924 resultados para automation control system


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Os objetivos deste trabalho foram quantificar as exposições dérmicas (EDs) e respiratórias (ERs) proporcionadas ao piloto e ao seu ajudante nas aplicações de herbicidas para o controle de plantas daninhas aquáticas com aerobarco; classificar essas condições de trabalho em seguras ou inseguras; e calcular a necessidade de controle das exposições (NCE) e o tempo de trabalho seguro (TTS). O aerobarco utilizado tinha casco de alumínio (4,85 x 2,42 m) e acionamento por hélice acoplada a motor a gasolina de 350 HP. O equipamento de pulverização era composto por bomba de diafragma com fluxo máximo de 49,69 L min-1, pressão máxima de 25 kg cm-2, acionada por motor a gasolina de 4 HP, e tanque de calda de 189 L. A barra de pulverização de alumínio era composta de duas seções laterais de 3 m, posicionadas na linha entre o encosto do banco do piloto e o início da estrutura protetora da hélice. Cada seção da barra tinha seis bicos com pontas de jato plano com indução de ar AI 100 03, espaçados de 0,5 m, e uma ponta OC 20 fixada em cada extremidade. O conjunto de pontas pulverizava faixas de 6 m de largura e aplicava o volume de calda de 200 L ha-1. O sistema tinha gerenciador de fluxo, controlado por central eletrônica acoplada a DGPS (com precisão submétrica), para corrigir automaticamente a vazão em função de alterações na velocidade real da embarcação. As EDs e ERs aos herbicidas foram calculadas com os dados substitutos das exposições às caldas, avaliadas com os traçadores cobre e manganês adicionados às caldas. As exposições foram extrapoladas para uma jornada de trabalho de seis horas. A segurança das condições de trabalho foi determinada com o cálculo da margem de segurança (MS), utilizando-se a fórmula MS = (NOEL x 70)/(QAE x 10), em que QAE = quantidade absorvível da exposição. As condições de trabalho foram classificadas em seguras, se MS>1, ou inseguras, se MS<1. As exposições proporcionadas pelas condições de trabalho foram de 10,65 mL de calda por dia para o piloto e de 16,80 mL por dia para o ajudante, que fica sentado em uma cadeira a 2,0 m à frente do piloto e da barra de pulverização. Classificaram-se como seguras as aplicações dos herbicidas glyphosate (Rodeo, 6 L ha-1), 2,4D (DMA 806 BR, 8 L ha-1) e fluridone (Sonar AQ, 0,4 L ha-1), para o piloto e o seu ajudante. Classificou-se como insegura a aplicação do herbicida diquat (Reward, 4,0 L ha-1) para as duas condições de trabalho, cujas necessidades de controle das exposições calculadas foram de 65% para o piloto e de 78% para o ajudante do piloto.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work describes the study and the implementation of the vector speed control for a three-phase Bearingless induction machine with divided winding of 4 poles and 1,1 kW using the neural rotor flux estimation. The vector speed control operates together with the radial positioning controllers and with the winding currents controllers of the stator phases. For the radial positioning, the forces controlled by the internal machine magnetic fields are used. For the radial forces optimization , a special rotor winding with independent circuits which allows a low rotational torque influence was used. The neural flux estimation applied to the vector speed controls has the objective of compensating the parameter dependences of the conventional estimators in relation to the parameter machine s variations due to the temperature increases or due to the rotor magnetic saturation. The implemented control system allows a direct comparison between the respective responses of the speed and radial positioning controllers to the machine oriented by the neural rotor flux estimator in relation to the conventional flux estimator. All the system control is executed by a program developed in the ANSI C language. The DSP resources used by the system are: the Analog/Digital channels converters, the PWM outputs and the parallel and RS-232 serial interfaces, which are responsible, respectively, by the DSP programming and the data capture through the supervisory system


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The progressing cavity pump artificial lift system, PCP, is a main lift system used in oil production industry. As this artificial lift application grows the knowledge of it s dynamics behavior, the application of automatic control and the developing of equipment selection design specialist systems are more useful. This work presents tools for dynamic analysis, control technics and a specialist system for selecting lift equipments for this artificial lift technology. The PCP artificial lift system consists of a progressing cavity pump installed downhole in the production tubing edge. The pump consists of two parts, a stator and a rotor, and is set in motion by the rotation of the rotor transmitted through a rod string installed in the tubing. The surface equipment generates and transmits the rotation to the rod string. First, is presented the developing of a complete mathematical dynamic model of PCP system. This model is simplified for use in several conditions, including steady state for sizing PCP equipments, like pump, rod string and drive head. This model is used to implement a computer simulator able to help in system analysis and to operates as a well with a controller and allows testing and developing of control algorithms. The next developing applies control technics to PCP system to optimize pumping velocity to achieve productivity and durability of downhole components. The mathematical model is linearized to apply conventional control technics including observability and controllability of the system and develop design rules for PI controller. Stability conditions are stated for operation point of the system. A fuzzy rule-based control system are developed from a PI controller using a inference machine based on Mandami operators. The fuzzy logic is applied to develop a specialist system that selects PCP equipments too. The developed technics to simulate and the linearized model was used in an actual well where a control system is installed. This control system consists of a pump intake pressure sensor, an industrial controller and a variable speed drive. The PI control was applied and fuzzy controller was applied to optimize simulated and actual well operation and the results was compared. The simulated and actual open loop response was compared to validate simulation. A case study was accomplished to validate equipment selection specialist system


