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Objective. To evaluate the clinical features of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patients with comorbid tic disorders (TD) in a large, multicenter, clinical sample. Method. A cross-sectional study was conducted that included 813 consecutive OCD outpatients from the Brazilian OCD Research Consortium and used several instruments of assessment, including the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, the Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, the Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS), the USP Sensory Phenomena Scale, and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders. Results. The sample mean current age was 34.9 years old (SE 0.54), and the mean age at obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) onset was 12.8 years old (SE 0.27). Sensory phenomena were reported by 585 individuals (72% of the sample). The general lifetime prevalence of TD was 29.0% (n=236), with 8.9% (n=72) presenting Tourette syndrome, 17.3% (n=5141) chronic motor tic disorder, and 2.8% (n=523) chronic vocal tic disorder. The mean tic severity score, according to the YGTSS, was 27.2 (SE 1.4) in the OCD1TD group. Compared to OCD patients without comorbid TD, those with TD (OCD1TD group, n=236) were more likely to be males (49.2% vs. 38.5%, p<005) and to present sensory phenomena and comorbidity with anxiety disorders in general: separation anxiety disorder, social phobia, specific phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, impulse control disorders in general, and skin picking. Also, the "aggressive," "sexual/religious," and "hoarding" symptom dimensions were more severe in the OCD+TD group. Conclusion. Tic-related OCD may constitute a particular subgroup of the disorder with specific phenotypical characteristics, but its neurobiological underpinnings remain to be fully disentangled.
Background The e-Healthy Endothelial Accelerated Lining Inhibits Neointimal Growth (e-HEALING) registry was designed to capture clinical data on the use of the endothelial progenitor cell capture stent (ECS) in routine clinical practice. In this analysis, we investigated the 12-month clinical outcomes in patients treated with an ECS for a bifurcation lesion. Methods The worldwide, prospective, nonrandomized e-HEALING registry aimed to enrol 5000 patients treated for coronary artery disease with one or more ECS between October 2005 and October 2007. Clinical follow-up was obtained at 1, 6, and 12 months. The primary endpoint was target vessel failure (TVF), defined as the composite of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, and target vessel revascularization at 12 months. Results A total of 573 patients were treated for at least one bifurcation lesion and were assessed in the current analysis. Baseline characteristics showed a median age of 65 years; 21% were diabetic patients and 36% had unstable angina. A total of 63% of the bifurcation lesions were located in the left artery descending and the mean stent length was 20.7 +/- 12.6 mm. At 12 months, TVF was 12.7% and target lesion revascularization was 7.5%. Definite or probable stent thrombosis occurred in 1.7% of the patients. Moreover, one or more stents per lesion [hazard ratio (HR): 2.79, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.60-4.86, P < 0.001], predilatation (HR: 0.39, 95% CI: 0.17-0.87, P = 0.023), and lesions located in the right coronary artery (HR: 4.56, 95% CI: 1.07-19.5, P = 0.041) were independent predictors of TVF. Conclusion In the e-HEALING registry, coronary bifurcation stenting with the ECS results in favorable clinical outcomes and low incidences of repeat revascularization and stent thrombosis. Coron Artery Dis 23:201-207 (C) 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Objectives To estimate, by neonatal screening, the birth prevalence of congenital toxoplasmosis among live-born infants in Sergipe state, Brazil, and to investigate the clinical features of affected infants. Methods Dried blood spot specimens obtained from 15 204 neonates were assayed for the presence of anti-T. gondii IgM antibodies. Duplicate retesting was done in infants with positive and borderline results. Confirmatory testing in peripheral blood samples consisted of testing for anti-T. gondii IgG and IgM in infants and mothers. Those with possible congenital toxoplasmosis were evaluated and followed up to a median age of 20 months. Congenital infection was confirmed in the presence of persisting anti-T. gondii IgG antibodies beyond 12 months of age. All infants with confirmed infection were treated with pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine and folinic acid for 1 year. Results Fifty-three infants had detectable IgM in dried blood spot specimens. Confirmatory testing was reactive in 39/50, of which, 38 completed follow-up. Six of 15 204 newborns were diagnosed with congenital toxoplasmosis, resulting in an estimated birth prevalence of four per 10 000 [CI 95% 1.48.0]. Four infants (67%) showed signs of congenital toxoplasmosis in their first year of life; three (75%) had retinochoroidal scars, and one had cerebral calcifications. Two infants remained asymptomatic until 20 months of age. Conclusions The birth prevalence of congenital toxoplasmosis is high in the Brazilian state of Sergipe, with most of the infants showing ocular lesions. Preventive measures are strongly warranted.
