991 resultados para counties
This chapter examines the responses of English primary school teachers to Polish children arriving in the south of England since 2006. Schools in England have a changing pupil demographic which reflects changing patterns of trans-European migration since the accession of new member states to the EU in 2004 and 2007. There is evidence that this shift is one experienced not just in inner-city schools most commonly associated with minority ethnic populations, but in a wide range of schools in rural and smaller town settings in a number of counties across the country. In adjusting to new identities and new languages in their classrooms, teachers in areas not previously associated with national or ethnic differences are required to respond pedagogically and pastorally in new ways. Their beliefs are compared with the views of migration held by Polish teachers’ from one Polish town affected by migration. Interview data are analysed in order to explore differences in perception towards Polish migrant families and their children. Discussion centres on English teachers’ very positive responses to Polish children, and of how the teacher-friendly behaviour of Polish families may support the construction of stereotypes that are not necessarily a reflection of reality as experienced by the children.
Schools in England have recently undergone a shift in their pupil demographic which in part reflects changing patterns of trans-European migration since the accession of new member states to the EU in 2004 and 2007. There is evidence that this shift is one experienced not just in inner-city schools most commonly associated with minority ethnic populations, but in a wide range of schools in rural and smaller town settings in a number of counties across the country (Vertovec, 2007). This article explores the responses of English primary school teachers to Polish children arriving since 2006 in a county in the South of England. Using Bourdieu’s logic of practice, interview data are analysed in order to examine attitudes towards Polish children and their families. Discussion centres on how teachers’ professional habitus may unconsciously govern their reception of children from Poland, and of how the teacher-friendly behaviour of Polish children and families may support a generalised construction of the Polish model learner.
A number of US states, counties and municipalities have responded to the public health and environmental concerns surrounding fracking by imposing bans or moratoriums on unconventional oil and gas drilling. These restrictions have, in recent years, given rise to litigation challenges by oil and gas companies and by property owners deprived of potential revenues. The current article begins by examining precisely who has litigated. Have large companies dominated or is it mostly smaller independents? Is there a difference in litigation rates between private and public companies? The article then considers how Hirschman’s ideas of exit, voice and loyalty might apply in the context of bans and moratoriums and further explores some of the factors that may have driven litigation in the area.
Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus is an important cattle pest in Uruguay, and the law regulates its control. It is resistant to organophosphates, synthetic pyrethroids and, as recently discovered, to fipronil. Resistance to macrocyclic lactones (MLs) and amitraz have not been documented; however, veterinarians and farmers have reported treatment failures. The objective of the present work was to study the susceptibility of cattle tick strains from different Uruguayan counties to ivermectin (IVM) and fipronil by using the Larval Immersion Test (LIT). The Mozo strain was used as the susceptible reference strain. From 2007 to 2009, twenty-eight tick populations were collected from different cattle farms with and without history of IVM or fipronil use. A probit analysis estimated dose-mortality regressions, lethal concentrations (LC), and confidence intervals. The resistance ratio (RR) was determined at the LC(50) and LC(90) estimates. To classify a tick population in relation to resistance, three categories based on a statistical analysis of LC and RR between field populations and Mozo strains were defined: susceptible (no differences), incipient resistance (differences and RR(50) < 2) and resistant (differences and RR(50) >= 2). Eighteen field populations were tested with IVM and five of them presented a RR(50) range between 1.35 and 1.98 and the LC(50/90), which is statistically different from the Mozo strain (incipient resistance). However, the RR(90) increases >= 2 in four of the populations, confirming that tick resistance to IVM is emergent. The low RR values obtained could be a result of a low frequency of treatments with IVM. Twenty-seven tick populations were tested with fipronil and six were diagnosed as resistant according to the LIT. Cross-resistance was not observed between fipronil and IVM on these tick populations. The current study presents different R. (B.) microplus populations with an incipient resistance to IVM, and indicates that the fipronil tick resistance is restricted to certain areas in Uruguay. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this paper is to make quantitative and qualitative analysis of foreign citizens who may participate on the Swedish labor market (in text refers to as ‘immigrants’). This research covers the period 1973-2005 and gives prediction figures of immigrant population, age and gender structure, and education attainment in 2010. To cope with data regarding immigrants from different countries, the population was divided into six groups. The main chapter is divided into two parts. The first part specifies division of immigrants into groups by country of origin according to geographical, ethnical, economical and historical criteria. Brief characteristics and geographic position, dynamic and structure description were given for each group; historical review explain rapid changes in immigrant population. Statistical models for description and estimation future population were given. The second part specifies education and qualification level of the immigrants according to international and Swedish standards. Models for estimating age and gender structure, level of education and professional orientation of immigrants in different groups are given. Inferences were made regarding ethnic, gender and education structure of immigrants; the distribution of immigrants among Swedish counties is given. Discussion part presents the results of the research, gives perspectives for the future brief evaluation of the role of immigrants on the Swedish labor market.
