883 resultados para empirical data
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Departamento de Psicologia Social e do Trabalho, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Social, do Trabalho e das Organizações, 2016.
L’importance du rôle de l’infirmière dans le système de santé autant au niveau de l’accessibilité que la qualité et la sécurité des soins et services donnés à la population est reconnue. Pour être en mesure d’exercer pleinement ce rôle, les infirmières doivent être en mesure d’exercer à leur pleine étendue de pratique. Les infirmières œuvrant dans le domaine de la santé mentale n’y font pas exception. Or, les recherches démontrent que les infirmières ne parviennent pas à mettre en oeuvre l’ensemble des activités pour lesquelles elles détiennent la formation et l’expérience. Cette recherche vise à mesurer l’étendue de pratique effective des infirmières oeuvrant en santé mentale ainsi qu’à identifier l’influence du niveau de formation sur cette étendue de pratique. Cette étude prend appui sur le SCOP model de Déry et al. (2015) qui mentionne que certaines caractéristiques de l’environnement et individuelles, telles que le niveau de formation, peuvent influencer l’étendue effective de la pratique des infirmières. Le déploiement de cette étendue de pratique a le potentiel d’influencer à son tour la satisfaction professionnelle des infirmières (Déry et al., 2013), la qualité des soins aux patients ainsi que d’autres variables organisationnelles telles que l’accessibilité, les durées moyennes de séjours et les coûts. Un devis corrélationnel descriptif a été retenu pour cette étude. Un questionnaire de type Likert a été complété par les infirmières (n=80) d’un Institut universitaire en santé mentale du Québec. Des analyses de la variance ont été utilisées pour comparer les moyennes d’étendue de pratique selon les ni-veaux de formation. Les résultats démontrent un déploiement sous-optimal de l’étendue de la pratique des infirmières (4,24/6; E.T.= 0,63). Cette étendue de pratique est tout de même supérieure à l’étendue de pratique des infirmières d’autres milieux qui a été mesurée à l’aide du questionnaire de l’étendue de la pratique infirmière (QÉPI). Les analyses effectuées concernant l’influence du niveau de formation sur l’étendue de pratique n’ont révélées aucune différence significative entre les niveaux de formation F (3, 77) = 0,707, p = 0,551. Le niveau de formation des infirmières, la présence d’un biais de représentation, le manque de puissance statistique et certaines caractéristiques de l’emploi peuvent expliquer ces résultats. Les résultats de cette étude semblent constituer une recherche empirique initiale puisqu'il s’agit à ce jour de l’unique recherche à avoir mesuré l’étendue de pratique des infirmières œuvrant en santé mentale à l’aide du QÉPI et à avoir tenté de connaître l’influence que pouvait avoir le niveau de formation sur l’étendue de leur pratique.
L’importance du rôle de l’infirmière dans le système de santé autant au niveau de l’accessibilité que la qualité et la sécurité des soins et services donnés à la population est reconnue. Pour être en mesure d’exercer pleinement ce rôle, les infirmières doivent être en mesure d’exercer à leur pleine étendue de pratique. Les infirmières œuvrant dans le domaine de la santé mentale n’y font pas exception. Or, les recherches démontrent que les infirmières ne parviennent pas à mettre en oeuvre l’ensemble des activités pour lesquelles elles détiennent la formation et l’expérience. Cette recherche vise à mesurer l’étendue de pratique effective des infirmières oeuvrant en santé mentale ainsi qu’à identifier l’influence du niveau de formation sur cette étendue de pratique. Cette étude prend appui sur le SCOP model de Déry et al. (2015) qui mentionne que certaines caractéristiques de l’environnement et individuelles, telles que le niveau de formation, peuvent influencer l’étendue effective de la pratique des infirmières. Le déploiement de cette étendue de pratique a le potentiel d’influencer à son tour la satisfaction professionnelle des infirmières (Déry et al., 2013), la qualité des soins aux patients ainsi que d’autres variables organisationnelles telles que l’accessibilité, les durées moyennes de séjours et les coûts. Un devis corrélationnel descriptif a été retenu pour cette étude. Un questionnaire de type Likert a été complété par les infirmières (n=80) d’un Institut universitaire en santé mentale du Québec. Des analyses de la variance ont été utilisées pour comparer les moyennes d’étendue de pratique selon les ni-veaux de formation. Les résultats démontrent un déploiement sous-optimal de l’étendue de la pratique des infirmières (4,24/6; E.T.