875 resultados para double binomial


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Abstract Background The treatment for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is complex; full effectiveness is rarely achieved and it has many adverse effects. In developing countries, increased resistance to antibiotics and its cost make eradication more difficult. Probiotics can reduce adverse effects and improve the infection treatment efficacy. If the first-line therapy fails a second-line treatment using tetracycline, furazolidone and proton-pump inhibitors has been effective and low cost in Brazil; however it implies in a lot of adverse effects. The aim of this study was to minimize the adverse effects and increase the eradication rate applying the association of a probiotic compound to second-line therapy regimen. Methods Patients with peptic ulcer or functional dyspepsia infected by H. pylori were randomized to treatment with the furazolidone, tetracycline and lansoprazole regimen, twice a day for 7 days. In a double-blind study, patients received placebo or a probiotic compound (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Streptococcus faecium) in capsules, twice a day for 30 days. A symptom questionnaire was administered in day zero, after completion of antibiotic therapy, after the probiotic use and eight weeks after the end of the treatment. Upper digestive endoscopy, histological assessment, rapid urease test and breath test were performed before and eight weeks after eradication treatment. Results One hundred and seven patients were enrolled: 21 men with active probiotic and 19 with placebo plus 34 women with active probiotic and 33 with placebo comprising a total of 55 patients with active probiotic and 52 with placebo. Fifty-one patients had peptic ulcer and 56 were diagnosed as functional dyspepsia. The per-protocol eradication rate with active probiotic was 89.8% and with placebo, 85.1% (p = 0.49); per intention to treat, 81.8% and 79.6%, respectively (p = 0.53). The rate of adverse effects at 7 days with the active probiotic was 59.3% and 71.2% with placebo (p = 0.20). At 30 days, it was 44.9% and 60.4%, respectively (p = 0.08). Conclusions The use of this probiotic compound compared to placebo in the proposed regimen in Brazilian patients with peptic ulcer or functional dyspepsia showed no significant difference in efficacy or adverse effects. Trial registration Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN04714018


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Background: The Maternal-Child Pastoral is a volunteer-based community organization of the Dominican Republic that works with families to improve child survival and development. A program that promotes key practices of maternal and child care through meetings with pregnant women and home visits to promote child growth and development was designed and implemented. This study aims to evaluate the impact of the program on nutritional status indicators of children in the first two years of age. Methods: A quasi-experimental design was used, with groups paired according to a socioeconomic index, comparing eight geographical areas of intervention with eight control areas. The intervention was carried out by lay health volunteers. Mothers in the intervention areas received home visits each month and participated in a group activity held biweekly during pregnancy and monthly after birth. The primary outcomes were length and body mass index for age. Statistical analyses were based on linear and logistic regression models. Results: 196 children in the intervention group and 263 in the control group were evaluated. The intervention did not show statistically significant effects on length, but point estimates found were in the desired direction: mean difference 0.21 (95%CI −0.02; 0.44) for length-for-age Z-score and OR 0.50 (95%CI 0.22; 1.10) for stunting. Significant reductions of BMI-for-age Z-score (−0.31, 95%CI −0.49; -0.12) and of BMI-for-age > 85th percentile (0.43, 95%CI 0.23; 0.77) were observed. The intervention showed positive effects in some indicators of intermediary factors such as growth monitoring, health promotion activities, micronutrient supplementation, exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding. Conclusions: Despite finding effect measures pointing to effects in the desired direction related to malnutrition, we could only detect a reduction in the risk of overweight attributable to the intervention. The findings related to obesity prevention may be of interest in the context of the nutritional transition. Given the size of this study, the results are encouraging and we believe a larger study is warranted.


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We report a technique to palliate hypoplastic left heart syndrome, with no PDA stenting, but with double polytetrafluoroethylene shunt from pulmonary artery to ascending and descending aorta by combined thoracotomies. A 30-day-old female was operated with this technique. Five months after first operation, the child was submitted to Norwood/Glenn operation. Good hemodinamic recovery and initial clinical evolution was observed. The child was extubated in 8th post operatory day and reentubated in the next day due to pulmonary infection. Despite antibiotic treatment, the child died after systemic infectious complications.