Objective: This study evaluated the 56-month clinical performance of Class I and II resin composite restorations. Filtek P60 was compared with Filtek Z250, which are both indicated for posterior restorations but differ in terms of handling characteristics. The null hypothesis tested was that there is no difference in the clinical performance of the two resin composites in posterior teeth. Material and Methods: Thirty-three patients were treated by the same operator, who prepared 48 Class I and 42 Class II cavities, which were restored with Single Bond/Filtek Z250 or Single Bond/Filtek P60 restorative systems. Restorations were evaluated by two independent examiners at baseline and after 56 months, using the modified USPHS criteria. Data were analyzed statistically using Chi-square and Fisher's Exact tests (alpha=0.05). Results: After 56 months, 25 patients (31 Class I and 36 Class II) were analyzed. A 3% failure rate occurred due to secondary caries and excessive loss of anatomic form for P60. For both restorative systems, there were no significant differences in secondary caries and postoperative sensitivity. However, significant changes were observed with respect to anatomic form, marginal discoloration, and marginal adaptation. Significant decreases in surface texture were observed exclusively for the Z250 restorations. Conclusions: Both restorative systems can be used for posterior restorations and can be expected to perform well in the oral environment.
Nebulized l-epinephrine has been recommended for the treatment of viral croup. However, the few studies assessing its effect on post-extubation stridor (PES) have shown conflicting results. We compared the efficacy and safety of nebulized l-epinephrine at three different doses for the treatment of PES. We conducted a prospective, randomized, double-blind trial including all consecutive children with a PES score of a parts per thousand yen4 (Westley score). The primary efficacy outcome was change in PES score at 40 min. A reduction of a parts per thousand yen2 points in stridor score was defined as clinically significant. A total of 96 patients were randomly assigned to receive one of three doses of nebulized l-epinephrine upon achieving a PES score of 4 or more following extubation. Stridor score and vital signs were recorded before treatment, and at 20, 40, 60 and 180 min after nebulization. Baseline characteristics were similar among all study groups. No significant difference was detected among the treatments based on change in Westley score by intent-to-treat analysis. In addition, the difference in the number of patients who clinically improved among the treatment groups was not significant (p = 0.54). Patients receiving 5 ml nebulized epinephrine had a significant increase of systolic and diastolic blood pressure at 40 and 180 min. Nebulized l-epinephrine at doses of 0.5, 2.5 and 5 ml demonstrated a lack of dose response in effect on PES and a modestly clinically significant increase in undesired side effects (heart rate and blood pressure) at higher doses.
