938 resultados para high performance sport


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The fabrication and performance of the first bit-level systolic correlator array is described. The application of systolic array concepts at the bit level provides a simple and extremely powerful method for implementing high-performance digital processing functions. The resulting structure is highly regular, facilitating yield enhancement through fault-tolerant redundancy techniques and therefore ideally suited to implementation as a VLSI chip. The CMOS/SOS chip operates at 35 MHz, is fully cascadable and exhibits 64-stage correlation for 1-bit reference and 4-bit data. 7 refs.


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In this paper, we propose a multi-camera application capable of processing high resolution images and extracting features based on colors patterns over graphic processing units (GPU). The goal is to work in real time under the uncontrolled environment of a sport event like a football match. Since football players are composed for diverse and complex color patterns, a Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) is applied as segmentation paradigm, in order to analyze sport live images and video. Optimization techniques have also been applied over the C++ implementation using profiling tools focused on high performance. Time consuming tasks were implemented over NVIDIA's CUDA platform, and later restructured and enhanced, speeding up the whole process significantly. Our resulting code is around 4-11 times faster on a low cost GPU than a highly optimized C++ version on a central processing unit (CPU) over the same data. Real time has been obtained processing until 64 frames per second. An important conclusion derived from our study is the scalability of the application to the number of cores on the GPU. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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Issues surrounding the misuse of prohibited and licensed substances in animals destined for food production and performance sport competition continue to be an enormous challenge to regulatory authorities charged with enforcing their control. Efficient analytical strategies are implemented to screen and confirm the presence of a wide range of exogenous substances in various biological matrices. However, such methods rely on the direct measurement of drugs and/or their metabolites in a targeted mode, allowing the detection of restricted number of compounds. As a consequence, emerging practices, in particular the use of natural hormones, designer drugs and low-dose cocktails, remain difficult to handle from a control point of view. A new SME-led FP7 funded project, DeTECH21, aims to overcome current limitations by applying an untargeted metabolomics approach based on liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry and bioinformatic data analysis to identify bovine and equine animals which have been exposed to exogenous substances and assist in the identification of administered compounds. Markerbased strategies, dealing with the comprehensive analysis of metabolites present in a biological sample (urine/plasma/tissue), offer a reliable solution in the areas of food safety and animal sport doping control by effective, high-throughput and sensitive detection of exogenously administered agents. Therefore, the development of the first commercially available forensic test service based on metabolomics profiling will meet 21st century demands in animal forensics.


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A solvent-vapour thermoplastic bonding process is reported which provides high strength bonding of PMMA over a large area for multi-channel and multi-layer microfluidic devices with shallow high resolution channel features. The bond process utilises a low temperature vacuum thermal fusion step with prior exposure of the substrate to chloroform (CHCl3) vapour to reduce bond temperature to below the PMMA glass transition temperature. Peak tensile and shear bond strengths greater than 3 MPa were achieved for a typical channel depth reduction of 25 µm. The device-equivalent bond performance was evaluated for multiple layers and high resolution channel features using double-side and single-side exposure of the bonding pieces. A single-sided exposure process was achieved which is suited to multi-layer bonding with channel alignment at the expense of greater depth loss and a reduction in peak bond strength. However, leak and burst tests demonstrate bond integrity up to at least 10 bar channel pressure over the full substrate area of 100 mm x 100 mm. The inclusion of metal tracks within the bond resulted in no loss of performance. The vertical wall integrity between channels was found to be compromised by solvent permeation for wall thicknesses of 100 µm which has implications for high resolution serpentine structures. Bond strength is reduced considerably for multi-layer patterned substrates where features on each layer are not aligned, despite the presence of an intermediate blank substrate. Overall a high performance bond process has been developed that has the potential to meet the stringent specifications for lab-on-chip deployment in harsh environmental conditions for applications such as deep ocean profiling.


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We describe a simple strategy, which is based on the idea of space confinement, for the synthesis of carbon coating on LiFePO4 nanoparticles/graphene nanosheets composites in a water-in-oil emulsion system. The prepared composite displayed high performance as a cathode material for lithium-ion battery, such as high reversible lithium storage capacity (158 mA h g-1 after 100 cycles), high coulombic efficiency (over 97%), excellent cycling stability and high rate capability (as high as 83 mA h g -1 at 60 C). Very significantly, the preparation method employed can be easily adapted and be extended as a general approach to sophisticated compositions and structures for the preparation of highly dispersed nanosized structure on graphene. 


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A facile method to synthesize well-dispersed TiO2 quantum dots on graphene nanosheets (TiO2-QDs/GNs) in a water-in-oil (W/O) emulsion system is reported. The TiO2/graphene composites display high performance as an anode material for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), such as having high reversible lithium storage capacity, high Coulombic efficiency, excellent cycling stability, and high rate capability. The excellent electrochemical performance and special structure of the composites thus offer a way to prepare novel graphene-based electrode materials for high-energy-density and high-power LIBs. 


