914 resultados para daily life activity
After the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, approximately 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry living on the west coast of the United States were forcibly removed from their home communities. These people were designated as "evacuees" by the U.S. Government and were incarcerated within a network of federal government facilities the largest of which were internment centers operated by the War Relocation Authority that held mostly U.S. citizens. The Granada Relocation Center (Amache) was the smallest of these internment centers. The presence of saké at Amache indicates that Japanese Americans continued important practices of daily life despite restrictions under confinement. This thesis investigates the practices of saké production and consumption at Amache and examines the importance of these practices in Japanese American daily life. In order to understand these practices, this research draws on multiple lines of evidence. This includes investigations of an assemblage of the material culture associated with saké, research into the history and methods of production and consumption, collection of oral histories, review of archival data, and the application of practice theory. These data provide insight into practices that are not well understood by researchers of Japanese American internment due to their illicit nature. This research endeavors to characterize how saké was produced and used at Amache and provides a way to understand how cultural practices maintain aspects of everyday life in ways that may have little to do with intentional resistance.
El objetivo del artículo es analizar la distribución del tiempo de las personas cuidadoras en las distintas esferas de la vida (la esfera laboral, la privada o personal y la doméstica). El estudio se basa en el análisis de los datos de la Encuesta de Empleo del Tiempo 2002-2003 del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE). Los resultados de la investigación muestran los impactos negativos del cuidado informal sobre los distintos ámbitos de la vida en términos de reducción de la vida privada o personal, de la participación en el ámbito laboral y de mayor carga del trabajo total. Asimismo, también ponen de manifiesto la heterogeneidad de los efectos del cuidado informal en la vida cotidiana de las personas cuidadoras según el sexo, la edad y el nivel de ingresos.
Open business intelligence: on the importance of data quality awareness in user-friendly data mining
Citizens demand more and more data for making decisions in their daily life. Therefore, mechanisms that allow citizens to understand and analyze linked open data (LOD) in a user-friendly manner are highly required. To this aim, the concept of Open Business Intelligence (OpenBI) is introduced in this position paper. OpenBI facilitates non-expert users to (i) analyze and visualize LOD, thus generating actionable information by means of reporting, OLAP analysis, dashboards or data mining; and to (ii) share the new acquired information as LOD to be reused by anyone. One of the most challenging issues of OpenBI is related to data mining, since non-experts (as citizens) need guidance during preprocessing and application of mining algorithms due to the complexity of the mining process and the low quality of the data sources. This is even worst when dealing with LOD, not only because of the different kind of links among data, but also because of its high dimensionality. As a consequence, in this position paper we advocate that data mining for OpenBI requires data quality-aware mechanisms for guiding non-expert users in obtaining and sharing the most reliable knowledge from the available LOD.
Mathematics expresses itself everywhere, in almost every facet of life - in nature all around us, and in the technologies in our hands. Mathematics is the language of science and engineering - describing our understanding of all that we observe. In fact, Galileo said that Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe. Aristotle defined mathematics as "the science of quantity", i.e., “the science of the things that can be counted”. Now you can think that counting has a vital role in our daily life; just imagine that there were no mathematics at all, how would it be possible for us to count days, months and years? Unfortunately, people usually ignore the connection between mathematics and the daily life. Most of university degrees require mathematics. Students who choose not to take seriously mathematics or to ignore it in high school, find several difficulties when they come up against them at the university. This study explores the perceptions of how mathematics influences our daily life among our students and how teachers can use this information in order to improve the academic performance. The used research instrument was a questionnaire that was designed to identify their understanding on learning mathematics.
Las nuevas tecnologías ya no son un tema novedoso para la comunidad científica. La trascendencia del fenómeno ha generado una importante labor investigadora, centrada, fundamentalmente, en el estudio cuantitativo de su utilización. Sin embargo, y a pesar de los estudios realizados, todavía existen importantes lagunas de conocimiento. En esta nota abordamos lo que consideramos es una de tales lagunas: el análisis cualitativo de las relaciones que los jóvenes establecen con las nuevas tecnologías. Así, se presentan algunos de los principales resultados de una investigación sobre la influencia de las nuevas tecnologías en la vida cotidiana de los jóvenes; un estudio cuyo objetivo era analizar, no únicamente el grado de disponibilidad y uso de determinadas tecnologías (sobre todo ordenadores, Internet, telefonía móvil y videojuegos), sino, fundamentalmente, cómo éstas se incorporan a la vida cotidiana de los jóvenes y cómo percibe este colectivo su relación con ellas. Nos interesan, por tanto, tanto los posibles cambios en la forma de estudiar, de cubrir el tiempo de ocio o de relacionarse con familiares y amigos, como la manera en que los protagonistas explican e interpretan tales cambios.
Propriedade e direito entre os muçulmanos de Portugal: dos bens comuns à gestão do património do rei
El derecho islámico informa de la identidad de los musulmanes del reino portugués, desde el período matricial de su integración hasta finales del siglo XV. De la participación en los moldes de su propia subordinación fiscal y tributaria, a la cuestión del derecho sucesorio, los musulmanes legistas de Lisboa responden a las sucesivas interpelaciones de la Corona, constituyéndose el monarca como el principal beneficiario de esa producción legal. Esta manipulación del poder, el aspecto más visible en la documentación, muestra todo el dominio continuado de ese universo legal y de sus especialistas mudéjares. Aspecto que tendrá lógicamente su resonancia en la vivencia interna de estas comunidades, especialmente en lo que a la propiedad se refiere. El principio de la sunna de la dominación de los bienes colectivos se refleja en los bienes habices y los colectivos (al-Muslimina), aún documentados en el siglo XV. Por otro lado, la propia gestión del patrimonio del rey, en la morería de Lisboa, será dominada, en el mismo período, por una autoridad musulmana, el juez de los derechos reales, contradiciendo la ley canónica y la territorial que prohibía a los infieles ejercer poder sobre los cristianos.
