1000 resultados para digital scavenging
Resumen basado en la publicación
La Ley Orgánica de Educación (LOE) aporta un claro marco de referencia en relación con la inserción de las TIC, en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las distintas etapas educativas. El tratamiento de la información y competencia digital es una de las ocho competencias básicas que se establecen en los Reales Decretos de enseñanzas mínimas de la Educación Primaria y Secundaria Obligatoria. Como consecuencia es necesario que el profesorado esté preparado para afrontar este reto. Aunque la LOE hace referencia a la necesidad de uso de recursos y formación permanente en TIC para el profesorado el tratamiento parece insuficiente. En este artículo se analizan los estándares en competencias TIC para docentes (ECDTIC) de la UNESCO y de la organización norteamericana International Society for technology in Education (ISTE) y se apela a las administraciones educativas y las universidades para que tomen en consideración la importancia de revisar en profundidad los currículos de la formación inicial y permanente del profesorado.
In order to develop applications for z;isual interpretation of medical images, the early detection and evaluation of microcalcifications in digital mammograms is verg important since their presence is often associated with a high incidence of breast cancers. Accurate classification into benign and malignant groups would help improve diagnostic sensitivity as well as reduce the number of unnecessa y biopsies. The challenge here is the selection of the useful features to distinguish benign from malignant micro calcifications. Our purpose in this work is to analyse a microcalcification evaluation method based on a set of shapebased features extracted from the digitised mammography. The segmentation of the microcalcifications is performed using a fixed-tolerance region growing method to extract boundaries of calcifications with manually selected seed pixels. Taking into account that shapes and sizes of clustered microcalcifications have been associated with a high risk of carcinoma based on digerent subjective measures, such as whether or not the calcifications are irregular, linear, vermiform, branched, rounded or ring like, our efforts were addressed to obtain a feature set related to the shape. The identification of the pammeters concerning the malignant character of the microcalcifications was performed on a set of 146 mammograms with their real diagnosis known in advance from biopsies. This allowed identifying the following shape-based parameters as the relevant ones: Number of clusters, Number of holes, Area, Feret elongation, Roughness, and Elongation. Further experiments on a set of 70 new mammogmms showed that the performance of the classification scheme is close to the mean performance of three expert radiologists, which allows to consider the proposed method for assisting the diagnosis and encourages to continue the investigation in the sense of adding new features not only related to the shape
Se expone el proceso de gestación de la revista digital Astrolabio realizada por los alumnos del Colegio Público Begoña de Gijón. Esta experiencia surge de considerar los retos que tiene la escuela y la importancia de su papel en la formación de futuros ciudadanos. La revista nace con la vocación de servir no sólo de cauce de expresión, sino también de instrumento de aprendizaje y de plataforma para el debate y la colaboración al servicio del alumnado del Colegio Público Begoña.
This paper proposes to promote autonomy in digital ecosystems so that it provides agents with information to improve the behavior of the digital ecosystem in terms of stability. This work proposes that, in digital ecosystems, autonomous agents can provide fundamental services and information. The final goal is to run the ecosystem, generate novel conditions and let agents exploit them. A set of evaluation measures must be defined as well. We want to provide an outline of some global indicators, such as heterogeneity and diversity, and establish relationships between agent behavior and these global indicators to fully understand interactions between agents, and to understand the dependence and autonomy relations that emerge between the interacting agents. Individual variations, interaction dependencies, and environmental factors are determinants of autonomy that would be considered. The paper concludes with a discussion of situations when autonomy is a milestone
Primera conferencia. Bibliotecas y Repositorios Digitales: Gestión del Conocimiento, Acceso Abierto y Visibilidad Latinoamericana. (BIREDIAL) Mayo 9 al 11 de 2011. Bogotá, Colombia.
Primera conferencia. Bibliotecas y Repositorios Digitales: Gestión del Conocimiento, Acceso Abierto y Visibilidad Latinoamericana. (BIREDIAL) Mayo 9 al 11 de 2011. Bogotá, Colombia.
Esta crónica periodística, escrita cronológicamente desde el año 2008 hasta junio 2010, cuenta los antecedentes y lo sucedido durante la campaña presidencial del Partido Verde. Aquí se narra la estrategia virtual de Antanas Mockus, a partir de mi experiencia como su community manager.
This part contains geomorphological, hydrological and other information concerning the desktop research of the River Tyne catchment area.
This section consists of a comprehensive collection of bibliographic information covering five important themes to help you with the desktop research of the River Tyne catchment area.
In this section, you will find maps showing various important aspects of the River Tyne catchment area. All the maps are drawn based on Ordnance Survey data made available via the Digimap service. For the land cover maps of the catchment area, four variants are provided. Please note that the full details of the intext citations quoted in some of the following maps can be found in the full bibliographic listing.
The Tyne Digital Library (TDL) provides access to scholarly materials (e.g. papers, book chapters, bibliographic reference lists), databases of hydrological and physical information, maps of key physiographic and environmental data, and electronic journal articles, for students undertaking GEOG3023 River Basin Management. In addition, the TDL utilises technological innovations that enhance services for accessing this information.
The Tyne Digital Library (TDL) provides access to scholarly materials (e.g. papers, book chapters, bibliographic reference lists), databases of hydrological and physical information, maps of key physiographic and environmental data, and electronic journal articles, for students undertaking GEOG3023 River Basin Management. In addition, the TDL utilises technological innovations that enhance services for accessing this information.
Resumen tomado de la publicación. Artículo seleccionado de RIBIE (Rede Iberoamericana de Informática Educativa) 2004, extendido y revisado para su publicación en IE Comunicaciones. Resúmenes en portugués e inglés
Internet modificó la forma de ejercer el periodismo. Su arribo a los medios de comunicación como forma efectiva e interactiva para el mejoramiento del oficio informativo, alteró su ejercicio en sus 3 puntos: enseñanza, ejecución y resultado.