This thesis uses zonal travel cost method (ZTCM) to estimate consumer surplus of Peace & Love festival in Borlänge, Sweden. The study defines counties as zones of origin of the visitors. Visiting rates from each zone are estimated based on survey data. The study is novel due to the fact that mostly TCM has been applied in the environmental and recreational sector, not for short term events, like P&L festival. The analysis shows that travel cost has a significantly negative effect on visiting rate as expected. Even though income has previously shown to be significant in similar studies, it turns out to be insignificant in this study. A point estimate for the total consumer surplus of P&L festival is 35.6 million Swedish kronor. However, this point estimate is associated with high uncertainty since a 95 % confidence interval for it is (17.9, 53.2). It is also important to note that the estimated value only represents one part of the total economic value, the other values of the festival's totaleconomic value have not been estimated in this thesis.
Entrepreneurs are portrayed as salient drivers of regional development and for a number of years nascent entrepreneurs have been studied in a large number of countries as part of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor project and the Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics. Scholars have devoted much effort to investigating factors that determine how individuals engage in entrepreneurial activities, with most of the discussion limited to business start-ups. However, since this type of project does not follow identical nascent entrepreneurs over time, limited knowledge exists about their development and whether they stay in this nascent phase for a long time. In practice, it is common for entrepreneurs to run a business and at the same time work in wage work, so-called combining entrepreneurs. In Sweden, almost half of all business owners combine wage work with a business. However, not all combining entrepreneurs will eventually decide to leave the wage work and invest fully in the business. Consequently, much research has focused on the first step of entering entrepreneurship full time, but less has focused on the second step, the transition from the combining phase to full-time self-employment. The aim of this thesis is therefore to contribute to the theory of entrepreneurship by gaining a deeper understanding of combining entrepreneurs and their motives and intentions. In the context of combining entrepreneurs, the theory of identity, resources and choice overload has been used to examine how entrepreneurs’ age (when starting the business), entrepreneurial tenure (the length of engagement in the side-business), hours spent (weekly involvement in the side-business), involvement in entrepreneurial teams (leading the business with one or more partners) and involvement in networks (business networks) influence their passion for engaging in entrepreneurship while sustaining wage work. Different categories of combining entrepreneurs and their intentions have also been examined. A survey was administered to 1457 entrepreneurs within the creative sector in two counties in Sweden (Gävleborgs County and Jämtlands County). Since there were no separate mailing lists to only combining entrepreneurs, the survey was sent to all entrepreneurs within the chosen industry and counties. The total response rate was 33.5 percent and of them 57.6 percent combined, yielding 262 combining entrepreneurs who answered the questionnaire. The survey was then followed up with eight focus group interviews and two single interviews to validate the answers from the questionnaire. The results indicate three types of combining entrepreneurs: nascent – with the intention to leave the combining phase for a transition into full-time self-employment, lifestyle – with the intention to stay in the combining phase, and occasional – with the intention to leave the combining phase for full-time wage work and close down the business. Transitioning fully to self-employment increases with the individual’s age. Also, a positive interactive effect exists with involvement in entrepreneurial networks. The results also indicate that the ability to work with something one is passionate about is the top motive for combining wage work with a side-business. Passion is also more likely to be the main motive behind the combining form among individuals who are older at business start-up, but passion is less likely to be the main motive behind the combining form among individuals who spend more time on the business. The longer the individual has had the side-business, the less likely passion is the main motive behind the combining form, and passion is less likely to be the main motive among those who are part of an entrepreneurial team.
