960 resultados para bayesian methods


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Spreading cell fronts play an essential role in many physiological processes. Classically, models of this process are based on the Fisher-Kolmogorov equation; however, such continuum representations are not always suitable as they do not explicitly represent behaviour at the level of individual cells. Additionally, many models examine only the large time asymptotic behaviour, where a travelling wave front with a constant speed has been established. Many experiments, such as a scratch assay, never display this asymptotic behaviour, and in these cases the transient behaviour must be taken into account. We examine the transient and asymptotic behaviour of moving cell fronts using techniques that go beyond the continuum approximation via a volume-excluding birth-migration process on a regular one-dimensional lattice. We approximate the averaged discrete results using three methods: (i) mean-field, (ii) pair-wise, and (iii) one-hole approximations. We discuss the performace of these methods, in comparison to the averaged discrete results, for a range of parameter space, examining both the transient and asymptotic behaviours. The one-hole approximation, based on techniques from statistical physics, is not capable of predicting transient behaviour but provides excellent agreement with the asymptotic behaviour of the averaged discrete results, provided that cells are proliferating fast enough relative to their rate of migration. The mean-field and pair-wise approximations give indistinguishable asymptotic results, which agree with the averaged discrete results when cells are migrating much more rapidly than they are proliferating. The pair-wise approximation performs better in the transient region than does the mean-field, despite having the same asymptotic behaviour. Our results show that each approximation only works in specific situations, thus we must be careful to use a suitable approximation for a given system, otherwise inaccurate predictions could be made.


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A decision-making framework for image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) is being developed using a Bayesian Network (BN) to graphically describe, and probabilistically quantify, the many interacting factors that are involved in this complex clinical process. Outputs of the BN will provide decision-support for radiation therapists to assist them to make correct inferences relating to the likelihood of treatment delivery accuracy for a given image-guided set-up correction. The framework is being developed as a dynamic object-oriented BN, allowing for complex modelling with specific sub-regions, as well as representation of the sequential decision-making and belief updating associated with IGRT. A prototype graphic structure for the BN was developed by analysing IGRT practices at a local radiotherapy department and incorporating results obtained from a literature review. Clinical stakeholders reviewed the BN to validate its structure. The BN consists of a sub-network for evaluating the accuracy of IGRT practices and technology. The directed acyclic graph (DAG) contains nodes and directional arcs representing the causal relationship between the many interacting factors such as tumour site and its associated critical organs, technology and technique, and inter-user variability. The BN was extended to support on-line and off-line decision-making with respect to treatment plan compliance. Following conceptualisation of the framework, the BN will be quantified. It is anticipated that the finalised decision-making framework will provide a foundation to develop better decision-support strategies and automated correction algorithms for IGRT.


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This study reports an action research undertaken at Queensland University of Technology. It evaluates the effectiveness of the integration of GIS within the substantive domains of an existing land use planning course in 2011. Using student performance, learning experience survey, and questionnaire survey data, it also evaluates the impacts of incorporating hybrid instructional methods (e.g., in-class and online instructional videos) in 2012 and 2013. Results show that: students (re)iterated the importance of GIS in the course justifying the integration; the hybrid methods significantly increased student performance; and unlike replacement, the videos are more suitable as a complement to in-class activity.


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Background & Aims Nutrition screening and assessment enable early identification of malnourished people and those at risk of malnutrition. Appropriate assessment tools assist with informing and monitoring nutrition interventions. Tool choice needs to be appropriate to the population and setting. Methods Community-dwelling people with Parkinson’s disease (>18 years) were recruited. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated from weight and height. Participants were classified as underweight according to World Health Organisation (WHO) (≤18.5kg/m2) and age specific (<65 years,≤18.5kg/m2; ≥65 years,≤23.5kg/m2) cut-offs. The Mini-Nutritional Assessment (MNA) screening (MNA-SF) and total assessment scores were calculated. The Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA), including the Subjective Global Assessment (SGA), was performed. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and weighted kappa statistic of each of the above compared to SGA were determined. Results Median age of the 125 participants was 70.0(35-92) years. Age-specific BMI (Sn 68.4%, Sp 84.0%) performed better than WHO (Sn 15.8%, Sp 99.1%) categories. MNA-SF performed better (Sn 94.7%, Sp 78.3%) than both BMI categorisations for screening purposes. MNA had higher specificity but lower sensitivity than PG-SGA (MNA Sn 84.2%, Sp 87.7%; PG-SGA Sn 100.0%, Sp 69.8%). Conclusions BMI lacks sensitivity to identify malnourished people with Parkinson’s disease and should be used with caution. The MNA-SF may be a better screening tool in people with Parkinson’s disease. The PG-SGA performed well and may assist with informing and monitoring nutrition interventions. Further research should be conducted to validate screening and assessment tools in Parkinson’s disease.  


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Whole image descriptors have recently been shown to be remarkably robust to perceptual change especially compared to local features. However, whole-image-based localization systems typically rely on heuristic methods for determining appropriate matching thresholds in a particular environment. These environment-specific tuning requirements and the lack of a meaningful interpretation of these arbitrary thresholds limits the general applicability of these systems. In this paper we present a Bayesian model of probability for whole-image descriptors that can be seamlessly integrated into localization systems designed for probabilistic visual input. We demonstrate this method using CAT-Graph, an appearance-based visual localization system originally designed for a FAB-MAP-style probabilistic input. We show that using whole-image descriptors as visual input extends CAT-Graph’s functionality to environments that experience a greater amount of perceptual change. We also present a method of estimating whole-image probability models in an online manner, removing the need for a prior training phase. We show that this online, automated training method can perform comparably to pre-trained, manually tuned local descriptor methods.


