992 resultados para antifonarium - Pyhä Henrik


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En fallstudie i huruvida mångfalden av valmöjligheter och funktioner i en modern synth påverkar musikskapandeprocessen. Undersökningen fokuseras på att undersöka hur dagens kompositörer använder sig av ljudskapande i moderna synthar. Syftet med denna undersökning är att se om mångfald av funktioner i en modern synth påverkar musikskapandet, för att ge läsaren en tankeställare angående arbetsflödet i sitt musikskapande, så att en effektivisering av processen kan tillämpas och att om möjligt, ge rum för mera musikskapande och mindre teknikförståelse. Denna undersökning gjordes genom att genomföra ett antal intervjuer samt en kompletterande enkätundersökning. Slutstsen jag kommit fram till är att en mångfald av funktioner påverkar musikskapandet, antingen negativt eller positivt beroende på genre och kompositörens erfarenhet av synthar.


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I denna uppsats undersöks huruvida en lyssnare kan skilja på två ljudmixar som är mixade på samma sätt men summerade på olika sätt. Den ena summeras analogt och den andra digitalt. Om så är fallet, hur tycker lyssnaren att dessa skillnader yttrar sig? Som metod fick en testpanel i ett blindtest lyssna på två olika mixar, en rocklåt och en jazzlåt, som båda fanns i både analogt och digitalt summerade versioner. Dessa fick testsubjekten sedan besvara några frågor kring och tycka till om dessa olika versioner i en kvalitativ enkätundersökning Det visade sig att skillnader uppfattades av merparten av lyssnarna. Den vanligast förekommande beskrivningen var att det var skillnad på stereobredd, djup och dynamik i mixarna beroende på hur de summerats. Även ord som klarhet, värme och tydlighet förekom. Testpanelen var överlag även väldigt bra på att gissa vilken version som var summerad på vilket sätt. Dessa gissningar verkar i på många fall vara baserad på den förutfattade meningen att analogt borde vara bättre. Det är ganska tydligt att detta forskningsarbete i mångt och mycket är en fallstudie för just de variabler som förekom (märke på den analoga summeraren, ljudkvalité på de inspelade ljudet, programmaterial med mera). Fler tester och undersökningar behövs för att kunna dra generella slutsatser.


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This essay is an ideographic study over the capacity of high school students to use the Internet with source criticism, and their attitudes towards this media. It’s a qualitative study whose main purpose is to seek out how the students reflect upon the problems facing them when searching facts and information over the internet.The focus group is six 18 year old high school students, who are studying in a normal sized town in the middle of Sweden, and are about to finish their studies in the program for social sciences. The study was made through interviews, one on one with the students,The results of the analysis have shown that even if students not necessarily use a pre meditated method when searching for information over the internet, they do have a basic understanding of the matter, especially concerning the nature of the source, who published it and why. Not all students made any thorough comparison with other, already established media, such as TV or books, but the analysis made it clear that they more or less deliberately saw the established media as more trustworthy in general. Individuals publishing on the internet, such as bloggers and Wikipedia, are seen with the utmost skepticism while public institutions such as universities and public service TV, are generally trusted as being honest and objective, also when publishing on the internet.