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This paper discusses the theoretical and experimental results obtained for the excitonic binding energy (Eb) in a set of single and coupled double quantum wells (SQWs and CDQWs) of GaAs/AlGaAs with different Al concentrations (Al%) and inter-well barrier thicknesses. To obtain the theoretical Eb the method proposed by Mathieu, Lefebvre and Christol (MLC) was used, which is based on the idea of fractional-dimension space, together with the approach proposed by Zhao et al., which extends the MLC method for application in CDQWs. Through magnetophotoluminescence (MPL) measurements performed at 4 K with magnetic fields ranging from 0 T to 12 T, the diamagnetic shift curves were plotted and adjusted using two expressions: one appropriate to fit the curve in the range of low intensity fields and another for the range of high intensity fields, providing the experimental Eb values. The effects of increasing the Al% and the inter-well barrier thickness on Eb are discussed. The Eb reduction when going from the SQW to the CDQW with 5 Å inter-well barrier is clearly observed experimentally for 35% Al concentration and this trend can be noticed even for concentrations as low as 25% and 15%, although the Eb variations in these latter cases are within the error bars. As the Zhao's approach is unable to describe this effect, the wave functions and the probability densities for electrons and holes were calculated, allowing us to explain this effect as being due to a decrease in the spatial superposition of the wave functions caused by the thin inter-well barrier.


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Methods We conducted a phase I, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-arm (10) parallel study involving healthy adults to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of influenza A (H1N1) 2009 non-adjuvanted and adjuvanted candidate vaccines. Subjects received two intramuscular injections of one of the candidate vaccines administered 21 days apart. Antibody responses were measured by means of hemagglutination-inhibition assay before and 21 days after each vaccination. The three co-primary immunogenicity end points were the proportion of seroprotection >70%, seroconversion >40%, and the factor increase in the geometric mean titer >2.5. Results A total of 266 participants were enrolled into the study. No deaths or serious adverse events were reported. The most commonly solicited local and systemic adverse events were injection-site pain and headache, respectively. Only three subjects (1.1%) reported severe injection-site pain. Four 2009 influenza A (H1N1) inactivated monovalent candidate vaccines that met the three requirements to evaluate influenza protection, after a single dose, were identified: 15 μg of hemagglutinin antigen without adjuvant; 7.5 μg of hemagglutinin antigen with aluminum hydroxide, MPL and squalene; 3.75 μg of hemagglutinin antigen with aluminum hydroxide and MPL; and 3.75 μg of hemagglutinin antigen with aluminum hydroxide and squalene. Conclusions Adjuvant systems can be safely used in influenza vaccines, including the adjuvant monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL) derived from Bordetella pertussis with squalene and aluminum hydroxide, MPL with aluminum hydroxide, and squalene and aluminum hydroxide.


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A complete laser cooling setup was built, with focus on threedimensional near-resonant optical lattices for cesium. These consist of regularly ordered micropotentials, created by the interference of four laser beams. One key feature of optical lattices is an inherent ”Sisyphus cooling” process. It efficiently extracts kinetic energy from the atoms, leading to equilibrium temperatures of a few µK. The corresponding kinetic energy is lower than the depth of the potential wells, so that atoms can be trapped. We performed detailed studies of the cooling processes in optical lattices by using the time-of-flight and absorption-imaging techniques. We investigated the dependence of the equilibrium temperature on the optical lattice parameters, such as detuning, optical potential and lattice geometry. The presence of neighbouring transitions in the cesium hyperfine level structure was used to break symmetries in order to identify, which role “red” and “blue” transitions play in the cooling. We also examined the limits for the cooling process in optical lattices, and the possible difference in steady-state velocity distributions for different directions. Moreover, in collaboration with ´Ecole Normale Sup´erieure in Paris, numerical simulations were performed in order to get more insight in the cooling dynamics of optical lattices. Optical lattices can keep atoms almost perfectly isolated from the environment and have therefore been suggested as a platform for a host of possible experiments aimed at coherent quantum manipulations, such as spin-squeezing and the implementation of quantum logic-gates. We developed a novel way to trap two different cesium ground states in two distinct, interpenetrating optical lattices, and to change the distance between sites of one lattice relative to sites of the other lattice. This is a first step towards the implementation of quantum simulation schemes in optical lattices.


