897 resultados para Weathering of buildings


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The following activities are specifically identified as ineligible. 1. Construction of buildings, or portions thereof, used predominantly for the general conduct of government (e.g., city halls, courthouses, jails, police stations). 2. General government expenses. 3. Costs of operating and maintaining public facilities and services (e.g., mowing parks, replacing street light bulbs). 4. Servicing or refinancing of existing debt.


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Blueprint, pencil; with location of buildings, topo lines and elevations; unsigned; 27 x 28 cm; Scale: 1" = 200' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]


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Originally published as: The residential conservation service auditor training manual.


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An approach and strategy for automatic detection of buildings from aerial images using combined image analysis and interpretation techniques is described in this paper. It is undertaken in several steps. A dense DSM is obtained by stereo image matching and then the results of multi-band classification, the DSM, and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) are used to reveal preliminary building interest areas. From these areas, a shape modeling algorithm has been used to precisely delineate their boundaries. The Dempster-Shafer data fusion technique is then applied to detect buildings from the combination of three data sources by a statistically-based classification. A number of test areas, which include buildings of different sizes, shape, and roof color have been investigated. The tests are encouraging and demonstrate that all processes in this system are important for effective building detection.


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Sediments, mosses and algae, collected from lake catchments of the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica, were analysed to establish baseline levels of trace metals (Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Sb, Pb, Se, V and Zn), and to quantify the extent of trace metal pollution in the area. Both impacted and non-impacted sites were included in the study. Four different leaching solutions (1 M MgCl2, 1 M CH3COONH4, 1 M NH4NO3, and 0.3 N HCl) were tested on the fine fraction (< 63 mu m) of the sediments to extract the mobile fraction of trace metals derived from human impact and from weathering of basement lithologies. Results of these tests indicate that dilute HCl partly dissolves primary minerals present in the sediment, thus leading to an overestimate of the mobile trace metal fraction. Concentrations of trace metals released using the other 3 procedures indicate negligible levels of anthropogenic contribution to the trace metal budget. Data derived from this study and a thorough characterisation of the site allowed the authors to define natural baseline levels of trace metals in sediments, mosses and algae, and their spatial variability across the area. The results show that, with a few notable exceptions, human activities at the research stations have contributed negligible levels (lower than natural variability) of trace metals to the Larsemann Hills ecosystem. This study further demonstrates that anthropogenic sources of trace metals can be correctly identified and quantified only if natural baselines, their variability, and processes controlling the mobility of trace metals in the ecosystem, have been fully characterised. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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World and UK energy resources and use are reviewed and the role of energy conservation in energy policy identified. In considering various energy conservation measures, a distinction is made between energy intensive and non-intensive industries and also between direct and indirect uses of energy. Particular attention is given to the non-intensive user of energy. Energy use on one such industrial site has been studied to determine the most effective energy saving measures in the short term. Here it is estimated that over 65% of energy is consumed for indirect purposes, mainly for heating and lighting buildings. Emphasis is placed on energy auditing techniques and those energy saving measures requiring greater technical, economic and organisational resources to secure their implementation. Energy auditing techniques include the use of aerial thermography and snow formation surveys to detect heat losses. Qualitative and quantitative interpretations are carried out, but restricted mainly to evaluating building roof heat losses. From the energy auditing exercise, it is confirmed that the intermittent heating of buildings is the largest and most cost effective fuel saving measure. This was implemented on the site and a heat monitoring programme established to verify results. Industrial combined heat and power generation is investigated. A proposal for the site demonstrates that there are several obstacles to its successful implementation. By adopting an alternative financial rationale, a way of overcoming these obstacles is suggested. A useful by-product of the study is the classification of industrial sites according to the nature of industrial energy demand patterns. Finally, energy saving measures implemented on the site are quantlfied using comparative verification methods. Overall fuel savings of 13% are indicated. Cumulative savings in heating fuel amount to 26% over four years although heated area increased by approximately 25%.


