902 resultados para Wholesale shopping Centres


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It is possible to fit vegetables and fruits into any budget. Making nutritious choices does not have to hurt your wallet. Getting enough of these foods promotes health and can reduce your risk of certain diseases. There are many low-cost ways to meet your fruit and vegetable needs. This sheet lists some of them.


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The phenomenon of the informality has been common in the quarrels that involve Sciences Social and Human. First for not corresponding to a temporary and isolated phenomenon, and on the other hand for dealing with a presente situation in the majority of the Brazilian urban centers. In Cuiabá municipality, the alternative commerce appears as a social answer to the problems caused for the economic crisis of the country and seems to be deep-rooted to the urban landscape. This assignment angles was the street peddlers, in special that ones who develop their in a specific location on lowered of Cuiabá. Researches pretending to fill a blank of information about this subject involve theoritical and empirical levels. The theory searched to raise in a generalized manner given pertinent the informality and the pratical level through field research searched to analyze excellent aspects on the economic and occupational situation of a composed sample for two hundred and theree workers who develope the pratical one of the informal commerce in Shopping Popular in Cuiaba/MT. The analysis of gotten data alllowed to appreciate some excellent aspects with regard to the activity os the peddler, as: origni, formation, income, perspectives with regard to activity among others. In las analysis it still alllowed to verify the factors that condition the permanence these workers in this type of informal activity


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Os shoppingcenters são grandes instituições repletas de empresas quecompetem entre si formas de como melhor satisfazer as necessidade dosclientes. Sendo assim, cada empresa utiliza-se de estratégias com o intuito deatingir a maior parcela de compradores possíveis sem comprometer suaexistência e sua vantagem competitiva. Este estudo está baseado na teoria dasestratégias competitivas genéricas de Porter (1980; 1985) o qual estabeleceem seu modelo que todas as empresas existentes no mercado possuam pelomenos uma das três abordagens estratégicas (diferenciação, liderança emcusto e enfoque). Desta forma, este trabalho identifica de que maneira estádistribuída as estratégia competitiva nas empresas de shoppingcenters deNatal/RN. Primeiramente buscou-se levantar a relação das estratégias destasempresas com a teoria proposta por Porter (1985) e sua alocação de acordocom os agrupamentos resultantes da combinação das estratégias. Nestemomento, foram aplicados questionários com 89 gerentes de lojas de shoppingcenters que resultou após análises estatísticas em cinco agrupamentos comabordagens válidas. Em seguida foram selecionadas as empresas quepossuíam maior afinidade com cada agrupamento e que melhor representavamos resultados dispostos em cinco clustersacerca da teoria proposta e nestaamostragem foi aplicada entrevista com os gerentes. Os resultados obtidos com as entrevistas validaram a análise dos dados encontrados nosquestionários anteriormente aplicados estando em conformidade com aproposta teoria. Identificou-se também duas modalidades de empresas queutilizavam simultaneamente mais de uma estratégia competitiva (meio-termo),sendo uma dentro e outra fora do modelo proposto pelo autor. Embora omodelo das estratégias competitivas genéricas tenha sido instituído comaspectos voltados as organizações industriais, os resultados obtidos nestetrabalho validaram a aplicação desta teoria em empresas comercias deshopping centers que vem se adequando para obter resultados financeirosmais satisfatórios e melhor posicionamento em relação à concorrência


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Introduction Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and is transmitted mainly through aerosolization of infected sputum which puts laboratory workers at risk in spite of the laboratory workers’ risk of infection being at 3 to 9 times higher than the general public. Laboratory safety should therefore be prioritized and optimized to provide sufficient safety to laboratory workers. Objective To assess the safety for the laboratory workers in TB primary microscopy centres in Blantyre urban. Methodology TB primary microscopy centers in Blantyre urban were assessed in aspects of equipment availability, facility layout, and work practice, using a standardized WHO/AFRO ISO 15189 checklist for the developing countries which sets the minimum safety score at ≥80%. Each center was graded according to the score it earned upon assessment. Results Only one (1) microscopy center out nine (9) reached the minimum safety requirement. Four (4) centers were awarded 1 star level, four (4) centers were awarded 2 star level and only one (1) center was awarded 3 star level. Conclusion In Blantyre urban, 89% of the Tuberculosis microscopy centers are failing to provide the minimum safety to the laboratory workers. Government and other stake holders should be committed in addressing the safety challenges of TB microscopy centres in the country to ensure safety for the laboratory workers. Recommendations It is recommended that the study be conducted at the regional or national level for both public and private laboratories in order to have a general picture of safety in Tb microscopy centres possibly across the country.


