1000 resultados para amamentação restrita
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Num contexto de mudanças amplas e céleres nos mundos do trabalho e da cultura, como se situam os professores frente às normas que regulam sua formação? Ao discutirmos esta questão, propomo-nos a colaborar com os debates sobre as políticas públicas, especialmente aquelas diretamente relacionadas à formação de professores de Ciências que atuam em determinada região no interior da Bahia, desvelando fatores que constrangem ou impedem a ação dos professores na configuração dessas políticas e apontando para outras possibilidades de formação docente. Para tanto, utilizamo-nos de dados de pesquisas acadêmicas, documentos, legislação e entrevistas realizadas com 15 docentes. Para a análise, apoiamo-nos em referenciais críticos, particularmente na teoria social de Habermas. Foi possível relevar a ausência do Estado em determinados aspectos da formação desses profissionais, bem como sua presença incisiva e sufocante em outros. A participação restrita dos docentes, como grupo afetado, na produção das políticas de formação demonstra que a integração social não tem se fundamentado na comunicação, mas em processos não linguísticos, principalmente por meio do poder estatal que abriga os ditames do sistema econômico. Finalizamos o texto, chamando a atenção para as possibilidades apresentadas pelo conceito de esfera pública para o apontamento de novas possibilidades formativas.
This paper aims to investigate the conceptions about the relation between genotype and phenotype of Biological Sciences Degree students who take part in a research group in Epistemology of Biology. In an initial data collection, the presence of ideas based on a restricted to genes and environment relation - without considering the organism and its life history - became evident . However, during the group discussions on the topic there were other statements involving other concepts, such as: molecular interactions, chance, organism and Developmental Biology. The analysis of conceptual (re)constructions that emerged in the group allowed the proposition and the development of an explanatory model for the relation between genotype and phenotype.
Based on the assumption that the exchange of knowledge can support a process of self-organized interactions of the involved in the process, we present the results of a study about how happen the dialogue between physics teachers involved in a group of study of Modern and Contemporary Physics. With the support of the propositions of Bakhtin about the potential of the discourse and discursive interactions studies, we identified interesting regularities in how organize discussions among teachers, identifying a scheme that allows us to infer the effectiveness of the enforcement of this form of lead and mediate the discussions in groups of continuous formation of physics teachers to other topics, as well as adding arguments in defense of the groups of discussion as a strategy for continuing formation of teachers.
The study took place in a sewage treatment plant located at the actual Department of Water and Sewer in Bauru, city of Sao Paulo state. This treatment plant has an average entrance flow of 4.8 l. s-1 made by upflow anaerobic filter, followed by wetland systems constructed in parallel. . As objective of this study we evaluate the effectiveness of three systems of constructed wetlands, with three different types of plants (Lily pond, Giant papyrus and Cattail),quantify, and qualify the effluents at various stages of treatment to monitor their effectiveness and the possibility of reuse in agriculture. There was a satisfactory removal of organic matter, with a mean concentration of 36 and 39mg.l-1 at the , phases 1 and 2 of the operation, respectively. The constructed wetlands effluent nitrogen and phosphate concentrations were high throughout all the system and the removal efficiency of ammonia nitrogen was much lower than expected, then the system is functioning as secondary treatment and not as tertiary treatment. The concentrations of micro-organisms found in the final effluent were also high. Therefore, it is concluded that the results of removal efficiency of organic matter, of constructed wetland systems, meet the parameters required by legislation for effluent discharges but do not attend the parameters required for nitrogen and micro organisms. This way, these analyzed plants effluents are suitable for reuse in agriculture restricted irrigation
The purpose of this study is to characterize the geological subsurface structure of the diabase sill of the Paraná Magmatic Province intruded in the Itararé Group, located near the city of Limeira, in the east-central region of São Paulo state. The magnetometric method served as an important tool defining the igneous body in view of the great contrast between the physical properties of the diabase sill and the host sandstones. Previous cartographic data signaled in region a possible lateral continuity in subsurface, of the various sills that occur in the region. However, the magnetic data obtained herein indicate that the area of occurrence of this body is very restricted and independent of the others observed in the region. The analysis of the radial average power spectrum obtained allowed determine the interval of number of waves adequate for the separation of shallow and deep sources, and thus conclude that the sill of the Limeira region is located more than 100 m deep.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV
During the last decades of the XX century occurred several demographic, cultural and social changes that directly affected the inclusion of women in the labor market. However many of them have found and still find barriers to work in various fields of endeavor and in the case of this study, the sports management. The purpose of this study was to assess through a systematic review, the participation of women in sports management, listing the main characteristics, challenges and difficulties. The research consisted of a systematic review of studies that discuss the thematic related to the participation of women in sport management in Brazil, including the Google Scholar database. The key words used and that generated proceeds were woman, sports management and women in sports administration. In the discussion and results has been possible to list the insert forms in a management position, the main ones being: by invitation, conduction or family relationship. The arguments about the limited participation of women in sports management and their encountered barriers are justified because there is a male domain and prejudice, resulting often the career waiver for these women. The profile of the sporting managers has found a predominance of men aged between 30-49 years old. For unavailability of articles, the present study was restricted to use only one database. In short, there is a lacuna in studies on women's participation in the administration or sporting management, with a prevalence of literature review articles. To expand overview on this issue would be important to carry out quantitative studies. It was concluded that the difficulty of women entering in sports management still seems to be a current problem and can only be minimized from a greater attention from the scientific community. It is suggested to carry out further studies that address more deeply the reasons for this disparity, aimed at proposing specific changes to the...
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Contexto: É descrita uma infestação por ácaros hematófagos aviários, que se manifesta em ambientes humanos através da colonização por pombos e seus ninhos. Descrição de caso: A paciente pernoitou em ambiente rural com ninhos de pombos e, no retorno, queixou-se de dermatite e prurido intenso, inicialmente nos antebraços, região anteromedial das coxas e região poplítea. O exame dermatológico mostrou múltiplas pápulas eritematosas, pruriginosas e escoriadas, com cerca de 2 mm de diâmetro. Medicada para escabiose, trouxe os ácaros em uma segunda consulta (identificados como sendo da espécie Dermanyssus gallinae) e obteve resolução do quadro após terapêutica para prurigo agudo. Discussão: A gamasoidose é uma doença disseminada por todo o mundo. Atualmente, com a proliferação de pombos nas cidades, ocorre na zona urbana, a partir de ninhos construídos em telhados ou em nichos para ar-condicionado. Os principais agentes são os ácaros Dermanyssus gallinae, D. avium, Ornithonyssus sylviarum e Ornithonyssus bursa. Estes são ectoparasitas hematófagos temporá- rios de aves domésticas e selvagens, mas também podem se alimentar da espécie humana. Em humanos, os sintomas são cutâneos, não havendo relato de transmissão de doenças infecciosas ou quadros graves. As lesões são maculopapulares e eritematosas, podendo ser confundidas com a pediculose e a escabiose. Conclusões: A infestação por ácaros aviários não está restrita apenas à área rural ou silvestre, sendo cada vez mais comum nas regiões urbanas. Assim, é de grande importância que não só os dermatologistas como os médicos de formação geral conheçam e saibam como suspeitar e tratar adequadamente esta entidade
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)