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Regenerative medicine includes two efficient techniques, namely tissue-engineering and cell-based therapy in order to repair tissue damage efficiently. Most importantly, huge numbers of autologous cells are required to deal these practices. Nevertheless, primary cells, from autologous tissue, grow very slowly while culturing in vitro; moreover, they lose their natural characteristics over prolonged culturing period. Transforming growth factors-beta (TGF-β) is a ubiquitous protein found biologically in its latent form, which prevents it from eliciting a response until conversion to its active form. In active form, TGF-β acts as a proliferative agent in many cell lines of mesenchymal origin in vitro. This article reviews on some of the important activation methods-physiochemical, enzyme-mediated, non-specific protein interaction mediated, and drug-induced- of TGF-β, which may be established as exogenous factors to be used in culturing medium to obtain extensive proliferation of primary cells.


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The safe working lifetime of a structure in a corrosive or other harsh environment is frequently not limited by the material itself but rather by the integrity of the coating material. Advanced surface coatings are usually crosslinked organic polymers such as epoxies and polyurethanes which must not shrink, crack or degrade when exposed to environmental extremes. While standard test methods for environmental durability of coatings have been devised, the tests are structured more towards determining the end of life rather than in anticipation of degradation. We have been developing prognostic tools to anticipate coating failure by using a fundamental understanding of their degradation behaviour which, depending on the polymer structure, is mediated through hydrolytic or oxidation processes. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a widely-used laboratory technique for the analysis of polymer degradation and with the development of portable FTIR spectrometers, new opportunities have arisen to measure polymer degradation non-destructively in the field. For IR reflectance sampling, both diffuse (scattered) and specular (direct) reflections can occur. The complexity in these spectra has provided interesting opportunities to study surface chemical and physical changes during paint curing, service abrasion and weathering, but has often required the use of advanced statistical analysis methods such as chemometrics to discern these changes. Results from our studies using this and related techniques and the technical challenges that have arisen will be presented.


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The use of graphical processing unit (GPU) parallel processing is becoming a part of mainstream statistical practice. The reliance of Bayesian statistics on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods makes the applicability of parallel processing not immediately obvious. It is illustrated that there are substantial gains in improved computational time for MCMC and other methods of evaluation by computing the likelihood using GPU parallel processing. Examples use data from the Global Terrorism Database to model terrorist activity in Colombia from 2000 through 2010 and a likelihood based on the explicit convolution of two negative-binomial processes. Results show decreases in computational time by a factor of over 200. Factors influencing these improvements and guidelines for programming parallel implementations of the likelihood are discussed.


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Modern lipidomics relies heavily on mass spectrometry for the structural characterization and quantification of lipids of biological origins. Structural information is gained by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) whereby lipid ions are fragmented to elucidate lipid class, fatty acid chain length, and degree of unsaturation. Unfortunately, however, in most cases double bond position cannot be assigned based on MS/MS data alone and thus significant structural diversity is hidden from such analyses. For this reason, we have developed two online methods for determining double bond position within unsaturated lipids; ozone electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (OzESI-MS) and ozone-induced dissociation (OzID). Both techniques utilize ozone to cleave C-C double bonds that result in chemically induced fragment ions that locate the position(s) of unsaturation


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The nonlinear problem of steady free-surface flow past a submerged source is considered as a case study for three-dimensional ship wave problems. Of particular interest is the distinctive wedge-shaped wave pattern that forms on the surface of the fluid. By reformulating the governing equations with a standard boundary-integral method, we derive a system of nonlinear algebraic equations that enforce a singular integro-differential equation at each midpoint on a two-dimensional mesh. Our contribution is to solve the system of equations with a Jacobian-free Newton-Krylov method together with a banded preconditioner that is carefully constructed with entries taken from the Jacobian of the linearised problem. Further, we are able to utilise graphics processing unit acceleration to significantly increase the grid refinement and decrease the run-time of our solutions in comparison to schemes that are presently employed in the literature. Our approach provides opportunities to explore the nonlinear features of three-dimensional ship wave patterns, such as the shape of steep waves close to their limiting configuration, in a manner that has been possible in the two-dimensional analogue for some time.


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This is a discussion of the journal article: "Construcing summary statistics for approximate Bayesian computation: semi-automatic approximate Bayesian computation". The article and discussion have appeared in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology).


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We present a novel approach for developing summary statistics for use in approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) algorithms using indirect infer- ence. We embed this approach within a sequential Monte Carlo algorithm that is completely adaptive. This methodological development was motivated by an application involving data on macroparasite population evolution modelled with a trivariate Markov process. The main objective of the analysis is to compare inferences on the Markov process when considering two di®erent indirect mod- els. The two indirect models are based on a Beta-Binomial model and a three component mixture of Binomials, with the former providing a better ¯t to the observed data.


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In this paper we present a unified sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) framework for performing sequential experimental design for discriminating between a set of models. The model discrimination utility that we advocate is fully Bayesian and based upon the mutual information. SMC provides a convenient way to estimate the mutual information. Our experience suggests that the approach works well on either a set of discrete or continuous models and outperforms other model discrimination approaches.