Object. The aim of this study was to describe the surgical anatomy of the mediobasal aspect of the temporal lobe and the supracerebellar transtentorial (SCTT) approach performed not with an opening, but with the resection of the tentorium, as an alternative route for the neurosurgical management of vascular and tumoral lesions arising from this region. Methods. Cadaveric specimens were used to illustrate the surgical anatomy of the mediobasal region of the temporal lobe. Demographic aspects, characteristics of lesions, clinical presentation, surgical results, follow-up findings, and outcomes were retrospectively reviewed for patients referred to receive the SCTT approach with tentorial resection. Results. Ten patients (83%) were female and 2 (17%) were male. Their ages ranged from 6 to 59 years (mean 34.5 +/- 15.8 years). All lesions (3 posterior cerebral artery aneurysms, 3 arteriovenous malformations, 3 cavernous malformations, and 3 tumors) were completely excluded or resected. After a mean follow-up period of 143 months (range 10-240 months), the mean postoperative Glasgow Outcome Scale score was 4.9. Conclusions. Knowledge of the surgical anatomy provides improvement for microsurgical approaches. The evolution from a small opening to a resection of the tentorium absolutely changed the exposure of the mediobasal aspect of the temporal lobe. The SCTT approach with tentorial resection is an excellent alternative route to the posterior part of mediobasal aspect of the temporal lobe, and it was enough to achieve the best neurosurgical management of tumoral and vascular lesions located in this area. (http://thejns.org/doi/abs/10.3171/2011.12.JNS111256)
Purpose: To evaluate the influence of sex, implant characteristics, and bone grafting on the survival rate of dual acid-etched (DAE) implants. Materials and Methods: Patients treated with internal-hex DAE implants for single-tooth replacement in a military dental clinic between January 2005 and December 2010 were included in this study. Clinical data related to implant characteristics, implant location, presence of grafted bone, and implant failures were collected. The primary outcome was implant loss. The survival rate was analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier method. Cox regression modeling was used to determine which factors would predict implant failure. Results: DAE implants were evaluated in a total of 988 patients (80.3% men). Twenty-four (2.4%) implants failed, most were cylindric (54.2%) with regular platforms (70.8%) and were 10 mm long (58.3%). The failure rate was 2.4% for the anterior maxilla, 3.3% for the posterior maxilla, 1.6% for the anterior mandible, and 2.0% for posterior mandible. The cumulative survival rate was 97.6%. The failure rate was 8.8% in implants placed after sinus augmentation, 7.3% in bone block-grafted areas, and 1.6% in native bone. Based on multivariable analysis (Cox regression), sinus augmentation and bone block grafting had a statistically significant effect on implant failure; the hazard ratios were 5.5 and 4.6, respectively. Conclusion: The results revealed that DAE implants had high survival rates, and no influence of sex, location, shape, diameter, or length on failure rates could be observed. However, a significant association was observed between failure and presence of bone graft in the implant area. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2012;27:1243-1248
Background The optimal revascularization strategy for diabetic patients with multivessel coronary artery disease (MVD) remains uncertain for lack of an adequately powered, randomized trial. The FREEDOM trial was designed to compare contemporary coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with drug-eluting stents in diabetic patients with MVD against a background of optimal medical therapy. Methods A total of 1,900 diabetic participants with MVD were randomized to PCI or CABG worldwide from April 2005 to March 2010. FREEDOM is a superiority trial with a mean follow-up of 4.37 years (minimum 2 years) and 80% power to detect a 27.0% relative reduction. We present the baseline characteristics of patients screened and randomized, and provide a comparison with other MVD trials involving diabetic patients. Results The randomized cohort was 63.1 +/- 9.1 years old and 29% female, with a median diabetes duration of 10.2 +/- 8.9 years. Most (83%) had 3-vessel disease and on average took 5.5 +/- 1.7 vascular medications, with 32% on insulin therapy. Nearly all had hypertension and/or dyslipidemia, and 26% had a prior myocardial infarction. Mean hemoglobin A1c was 7.8 +/- 1.7 mg/dL, 29% had low-density lipoprotein <70 mg/dL, and mean systolic blood pressure was 134 +/- 20 mm Hg. The mean SYNTAX score was 26.2 with a symmetric distribution. FREEDOM trial participants have baseline characteristics similar to those of contemporary multivessel and diabetes trial cohorts. Conclusions The FREEDOM trial has successfully recruited a high-risk diabetic MVD cohort. Follow-up efforts include aggressive monitoring to optimize background risk factor control. FREEDOM will contribute significantly to the PCI versus CABG debate in diabetic patients with MVD. (Am Heart J 2012;164:591-9.)