Det finns begränsat med forskning kring hur biståndshandläggare inom äldreomsorgen arbetar med ensamhet hos äldre personer. Med anledning av detta är studiens huvudsakliga syfte att undersöka hur biståndshandläggare i Dalarnas kommuner arbetar med att utreda sociala behov till följd av ensamhet hos äldre personer samt att ta reda på vilka kommunala sociala insatser som erbjuds för dessa individer och på vilka grunder. Studien är genomförd utifrån en kvantitativ ansats, där vi har använt oss av en enkät, som innehåller frågor som avser att besvara syftet. Tolkningsramen för analysen av det empiriska materialet utgörs av Lipskys teori om gräsrotsbyråkrati. Studiens resultat visar att det finns behov av att både utöka och utveckla kommunernas utbud av sociala insatser för äldre personer samt att utveckla rutiner för hur man ska arbeta med ensamhet hos äldre personer. Studien påvisar ett behov av mer forskning, både internationell och nationell, kring hur biståndshandläggare arbetar med att identifiera ensamhet hos äldre personer.
Maine sporting camps were a cultural and social phenomenon of the urban upper and middle class. They originated in Maine in the late 1870s and early 1880s and reached their zenith around the turn of the century with over 160 in operation in eight of the sixteen counties in Maine in 1906. The period from 1880 until World War I can be considered the 'golden era' of the Maine sporting camps. After the war, with technological advancements such as the outboard motor, the proliferation of the automobile, and the introduction of a road system into rural Maine, the camps underwent significant change that warrants an entirely different cultural analysis. A number of elements came together to produce a cultural atmosphere permissive of sporting camp creation in Maine. These include changing national views upon nature, health, sport and the leisure time in which to pursue them. In the late nineteenth century, with the rise of large industrially based cities, overcrowding fostered crime and disease. An upper and middle class emerged that desired escape and separation from the lower classes. Maine was chosen for such an escape because it offered, through sporting camps, a chance to "get back to nature," by pursuing the healthful activities of hunting and fishing. At the same time these urban sportsmen and sportswomen distinguished themselves on the social Hierarchical scale from the rural inhabitants. What happened in rural Maine during the period between 1880 and World War I was the introduction of a new cultural order on the landscape. Coming primarily from urban centers on the East Coast of the United States were men, women and children who looked to Maine for vacations. These vacations were designed to put them in touch with nature by pursuing healthful activities, especially those of fishing and hunting. Coming from an environment that emphasized social standing, they ensured that these trips would perpetuate this hierarchy. They experienced nature through the Maine sporting camps, which provided them with the services and skills necessary to experience it while enjoying a degree of luxury that they were accustomed to in the urban world. The Maine sporting camps were a cultural manifestation of the urban upper and middle class, the groups that the camps were established to serve. Despite this the camps did not represent a structural duplication of urban society. Instead, the camps represented a cultural construction that was produced by interaction between members of two different conceptual and physical worlds, the blending of which, on a social level, was determined by urban mentality and rural knowledge. In the production of a cultural world meaningful to the clients, the rural world of the Maine woods was altered to meet their needs. It was not a one-sided process, however, as the clients were forced to acknowledge the importance of the rural inhabitants on the basis of their value to the clients.
China’s floating population, those individuals who have migrated between counties or provinces for a period of longer than 6 months, account for 79 million individuals. If intracounty migration is also included, the number jumps to 145 million individuals or over 11% of the total population. This study examines the geographical differences in short and long term migration using ArcGIS to manipulate the spatial GIS data. The study shows that both short and long term migration (in absolute numbers) occurs more frequently near cities and in coastal regions. However, by normalizing the data by population size, the study eliminates the problems of population size on the size of the migrants. Using this normalized data, the study finds that western and northern counties have a large number of migrants present relative to the size of the population. Determining where this floating population migrates helps explain regional inequalities in employment opportunities.
This map shows one option for a viable energy source that is clean, free and endless: wind power. This map shows that the coast of Maine has the potential space and wind speed to be a location for wind farms. Four NOAA buoys placed in different locations along the Maine coast are the source of the wind speed data for this project. The average wind speed of every ten minutes of every day for the year 2004 were averaged so that each buoy was represented by one number of wind speed measured in meters/ second. The values in between these four buoys were estimated, or interpolated, using ArcGIS. Other factors that I took into consideration during this lab were distance from airports (no wind farm can be with in a three mile radius of an airport ) and distance from counties (no one wants an offshore wind farm that obstructs their view). I calculated the most appropriate locations for a wind farm in ArcGIS, by adding these three layers. The final output shows an area along Mt. Desert to be the most appropriate for development.