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Gegenstand dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung von metallischen gemischtvalenten Manganaten und magnetischen Doppelperowskiten. Aufgrund ihres großen negativen Magnetowiderstandes (MW) sind diese halbmetallischen Oxide interessant für mögliche technische Anwendungen, z.B. als Leseköpfe in Festplatten. Es wurden die kristallographischen, elektronischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften von epitaktischen Dünnschichten und polykristallinen Pulverproben bestimmt.Epitaktische Dünnschichten der Verbindungen La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 und La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 wurdenmit Kaltkathodenzerstäubung und Laserablation auf einkristallinen Substraten wie SrTiO3abgeschieden. Mit Hall-Effekt Messungen wurde ein Zusammenbruch der Ladungsträgerdichte bei der Curie-Temperatur TC beobachtet.Mit dem Wechsel des Dotierungsatoms A von Ca (TC=232 K) zu Sr (TC=345 K)in La0.67A0.33MnO3 konnte die Feldsensitivität des Widerstandes bei Raumtemperatur gesteigert werden. Um die Sensitivität weiter zu erhöhen wurde die hohe Spinpolarisation von nahezu 100% in Tunnelexperimenten ausgenutzt. Dazu wurden biepitaktische La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 Schichten auf SrTiO3 Bikristallsubstraten hergestellt. Die Abhängigkeit des Tunnelmagnetowiderstandes (TMW) vom magnetischen Feld, Temperatur und Strum war ein Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung. Mittels spinpolarisierten Tunnelns durch die künstliche Korngrenze konnte ein hysteretischer TMW von 70% bei 4 K in kleinen Magnetfeldern von 120 Oe gemessen werden. Eine weitere magnetische Oxidverbindung, der Doppelperowskit Sr2FeMoO6 miteine Curie-Temperatur oberhalb 400 K und einem großen MW wurde mittels Laserablation hergestellt. Die Proben zeigten erstmals das Sättigunsmoment, welches von einer idealen ferrimagnetischen Anordnung der Fe und Mo Ionen erwartet wird. Mit Hilfe von Magnetotransportmessungen und Röntgendiffraktometrie konnte eine Abhängigkeit zwischen Kristallstruktur (Ordnung oder Unordnung im Fe, Mo Untergitter) und elektronischem Transport (metallisch oder halbleitend) aufgedeckt werden.Eine zweiter Doppelperowskit Ca2FeReO6 wurde im Detail als Pulverprobe untersucht. Diese Verbindung besitzt die höchste Curie-Temperatur von 540 K, die bis jetzt in magnetischen Perowskiten gefunden wurde. Mit Neutronenstreuung wurde eine verzerrte monoklinische Struktur und eine Phasenseparation aufgedeckt.