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The need for efficient, sustainable, and planned utilization of resources is ever more critical. In the U.S. alone, buildings consume 34.8 Quadrillion (1015) BTU of energy annually at a cost of $1.4 Trillion. Of this energy 58% is utilized for heating and air conditioning. ^ Several building energy analysis tools have been developed to assess energy demands and lifecycle energy costs in buildings. Such analyses are also essential for an efficient HVAC design that overcomes the pitfalls of an under/over-designed system. DOE-2 is among the most widely known full building energy analysis models. It also constitutes the simulation engine of other prominent software such as eQUEST, EnergyPro, PowerDOE. Therefore, it is essential that DOE-2 energy simulations be characterized by high accuracy. ^ Infiltration is an uncontrolled process through which outside air leaks into a building. Studies have estimated infiltration to account for up to 50% of a building's energy demand. This, considered alongside the annual cost of buildings energy consumption, reveals the costs of air infiltration. It also stresses the need that prominent building energy simulation engines accurately account for its impact. ^ In this research the relative accuracy of current air infiltration calculation methods is evaluated against an intricate Multiphysics Hygrothermal CFD building envelope analysis. The full-scale CFD analysis is based on a meticulous representation of cracking in building envelopes and on real-life conditions. The research found that even the most advanced current infiltration methods, including in DOE-2, are at up to 96.13% relative error versus CFD analysis. ^ An Enhanced Model for Combined Heat and Air Infiltration Simulation was developed. The model resulted in 91.6% improvement in relative accuracy over current models. It reduces error versus CFD analysis to less than 4.5% while requiring less than 1% of the time required for such a complex hygrothermal analysis. The algorithm used in our model was demonstrated to be easy to integrate into DOE-2 and other engines as a standalone method for evaluating infiltration heat loads. This will vastly increase the accuracy of such simulation engines while maintaining their speed and ease of use characteristics that make them very widely used in building design.^


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This paper prese nts the validation of the Performance Indicator System for Projects under Construction - SIDECC. The goal was to develop a system of performance indicators from the macroergonômica approach, con sidering criteria of usefulness , practicality and applicabilit y and the concept of continuous improveme nt in the construction industry . The validation process SIDECC consisted of three disti nct models . Modeling I corresponded to the theoretical development and valid ation of a system of indicators . Modeling II concern s the development and valida tion of multi - indicator system . For this modeling, we used the Mother of Use and Importance and Multivariate Analysis . Modeling III correspo nded to the validation situated , which consisted of a case study of a wo rk of construct ion of buildings , which were applied and anal yzed the results of modeling II . This work resulted in the development of an applied and tested for the construction of an integrated system of per formance indicators methodology , involving aspects of production , quality , e nvironmental, health and safety . It is inferred that the SIDECC can be applied, in full or in part , the construction companies as a whole, as we ll as in other economic sectors .


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The piles are one of the most important types of solution adopted for the foundation of buildings. They are responsible for transmitting to the soil in deepe r and resistant layers loads from structures. The interaction of the foundation element with the soil is a very important variable, making indispensable your domain in order to determine the strength of the assembly and establish design criteria for each c ase of application of the pile. In this research analyzes were performed f rom experiments load tests for precast concrete piles and inve stigations of soil of type SPT, a study was performed for obtaining the ultimate load capacity of the foundation through methods extrapolation of load - settlement curve , semi - empirical and theoretic . After that, were realized comparisons between the different methods used for two types of soil a granular behavior and other cohesive. For obtaining soil paramet ers to be used i n the methods were established empirical correlations with the standard penetration number (NSPT). The charge - settlement curves of the piles are also analyzed. In the face of established comparisons was indicated the most reliable semiempirical method Déco urt - Quaresma as the most reliable for estimating the tensile strength for granular and cohesive soils. Meanwhile, among the methods studied extrapolation is recommended method of Van der Veen as the most appropriate for predicting the tensile strength.


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Natal has come through major changes in the last 150 years, since the actions of city beautification, in the 19th century, until the present day, when such transformations start to have the objective of including the city in the competition for the attraction of the capital flows and consumption, domestically and in a foreign sense. It is thought that the first initiatives aimed at increasing tourism in Natal occurred in the 1960s, however, it became apparent that only from the 1980s was there a significant increase in tourist activities in Natal and the Metropolitan Region, especially on the east coast of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, leading to an expansion of the labour market, the significant increase of foreign investment, territorial changes of great impact and the production of buildings primarily intended for the hotel industry and second residence for European tourists. Since then, the incentives for tourist activity in the state have been maintained and even increased, based on tourism aimed at natural beauties, local cuisine and events, which transformed the tourist activity in one of the main sources of foreign exchange for the city of Natal. In the early 21st century, the construction of high-rise condominiums, monuments (including the designer ones), such as the Parque da Cidade, designed by Oscar Niemeyer, were already established. Also, shopping centers and, in order to host the World Cup, the new football stadium, the Arena das Dunas, among others, which were aimed at local and foreign consumers, especially European, stood out in the city. It is understood that these new buildings, monuments and also renovations and restorations that were deployed in the city of Natal aimed at constructing a new identity for the city, within the process of capitalist development and urban spectacle. It is considered that the monuments and the iconic buildings are attributes of the cities aimed at selling locations as goods, establishing a new urban environment, a new role as cities, which aimed at seeking greater autonomy from the nation-state. In this research, it was sought to analyze the architectural object, that is, buildings and monuments built or restored in Natal and its relevance to the city marketing promoted by the city itself. It was found that, indeed, such buildings and monuments are inserted in contemporary architectural production as a basis for increasing the competitive nature of Natal. In addition, they reveal a capitalist mode of production, supported by public resources, operating in the production of urban space with a view to repeating the hegemonic model of a competitive city