= 0,63). Cette étendue de pratique est tout de même supérieure à l’étendue de pratique des infirmières d’autres milieux qui a été mesurée à l’aide du questionnaire de l’étendue de la pratique infirmière (QÉPI). Les analyses effectuées concernant l’influence du niveau de formation sur l’étendue de pratique n’ont révélées aucune différence significative entre les niveaux de formation F (3, 77) = 0,707, p = 0,551. Le niveau de formation des infirmières, la présence d’un biais de représentation, le manque de puissance statistique et certaines caractéristiques de l’emploi peuvent expliquer ces résultats. Les résultats de cette étude semblent constituer une recherche empirique initiale puisqu'il s’agit à ce jour de l’unique recherche à avoir mesuré l’étendue de pratique des infirmières œuvrant en santé mentale à l’aide du QÉPI et à avoir tenté de connaître l’influence que pouvait avoir le niveau de formation sur l’étendue de leur pratique.
The overarching aim of this thesis was to develop an intervention to support patient-centred prescribing in the context of multimorbidity in primary care. Methods A range of research methods were used to address different components of the Medical Research Council, UK (MRC) guidance on the development and evaluation of complex interventions in health care. The existing evidence on GPs’ perceptions of the management of multimorbidity was systematically reviewed. In qualitative interviews, chart-stimulated recall was used to explore the challenges experienced by GPs when prescribing for multimorbid patients. In a cross-sectional study, the psychosocial issues that complicate the management of multimorbidity were examined. To develop the complex intervention, the Behaviour Change Wheel (BCW) was used to integrate behavioural theory with the findings of these three studies. A feasibility study of the new intervention was then conducted with GPs. Results The systematic review revealed four domains of clinical practice where GPs experienced difficulties in multimorbidity. The qualitative interview study showed that GPs responded to these difficulties by ‘satisficing’. In multimorbid patients perceived as stable, GPs preferred to ‘maintain the status quo’ rather than actively change medications. In the cross-sectional study, the significant association between multimorbidity and negative psychosocial factors was shown. These findings informed the development of the ‘Multimorbidity Collaborative Medication Review and Decision-making’ (MY COMRADE) intervention. The intervention involves peer support: two GPs review the medications prescribed to a complex multimorbid patient together. In the feasibility study, GPs reported that the intervention was appropriate for the context of general practice; was widely applicable to their patients with multimorbidity; and recommendations for optimising medications arose from all collaborative reviews. Conclusion Applying theory to empirical data has led to an intervention that is implementable in clinical practice, and has the potential to positively change GPs’ behaviour in the management of medications for patients with multimorbidity.
Purpose – The purpose with this study is to investigate which factors that needs to be considered for sourcing decisions to ensure an optimal long-term decision, and which of these factors that can be quantified in a product costing model. To fulfill this purpose two research questions have been proposed: Which factors needs to be considered for a sourcing decision? Which of these factors that needs to be considered can be quantified in a product costing model? Method – A case study was conducted to fulfill the purpose of this study. The case study produced empirical data through interviews and document studies. The empirical data was interpreted and analyzed on the basis of the theoretical framework, created through literature studies. This process produced the result of this study. Findings – Factors to be considered for a sourcing decision have been identified and categorized in four over-arching categories: unit cost, logistical factors, capability factors and risk factors. These factors have been quantified in a product costing model. A preparatory decision model was created to further integrate some risk factors that could not be quantified. Implications – Both the make or buy decision and the manufacturing location decision have been considered in the product costing model presented in this study. The product costing model visualize and take into account hidden costs, rarely considered in sourcing decisions. This further enables optimal long-term sourcing decisions. Limitations – Risk factors remain difficult to quantify. This makes it difficult to determine the cost of risk factors, and as a result of that, to include them in a product costing model. Companies with similar conditions suites the model since the case study was conducted at only one company. Whether the product costing model is true for business in other contexts remain uncertain.