Objective. To compare the clinical, demographic, and serologic characteristics and the treatment of patients diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) from Europe (EU) and Latin America (LA). Methods. We included 3439 patients from national registries: the Spanish Registry of Spondyloarthritis (REGISPONSER), the Belgian registry (ASPECT), and the Latin American Registry of Spondyloarthropathies (RESPONDIA). We selected patients with diagnosis of AS who met the modified New York classification criteria. Demographic, clinical, disease activity, functional, and metrological measurement data were recorded. Current treatment was recorded. The population was classified into 2 groups: patients with disease duration < 10 years and those with disease duration >= 10 years. A descriptive and comparative analysis of variables of both groups was carried out. Results. There were 2356 patients in EU group and 1083 in LA group. Prevalence of HLA-B27 was 71% in LA group and 83% in EU group (p < 0.001). We found a greater frequency of peripheral arthritis and enthesitis (p < 0.001) in the LA population; prevalence of arthritis was 57% in LA and 42% in EU, and for enthesitis, 54% and 38%. Except for treatment with anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF), the use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAID), corticosteroids, and disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARD), and the association of anti-TNF and methotrexate use showed a significant difference (p < 0.001) in the 2 populations. Conclusion. The principal differences in the clinical manifestations of patients with AS from EU and LA were the greater frequency of peripheral arthritis and enthesitis in LA group, the higher percentage of HLA-B27 in EU group, and the form of treatment, with a greater use of NSAID, steroids, and DMARD in the LA group. (First Release Nov 15 2012; J Rheumatol 2012;39:2315-20; doi:10.3899/jrheum.110687)
Objective: One of the factors associated with low rates of compliance in the treatment for alcoholism seems to be the intensity of craving for alcohol. This study aimed to evaluate the associations between alcohol craving and biopsychosocial addiction model-related variables and to verify whether these variables could predict treatment retention. Methods: The sample consisted of 257 male alcoholics who were enrolled in two different pharmacological trials conducted at the Universidade de Sao Paulo in Brazil. Based on four factors measured at baseline - biological (age, race, and family alcoholism), psychiatric (depression symptoms), social (financial and marital status), and addiction (craving intensity, severity of alcohol dependence, smoking status, drinking history, preferential beverage, daily intake of alcohol before treatment) - direct logistic regression was performed to analyze these factors' influence on treatment retention after controlling for medication groups and AA attendance. Results: Increasing age, participation in Alcoholics Anonymous groups, and beer preference among drinkers were independently associated with higher treatment retention. Conversely, higher scores for depression increased dropout rates. Conclusion: Health services should identify the treatment practices and therapists that improve retention. Information about patients' characteristics linked to dropouts should be studied to render treatment programs more responsive and attractive, combining pharmacological agents with more intensive and diversified psychosocial interventions.
Context Lung-protective mechanical ventilation with the use of lower tidal volumes has been found to improve outcomes of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). It has been suggested that use of lower tidal volumes also benefits patients who do not have ARDS. Objective To determine whether use of lower tidal volumes is associated with improved outcomes of patients receiving ventilation who do not have ARDS. Data Sources MEDLINE, CINAHL, Web of Science, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials up to August 2012. Study Selection Eligible studies evaluated use of lower vs higher tidal volumes in patients without ARDS at onset of mechanical ventilation and reported lung injury development, overall mortality, pulmonary infection, atelectasis, and biochemical alterations. Data Extraction Three reviewers extracted data on study characteristics, methods, and outcomes. Disagreement was resolved by consensus. Data Synthesis Twenty articles (2822 participants) were included. Meta-analysis using a fixed-effects model showed a decrease in lung injury development (risk ratio [RR], 0.33; 95% CI, 0.23 to 0.47; I-2, 0%; number needed to treat [NNT], 11), and mortality (RR, 0.64; 95% CI, 0.46 to 0.89; I-2, 0%; NNT, 23) in patients receiving ventilation with lower tidal volumes. The results of lung injury development were similar when stratified by the type of study (randomized vs nonrandomized) and were significant only in randomized trials for pulmonary infection and only in nonrandomized trials for mortality. Meta-analysis using a random-effects model showed, in protective ventilation groups, a lower incidence of pulmonary infection (RR, 0.45; 95% CI, 0.22 to 0.92; I-2, 32%; NNT, 26), lower mean (SD) hospital length of stay (6.91 [2.36] vs 8.87 [2.93] days, respectively; standardized