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This study shows the results of an exploratory-descriptive research that aimed to identify the latent dimensions of communication, as well as finding relations between such dimensions and organizational image. The sample came to a total of 267 respondents, being 89 managers or owners and 178 salespeople of clothing and footwear stores that are situated in the main five shopping centers located in Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte. The collection of the data was made by the use of two structuralized and validated instruments, being the answers measured in the likert scale of 6 points. For the measurement of communication it was used the instrument developed by Downs and Hazen (2002), made up of 8 latent dimensions and 32 indicators. For the image it was used the model of Mael and Ashforth (1992) that contains 5 indicators. The analysis of the data was made through of the use of statistical techniques of factorial analysis and structural equations modeling. The results of the factorial analysis demonstrated communication as being formed by five latent dimensions. The modeling, on the other hand, demonstrated to exist positive relations between communication and organizational image, whose results revealed that the image is influenced by the communication with the supervisor, by the organizational integration and as being stronger explained by the vertical communication


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Department of Equal Opportunities; Presidency of the Council of Ministries; Province of Rome (metropolitan area)


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The high population density and tightly packed nature of some city centres make emergency planning for these urban spaces especially important, given the potential for human loss in case of disaster. Historic and recent events have made emergency service planners particularly conscious of the need for preparing evacuation plans in advance. This paper discusses a methodological approach for assisting decision-makers in designing urban evacuation plans. The approach aims at quickly and safely moving the population away from the danger zone into shelters. The plans include determining the number and location of rescue facilities, as well as the paths that people should take from their building to their assigned shelter in case of an occurrence requiring evacuation. The approach is thus of the location–allocation–routing type, through the existing streets network, and takes into account the trade-offs among different aspects of evacuation actions that inevitably come up during the planning stage. All the steps of the procedure are discussed and systematised, along with computational and practical implementation issues, in the context of a case study – the design of evacuation plans for the historical centre of an old European city.


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A conceptual discussion on architectural type and its role in theory and practice supports the construction of an analytical tool used for recognizing the typological evolution of hospital architecture in Western societies. The same tool is applied to analyze the typological evolution of hospital architecture in Natal, Brazil, through a sample of eighteen hospitals built in the city since the beginnings of 20th century. The conclusion is that typological evolution in Natal is almost the same as occidental one, except for a few singularities that can be explained by local social and economic development


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This paper reports the findings from a research project that examines the relationship between urban design and the physical environment, and aspects of social and communal life in suburbs. Australian suburbs are perceived to be lacking in vitality and sociability. To address this, three suburban commercial streets were selected for investigation. Through documents and maps of the residents’ activities and behaviour, this study aims to identify the popular zones of activity and investigate the physical characteristics that encourage a sociable atmosphere in activity zones. The observation of activities in the three streets has been registered in tables relative to the date and time of occurrence. According to the behavioural mappings, the zones of activity are mostly shaped around pavement cafes and popular everyday food stores. Since more than half the activities have been observed to be initiated from the pavement cafes, this paper will investigate how the physical qualities of commercial streets such as the width of the pavements, personalization, soft edges and greenery have contributed to the pavement café culture in the selected neighbourhood centres.


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Aquatic centres are popular recreational facilities in Australia and other developed countries. These buildings have experienced exponential demand over the past few decades. The growing desire for better indoor environmental quality in aquatic centres has resulted in a marked increase in energy consumption in this sector. Community expectations in relation to aquatic centres are rising and these spaces are associated with wellness and health. Energy consumption in indoor swimming pool buildings is high due to the high indoor air temperatures, increased ventilation heat losses and the need to disinfect water. This study investigates the energy consumption and indoor environmental quality of seven aquatic centres in Australia. The construction and various energy consuming systems of the facilities are analysed and compared against the energy consumption. Thermal comfort data is collected through measuring the indoor environmental parameters. Building envelopes were found to be leaky in most of the buildings resulting in energy wastage. The main indicators for energy consumption were gross floor area, area of pool surface, and number of visitors. It was found that the set point temperatures were significantly high in some of the buildings resulting in high level of discomfort for the spectators and staff.


