1000 resultados para horas de frio
Resposta sistematizada, envolvendo apoio ao diagnóstico, à pergunta sobre teste de microalbuminuria para acompanhamento de lesão renal no paciente diabético. Traz referências bibliográficas com estudos recentes sobre o tema.
O presente estudo é fruto da análise de uma atividade de intervençãorealizada na Unidade de Saúde 24 horas da cidade de Marechal Cândido Rondon/PR. A intervenção foi proposta pelo Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. O objetivo principal do estudo foi melhorar a atenção a saúde de adultos portadores de hipertensão arterial sistêmica e/ou diabetes mellitus pertencentes a área de abrangência da referida Unidade. Os dados foram coletados de outubro de 2013 a fevereiro de 2014 através de fichas-espelho, após a coleta os dados foram sistematizados e analisados em planilhas. Os resultados do estudo comprovam a melhoria da atenção aos usuários do serviço de saúde após realização de ações de ampliação da cobertura de atenção como, por exemplo, o acompanhamento de 437 hipertensos residentes na área de cobertura do total de 1.719 hipertensos estimados para a área o que significa um percentual de 25,4%; melhora da adesão do hipertenso e/ou diabético ao programa; realização de exame clínico nos usuários, foi realizado o exame de 309 hipertensos residentes na área de cobertura do total de 437 hipertensos acompanhados na intervenção o que significa um percentual de 70,7%; melhora do registro das informações; mapeamento dos usuários para risco de doença cardiovascular e ações de promoção da saúde. A intervenção apresentou resultados positivos para o serviço de saúde, para a equipe de profissionais e para a comunidade. Houve maior integração entre diferentes setores e profissionais do serviço ao encaminharem usuários para o acompanhamento, ampliou-se a cobertura e a qualidade da atenção aos usuários no sentido da integralidade, as ações passaram a identificar riscos de complicações precocemente e a intervenção foi incorporada à rotina do serviço.
DIEGUES, Haidee Ryoges. Qualificação da atenção ao pré-natal e puerpério da UBS/ESF Josefa Antunes Mascarenhas, Riacho Frio/PI. 17 de novembro de 2015 Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família) - Departamento de Medicina Social, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, 2015. A ocorrência de mortes preveníeis neonatais e de mulheres por causas obstétricas podem ser evitadas por uma atenção ao pré-natal e puerpério adequada, que favoreça a detecção e a intervenção precoce das situações de risco num sistema ágil de referência na rede de atenção integral e qualificada, o fortalecimento desta atenção está dada pelo trabalho desenvolvido na UBS/ESF Josefa Antunes Mascarenhas em Riacho Frio/PI teve como objetivo realizar uma intervenção para qualificar a atenção ao pré-natal e puerpério na área de abrangência da Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS). Esta intervenção foi implementada ao longo de três meses no ano 2015 do período de 30 de abril a 18 de julho de 2015 A dinâmica adotada foi para implementar as ações planejadas na rotina do serviço da UBS, avaliar e corrigir dificuldades/limitações, visando o aprimoramento da ação programática a sua continuidade, as ações desenvolvidas pela equipe. Na área adstrita da unidade UBS tínhamos de acordo com nossos registros 30 gestantes, e conseguimos alcançar no último mês da intervenção a cobertura de 100% delas. Os indicadores de qualidade melhoraram a cada mês e a cada mês vimos que aumentou a proporção de gestantes com ingresso no primeiro trimestre, a proporção de gestantes com pelo menos um exame ginecológico por trimestre, assim como a proporção de gestantes com primeira consulta odontológica. Realizamos a todas as gestantes orientações sobre nutrição, aleitamento materno, cuidados do recém-nascido. Fora realizado a todas elas a prescrição de sulfato ferroso. Tínhamos segundo os nossos registros um total de 5 puérperas que residiam na área e realizavam as consultas na USB, no segundo mês esse percentual aumentou para 6 e consecutivamente para 7 atingindo a meta de atendermos a 100% das puérperas residentes na área. A todas as puérperas cadastradas foram dadas todas as orientações sobre planejamento familiar, cuidado do recém-nascido, avaliação da saúde mental assim como foi feito o exame físico integral. Esta intervenção exigiu da equipe maior capacitação para seguir as diretrizes do protocolo de atenção ao pré-natal de baixo risco e puerpério. Condição que propiciou o trabalho em equipe. Percebe-se a equipe mais integrada e melhorou a adesão das gestantes e família ao programa. Palavras-chave: atenção primária à saúde; saúde da família; saúde da mulher; pré-natal;puerpério; saúde bucal.