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The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyze the geographical distribution of everyday criminality in the town of Borlänge during the year 2002 and to analyze which measures to be taken in the physical social planning to decrease this everyday criminality there. The term everyday criminality is here to be understood as those categories of crime that appear most frequently in the records of reports to the police every year. Here two kinds of crime have been in focus, thefts from cars and office burglary.In fulfilling this aim two main questions have been answered. The first one is how the everyday criminality was distributed geographically in the town of Borlänge during the year 2002. The second one is which measures to be taken in the physical social planning to decrease this everyday criminality in the town of Borlänge.In order to answer the first question a spatial autocorrelation analysis, Local Moran LISA has been used. This method is based on the measurement Moran´s I and shows the spatial autocorrelation for every single location. To answer the second question three different theories of crime prevention through environmental design have been studied and applied in the analysis. These are Jane Jacobs’ ideas about ”the living city”, Oscar Newman´s ideas about ”defensible space” and Ronald V. Clarke´s theories about crime prevention.The major conclusions that can be drawn from this thesis are that the risk of being exposed to thefts from cars, during the analyzed time period, was highest in Centrum and Hagalund and their surroundings. The lowest risk of being exposed to this type of crime was found in Domnarvet and Islingby, during the year 2002. The highest risk of being a victim of the crime office burglary was found in Hagalund and its surroundings and in the single area of Kvarnsveden. The corresponding lowest risk was found in Lergärdet and its surroundings and in Norra Backa and Kupolen. The measures that should be taken in order to decrease these types of criminality can be divided into overall changes and place-specific changes. When it comes to the crime thefts from cars a more attractive central business district, a better view of parking lots from nearby buildings, dividing of larger parking lot zones into smaller ones, migration of hidden parking lots and stronger access control to parking lots where problems with this kind of crime have occurred have been suggested as overall changes. The corresponding place-specific changes are to remove vegetation that is blocking the view, better lighting and to put up signs with information about increased risk of exposure to crime at parking lots with the most problems. To decrease the amount of office burglaries overall changes as to create a better view of the area from nearby surroundings, move bigger office compartments or divide them into smaller units, rebuild characteristic buildings and increase security by strengthening the access control to offices with these kinds of problems could be useful. Finally there are possibilities to decrease office burglary by using place-specific measures as surveillance cameras combined with signs containing information about these, high fences and better lighting around the buildings where a higher risk of being exposed to this kind of criminality is present.


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It always has been a need for the abiltiy to create color proofs. When an error occurs late in the production process, itis allways complicated and difficult to correct the error. In this project, digital proofs been made and discussions havebeen held with several people in the printing industry, in order to examine how well excisting digital proofs, meet thedemand of the market. And how close the digital proofs can come to the actual printsheat from the press. The study hasbeen shown that the one thing that has had the most influence on the outcome for the quality of a digital proof, is theprintshop operator’s knowledge about color management and proofing systems. Many advertising agencies in the graphicindustry think rasterised proofs are not necessesary and expensive. Therefor they prefer a cheaper alternative, whichdoesn’t show colors as well as the rasterised proof, but well enough to be content with it. There are a good awarenessconcerning lack of communication between printshop, reproduction and advertising agency. Advertising agencies thinkthat printshop rarely listen to what they have to say, while the printshop think that the advertising agency doesn’t understandwhat they are trying to tell them. The outcome of the printed proofs in this study can’t be representive for howgood digital proofs are conducted in regular basis in the industry. The divergence between the print press sheat and thedigital proof that was made was bigger than expected. This shows that implementation of ICC profiles in a color managementflow, not alone is the answer to making perfect digital proofs. There are so many other issues that has to be examined,like color management software, measure tools and correct color management module. In order to make a perfectproof, you have to look at the whole picture. In the end, the human eye finally has the last word on wheather theproof is good or not.


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Göran Hultgren är författaren till eTjänster som social interaktion via användning av IT-system (2007), vilken är en praktisk teori som syftar till att vara till hjälp vid analyser av eTjänster. Eftersom Hultgrens avhandling går ut på att analysera befintliga eTjänster saknas det riktlinjer för hur teorin kan tillämpas praktiskt under utvecklingen av nya eTjänster. Syftet med dennauppsats är att ta fram en systemutvecklingsmetod utifrån den praktiska eTjänsteteorin.eTjänstemetoden som vi tagit fram är baserad på en litteraturstudie av Hultgrens avhandling.Metoden består av ett antal steg som man kan följa vid utvecklingen av en eTjänsten. Den skall inte ses som en fullständig systemutvecklingsmetod utan skall fungera snarare som enkompletteringsmetod som syftar till att ett eTjänsteperspektiv behålls under hela utvecklingen.Vi hade som uppdrag av SkiBar System AB att utveckla ett community där vi kunde testa våreTjänstemetod under utvecklingen. Metoden visade sig vara ett bra sätt att behålla ett eTjänsteperspektiv,det vill säga att alla communitys tjänster syftade till att höja värdet för kunden.


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Defects are often present in rolled products, such as wire rod. The markets demand for wire rod without any defects has increased. In the final wire rod products, defects originating from the steel making, casting, pre-rolling of billets and during the wire rod rolling can appear. In this work, artificial V-shaped longitudinal surface cracks has been analysed experimentally and by means of FEM. The results indicate that the experiments and FEM calculations show the same tendency except in two cases, where instability due to a fairly “round” false round bars disturbed the experiment. FE studies in combination with practical experiments are necessary in order to understand the behaviour of the material flows in the groove and to explain whether the crack will open up as a V-shape or if it will be closed as an I-shape.


