Electrochemical promotion of a metal catalyst supported on a mixed-ionic conductor

Autoria(s): Poulidi, D.; Metcalfe, I. S.



<p>It has been found that the catalytic activity and selectivity of a metal film deposited on a solid electrolyte could be enhanced dramatically and in a reversible way by applying an electrical current or potential between the metal catalyst and the counter electrode (also deposited on the electrolyte). This phenomenon is know as NEMCA [S. Bebelis, C.G. Vayenas, Journal of Catalysis, 118 (1989) 125-146.] or electrochemical promotion (EP) [J. Prichard, Nature, 343 (1990) 592.] of catalysis. Yttria-doped barium zirconate, BaZr<sub>0.9</sub>Y<sub>0.1</sub>O<sub>3 - α</sub> (BZY), a known proton conductor, has been used in this study. It has been reported that proton conducting perovskites can, under the appropriate conditions, act also as oxide ion conductors. In mixed conducting systems the mechanism of conduction depends upon the gas atmosphere that to which the material is exposed. Therefore, the use of a mixed ionic (oxide ion and proton) conducting membrane as a support for a platinum catalyst may facilitate the tuning of the promotional behaviour of the catalyst by allowing the control of the conduction mechanism of the electrolyte. The conductivity of BZY under different atmospheres was measured and the presence of oxide ion conduction under the appropriate conditions was confirmed. Moreover, kinetic experiments on ethylene oxidation corroborated the findings from the conductivity measurements showing that the use of a mixed ionic conductor allows for the tuning of the reaction rate. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.</p>










Poulidi , D & Metcalfe , I S 2006 , ' Electrochemical promotion of a metal catalyst supported on a mixed-ionic conductor ' Solid State Ionics , vol 177 , no. 26-32 SPEC. ISS. , pp. 2211-2215 . DOI: 10.1016/j.ssi.2006.03.048

Palavras-Chave #BaZrYO #Electrochemical impedance #Electrochemical promotion #Electrode-support interactions #Mixed-ionic conductivity #/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1600/1603 #Electrochemistry #/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1600/1606 #Physical and Theoretical Chemistry #/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/2100/2102 #Energy Engineering and Power Technology #/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/2500/2505 #Materials Chemistry #/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/3100/3104 #Condensed Matter Physics
