901 resultados para deformable mirror
Group living animals must be able to express different behavior profiles depending on their social status. Therefore, the same genotype may translate into different behavioral phenotypes through socially driven differential gene expression. However, how social information is translated into a neurogenomic response and what are the specific cues in a social interaction that signal a change in social status are questions that have remained unanswered. Here, we show for the first time, to our knowledge, that the switch between status-specific neurogenomic states relies on the assessment of fight outcome rather than just on self- or opponent-only assessment of fighting ability. For this purpose, we manipulated the perception of fight outcome in male zebrafish and measured its impact on the brain transcriptome using a zebrafish whole genome gene chip. Males fought either a real opponent, and a winner and a loser were identified, or their own image on a mirror, in which case, despite expressing aggressive behavior, males did not experience either a victory or a defeat. Massive changes in the brain transcriptome were observed in real opponent fighters, with losers displaying both a higher number of differentially expressed genes and of coexpressed gene modules than winners. In contrast, mirror fighters expressed a neurogenomic state similar to that of noninteracting fish. The genes that responded to fight outcome included immediate early genes and genes involved in neuroplasticity and epigenetic modifications. These results indicate that, even in cognitively simple organisms such as zebrafish, neurogenomic responses underlying changes in social status rely on mutual assessment of fighting ability.
Dans ce mémoire, intitulé « Les dépotoirs dans le schème d’établissement iroquoien: exemple du site Mailhot-Curran», je m’attèle à définir les modes de rejets des déchets dans le contexte d’un schème d’établissement sédentaire semi-permanent au Sylvicole supérieur. Les dépotoirs des sites archéologiques ne semblent pas obtenir toute l’attention analytique qui leur est due et l’étude des modes de rejets a longtemps été négligée. Pourtant, les amas de déchets sont récurrents sur les sites du Nord-Est américain et ce depuis le Sylvicole moyen. L’étude approfondie de l’organisation d’un site iroquoien se doit de passer par la compréhension des modes d’élimination des déchets, puisque la gestion des rejets est généralement le reflet de la structure du site et du type de peuplement. Les dépotoirs peuvent fournir des informations précieuses sur les zones d’activité, la fonction du site ou encore la durée d’occupation. Le village de Mailhot-Curran témoigne de plusieurs concentrations d’objets. Je souhaite établir si ces concentrations de vestiges peuvent être qualifiées de dépotoirs et si oui, peut-on en distinguer différents types? D’autre part, je m’intéresse à l’aspect social qui encadre la mise en place de dépotoirs. Bien que les dépotoirs soient des indices associés aux premières traces de sédentarité saisonnière, leur présence est précisément liée au phénomène de sédentarisation annuelle. Il s’agit également de définir le geste culturel, l’assainissement d’un village étant un schéma culturel très répandu. De ce geste de rejet découle forcément le choix d’un emplacement, ainsi que le concept de «flux de déplacement» des déchets. Il s’agit de déterminer le lien entretenu entre les aires d’activités et les aires de dépôts primaires et secondaires. Pour ce faire, il est primordial d’évaluer la densité, l’hétérogénéité et le contenu des dépotoirs. Suite à la définition de l’ensemble de ces concepts appliqués au site Mailhot-Curran, je souhaite, à travers une étude comparative, répondre à la question suivante : Les dépotoirs peuvent-ils refléter une pratique culturelle commune aux villages iroquoiens de la région de Saint-Anicet?
Surface currents and sediment distribution of the SE South American upper continental margin are under influence of the South American Monsoon System (SAMS) and the Southern Westerly Wind Belt (SWWB). Both climatic systems determine the meridional position of the Subtropical Shelf Front (STSF) and probably also of the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence (BMC). We reconstruct the changing impact of the SAMS and the SWWB on sediment composition at the upper Rio Grande Cone off southern Brazil during the last 14 cal kyr combining sedimentological, geochemical, micropaleontological and rock magnetic proxies of marine sediment core GeoB 6211-2. Sharp reciprocal changes in ferri- and paramagnetic mineral content and prominent grain-size shifts give strong clues to systematic source changes and transport modes of these mostly terrigenous sediments. Our interpretations support the assumption that the SAMS over SE South America was weaker than today during most of the Late Glacial and entire Early Holocene, while the SWWB was contracted to more southern latitudes, resembling modern austral summer-like conditions. In consequence, the STSF and the BMC were driven to more southern positions than today's, favoring the deposition of Fe-rich but weakly magnetic La Plata River silts at the Rio Grande Cone. During the Mid Holocene, the northern boundary of the SWWB migrated northward, while the STSF reached its northernmost position of the last 14 cal kyr and the BMC most likely arrived at its modern position. This shift enabled the transport of Antarctic diatoms and more strongly magnetic Argentinean shelf sands to the Rio Grande Cone, while sediment contributions from the La Plata River became less important. During the Late Holocene, the modern El Niño Southern Oscillation set in and the SAMS and the austral tradewinds intensified, causing a southward shift of the STSF to its modern position. This reinforced a significant deposition of La Plata River silts at the Rio Grande Cone. These higher magnetic silts with intermediate Fe contents mirror the modern more humid terrestrial climatic conditions over SE South America.