mean difference [SMD], 0.51; 95% CI, 0.20 to 0.82; I-2, 75%), higher mean (SD) PaCO2 levels (41.05 [3.79] vs 37.90 [4.19] mm Hg, respectively; SMD, -0.51; 95% CI, -0.70 to -0.32; I-2, 54%), and lower mean (SD) pH values (7.37 [0.03] vs 7.40 [0.04], respectively; SMD, 1.16; 95% CI, 0.31 to 2.02; I-2, 96%) but similar mean (SD) ratios of PaO2 to fraction of inspired oxygen (304.40 [65.7] vs 312.97 [68.13], respectively; SMD, 0.11; 95% CI, -0.06 to 0.27; I-2, 60%). Tidal volume gradients between the 2 groups did not influence significantly the final results. Conclusions Among patients without ARDS, protective ventilation with lower tidal volumes was associated with better clinical outcomes. Some of the limitations of the meta-analysis were the mixed setting of mechanical ventilation (intensive care unit or operating room) and the duration of mechanical ventilation. JAMA. 2012;308(16):1651-1659 www.jama.com
Background To determine the characteristics of clinical care offered to type 1 diabetic patients across the four distinct regions of Brazil, with geographic and contrasting socioeconomic differences. Glycemic control, prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, screening for chronic complications and the frequency that the recommended treatment goals were met using the American Diabetes Association guidelines were evaluated. Methods This was a cross-sectional, multicenter study conducted from December 2008 to December 2010 in 28 secondary and tertiary care public clinics in 20 Brazilian cities in north/northeast, mid-west, southeast and south regions. The data were obtained from 3,591 patients (56.0% females and 57.1% Caucasians) aged 21.2 ± 11.7 years with a disease duration of 9.6 ± 8.1 years (<1 to 50 years). Results Overall, 18.4% patients had HbA1c levels <7.0%, and 47.5% patients had HbA1c levels ≥ 9%. HbA1c levels were associated with lower economic status, female gender, age and the daily frequency of self-blood glucose monitoring (SBGM) but not with insulin regimen and geographic region. Hypertension was more frequent in the mid-west (32%) and north/northeast (25%) than in the southeast (19%) and south (17%) regions (p<0.001). More patients from the southeast region achieved LDL cholesterol goals and were treated with statins (p<0.001). Fewer patients from the north/northeast and mid-west regions were screened for retinopathy and nephropathy, compared with patients from the south and southeast. Patients from the south/southeast regions had more intensive insulin regimens than patients from the north/northeast and mid-west regions (p<0.001). The most common insulin therapy combination was intermediate-acting with regular human insulin, mainly in the north/northeast region (p<0.001). The combination of insulin glargine with lispro and glulisine was more frequently used in the mid-west region (p<0.001). Patients from the north/northeast region were younger, non-Caucasian, from lower economic status, used less continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion, performed less SBGM and were less overweight/obese (p<0.001). Conclusions A majority of patients, mainly in the north/northeast and mid-west regions, did not meet metabolic control goals and were not screened for diabetes-related chronic complications. These results should guide governmental health policy decisions, specific to each geographic region, to improve diabetes care and decrease the negative impact diabetes has on the public health system.
[EN] OBJECTIVES: To assess the usefulness of clinical findings, nerve conduction studies and ultrasonography performed by a rheumatologist to predict success in patients with idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) undergoing median nerve release. METHODS: Ninety consecutive patients with CTS (112 wrists) completed a specific CTS questionnaire and underwent physical examination and nerve conduction studies. Ultrasound examination was performed by a rheumatologist who was blind to any patient's data. Outcome variables were improvement >25% in symptoms of the CTS questionnaire and patient's overall satisfaction (5-point Likert scale) at 3 months postoperatively. Success was defined as improvement in both outcome variables. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves and logistic regression analyses were used to assess the best predictive combination of preoperative findings. RESULTS: Success was achieved in 63% of the operated wrists. Utility parameters and area under the ROC curve (AUC) for individual findings was poor, ranging from 0.481 of the nerve conduction study to 0.634 of the cross-sectional area at tunnel outlet. Logistic regression identified the preoperative US parameters as the best predictive variables for success after 3 months. The best predictive combination (AUC=0.708) included a negative Phalen maneuver, plus absence of thenar atrophy, plus less than moderately abnormalities on nerve conduction studies plus a large maximal cross-sectional area along the tunnel by ultrasonography. CONCLUSION: Although cross-sectional area of the median nerve was the only predictor of success after three months of surgical release, isolated preoperative findings are not reliable predictors of success in patients with idiopathic CTS. A combination of findings that include ultrasound improves prediction.