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The rheological properties of block co-polymers in water solution at different pH have been investigated. The block copolymers are based on different architectures containing poly(ethylene glycol), poly(propylene glycol) and different blocks of polymer that change their hydrophobic/hydrophilic behavior as a function of pH. The polymer chains of the starting material were extended at their functional ends with the pH-sensitive units using ATRP; this mechanism of controlled radical polymerization was chosen because of the need to minimize polydispersity and avoid transfer reactions possibly leading to homopolymeric inpurities. The starting material were modified in order to use them as macroinitiator for ATRP. The kinetic of each ATRP reaction has been investigated, in order to be able to synthesize polymers with different degree of polymerization, stopping the reaction when the desired polymers chain length has been reached. We will use polymer chains with different basicity and degree of polymerization to link any possible effect of their presence to the conditions under which they become hydrophobic. It has been shown that the rate of polymerization changes changing the type of macroinitiator and the type of monomer synthesized. The slowest rate of polymerization is the one with the most hindered monomer synthesized using the macroinitiator with the highest molecular weight. The water solubility of the synthesized polymers changes depending on the pH of the solution and on the structure of the polymers. It has been shown using 1H-NMR that some of the synthesized polymers are capable to self-aggregation in water solution. The self-aggregation and the type of aggregation is influenced from the structure of the polymer and from the pH of the solution. Changing the structure of the polymers and the pH it is possible to obtain different type of aggregates in solution. This aggregates differ for the volume occupied from them, and for their hardness. Rheological measurements have been demonstrated that the synthesized polymers are capable to form gel phases. The gelation temperature changes changing the structure of the aggregates in solution and it is possible to correlate the changing in the gelation temperature with the changing in the structure of the polymer.


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In questa tesi presentiamo una descrizione autoconsistente della dualità Colore/Cinematica nelle teorie di gauge e al processo di Double Copy. Particolare attenzione viene data all'approccio alla dualità con il formalismo di cono-luce, in quanto semplifica notevolmente sia il calcolo sia l'interpretazione fisica: vengono indagati i settori duale e self-duale per poi passare al modello di Chalmers e Siegel per l'estensione alla teoria generale. Proponiamo quindi uno Scalar Matrix Model, che può essere un buon modello per generare ampiezze ottenibili da una Double Copy `inversa', e ne studiamo un'eventuale dualità a la Colore/Cinematica. Vengono illustrati alcuni casi particolari di rottura spontanea di simmetria. In appendice riportiamo un notebook di Mathematica per il calcolo di ampiezze tree level di puro gauge, utile per i calcoli necessari allo studio della dualità.


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In questo lavoro di tesi è stato sintetizzato un nuovo copolimero contenente il gruppo fullerenico in catena laterale. Il copolimero è risultato solubile nei comuni solventi organici e ha dato una efficienza di conversione fotovoltaica in un sistema BHJ del 2.19%.


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In questa tesi viene presentata una scelta dei passaggi fondamentali per arrivare alla dimostrazione della congettura della double bubble, dovuta ad Hutchings, Morgan, Ritoré e Ros. Questa dimostrazione assicura l'esistenza e l'unicità della superficie minima che permette di racchiudere due volumi nello spazio reale tridimensionale; si tratta quindi di un caso particolare del problema delle bolle di sapone, che ha richiesto la messa a punto di strumenti sofisticati di teoria geometrica della misura, calcolo delle variazioni ed equazioni differenziali non lineari.


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The efficient emulation of a many-core architecture is a challenging task, each core could be emulated through a dedicated thread and such threads would be interleaved on an either single-core or a multi-core processor. The high number of context switches will results in an unacceptable performance. To support this kind of application, the GPU computational power is exploited in order to schedule the emulation threads on the GPU cores. This presents a non trivial divergence issue, since GPU computational power is offered through SIMD processing elements, that are forced to synchronously execute the same instruction on different memory portions. Thus, a new emulation technique is introduced in order to overcome this limitation: instead of providing a routine for each ISA opcode, the emulator mimics the behavior of the Micro Architecture level, here instructions are date that a unique routine takes as input. Our new technique has been implemented and compared with the classic emulation approach, in order to investigate the chance of a hybrid solution.


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Esposizione di comportamenti e caratteristiche principali dei giunti incollati. Il metodo agli elementi finiti è stato studiato in modo da realizzare un modello accurato di un sistema fisico. L’analisi agli elementi finiti è stata utilizzata per effettuare una simulazione numerica di un double-strap joint in alluminio e in CFRP sotto un carico di trazione assiale. L’effetto di una modifica della distanza tra le lastre è stato studiato e i risultati confrontati.