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 This study investigated children’s engagement in mathematically-rich interactions in early childhood centres. While mathematically-rich interactions were found to be occurring with regular frequency, educators sometimes had difficulty identifying mathematical concepts in their planning. These findings may be used to inform the content of pre- and in-service early childhood education courses.


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All asylum seekers who arrive in Australia’s territorial waters by boat are subject to mandatory, indefinite and unreviewable detention on Nauru and Papua New Guinea. This offshore detention regime is characterised by a high degree of secrecy, low levels of transparency and accountability, and few opportunities for external oversight. This has created a closed, controlled environment, in which people are routinely neglected and harmed. To better understand the human impact of Australia’s offshore detention regime, this article draws on research from social psychology regarding human behaviour in closed institutions. This research – which has substantially informed prison policies throughout the Western world – demonstrates the critical importance of external oversight, openness and transparency for the protection of human rights of people in closed institutions. This knowledge has not been applied to Australia’s offshore immigration detention regime. To the contrary: creating a closed, opaque system of detention has been an explicit policy goal of the Australian government. By actively restricting transparency, this research demonstrates that not only are the abuses of detainees’ human rights hidden from the public eye, they are inevitable.


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Le présent mémoire porte sur la présence de la violence et de la sexualité sur la scène théâtrale québécoise, ainsi que sur l’influence du mouvement britannique In-yer-face sur la dramaturgie québécoise contemporaine. Par l’étude comparative des didascalies des textes ainsi que des mises en scènes de trois productions québécoises – soit Shopping and F**king (texte de Mark Ravenhill traduit par Alexandre Lefebvre, mise en scène de Christian Lapointe), Faire des enfants (texte d’Éric Noël, mise en scène de Gaétan Paré) et En dessous de vos corps je trouverai ce qui est immense et qui ne s’arrête pas (texte et mise en scène de Steve Gagnon) –, ce mémoire explore les diverses manières de représenter la violence et la sexualité sur la scène québécoise actuelle. Ce travail dépasse l’étude textuelle, il présente une réflexion sur le théâtre québécois et les nombreuses contraintes auxquelles les artistes doivent faire face lorsqu’ils veulent présenter un spectacle de théâtre comportant des scènes de violence et de sexualité au Québec.


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In questo progetto di tesi vengono descritte le fasi che hanno portato alla creazione di una web application per automatizzare campagne pubblicitarie attraverso Google Shopping. Partendo dall'analisi dello stato dell'arte del web advertising, vengono successivamente trattate le fasi di progettazione ed implementazione. Infine vengono valutati i risultati ottenuti e discussi i possibili sviluppi futuri.


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Despite their generally increasing use, the adoption of mobile shopping applications often differs across purchase contexts. In order to advance our understanding of smartphone-based mobile shopping acceptance, this study integrates and extends existing approaches from technology acceptance literature by examining two previously underexplored aspects. Firstly, the study examines the impact of different mobile and personal benefits (instant connectivity, contextual value and hedonic motivation), customer characteristics (habit) and risk facets (financial, performance, and security risk) as antecedents of mobile shopping acceptance. Secondly, it is assumed that several acceptance drivers differ in relevance subject to the perception of three mobile shopping characteristics (location sensitivity, time criticality, and extent of control), while other drivers are assumed to matter independent of the context. Based on a dataset of 410 smartphone shoppers, empirical results demonstrate that several acceptance predictors are associated with ease of use and usefulness, which in turn affect intentional and behavioral outcomes. Furthermore, the extent to which risks and benefits impact ease of use and usefulness is influenced by the three contextual characteristics. From a managerial perspective, results show which factors to consider in the development of mobile shopping applications and in which different application contexts they matter.