Abstract Purpose – To study the possibility of using a NIR hardware solution to photograph individuals in a private vehicle as well as an analysis of its images. Method – A study of existing theories around the NIR-method’s performance in selected conditions and individual tests were performed to examine if the literature statements were valid for this study. Two empirical tests have been carried out, the first was carried out at Kapsch test track and the other outside the test track in a single stationary test. An interview which formed the basis for the assessment on the quality of empirical data with a focus on computer-based detection of the number of individuals in the vehicle. Findings – The results have demonstrated the potential of the NIR method’s performance in a fully automated detection system for the number of individuals inside the vehicle. Empirical data indicates that the method can depict individuals inside vehicles of sufficiently high quality, but it is greatly affected by reflections, weather and light conditions. Implications – Result supports the assumption that the NIR method using an external light source can be used to image the interior through a varying number of weather and lightning conditions. The study originated until the results suggested that a NIR-based hardware setup can create images with high enough quality for the human eye to be able to detect the number of individuals inside the vehicle.If the overall performance into account, it suggests that the main problem with the use of the hardware set is to maintain the quality of the whole sample and that the crucial variables for the method’s performance is the influence of light and reflection conditions. Limitations – The major limitations have been that we limited ourselves to a subjective analysis of the selection and assessment on the image features for computer-based detection of the number of individuals in the vehicle. We were limited to two tests, one in tough conditions where only the driver was in the vehicle and the second stationary test, where the focus was on the number of people in vehicles and light sources impact on the result.
Purpose The purpose of the research work is to investigate the importance of the communication in the cross-functional teams and in what which communicational tools provide better convenience of communication in cross-functional team members. Methodology An empirical study including the data collection from the interviews conducted from the participants working in cross-functional teams. Qualitative approach has been adopted to understand the communicational attributes in the cross-functional teams. For the analysis both deductive and abductive approach has been used. With the help of theoretical framework and empirical data, conclusions drown for better understanding of the concept. Findings The author has divided the search in two main segments, communicational effects on cross-functional team performance and effectiveness of particular communicational tools used by team members and team leaders. Empirical findings shows that without proper communication, cross-functional team are less tend to perform well to achieve set goals as well as face to face communications are more effective than other communicational tools. Research limitations The research work is limited to Scandinavian countries. Organizational communicational structures are not studied due to time factor. Other limitation of this research work is effect of cultural differences on communication. Implications The research work provides deep understanding of the different communicational effects on cross-functional team performance. The choice of communicational tool and proportional importance for the team members will help managers while selecting the tools of communication with the team members. Originality / value During the literature studies, author determined that there is potential of research for the communicational tools used in cross-functional team communications. The social media is taking over the traditional communicational tools which provide value for findings.