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Artificial Intelligence techniques are applied to improve performance of a simulated oil distillation system. The chosen system was a debutanizer column. At this process, the feed, which comes to the column, is segmented by heating. The lightest components become steams, by forming the LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas). The others components, C5+, continue liquid. In the composition of the LPG, ideally, we have only propane and butanes, but, in practice, there are contaminants, for example, pentanes. The objective of this work is to control pentane amount in LPG, by means of intelligent set points (SP s) determination for PID controllers that are present in original instrumentation (regulatory control) of the column. A fuzzy system will be responsible for adjusting the SP's, driven by the comparison between the molar fraction of the pentane present in the output of the plant (LPG) and the desired amount. However, the molar fraction of pentane is difficult to measure on-line, due to constraints such as: long intervals of measurement, high reliability and low cost. Therefore, an inference system was used, based on a multilayer neural network, to infer the pentane molar fraction through secondary variables of the column. Finally, the results shown that the proposed control system were able to control the value of pentane molar fraction under different operational situations


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Conventional control strategies used in shunt active power filters (SAPF) employs real-time instantaneous harmonic detection schemes which is usually implements with digital filters. This increase the number of current sensors on the filter structure which results in high costs. Furthermore, these detection schemes introduce time delays which can deteriorate the harmonic compensation performance. Differently from the conventional control schemes, this paper proposes a non-standard control strategy which indirectly regulates the phase currents of the power mains. The reference currents of system are generated by the dc-link voltage controller and is based on the active power balance of SAPF system. The reference currents are aligned to the phase angle of the power mains voltage vector which is obtained by using a dq phase locked loop (PLL) system. The current control strategy is implemented by an adaptive pole placement control strategy integrated to a variable structure control scheme (VS-APPC). In the VS-APPC, the internal model principle (IMP) of reference currents is used for achieving the zero steady state tracking error of the power system currents. This forces the phase current of the system mains to be sinusoidal with low harmonics content. Moreover, the current controllers are implemented on the stationary reference frame to avoid transformations to the mains voltage vector reference coordinates. This proposed current control strategy enhance the performance of SAPF with fast transient response and robustness to parametric uncertainties. Experimental results are showing for determining the effectiveness of SAPF proposed control system


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In this work, the variable structure adaptive pole placement controller (VS-APPC) robustness and performance are evaluated and this algorithm is applied in a motor control system. The controller robustness evaluation will be done through simulations, where will be introduced in the system the following adversities: time delay, actuator response boundeds, disturbances, parametric variation and unmodeled dynamics. The VS-APPC will be compared with PI control, pole placement control (PPC) and adaptive pole placement controller (APPC). The VS-APPC will be simulated to track a step and a sine reference. It will be applied in a three-phase induction motor control system to track a sine signal in the stator reference frame. Simulation and experimental results will prove the efficiency and robustness of this control strategy


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This work describes the study and the implementation of the speed control for a three-phase induction motor of 1,1 kW and 4 poles using the neural rotor flux estimation. The vector speed control operates together with the winding currents controller of the stator phasis. The neural flux estimation applied to the vector speed controls has the objective of compensating the parameter dependences of the conventional estimators in relation to the parameter machine s variations due to the temperature increases or due to the rotor magnetic saturation. The implemented control system allows a direct comparison between the respective responses of the speed controls to the machine oriented by the neural rotor flux estimator in relation to the conventional flux estimator. All the system control is executed by a program developed in the ANSI C language. The main DSP recources used by the system are, respectively, the Analog/Digital channels converters, the PWM outputs and the parallel and RS-232 serial interfaces, which are responsible, respectively, by the DSP programming and the data capture through the supervisory system


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This work presents a model of bearingless induction machine with divided winding. The main goal is to obtain a machine model to use a simpler control system as used in conventional induction machine and to know its behavior. The same strategies used in conventional machines were used to reach the bearingless induction machine model, which has made possible an easier treatment of the involved parameters. The studied machine is adapted from the conventional induction machine, the stator windings were divided and all terminals had been available. This method does not need an auxiliary stator winding for the radial position control which results in a more compact machine. Another issue about this machine is the variation of inductances array also present in result of the rotor displacement. The changeable air-gap produces variation in magnetic flux and in inductances consequently. The conventional machine model can be used for the bearingless machine when the rotor is centered, but in rotor displacement condition this model is not applicable. The bearingless machine has two sets of motor-bearing, both sets with four poles. It was constructed in horizontal position and this increases difficulty in implementation. The used rotor has peculiar characteristics; it is projected according to the stator to yield the greatest torque and force possible. It is important to observe that the current unbalance generated by the position control does not modify the machine characteristics, this only occurs due the radial rotor displacement. The obtained results validate the work; the data reached by a supervisory system corresponds the foreseen results of simulation which verify the model veracity