Phenytoin is an effective antiepileptic drug, although, it can be associated with many side effects, including dyskinesia. OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical characteristics of phenytoin induced dyskinesia. METHODS: We investigated the occurrence of involuntary movements in patients followed at our adult and pediatric epilepsy clinics during the period of one year. RESULTS: Three patients presented with phenytoin-induced dyskinesia: one adult with axial and orofacial dyskinesia, and two children with choreoathetosis. They did not have other signs of phenytoin intoxication and had complete recovery after phenytoin withdrawal. CONCLUSION: Phenytoin induced dyskinesia may occur during either chronic or initial treatment and with normal serum phenytoin levels. However, it occurs most often in patients on polytherapy, usually after increasing dosage and with toxic serum levels. Other signs of phenytoin intoxication may be present in these patients, but often the dyskinesia is the only side effect, which may delay the diagnosis and treatment. The clinical characteristics of the involuntary movements vary and may be focal or generalized, most often characterized by choreoathetosis and dyskinesias. These may last for hours, days or even years, but frequently disappear completely after phenytoin withdrawal.
Video-polygraphic-EEG studies were performed in the first 24 life-hours of 26 healthy full-term newborns without perinatal injuries. The neurological examination and cranial ultrasonography were normal. The newborns were divided into two groups: one, with full-term appropriate - birth weight 11 newborns (control group ) and the other with full-term low-birth weight 15 newborns. Thirteen newborns of the second group had video-polygraphic-EEG study abnormalities. The most frequent abnormalities were found in 11 cases, as far as sleep architecture is concerned. Also, when compared with the control group, 8 cases of an excessive amount of startles and 2 cases of low behavior activities were found. The results demonstrate the usefulness of video-polygraphic-EEG study in the full-term newborns with intra-uterine growth retard. This examination was sensitive to detect behavior, sleep architecture and EEG standard differences in the low birth-weight newborns as to the control group.
The purpose of this study is to introduce a method to evaluate visual functions in infants in the first three months of life. An adaptation of the Guide for the Assessment of Visual Ability in Infants (Gagliardo, 1997) was used. The instrument was a ring with string. It was implemented a pilot study with 33 infants, selected according to the following criteria: neonates well enough to go home within two days of birth; 1 to 3 months of chronological age; monthly evaluation with no absence; subjects living in Campinas/SP metropolitan area. In the first month we observed: visual fixation (93,9%); eye contact (90,9%); horizontal tracking (72,7%); inspects surroundings (97,0%). In the third month, we observed: inspects own hands (42,4%) and increased movements of arms (36,4%). This method allowed the evaluation of visual functions in infants, according to the chronological age. Alterations in this function will facilitate immediate referral to medical services for diagnoses.
Air quality in animal production environment has been refereed as an interesting point for studies in environmental control systems with the focus both to the animal health which live in total confinement, as to the workers. The objective of this research was to determine the variation on the aerial environmental quality in two types of broiler housing: conventional (Gc) and tunnel type (Gt). The total dust values in both houses offered adequate rearing conditions to the birds; however, regarding the inhale dust in the air was above the limits recommended for humans. Carbon monoxide concentration in the heating phase during the evaluated period was above the 10 ppm maximum recommended, and it was higher during the cold season in Gt house (30 ppm) when compared to the Gc house (18 ppm). Ammonia concentration peaks in the air were above the 20 ppm recommended from the 20th day of production in both houses and in daily average, for a period higher in Gt (4h30) when compared to Gt (2h45). Only traces of nitrate oxide and methane were found while carbonic dioxide gas concentration evaluated during daytime met the limits allowed for both birds and labor.
This survey aimed at describing the interactions of floral visitors and Davilla kunthii A. St.-Hil. as well as characteristics of its reproductive biology in Itacoatiara, state of Amazonas, Brazil. Tests of the breeding system were performed. The guild of visitors was described according to richness, abundance, relative frequency and constancy. The breeding system tests indicated that D. kunthii is self-compatible. The pollination system was characterized as generalist, with 39 visitor species, from three different orders. Bees were the main group of pollinators, thus some behavioural aspects were described. Th e period of highest foraging activity was between 7 and 10 am. Some species presented agonistic and monopolistic behaviour. Given the behaviour and destructive potential, the Curculionidae seem to have a greater impact as seed predators than pollinators.
The objective of this study was to quantify the effect of plonk on compressive behavior and mechanical attributes such as consistency, optimum moisture for compaction and maximum density of a Red-Yellow Latosol (Oxisol) to evaluate the effect of plonk and compaction state in splashed particles, from Lavras (MG) region. The plonk was obtained from an artisanal sugarcane brandy alembic. Undisturbed and disturbed soil samples were collected at 0 to 3 cm and 60 to 63 cm depths. Disturbed soil samples were used for soil characterization, determination of consistence limits and Normal Proctor essay after material incubation with plonk. Undisturbed soil samples were saturated with plonk or distilled water (control) during 48 hours for testing the compressibility and resistance to splash by using simulated rainfall. The plonk altered the consistence limits of studied layers. For the 0-3 cm layer, the plonk reduced the friable range, and for the 60-63 cm layer the effect was in the opposite direction. For both layers, the plonk increased Dmax and decreased Uoptimum. Regardless of the plonk treatment, both layers presented the same load support capacity. The compaction degree of samples influenced the splash erosion. The increase of the applied pressure over the samples resulted in increase of splash material quantity. At the 60-63 cm layer, the plonk treatment reduced the splash material quantity by increasing the applied pressure, mainly when the samples were at field capacity.