Denna samhällskunskapsdidaktiska studies syfte är att undersöka vad samhällskunskapslärare själva upplever som de viktigaste påverkansfaktorerna för transformeringen av samhällskunskap som skolämne till samhällskunskap som undervisning utifrån didaktiska frågor som Vad?, Hur? och Varför?, samt hur detta upplevs förändrats över en tidsperiod om cirka tjugo år eller mer. Studien bygger på hermeneutisk-fenomenologisk livsvärldsansats där fenomenologisk beskrivning och hermeneutisk tolkning är centralt. Empirin utgörs av intervjuer med tio samhällskunskapslärare med lång yrkeserfarenhet från högstadium, gymnasium eller vuxenutbildning. Resultatet tematiseras utifrån inspiration från ramfaktorteoretiska utgångspunkteri fyra dimensioner av påverkansfaktorer, vilka är Den personliga dimensionen, Den didaktiska dimensionen, Den styrande dimensionen och Den samhälleliga dimensionen. Var och en av dessa dimensioner delas upp i ett antal variationer. Dimensionerna är konstruerade utifrån principen om det personligt nära till det samhälleligt distanserade. Utöver dessa dimensioner har en aspekt på dessa lagts till. Det är Den elevnära aspekten vars innehåll utgörs av eleverna som påverkansfaktor för hur undervisningen blir. Lärarna i studien pratar aldrig om eleverna som påverkansfaktor utan att koppla detta till någon av de fyra dimensionerna. Slutsatser som dras i studien är att de tio lärarna alla har mycket olika berättelserom vad de uppfattar som viktigaste påverkansfaktorer. Några lägger mest fokus på sin personliga bakgrund eller personliga intressen. Andra fokuserar mer på didaktiska idéer, på styrdokument eller på organisatoriska ramar. Studien visar också att lärarna alla har en eller ett par dominerande dimensioner som dels syns mest i berättelsen, dels också påverkar hur de pratar om de andra dimensionerna. Lärarnas berättelser visar även att de upplever att undervisningen och vad som påverkar denna påtagligt förändras över tid. Studiens viktigaste bidrag är kanske att den exemplifierar teoretiska perspektiv. Inte minst genom att belysa att vad som påverkar undervisningen i ett ämne är så komplext att den ramfaktorteoretiska byggnadsställningen måste anpassas efter den specifika undersökningen med dess frågeställningar och undersökningsmaterial.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop environmental accounting and reporting practices (EARPs) by Portuguese local entities and their determining factors. Design/methodology/approach – Data were obtained through a postal survey. In order to measure the degree of development of environmental accounting and reporting practices index was developed, which reflects the extent to which a set of eight EARPs have been implemented by the 69 Portuguese local entities included in the sample. Three variables are considered in this study as possible factors that drive the development of environmental management practices (EMPs) by local entities, namely, size of entity, accounting framework, degree of development of EMPs. Findings – Results indicate the degree of development of EARPs in Portuguese local entities is low. Additionally, accounting regulation and the degree of development of EMPs are explaining factors of the degree of development of environmental accounting practices in Portuguese local entities. Originality/value – This study adds to the international research on environmental accounting in public sector by providing empirical data from a country, Portugal, where empirical evidence is still relatively limited.
In this paper we discuss the temporal aspects of indexing and classification in information systems. Basing this discussion off of the three sources of research of scheme change: of indexing: (1) analytical research on the types of scheme change and (2) empirical data on scheme change in systems and (3) evidence of cataloguer decision-making in the context of scheme change. From this general discussion we propose two constructs along which we might craft metrics to measure scheme change: collocative integrity and semantic gravity. The paper closes with a discussion of these constructs.
The metapopulation paradigm is central in ecology and conservation biology to understand the dynamics of spatially-structured populations in fragmented landscapes. Metapopulations are often studied using simulation modelling, and there is an increasing demand of user-friendly software tools to simulate metapopulation responses to environmental change. Here we describe the MetaLandSim R package, mwhich integrates ideas from metapopulation and graph theories to simulate the dynamics of real and virtual metapopulations. The package offers tools to (i) estimate metapopulation parameters from empirical data, (ii) to predict variation in patch occupancy over time in static and dynamic landscapes, either real or virtual, and (iii) to quantify the patterns and speed of metapopulation expansion into empty landscapes. MetaLandSim thus provides detailed information on metapopulation processes, which can be easily combined with land use and climate change scenarios to predict metapopulation dynamics and range expansion for a variety of taxa and ecological systems.
Recibido 13 de octubre de 2011 • Aceptado 23 de febrero 2012 • Corregido 23 de marzo de 2012 Este trabajo forma parte de una investigación más amplia que analiza aquellos rasgos del semblante docente que promueven o inhiben el deseo de aprendizaje de estudiante. Tiene como referente teórico el psicoanálisis y los datos empíricos de estudiantes del grupo 602, de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa (UAS), en México, del ciclo escolar 2009-2010. Se analizan solo las características o rasgos del semblante que promueven el deseo de aprender de los estudiantes. El objetivo es conocer si el deseo de los estudiantes y las estudiantes de Psicología por aprender los contenidos de una asignatura es despertado cuando estos se identifican con el semblante de su docente, desde la premisa de que este posee rasgos o cualidades que permiten al estudiante identificarse con el llamado semblante docente. Se utiliza el enfoque cualitativo y el método fenomenológico. Las técnicas de recolección de datos fueron el cuestionario y la entrevista en profundidad. La principal conclusión fue que un mismo docente no impacta de la misma manera a sus estudiantes.