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In the midst of growing preservationist awareness, regarding methods of architectural intervention of buildings with a recognized heritage value, there are numerous approaches on how the original heritage value can be protected. However, can these intervention projects be differentiated? Is it possible to identify how they differ (if in fact they do) from an architectural project not related to preservation? Although there are numerous theoretical studies regarding methods utilized in architectonical projects, there appear to be a lack of studies focused on an architectural intervention exclusively focused on areas or edifications that have a recognized heritage value, thereby requiring a reflection on which methodological procedures in an architectonical project serve the purpose of the preservation of the historical aspects. This discussion is of even greater importance because, at the national level, some recent discussions on this type of architectural design seem arbitrary and lack methodological rigor. Therefore, this research attempts to focus equally on the theoretical-methodological practices of preservation as well as the architectural project methods. In an attempt to address these aspects, the focus of this research centers on the case studies of the intervention projects of the maritime passenger terminal of Natal (Terminal Marítimo de Passageriros de Natal), the old government hall (Palacio do Governo - EDTAM) and the old central hotel (Hotel Central) which are situated in the area known as the historic downtown of the city of Natal, within the federal heritage protection polygon. The analyses of these is intended to identify what methodological procedures were recorded in the final product (in the graphical representation of the architectural design and other documents) delivered to IPHAN / RN, the body responsible for review and approval of these architectural projects, noting whether such procedures appear, in some way, in the final product, and if an understanding of the complexity of preservation is evident. The analyses of these projects corroborate the hypothesis that there are unique characteristics, which must be addressed in the intervention project for preservation when compared to new project design. The main characteristic to be addressed is related to the very nature of the project. It is inherent in the dialectical relationship between the need to preserve (the identified heritage values) and the need to modernize (making adaptations to contemporary life). This relationship, denominated in this dissertation as "radical restraint", must, or at least should, guide the actions in the project as well as the technical analyses of the preservationist organization. However, this radical restriction appears more evident in the guidelines put forth by legislators than in the decisions of designers. These legislators require the presentation of documents, aimed at identifying and contextualizing intervention (Ordinance No. 420 of December 22, 2010), that grant (or should grant) assistance in the decision making process. It was evident in the analyses of these documents that there existed a disconnect between the documents produced and the decisions made in the project. This fact can be seen in the total absence of dialogue about theoretical-methodological preservationist principles, which, in our view, is an essential element of the methodological procedures of the intervention project needed to guide the legislative and project design discussions.