This study examined the influence of three polymerization cycles (1: heat cure - long cycle; 2: heat cure - short cycle; and 3: microwave activation) on the linear dimensions of three denture base resins, immediately after deflasking, and 30 days after storage in distilled water at 37± 2ºC. The acrylic resins used were: Clássico, Lucitone 550 and Acron MC. The first two resins were submitted to all three polymerization cycles, and the Acron MC resin was cured by microwave activation only. The samples had three marks, and dimensions of 65 mm in length, 10 mm in width and 3 mm in thickness. Twenty-one test specimens were fabricated for each combination of resin and cure cycle, and they were submitted to three linear dimensional evaluations for two positions (A and B). The changes were evaluated using a microscope. The results indicated that all acrylic resins, regardless of the cure cycle, showed increased linear dimension after 30 days of storage in water. The composition of the acrylic resin affected the results more than the cure cycles, and the conventional acrylic resin (Lucitone 550 and Clássico) cured by microwave activation presented similar results when compared with the resin specific for microwave activation.
Culture supernatant of Staphylococcus aureus 722 in 3% triptone plus 1% yeast extract was used for EEA purification, proceeding comparison between dye ligand Red A affinity chromatography and classic chromatography. The capture of SEA with Amberlite CG-50 allowed rapid enterotoxin concentration from the culture supernatant. However, the ratio of 15 mg of the resin to a total of 150 mg of the toxin satured the resin, giving only 10 to 30% of SEA recuperation from the supernatant. The elution of concentrated material throught the Red A column resulted in a recovery of 60,87% of the toxin, and required 76 hours, indicating advantage on classic chromatography. Ion exchange column plus gel filtration recovered only 6,5 % of the SEA, and required 114 hours to conclude the procedure. The eletrophoresis of purified SEA indicated high grade of toxin obtained from Red A column, with 90 % of purity, compared to 60 % of classic column.
This work investigated the cytotoxic and genotoxic potential of water from the River Paraíba do Sul (Brazil) using Allium cepa roots. An anatomo-morphological parameter (root length), mitotic indices, and frequency of micronuclei were analysed. Eight bulbs were chosen at random for treatment for 24 to 120 hours with the River water collected in the years of 2005 and 2006 from sites in the cities of Tremembé and Aparecida (São Paulo state, Brazil). Daily measurements of the length of the roots grown from each bulb were carried out throughout the experiment. Mitotic index (MI) and frequency of micronuclei (MN) were determined for 2000 cells per root, using 3-5 root tips from other bulbs (7-10). Only in the roots treated with samples of the River water collected in 2005 in Tremembé city was there a decrease in the root length growth compared to the respective control. However, a reduction in MI values was verified for both sites analysed for that year. Considering the data involving root length growth and especially MI values, a cytotoxic potential is suggested for the water of the River Paraíba do Sul at Tremembé and Aparecida, in the year of 2005. On the other hand, since in this year the MN frequency was not affected with the river water treatments, genotoxicity is not assumed for the river water sampled at the aforementioned places.
The fungus Metarhizium anisopliae is used on a large scale in Brazil as a microbial control agent against the sugar cane spittlebugs, Mahanarva posticata and M. fimbriolata (Hemiptera., Cercopidae). We applied strain E9 of M. anisopliae in a bioassay on soil, with field doses of conidia to determine if it can cause infection, disease and mortality in immature stages of Anastrepha fraterculus, the South American fruit fly. All the events were studied histologically and at the molecular level during the disease cycle, using a novel histological technique, light green staining, associated with light microscopy, and by PCR, using a specific DNA primer developed for M. anisopliae capable to identify Brazilian strains like E9. The entire infection cycle, which starts by conidial adhesion to the cuticle of the host, followed by germination with or without the formation of an appressorium, penetration through the cuticle and colonisation, with development of a dimorphic phase, hyphal bodies in the hemocoel, and death of the host, lasted 96 hours under the bioassay conditions, similar to what occurs under field conditions. During the disease cycle, the propagules of the entomopathogenic fungus were detected by identifying DNA with the specific primer ITSMet: 5' TCTGAATTTTTTATAAGTAT 3' with ITS4 (5' TCCTCCGCTTATTGATATGC 3') as a reverse primer. This simple methodology permits in situ studies of the infective process, contributing to our understanding of the host-pathogen relationship and allowing monitoring of the efficacy and survival of this entomopathogenic fungus in large-scale applications in the field. It also facilitates monitoring the environmental impact of M. anisopliae on non-target insects.
Myxedema coma, a rare but fatal emergency, is an extreme expression of hypothyroidism. We describe a 51-year-old male patient who has discontinued hypothyroidism treatment 10 months earlier and developed lethargy, edema, and cold intolerance symptoms. He also had a previous diagnosis of neurofibromatosis. After admission, he progressed to respiratory insufficiency and coma. The prompt recognition of the condition, thyroid hormone replacement, and management of the complications (hypoventilation, cardiogenic shock associated with swinging heart, adrenal and renal insufficiency and sepsis), resulted in a favorable evolution.