Objetivo: Describir la experiencia cultural, interpersonal y personal de los adultos mayores con enfermedades crónicas e identificar las estrategias y redes de apoyo que utilizan en su entorno cotidiano para gestionar la enfermedad. Método: Se desarrolló un metaestudio tipo metaanálisis cualitativo. La estrategia metodológica constó de cuatro etapas: Búsqueda bibliográfica, Categorización de los estudios, Evaluación de la calidad metodológica y Análisis de resultados. Resultados: Se obtuvo una muestra bibliográfica de 22 estudios de naturaleza cualitativa. Los hallazgos se organizaron en 4 categorías: Compresión del padecimiento, Autogestión en el cotidiano, Percepción de los Servicios de Salud y Cotidiano del cuidador. Conclusiones: El esfuerzo de los adultos mayores por alcanzar un nuevo equilibrio social y personal se articula en las estrategias de autogestión que utilizan en su día a día para afrontar sus padecimientos. Las interrelaciones con los servicios de salud, familia y redes de apoyo son fundamentales para gestionar la cronicidad.
John Holyoke’s diary is interleaved in Nathaniel Ames’ An astronomical diary, or, An almanack for the year of our Lord Christ, 1748 (Boston, 1747). The thin paper-covered book holds brief notes about Holyoke’s daily life as a Harvard undergraduate, written on blank pages bound with the almanac. Holyoke's diary offers a resource for information about the relational networks of the Holyoke family, travel in 18th century Massachusetts, and colonial dress.
The 1742 diary is interleaved in Nathaniel Ames’ An astronomical diary, or, An almanack for the year of our Lord Christ, 1742. The volume holds brief notes about Holyoke’s daily life, written on blank pages bound with the almanac. Each page, representing one month, is divided into three columns with a section for the weather, the direction of the wind, and finally notes on the day and Holyoke’s undeciphered shorthand. The diary begins before Holyoke’s admittance to Harvard and concludes in his freshman year. The earlier months have regular entries, he later stops recording the weather and makes only sporadic entries. Holyoke notes holidays, travel events, interactions with Harvard faculty, and infrequently, community events such as a burial or trial. On the last page, Holyoke provides "An account of our examination the 13 day of July 1742: viz: [Daniel] Foxcroft [Joseph] Green myself and [James] Putnam listing the specific examiners and the texts used for the exam.
The 1743 diary is interleaved in Nathaniel Ames’ An Astronomical Diary, or, An almanack for the year of our Lord Christ, 1743. The thin paper-covered book holds brief notes about Holyoke’s daily life as an undergraduate, written on blank pages bound with the almanac. The pages of the diary are separated into two columns: the first to display symbols indicating when class recitations occurred, and the second for entries. Entries include information about student life, Harvard events such as Overseers’ meetings and individuals who preached and lectured, trips to Boston and surrounding towns, and occasional references to community deaths and illnesses.
The 1744 diary is interleaved in Poor Richard's An almanack for the year of Christ 1744. The thin paper-covered book holds brief notes about Holyoke’s daily life as an undergraduate at Harvard, written on blank pages bound with the almanac. The entries focus on Holyoke’s life as a college student with mention of his professors and daily events. The months of May, July, October, November, and December have no entries. The diary records the outbreak of King George's War: "War with France Proclamed [sic]" (June 2), as well as his new hobby of painting.
The 1746 diary is interleaved in Poor Richard's, An almanack for the year of Christ 1746. The thin paper-covered book holds brief notes about Holyoke’s daily life, written on blank pages bound with the almanac. More consistently filled out, the diary continues information about Holyoke’s senior year at Harvard, and his appointment as a schoolteacher in Lexington, Massachusetts. The September and October entries reference local military movements of King George’s War. The diary includes regular entries on individuals who preached and lectured at Harvard. Holyoke mentions an earthquake in February, and in March he notes that Harvard Professor John Winthrop "had a lecture: Solving ye Aurora Bor[ealis]."
John Holyoke’s diary is interleaved in Nathaniel Ames’ An astronomical diary, or, An almanack for the year of our Lord Christ, 1748 (Boston, 1747). The thin paper-covered book holds brief notes about Holyoke’s daily life as a Harvard undergraduate, written on blank pages bound with the almanac. Holyoke's diary offers a resource for information about the relational networks of the Holyoke family, travel in 18th century Massachusetts, and colonial dress.
This diary, effectively a commonplace book, documents Flynt's daily activities and personal reflections from 1723 to 1747. Many entries concern his dealings with family members, business associates, acquaintances, ministers, and political officials. The diary includes a list of books Flynt loaned to others from 1723 to 1743 and detailed financial entries from 1724 to 1747. These entries provide information about the costs of goods and services, as well as Flynt's consumption habits; they detail where he traveled, what he ate and drank (including, apparently, many pounds of almonds), what he read, and many other aspects of daily life. The diary also contains entries related to Flynt's land holdings and other investments, as well as copies of meeting minutes from several sessions of the Harvard Board of Overseers.
The diary is interleaved in Nathaniel Ames’ An Astronomical Diary: or, An Almanack for the Year of our Lord Christ, 1734 ... (Boston, 1734). The thin soft-cover book is handsewn in marbled paper, and holds single-line entries about Eliot’s daily life. The entries are brief and irregular and include mention of the weather, visits to Boston, occasional birth and death notices, and in the later months, church attendance (often to hear the Rev. Nathaniel Appleton). Eliot intermittently mentions his studies.