Background. The surgical treatment of dysfunctional hips is a severe condition for the patient and a costly therapy for the public health. Hip resurfacing techniques seem to hold the promise of various advantages over traditional THR, with particular attention to young and active patients. Although the lesson provided in the past by many branches of engineering is that success in designing competitive products can be achieved only by predicting the possible scenario of failure, to date the understanding of the implant quality is poorly pre-clinically addressed. Thus revision is the only delayed and reliable end point for assessment. The aim of the present work was to model the musculoskeletal system so as to develop a protocol for predicting failure of hip resurfacing prosthesis. Methods. Preliminary studies validated the technique for the generation of subject specific finite element (FE) models of long bones from Computed Thomography data. The proposed protocol consisted in the numerical analysis of the prosthesis biomechanics by deterministic and statistic studies so as to assess the risk of biomechanical failure on the different operative conditions the implant might face in a population of interest during various activities of daily living. Physiological conditions were defined including the variability of the anatomy, bone densitometry, surgery uncertainties and published boundary conditions at the hip. The protocol was tested by analysing a successful design on the market and a new prototype of a resurfacing prosthesis. Results. The intrinsic accuracy of models on bone stress predictions (RMSE < 10%) was aligned to the current state of the art in this field. The accuracy of prediction on the bone-prosthesis contact mechanics was also excellent (< 0.001 mm). The sensitivity of models prediction to uncertainties on modelling parameter was found below 8.4%. The analysis of the successful design resulted in a very good agreement with published retrospective studies. The geometry optimisation of the new prototype lead to a final design with a low risk of failure. The statistical analysis confirmed the minimal risk of the optimised design over the entire population of interest. The performances of the optimised design showed a significant improvement with respect to the first prototype (+35%). Limitations. On the authors opinion the major limitation of this study is on boundary conditions. The muscular forces and the hip joint reaction were derived from the few data available in the literature, which can be considered significant but hardly representative of the entire variability of boundary conditions the implant might face over the patients population. This moved the focus of the research on modelling the musculoskeletal system; the ongoing activity is to develop subject-specific musculoskeletal models of the lower limb from medical images. Conclusions. The developed protocol was able to accurately predict known clinical outcomes when applied to a well-established device and, to support the design optimisation phase providing important information on critical characteristics of the patients when applied to a new prosthesis. The presented approach does have a relevant generality that would allow the extension of the protocol to a large set of orthopaedic scenarios with minor changes. Hence, a failure mode analysis criterion can be considered a suitable tool in developing new orthopaedic devices.
Endodontic therapy consists in the management of several tissues such as pulp tissue, periodontal tissue, periapical bone and dentine. These tissues are often contaminated by blood, periapical exudates and biological fluids. An ideal orthograde or retrograde filling material should be non toxic, noncarcinogenic, nongenotoxic, biocompatible with the host tissues, insoluble in tissue fluids, and dimensionally stable. Calcium-silicate MTA based cements own many of these ideal characteristics, but the long setting time, the non-easy handling and the lack of mechanical properties at early times are few drawbacks which may complicate the clinical application. The aim of this study was to investigate the chemical, physical and biological properties of calcium-silicate MTA cements in order to improve the mechanical properties and the handling keeping the biological characteristics unchanged. Chemical and physical properties such as setting time, solubility, water-uptake, ion release, sealing ability were investigated according the ISO and ADA specifications. The bioactivity (ability to produce apatite nano-sferulities) of MTA cements were evaluated using ESEM/EDX, micro-Raman and ATR/FTIR spettroscopy.