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Test method for integrated solar- biomass systems - Long term prediction trough short term measurementsSP Technical Research Institute of Sweden and SERC, Dalarna University have in cooperation developed a test method for integrated solar and biomass systems. The test method is performed under six days including two summer days, two winter days and two spring/autumn days true to real weather conditions and loads for a single family house. The aim of the test method is to get information about a Combisystem’s annual performance and operation throughout a short term test. Seven different solar Combisystems have been tested within the project together with a pellet boiler without solar collectors. In addition to that a comparative testing has been performed at the two laboratories at SP and at SERC on the same Combisystem. The test method developed within the project has been proved to withstand the aim of the project, which is to be able to compare the performance between the systems. The test method is also suitable for identification of possible operation problems so they can be taken care of and consequently improves the system.The project and the system testing reveal that it is in general favorable to combine biomass pellets with solar heating. Pellet boilers has normally a low performance during the summer period but combined with a solar collector the boiler can be switch off during this period. There are however big differences in performance between the tested. The efficiency of the pellet boiler is highly dependent of the operating conditions and elements like heat losses from the system, system configuration and control strategy have great influence of the performance of the system and the emissions. On the other hand, the performance and the size of the solar collectors have a minor effect on the overall system performance. There is obviously a big potential for improvement of the system´s performance and the developed test method is an essential way to implement this perfection.


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The annual cost of home care services of transport in Falun/Borlänge, is now at 31 million kronor. It is clear from previous research that it is possible to reduce these costs through a restructuring of the existing home-help service. The restructuring aims to have a higher proportion of older people, who are in need of care, to live in special accommodation, in order to reduce transport costs. Therefore there is a need for systems that allow home-help service to plan their operations in such a way that transport is working as efficiently as possible. Through better planning, there are profits to be done. The rewards are not only of an economic nature but also include a reduced environmental impact, better working environment, improving road safety, and better service. One way to achieve this is to give home-help service personnel better navigation aid when they move between the customers. The thesis describes such a solution through a developed prototype based on a standardized interaction between a planning and a navigation service. The thesis describes such a solution through a developed prototype based on a standardized interaction between a planning and a navigation service. Development work has also been a first step in developing a standardized information infrastructure for home-help service. The purpose of the thesis is, on the basis of theory and the experience we have acquired through the development of the prototype, to discuss general issues which are of interest when developing standardized information infrastructure.


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In this project, Stora Enso’s newly developed building system has been further developed to allow building to the Swedish passive house standard for the Swedish climate. The building system is based on a building framework of CLT (Cross laminated timber) boards. The concept has been tested on a small test building. The experience gained from this test building has also been used for planning a larger building (two storeys with the option of a third storey) with passive house standard with this building system. The main conclusions from the project are:  It is possible to build airtight buildings with this technique without using traditional vapour barriers. Initial measurements show that this can be done without reaching critical humidity levels in the walls and roof, at least where wood fibre insulation is used, as this has a greater capacity for storing and evening out the moisture than mineral wool. However, the test building has so far not been exposed to internal generation of moisture (added moisture from showers, food preparation etc.). This needs to be investigated and this will be done during the winter 2013-14.  A new fixing method for doors and windows has been tested without traditional fibre filling between them and the CLT panel. The door or window is pressed directly on to the CLT panel instead, with an expandable sealing strip between them. This has been proved to be successful.  The air tightness between the CLT panels is achieved with expandable sealing strips between the panels. The position of the sealing strips is important, both for the air tightness itself and to allow rational assembly.  Recurrent air tightness measurements show that the air tightness decreased somewhat during the first six months, but not to such an extent that the passive house criteria were not fulfilled. The reason for the decreased air tightness is not clear, but can be due to small movements in the CLT construction and also to the sealing strips being affected by changing outdoor temperatures.  Long term measurements (at least two years) have to be carried out before more reliable conclusions can be drawn regarding the long term effect of the construction on air tightness and humidity in the walls.  An economic analysis comparing using a concrete frame or the studied CLT frame for a three storey building shows that it is probably more expensive to build with CLT. For buildings higher than three floors, the CLT frame has economic advantages, mainly because of the shorter building time compared to using concrete for the frame. In this analysis, no considerations have been taken to differences in the influence on the environment or the global climate between the two construction methods.


