, current interest is mainly focused on strategies which may ultimately lead to commercially competitive sustainable high performance supercapacitors for different applications including those requiring mechanical flexibility and biocompatibility.


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The reduction of CO2 on copper electrodes has attracted great attentions in the last decades, since it provides a sustainable approach for energy restore. During the CO2 reduction process, the electron transfer to COads is experimentally suggested to be the crucial step. In this work, we examine two possible pathways in CO activation, i.e. to generate COHads and CHOads, respectively, by performing the state-of-the-art constrained ab initio molecular dynamics simulations on the charged Cu(100) electrode under aqueous conditions, which is close to the realistic electrochemical condition. The free energy profile in the formation of COHads via the coupled proton and electron transfer is plotted. Furthermore, by Bader charge analyses, a linear relationship between C-O bond distance and the negative charge in CO fragment is unveiled. The formation of CHOads is identified to be a surface catalytic reaction, which requires the adsorption of H atom on the surface first. By comparing these two pathways, we demonstrate that kinetically the formation of COHads is more favored than that of CHOads, while CHOads is thermodynamically more stable. This work reveals that CO activation via COHads intermediate is an important pathway in electrocatalysis, which could provide some insights into CO2 electroreduction over Cu electrodes.


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Les infirmières et les infirmiers qui s'engagent comme enseignantes et enseignants en soins infirmiers passent du statut d'infirmière et d'infirmier expert à celui d'enseignante et d'enseignant novice sans vraiment être préparés. Le manque de connaissances en pédagogie, l'absence de modèles de référence et la lourdeur de la tâche contribuent à leur incertitude quant au désir de persévérer dans le domaine de l'enseignement. Cette situation s'avère critique puisqu'en ce moment on prévoit une pénurie d'infirmières et d'infirmiers et une pénurie de professeurs pour les former. Comment leur venir en aide à travers un horaire déjà chargé? Un programme de mentorat serait-il la solution? Notre recherche a visé à dégager les points de vue des enseignantes et des enseignants expérimentés en soins infirmiers, susceptibles d'être mentors, sur les défis à relever dans la pratique du mentorat auprès d'enseignantes et d'enseignants novices ainsi que les points de vue des novices sur le sujet.


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Les novices en enseignement, particulièrement celles et ceux qui oeuvrent en adaptation scolaire, doivent composer avec de nombreux rôles dès leur entrée en milieu professionnel. Cette réalité multiplie les occasions de rencontrer des problèmes d'ordre éthique à l'école, soit des problèmes pour lesquels il n'existe pas de réponses ou de balises claires, qui exigent une prise de décisions et un choix d'actions qui doivent tenir compte de plusieurs éléments dont il faudra déterminer l'importance et, par conséquent, qui génèrent des conflits de valeurs. Être capable de résoudre un problème éthique implique au départ de développer la capacité à reconnaître les dimensions présentes à l'intérieur du problème. Nous avons dégagé quatre dimensions généralement présentes dans l'analyse d'un problème éthique: les personnes impliquées, les valeurs en jeu, les principes de conduite professionnelle appropriée et le cadre professionnel.Les personnes impliquées, puisque les professionnelles et professionnels sont amenés à anticiper les conséquences de leurs actions sur le bien-être des personnes concernées.Les valeurs en jeu, soit les structures internes sur lesquelles chaque individu se réfère spontanément, que ce soit des valeurs acquises durant l'enfance, dans l'expérience personnelle ou dans l'expérience professionnelle.Les principes de conduite professionnelle appropriée qui sont adoptés à titre de références par les membres de la communauté enseignante. Finalement, le cadre professionnel, car l'enseignante et l'enseignant s'inscrivent dans un cadre qui repose sur des lois et des normes des milieux. L'objectif de cette recherche a été de mettre en évidence les dimensions examinées par des enseignantes et des enseignants en adaptation scolaire en insertion professionnelle lorsqu'ils sont devant un problème éthique à l'école. La méthodologie utilisée était de nature qualitative et la cueillette de données a été effectuée par le moyen d'entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées.Les résultats obtenus à la suite de deux phases de collecte nous ont permis de mettre en évidence, entre autres, que certaines dimensions étaient examinées par les participantes de manière plus approfondie que d'autres devant des problèmes éthiques et dégager le sens accordé à chacune des dimensions par les participantes. Nous avons aussi analysé certaines préoccupations relatives à l'insertion professionnelle ayant émergé durant les entrevues.


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We investigate the dynamic nature of metal speciation in colloidal dispersions using a recently proposed theory [J.P. Pinheiro, M. Minor, H.P. Van Leeuwen, Langmuir, 21 (2005) 8635] for complexing ligands that are situated on the surface of the particles. The new approach effectively modifies the finite rates of association/dissociation of the colloidal metal complexes, thus invoking consideration of the two basic dynamic criteria: the association/dissociation kinetics of the volume complexation reaction (the ‘‘dynamic’’ criterion), and the interfacial flux of free metal to a macroscopic surface due to dissociation of complex species (the ‘‘lability’’ criterion). We demonstrate that the conventional approach for homogeneous systems that assume a smeared-out ligand distribution, overestimates both the dynamics and the lability of metal complexes when applied to colloidal ligands. It is also shown that the increase of lability with increasing particle radius, as expected for a homogeneous solution, is moderated for spherical microelectrodes and practically eliminated for planar electrodes.


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A new electrochemical methodology to study labile trace metal/natural organic matter complexation at low concentration levels in natural waters is presented. This methodology consists of three steps: (i) an estimation of the complex diffusion coefficient (DML), (ii) determination at low pH of the total metal concentration initially present in the sample, (iii) a metal titration at the desired pH. The free and bound metal concentrations are determined for each point of the titration and modeled with the non-ideal competitive adsorption (NICA-Donnan) model in order to obtain the binding parameters. In this methodology, it is recommended to determine the hydrodynamic transport parameter, α, for each set of hydrodynamic conditions used in the voltammetric measurements. The methodology was tested using two fractions of natural organic matter (NOM) isolated from the Loire river, namely the hydrophobic organic matter (HPO) and the transphilic organic matter (TPI), and a well characterized fulvic acid (Laurentian fulvic acid, LFA). The complex diffusion coefficients obtained at pH 5 were 0.4 ± 0.2 for Pb and Cu/HPO, 1.8 ± 0.2 for Pb/TPI and (0.612 ± 0.009) × 10−10 m2 s−1 for Pb/LFA. NICA-Donnan parameters for lead binding were obtained for the HPO and TPI fractions. The new lead/LFA results were successfully predicted using parameters derived in our previous work.


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Química Farmacêutica e Terapêutica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2014