Considering the wide implications of global warming it is evident the need, not only of diminishing the energy consumption patterns, but of diversifying to “sustainable” energy resources. Moreover, within the frame of national security, this requires tore-think the managing and use of available resources, because any change of the energy paradigm will depend, at least at the beginning, on fossil energy.Considering the above, the following paper opens a discussion about energy, entropy and the limits of economic growth, following the premises of the school of ecological economics. It offers several empirical data about the situation of the current energy pattern, mostly about its socio-environmental aspects. The paper ends discussing the characteristics and limitations of the main available alternative energies; meanwhile it highlights the relevance of contemporary patterns of territorial organization. It concludes pointing out the inherent need of diminishing the type and rhythm of current energy consumption.
Dairy industries are asked to be increasingly competitive and efficient. Despite the increasing trend in milk yield and protein content during the last decade genetic selection, milk coagulation ability has diminished and even if the absolute amount of cheese produced has increased, the relative cheese yield from a set amount of milk, has decreased. As casein content and variants, along with milk clotting properties (MCP) are determined to a large extent at DNA level, genetic selection and embryo transfer can provide efficacious tools to reverse this trend and achieve improvements. The aim of the proposed research was to determine how rapidly and to what extent milk coagulation properties could be improved by using embryo transfer (ET) as a tool to increase the frequency of k-casein BB genotype cattle and reducing A and E variants in an Italian Holstein herd with a low prevalence of the favourable genotype. In the effort to optimize superovulation protocols and results, synchronization of wave emergence was performed through manual transrectal ablation of the largest (dominant) ovarian follicle on days 7 or 8 of the cycle (estrus = day 0); different drugs and dosage for the superstimulation protocol were experimented trying to overcome the negative effects of stress and the perturbance of LH secretion in superovulated highly producing lactating cows and the use of SexedULTRA™ sex-sorted semen, for artificial insemination of superovulated cows was reported for the first time. The selection program carried out in this research, gave evidence and gathered empirical data of feasible genetic improvements in cheesemaking ability of milk by means of k-casein BB selection. In conclusion, in this project, selection of k-casein BB genotype markedly enhanced cheese-making properties of milk, providing an impetus to include milk coagulation traits in genetic selection and breeding programs for dairy cattle.
Social interactions have been the focus of social science research for a century, but their study has recently been revolutionized by novel data sources and by methods from computer science, network science, and complex systems science. The study of social interactions is crucial for understanding complex societal behaviours. Social interactions are naturally represented as networks, which have emerged as a unifying mathematical language to understand structural and dynamical aspects of socio-technical systems. Networks are, however, highly dimensional objects, especially when considering the scales of real-world systems and the need to model the temporal dimension. Hence the study of empirical data from social systems is challenging both from a conceptual and a computational standpoint. A possible approach to tackling such a challenge is to use dimensionality reduction techniques that represent network entities in a low-dimensional feature space, preserving some desired properties of the original data. Low-dimensional vector space representations, also known as network embeddings, have been extensively studied, also as a way to feed network data to machine learning algorithms. Network embeddings were initially developed for static networks and then extended to incorporate temporal network data. We focus on dimensionality reduction techniques for time-resolved social interaction data modelled as temporal networks. We introduce a novel embedding technique that models the temporal and structural similarities of events rather than nodes. Using empirical data on social interactions, we show that this representation captures information relevant for the study of dynamical processes unfolding over the network, such as epidemic spreading. We then turn to another large-scale dataset on social interactions: a popular Web-based crowdfunding platform. We show that tensor-based representations of the data and dimensionality reduction techniques such as tensor factorization allow us to uncover the structural and temporal aspects of the system and to relate them to geographic and temporal activity patterns.