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This work presents a proposal for a voltage and frequency control system for a wind power induction generator. It has been developed na experimental structure composes basically by a three phase induction machine, a three phase capacitor and a reactive static Power compensator controlled by histeresys. lt has been developed control algorithms using conventional methods (Pl control) and linguistic methods (using concepts of logic and fuzzy control), to compare their performances in the variable speed generator system. The control loop was projected using the ADJDA PCL 818 model board into a Pentium 200 MHz compu ter. The induction generator mathematical model was studied throught Park transformation. It has been realized simulations in the Pspice@ software, to verify the system characteristics in transient and steady-state situations. The real time control program was developed in C language, possibilish verify the algorithm performance in the 2,2kW didatic experimental system


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Conventional control strategies used in shunt active power filters (SAPF) employs real-time instantaneous harmonic detection schemes which is usually implements with digital filters. This increase the number of current sensors on the filter structure which results in high costs. Furthermore, these detection schemes introduce time delays which can deteriorate the harmonic compensation performance. Differently from the conventional control schemes, this paper proposes a non-standard control strategy which indirectly regulates the phase currents of the power mains. The reference currents of system are generated by the dc-link voltage controller and is based on the active power balance of SAPF system. The reference currents are aligned to the phase angle of the power mains voltage vector which is obtained by using a dq phase locked loop (PLL) system. The current control strategy is implemented by an adaptive pole placement control strategy integrated to a variable structure control scheme (VS¡APPC). In the VS¡APPC, the internal model principle (IMP) of reference currents is used for achieving the zero steady state tracking error of the power system currents. This forces the phase current of the system mains to be sinusoidal with low harmonics content. Moreover, the current controllers are implemented on the stationary reference frame to avoid transformations to the mains voltage vector reference coordinates. This proposed current control strategy enhance the performance of SAPF with fast transient response and robustness to parametric uncertainties. Experimental results are showing for determining the effectiveness of SAPF proposed control system


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Traditional irrigation projects do not locally determine the water availability in the soil. Then, irregular irrigation cycles may occur: some with insufficient amount that leads to water deficit, other with excessive watering that causes lack of oxygen in plants. Due to the nonlinear nature of this problem and the multivariable context of irrigation processes, fuzzy logic is suggested to replace commercial ON-OFF irrigation system with predefined timing. Other limitation of commercial solutions is that irrigation processes either consider the different watering needs throughout plant growth cycles or the climate changes. In order to fulfill location based agricultural needs, it is indicated to monitor environmental data using wireless sensors connected to an intelligent control system. This is more evident in applications as precision agriculture. This work presents the theoretical and experimental development of a fuzzy system to implement a spatially differentiated control of an irrigation system, based on soil moisture measurement with wireless sensor nodes. The control system architecture is modular: a fuzzy supervisor determines the soil moisture set point of each sensor node area (according to the soil-plant set) and another fuzzy system, embedded in the sensor node, does the local control and actuates in the irrigation system. The fuzzy control system was simulated with SIMULINK® programming tool and was experimentally built embedded in mobile device SunSPOTTM operating in ZigBee. Controller models were designed and evaluated in different combinations of input variables and inference rules base


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This paper describes the study, computer simulation and feasibility of implementation of vector control speed of an induction motor using for this purpose the Extended Kalman Filter as an estimator of rotor flux. The motivation for such work is the use of a control system that requires no sensors on the machine shaft, thus providing a considerable cost reduction of drives and their maintenance, increased reliability, robustness and noise immunity as compared to control systems with conventional sensors


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The continuous gas lift method is the main artificial lifting method used in the oil industry for submarine wells, due to its robustness and the large range of flow rate that the well might operate. Nowadays, there is a huge amount of wells producing under this mechanism. This method of elevation has a slow dynamics due to the transients and a correlation between the injected gas rate and the of produced oil rate. Electronics controllers have been used to adjust many parameters of the oil wells and also to improve the efficiency of the gas lift injection system. This paper presents a intelligent control system applied to continuous gas injection in wells, based in production s rules, that has the target of keeping the wells producing during the maximum period of time, in its best operational condition, and doing automatically all necessary adjustments when occurs some disturbance in the system. The author also describes the application of the intelligent control system as a tool to control the flow pressure in the botton of the well (Pwf). In this case, the control system actuates in the surface control valve


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Electro-hydraulic servo-systems are widely employed in industrial applications such as robotic manipulators, active suspensions, precision machine tools and aerospace systems. They provide many advantages over electric motors, including high force to weight ratio, fast response time and compact size. However, precise control of electro-hydraulic systems, due to their inherent nonlinear characteristics, cannot be easily obtained with conventional linear controllers. Most flow control valves can also exhibit some hard nonlinearities such as deadzone due to valve spool overlap on the passage´s orifice of the fluid. This work describes the development of a nonlinear controller based on the feedback linearization method and including a fuzzy compensation scheme for an electro-hydraulic actuated system with unknown dead-band. Numerical results are presented in order to demonstrate the control system performance