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The occurrence of microbialites in post-glacial coral reefs has been interpreted to reflect an ecosystem response to environmental change. The greater thickness of microbialites in reefs with a volcanic hinterland compared to thinner microbial crusts in reefs with a non-volcanic hinterland led to the suggestion that fertilization of the reefal environment by chemical weathering of volcanic rocks stimulated primary productivity and microbialite formation. Using a molecular and isotopic approach on reef-microbialites from Tahiti (Pacific Ocean), it was recently shown that sulfate-reducing bacteria favored the formation of microbial carbonates. To test if similar mechanisms induced microbialite formation in other reefs as well, the Tahitian microbialites are compared with similar microbialites from coral reefs off Vanuatu (Pacific Ocean), Belize (Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean), and the Maldives (Indian Ocean) in this study. The selected study sites cover a wide range of geological settings, reflecting variable input and composition of detritus. The new lipid biomarker data and stable sulfur isotope results confirm that sulfate-reducing bacteria played an intrinsic role in the precipitation of microbial carbonate at all study sites, irrespective of the geological setting. Abundant biomarkers indicative of sulfate reducers include a variety of terminally-branched and mid chain-branched fatty acids as well as mono-O-alkyl glycerol ethers. Isotope evidence for bacterial sulfate reduction is represented by low d34S values of pyrite (-43 to -42 per mill) enclosed in the microbialites and, compared to seawater sulfate, slightly elevated d34S and d18O values of carbonate-associated sulfate (21.9 to 22.2 per mill and 11.3 to 12.4 per mill, respectively). Microbialite formation took place in anoxic micro-environments, which presumably developed through the fertilization of the reef environment and the resultant accumulation of organic matter including bacterial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), coral mucus, and marine snow in cavities within the coral framework. ToF-SIMS analysis reveals that the dark layers of laminated microbialites are enriched in carbohydrates, which are common constituents of EPS and coral mucus. These results support the hypothesis that bacterial degradation of EPS and coral mucus within microbial mats favored carbonate precipitation. Because reefal microbialites formed by similar processes in very different geological settings, this comparative study suggests that a volcanic hinterland is not required for microbialite growth. Yet, detrital input derived from the weathering of volcanic rocks appears to be a natural fertilizer, being conductive for the growth of microbial mats, which fosters the development of particularly abundant and thick microbial crusts.


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The development of a permanent, stable ice sheet in East Antarctica happened during the middle Miocene, about 14 million years (Myr) ago. The middle Miocene therefore represents one of the distinct phases of rapid change in the transition from the "greenhouse" of the early Eocene to the "icehouse" of the present day. Carbonate carbon isotope records of the period immediately following the main stage of ice sheet development reveal a major perturbation in the carbon system, represented by the positive d13C excursion known as carbon maximum 6 ("M6"), which has traditionally been interpreted as reflecting increased burial of organic matter and atmospheric pCO2 drawdown. More recently, it has been suggested that the d13C excursion records a negative feedback resulting from the reduction of silicate weathering and an increase in atmospheric pCO2. Here we present high-resolution multi-proxy (alkenone carbon and foraminiferal boron isotope) records of atmospheric carbon dioxide and sea surface temperature across CM6. Similar to previously published records spanning this interval, our records document a world of generally low (~300 ppm) atmospheric pCO2 at a time generally accepted to be much warmer than today. Crucially, they also reveal a pCO2 decrease with associated cooling, which demonstrates that the carbon burial hypothesis for CM6 is feasible and could have acted as a positive feedback on global cooling.


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Mineral and chemical composition of alluvial Upper-Pleistocene deposits from the Alto Guadalquivir Basin (SE Spain) were studied as a tool to identify sedimentary and geomorphological processes controlling its formation. Sediments located upstream, in the north-eastern sector of the basin, are rich in dolomite, illite, MgO and KB2BO. Downstream, sediments at the sequence base are enriched in calcite, smectite and CaO, whereas the upper sediments have similar features to those from upstream. Elevated rare-earth elements (REE) values can be related to low carbonate content in the sediments and the increase of silicate material produced and concentrated during soil formation processes in the neighbouring source areas. Two mineralogical and geochemical signatures related to different sediment source areas were identified. Basal levels were deposited during a predominantly erosive initial stage, and are mainly composed of calcite and smectite materials enriched in REE coming from Neogene marls and limestones. Then the deposition of the upper levels of the alluvial sequences, made of dolomite and illitic materials depleted in REE coming from the surrounding Sierra de Cazorla area took place during a less erosive later stage of the fluvial system. Such modification was responsible of the change in the mineralogical and geochemical composition of the alluvial sediments.


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Sociologists of health and illness have tended to overlook the architecture and buildings used in health care. This contrasts with medical geographers who have yielded a body of work on the significance of places and spaces in the experience of health and illness. A review of sociological studies of the role of the built environment in the performance of medical practice uncovers an important vein of work, worthy of further study. Through the historically situated example of hospital architecture, this article seeks to tease out substantive and methodological issues that can inform a distinctive sociology of healthcare architecture. Contemporary healthcare buildings manifest design models developed for hotels, shopping malls and homes. These design features are congruent with neoliberal forms of subjectivity in which patients are constituted as consumers and responsibilised citizens. We conclude that an adequate sociology of healthcare architecture necessitates an appreciation of both the construction and experience of buildings, exploring the briefs and plans of their designers, and observing their everyday uses. Combining approaches and methods from the sociology of health and illness and science and technology studies offers potential for a novel research agenda that takes healthcare buildings as its substantive focus.