Pleistocene summer sea-surface temperatures (SSST) have been reconstructed on a composite core section recovered in the Subantarctic Zone of the Southern Ocean from planktonic foraminifers applying the Modern Analog Technique. The composite consists of Core PS2489-2 and the sections recovered at ODP Site 1090, and documents the last 1.83 Ma. Three distinct climatic periods can be identified that mirror the Pleistocene development of the Southern Ocean hydrography. Cold climatic conditions prevailed at 43°S during glacial as well as during interglacial periods during the early Pleistocene (1.83-0.87 Ma), indicating a northward shift of isotherms that characterize the present-day Polar Front Zone by about 7° of latitude. Evidence shows a strong linkage between Southern Ocean and low latitude climate during that interval time. Between the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution (ca. 0.9 Ma) and the Mid-Brunhes Event (ca. 0.4 Ma), we observe higher amplitude fluctuations in the SSST between glacial and interglacial periods, corresponding to the temperature range between the present Polar Front and Subantarctic Front. These climatic variations have been related to changes in the northern hemisphere ice sheets. The past 0.4 Ma are characterized by strong SSST variations, of up to 8°C, between glacials and interglacials. Only during the climatic optima (stages 11.3, 9.3, 7.5, 7.1, 5.5, and the early Holocene), SSST exceeded present SSST at the core locality (10.2°C). Although the carbonate dissolution record exhibits high variability during the Pleistocene, it can be shown that SSST estimates were not significantly biased. The Mid-Brunhes dissolution cycle as well as the Mid-Pleistocene enhanced carbonate preservation appear to belong to a global long-term variability in carbonate preservation.
Estimates of summer sea surface temperatures (SSSTs) derived from planktic foraminiferal associations using the Modern Analog Technique and combined with isotopic analyses and determination of ice-rafted debris, mirror the Pleistocene evolution of the planktic Subantarctic surface waters in the Atlantic Ocean. The SSSTs indicate that the isotherms that define the modern polar front zone and Subantarctic front, were located at more northerly latitudes (up to 7°) during most of the investigated period, which covers the past 550 kyr. Exceptions are during climatic optima in the early Holocene, at marine isotope stages (MIS) 5.5, 7.1, 7.5, 9.3, and presumably during MIS 11.3 when SSSTs exceeded modern values by 1 -5°C. The close similarity between the SSST and the Vostok temperature indicates strong regional temperature correlation. Both records show that MIS 9.3 was the warmest period during the last 420 kyr whereas SSSTs obtained for MIS 11.3 are overestimated due to strong carbonate dissolution. Spectral analysis corroborates that the initiation of warming in southern high latitudes heralds the start of deglaciation on the Northern Hemisphere.
The Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) was a transient interval of global warming ~55 m.y. ago associated with transformation of ecosystems and changes in carbon cycling. The event was caused by the input of massive amounts of CO2 or CH4 to the ocean-atmosphere system. Rapid shoaling of the lysocline and calcite compensation depth (CCD) is a predicted response of CO2 or CH4 input; however, the extent of this shoaling is poorly constrained. Investigation of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 1209-1212 at Shatsky Rise, which lies along a depth transect, suggests a minimum lysocline shoaling of ~500 m in the tropical Pacific Ocean during the PETM. The sites also show evidence of CaCO3 dissolution within the sediment column, carbonate "burn-down" below the level of the carbon isotope excursion, and a predicted response to a rapid change in deepwater carbonate saturation. Close examination of several foraminiferal preservation proxies (i.e., fragmentation, benthic/planktonic foraminiferal ratios, coarse fraction, and CaCO3 content) and observations of foraminifers reveal that increased fragmentation levels most reliably predict intervals with visually impoverished foraminiferal preservation as a result of dissolution. Low CaCO3 content and high benthic/planktonic ratios also mirror intervals of poorest preservation.
Eight lithologic facies recognized in the Mississippi Fan sediments drilled during DSDP Leg 96 are defined on the basis of lithology, sedimentary structures, composition, and texture. Of these, the calcareous biogenic sediments are of minor importance, volumetrically, as compared with the dominant resedimented terrigenous facies. Clay, mud, and silt are the most abundant sediments at all the sites drilled, with some sand and gravel in the midfan channel fill and an abundance of sand on the lower fan. Facies distribution and vertical sequences reflect the importance of sediment type and supply in controlling fan development. Sea-level changes and diapiric activity have also played an important role. Clay and sand fraction mineralogy closely mirror the dominant sediment source, namely, the Mississippi River system and adjacent continental shelf. Local and regional variation in composition on the fan mostly reflects facies differences.
Calcareous microfossils are widely used by paleoceanographers to investigate past sea-surface hydrology. Among these microfossils, planktonic foraminifera are probably the most extensively used tool (e.g. [1] for a review), as they are easy to extract from the sediment and can also be used for coupled geochemical (e.g; d18O, d13C, Mg/Ca) and paleo-ecological investigations. Planktonic foraminifera are marine protists, which build a calcareous shell made of several chambers which reflect in their chemistry the properties of the ambient water-masses. Planktonic foraminifera are known to thrive in various habitats, distributed not only along a latitudinal gradient, but also along different water-depth intervals within surface waters (0-1000 m). Regarding their biogeographical distribution, planktonic foraminifera assemblages therefore mirror different water-masses properties, such as temperature, salinity and nutrient content of the surface water in which they live. The investigation of the specific composition of a fossil assemblage (relative abundances) is therefore a way to empirically obtain (paleo)information on past variations of sea-surface hydrological parameters. This paper focuses on the planktonic foraminifera record from the Arctic domain. This polar region records peculiar sea-surface conditions, with the influence of nearly perennial sea-ice cover development. This has strong impact on living foraminifera populations and on the preservation of their shells in the underlying sediments.
"Written by an anonymous Celestine monk in the 1470s at Notre Dame D'Ambert near Orleans ... an interesting example of devotional literature in the vernacular written by the Celestines for women. The complicated story behind this text (which survives in only two manuscripts), however, is even more interesting, since its source is the Miroir des simples âmes (Mirror of Simple Souls) by the mystical writer, Marguerite Porete, who was burnt at the stake as a relapsed heretic in Paris in 1310"--Textmanuscripts.com
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