Os indicadores de potencial de consumo são medidas indiretas da capacidade de uma região absorver uma determinada categoria de produto. O método de regressão linear simples pode ser utilizado na elaboração de índices simples e robustos que geralmente produzem resultados comparáveis ou superiores aos que podem ser obtidos pela utilização de índices vendidos por empresas de consultoria. Este fato passa despercebido pela maioria dos usuários porque habitualmente não são feitos esforços de comparar os índices com a realidade que estes se propõem a descrever (o que tem uma certa lógica, porque se conhecêssemos a realidade não precisaríamos do índice de potencial). Para estabelecer a metodologia e demonstrar a tese acima, são coletados dados a respeito da área de loja de supermercados dos municípios do Estado de São Paulo; um índice é construído, e em seguida comparado com outros indicadores. Os resultados confirmam a suposição inicial.
The study has the purpose to check the existence of correlation between country image and attitude towards films from different countries. The study also had the objective of verify the predominance of one of the three components of attitude: affect, cognition and behavior towards films from different countries. In order to accomplish the objective, 310 self-administered questionnaires, of five different kinds, each one relating to one of the five counties studied (China, France, Iran, India and United States) were applied. In all of them a session referring to Brazilian¿s films was introduced. From the data collected, it was possible to conclude that there is correlation among country image and attitude toward films from China, France, Iran, India and USA. It is also possible to conclude that in low involvement situation with films, there seems not to be any difference between the affective and cognitive means and the affective and behavioral means. Nevertheless, in high involvement situations with films, it was possible to verify a significant difference between cognitive and behavioral means, but not between cognitive and affective means. Based on the answers obtained from the sample studied, there is no significant difference between the means of the affective and the cognitive component and the affective and behavioral component of attitudes towards films, in situations of high involvement with the country of origin of the film. Finally, it was possible to conclude, from the sample studied that Brazilian¿s students seems to be more favorable to Brazilian films than to films from China, Iran, India and France and only north-american films seems to be seen by the students, as more favorable than Brazilian films.
O projeto Uma Biblioteca em cada Município, concebido e implementado pelo Ministério da Cultural, gestão Francisco Weffort, governo FHC (1995-2002), objetivou ampliar o acesso ao livro através da abertura e revitalização de bibliotecas públicas por todo o Brasil, mediante convênio com municípios. Reconstruindo as suas origens, o processo de implementação e os debates suscitados, o texto analisa o projeto considerando as especificidades do campo cultural no Brasil e as dificuldades, comumente encontradas pela administração pública, na elaboração e implementação de políticas para o campo cultural. Escolheu-se, para a realização da análise, apenas os municípios do Estado de São Paulo.
Nos países democráticos a elaboração do orçamento público é uma das mais relevantes atribuições do Poder Legislativo. É através dele que se pode analisar o papel que desempenha como instrumento de transformação social e política, pois os números ali expressos mostram a radiografia do Estado e seu compromisso com a sociedade. No Brasil, a Constituição Federal de 1988 inaugurou um novo pacto federativo pela descentralização político-administrativa-fmanceira que restabeleceu prerrogativas aos estados e municípios tomando-os mais independentes e autônomos, desse modo, viabilizando o aumento das políticas públicas e sua maior inserção na vida social local. Este contexto possibilita o surgimento de novas formas de gerir as fmanças públicas pela participação da população local na definição dos investimentos governamentais através do chamado Orçamento Participativo - OP. A partir de 1988 uma experiência de participação popular na Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre, RS, tomou possível discutir a alocação dos recursos públicos priorizando as necessidades apontadas pela população. A excelência dos resultados alcançados fez com que a Organização das Nações Unidas - ONU, recomendasse o OP como um instrumento de democratização das relações entre o Estado e a sociedade. Em 1995 é criado no município do Rio de Janeiro o Fórum do Popular do Orçamento com o objetivo de divulgar informações e aprofundar as discussões a respeito do orçamento público municipal. Em 2001 é sancionada a lei que dispõe sobre a utilização do OP pelo governo municipal. Sem regulamentação adequada, a lei não vem sendo aplicada. O presente trabalho procurou conhecer a opinião dos diversos atores envolvidos no processo de implantação do OP no Rio de Janeiro. Pode-se comprovar a impossibilidade da aplicação do instrumento de gestão pela falta de vontade política do Poder Executivo e pela insuficiente mobilização da sociedade.