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Cette étude exploratoire vise essentiellement à identifier les principaux facteurs psychologiques des gardiens de but au hockey ayant connu du succès. Plus précisément, cette étude nous a permis d’approfondir le sujet à l’aide d’entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées menées auprès de sept gardiens de but et huit entraîneurs des gardiens de but issus de la Ligue de hockey junior majeur du Québec (LHJMQ). Nous avons ensuite comparé les réponses de ces deux groupes d’experts dans le domaine afin de dresser un portrait précis de l’aspect mental entourant cette position au hockey. Nos résultats démontrent que les mêmes facteurs psychologiques majeurs ressortent du discours des gardiens de but et de celui de leurs entraîneurs. Il a ainsi été possible d’identifier neuf attributs psychologiques prédominants provenant des discours de chacune des parties. Plus précisément, ces neuf facteurs psychologiques reliés à l’atteinte d’une performance athlétique hors pair seraient les traits de personnalité, la résilience, le niveau de confiance, la passion, l’état d’esprit optimal, l’éthique au quotidien, un niveau de concentration optimal, la relativisation des événements et le contrôle des émotions. De manière générale, nos résultats vont dans le même sens que les conclusions tirées des autres études sur les différents aspects mentaux des athlètes de niveau élite. Toutefois, on observe un manque de données scientifiques en ce qui a trait à la psychologie du sport chez les gardiens de but au hockey. Cette étude constitue donc un premier développement dans l’identification des atouts psychologiques influençant la performance des gardiens de but au hockey.


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Les troubles reliés à la dépression, l’épuisement professionnel et l’anxiété sont de plus en plus répandus dans notre société moderne. La consommation croissante d’antidépresseurs dans les différents pays du monde est responsable de la récente détection de résidus à l’état de traces dans les rejets urbains municipaux. Ainsi, ces substances dites « émergentes » qui possèdent une activité pharmacologique destinée à la régulation de certains neurotransmetteurs dans le cerveau suscitent maintenant de nombreuses inquiétudes de la part de la communauté scientifique. L’objectif principal de ce projet de doctorat a été de mieux comprendre le devenir de plusieurs classes d’antidépresseurs présents dans diverses matrices environnementales (i.e. eaux de surfaces, eaux usées, boues de traitement, tissus biologiques) en développant de nouvelles méthodes analytiques fiables capables de les détecter, quantifier et confirmer par chromatographie liquide à haute performance couplée à la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (LC-QqQMS, LC-QqToFMS). Une première étude complétée à la station d’épuration de la ville de Montréal a permis de confirmer la présence de six antidépresseurs et quatre métabolites N-desmethyl dans les affluents (2 - 330 ng L-1). Pour ce traitement primaire (physico-chimique), de faibles taux d’enlèvement (≤ 15%) ont été obtenus. Des concentrations d’antidépresseurs atteignant près de 100 ng L-1 ont également été détectées dans le fleuve St-Laurent à 0.5 km du point de rejet de la station d’épuration. Une seconde étude menée à la même station a permis l’extraction sélective d’antidépresseurs dans trois tissus (i.e. foie, cerveau et filet) de truites mouchetées juvéniles exposées à différentes concentrations d’effluent dilué traité et non-traité à l’ozone. Un certain potentiel de bioaccumulation dans les tissus (0.08-10 ng g-1) a été observé pour les spécimens exposés à l’effluent non-traité (20% v/v) avec distribution majoritaire dans le foie et le cerveau. Une intéressante corrélation a été établie entre les concentrations de trois antidépresseurs dans le cerveau et l’activité d’un biomarqueur d’exposition (i.e. pompe N/K ATPase impliquée dans la régulation de la sérotonine) mesurée à partir de synaptosomes de truites exposées aux effluents. Une investigation de l’efficacité de plusieurs stations d’épuration canadiennes opérant différents types de traitements a permis de constater que les traitements secondaires (biologiques) étaient plus performants que ceux primaires (physico-chimiques) pour enlever les antidépresseurs (taux moyen d’enlèvement : 30%). Les teneurs les plus élevées dans les boues traitées (biosolides) ont été obtenues avec le citalopram (1033 ng g-1), la venlafaxine (833 ng g-1) et l’amitriptyline (78 ng g-1). Des coefficients de sorption expérimentaux (Kd) calculés pour chacun des antidépresseurs ont permis d’estimer une grande sorption des composés sertraline, desméthylsertraline, paroxetine et fluoxetine sur les solides (log Kd > 4). Finalement, un excellent taux d’enlèvement moyen de 88% a été obtenu après ozonation (5 mg L-1) d’un effluent primaire. Toutefois, la caractérisation de nouveaux sous-produits N-oxyde (venlafaxine, desmethylvenlafaxine) par spectrométrie de masse à haute résolution (LC-QqToFMS) dans l’effluent traité à l’ozone a mis en lumière la possibilité de formation de multiples composés polaires de toxicité inconnue.