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Byggsektorn slukar årligen ca 40 % av Sveriges totala energiförbrukning. Nya normer kräver energieffektivare bostäder. Normerna idag fokuserar enbart på driftkostnader och tar inte alls hänsyn till energiförbrukningen och koldioxidavtrycket som själva byggprocessen alstrar. Med höga driftvärden blir energiförbrukningen i byggskedet en liten procent men för passivhus, och ännu högre grad för plusenergihus, som förbrukar ytterst lite energi, blir tillverkningsenergin den avgörande miljöbelastningen. Ny teknik för att uppnå de nya kraven finns i viss utsträckning, men kännedom och kunskap om dem saknas då de fått otillräcklig spridning. En del tekniska lösningar befinner sig fortfarande i en utvecklingsprocess och är inte färdigutvecklade för en större produktion. Ambitionen med denna nulägesanalys och därtill lika inventeringsarbete har varit att fånga in de lösningar och tester som gjorts och ta del av utvärderingarna så att vi kan dra nytta utav dessa i vårt arbete. Denna sammanställning grundar sig på muntlig information vi tagit del av under studiebesöken, ritningar, beskrivningar, protokoll samt rapporter vi samlat in. Syfte Syftet med vår resa till nedanstående objekt var att ta reda på hur flerfamiljshus med passivhus standard är byggda. Vilka stomval har gjorts och av vilken anledning. Vi ville också ta reda på hur man klarat av täthetskraven i de olika projekten samt hur detta mätts. I många fall verkar det som om utformning och arkitektur glöms bort när man ska bygga passivhus som om passivhuskravet vore så betungande att god utformning inte är förening med det. Därför ville vi också bedöma byggnaderna från arkitektoniska aspekter då dessa är av stor vikt för en bra miljö.


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Crowd-pulling names or energetic activists? On symbolic capital as a power resource in the local organizational work within the global justice movement The article explores the global emergence of local Social Forums by means of an ethnographic study of the organization of the Stockholm Social Forum. In international academic debate, the forums are often discussed as a “globalization from below” and a new deliberative democratic process. However, empirical research on the organizational process, and its power relations, has been very limited. The theoretical concept symbolic capital (Bourdieu) and concepts from conversation analysis (CA) are used to analyze how power in terms of priority of interpretation is constructed in conversations between activists with differing political backgrounds. A detailed empirical analysis is based on the case of an internal discussion about inviting keynote speakers to the local forum. The results show how transnational networks and specific knowledge about the global social forum process became symbolic capital in the organizational process. Holders of this specific form of symbolic capital gained priority of interpretation in the internal discussions. This had an impact on the practical outcome of the organizational process in terms of the symbolic framing of the Social Forum. It is argued that the social forum process produces specific forms of cultural distinctions, social hierarchies and patterns of exclusion.


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Internet research methods in nursing science are less developed than in other sciences. We choose to present an approach to conducting nursing research on an internet-based forum. This paper presents LiLEDDA, a six-step forum-based netnographic research method for nursing science. The steps consist of: 1. Literature review and identification of the research question(s); 2. Locating the field(s) online; 3. Ethical considerations; 4. Data gathering; 5. Data analysis and interpretation; and 6. Abstractions and trustworthiness. Traditional research approaches are limiting when studying non-normative and non-mainstream life-worlds and their cultures. We argue that it is timely to develop more up-to-date research methods and study designs applicable to nursing science that reflect social developments and human living conditions that tend to be increasingly online-based.


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Background. Surveillance is a central activity among mental health nursing, but it is also questioned for its therapeutic value and considered to be custodial. Aim. The aim of this study was to describe how mental health nurses use different approaches to observe patients in relation to the practice of surveillance in psychiatric nursing care. Methods. In this study, Spradley's twelve-step ethnographic method was used. Results. Mental health nurses use their cultural knowing to observe patients in psychiatric care in various ways. Two dichotomous approaches were identified: the latent and the manifest approach. Discussion. Different strategies and techniques for observing patients are structured along two dichotomies. The underlying relationships between these two different dichotomous positions transform the act of observing into surveillance. This is further developed in a theoretical model called the powerful scheme of observation and surveillance (PSOS).