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Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des Sciences Infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès Sciences (M. Sc.) en sciences infirmière option administration des sciences infirmières


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Triple quadrupole mass spectrometers coupled with high performance liquid chromatography are workhorses in quantitative bioanalyses. It provides substantial benefits including reproducibility, sensitivity and selectivity for trace analysis. Selected Reaction Monitoring allows targeted assay development but data sets generated contain very limited information. Data mining and analysis of non-targeted high-resolution mass spectrometry profiles of biological samples offer the opportunity to perform more exhaustive assessments, including quantitative and qualitative analysis. The objectives of this study was to test method precision and accuracy, statistically compare bupivacaine drug concentration in real study samples and verify if high resolution and accurate mass data collected in scan mode can actually permit retrospective data analysis, more specifically, extract metabolite related information. The precision and accuracy data presented using both instruments provided equivalent results. Overall, the accuracy was ranging from 106.2 to 113.2% and the precision observed was from 1.0 to 3.7%. Statistical comparisons using a linear regression between both methods reveal a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.9996 and a slope of 1.02 demonstrating a very strong correlation between both methods. Individual sample comparison showed differences from -4.5% to 1.6% well within the accepted analytical error. Moreover, post acquisition extracted ion chromatograms at m/z 233.1648 ± 5 ppm (M-56) and m/z 305.2224 ± 5 ppm (M+16) revealed the presence of desbutyl-bupivacaine and three distinct hydroxylated bupivacaine metabolites. Post acquisition analysis allowed us to produce semiquantitative evaluations of the concentration-time profiles for bupicavaine metabolites.


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In recent years, we observed a significant increase of food fraud ranging from false label claims to the use of additives and fillers to increase profitability. Recently in 2013, horse and pig DNA were detected in beef products sold from several retailers. Mass spectrometry has become the workhorse in protein research and the detection of marker proteins could serve for both animal species and tissue authentication. Meat species authenticity will be performed using a well defined proteogenomic annotation, carefully chosen surrogate tryptic peptides and analysis using a hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer. Selected mammalian meat samples were homogenized, proteins were extracted and digested with trypsin. The samples were analyzed using a high-resolution mass spectrometer. The chromatography was achieved using a 30 minutes linear gradient along with a BioBasic C8 100 × 1 mm column at a flow rate of 75 µL/min. The mass spectrometer was operated in full-scan high resolution and accurate mass. MS/MS spectra were collected for selected proteotypic peptides. Muscular proteins were methodically analyzed in silico in order to generate tryptic peptide mass lists and theoretical MS/MS spectra. Following a comprehensive bottom-up proteomic analysis, we were able to detect and identify a proteotypic myoglobin tryptic peptide [120-134] for each species with observed m/z below 1.3 ppm compared to theoretical values. Moreover, proteotypic peptides from myosin-1, myosin-2 and -hemoglobin were also identified. This targeted method allowed a comprehensive meat speciation down to 1% (w/w) of undesired product.


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Most of the commercial and financial data are stored in decimal fonn. Recently, support for decimal arithmetic has received increased attention due to the growing importance in financial analysis, banking, tax calculation, currency conversion, insurance, telephone billing and accounting. Performing decimal arithmetic with systems that do not support decimal computations may give a result with representation error, conversion error, and/or rounding error. In this world of precision, such errors are no more tolerable. The errors can be eliminated and better accuracy can be achieved if decimal computations are done using Decimal Floating Point (DFP) units. But the floating-point arithmetic units in today's general-purpose microprocessors are based on the binary number system, and the decimal computations are done using binary arithmetic. Only few common decimal numbers can be exactly represented in Binary Floating Point (BF P). ln many; cases, the law requires that results generated from financial calculations performed on a computer should exactly match with manual calculations. Currently many applications involving fractional decimal data perform decimal computations either in software or with a combination of software and hardware. The performance can be dramatically improved by complete hardware DFP units and this leads to the design of processors that include DF P hardware.VLSI implementations using same modular building blocks can decrease system design and manufacturing cost. A multiplexer realization is a natural choice from the viewpoint of cost and speed.This thesis focuses on the design and synthesis of efficient decimal MAC (Multiply ACeumulate) architecture for high speed decimal processors based on IEEE Standard for Floating-point Arithmetic (IEEE 754-2008). The research goal is to design and synthesize deeimal'MAC architectures to achieve higher performance.Efficient design methods and architectures are developed for a high performance DFP MAC unit as part of this research.