938 resultados para Turbocharger Lag


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Buried snowpack deposits are found within the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica, which offers the opportunity to study these layered structures of sand and ice within a polar desert environment. Four discrete buried snowpacks are studied within Pearse Valley, Antarctica, through in situ observations, sample analyses, O-H isotope measurements and numerical modelling of snowpack stability and evolution. The buried snowpack deposits evolve throughout the year and undergo deposition, melt, refreeze, and sublimation. We demonstrate how the deposition and subsequent burial of snow can preserve the snowpacks in the Dry Valleys. The modelled lifetimes of the buried snowpacks are dependent upon subsurface stratigraphy but are typically less than one year if the lag thickness is less than c. 7 cm and snow thickness is less than c. 10 cm, indicating that some of the Antarctic buried snowpacks form annually. Buried snowpacks in the Antarctic polar desert may serve as analogues for similar deposits on Mars and may be applicable to observations of the north polar erg, buried ice at the Mars Phoenix landing site, and observations of buried ice throughout the martian Arctic. Numerical modelling suggests that seasonal snows and subsequent burial are not required to preserve the snow and ice on Mars.


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This study presents a record of dissolution from the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) that extends to 2.1 Ma, based on sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1241. A new benthic oxygen isotope record was developed in order to provide the stratigraphic framework for the Pleistocene section of the core. The isotope record extends back to 2.1 Ma, covering MIS 1-80, and has a sampling resolution of 2 kyr from 0 to 360 kyr and 5 kyr from 360 to 2100 kyr. Dissolution at ODP Site 1241 is characterized through the use of percent coarse fraction (%CF) and shell fragmentation records. These records indicate that %CF in the EEP is recording a dissolution signal dominated by the 41-kyr and 100-kyr climate cycles, and that preservation maxima lag glacial maxima by 9-14 kyr at the major orbital periods. The dissolution signals observed in the ODP Site 1241 record can be correlated across the Pacific and likely record the response to basinwide changes in carbonate chemistry. The dissolution fluctuations and d13C signal observed at ODP Site 1241 are consistent with both the [Shackleton, 1977] and [Toggweiler et al., 2006, doi:10.1029/2005PA001154] hypotheses that explain changes in the global carbon cycle during glacial-interglacial transitions.


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Palynological investigations in northeastern Bavaria (Bavarian Vogtland, Fichtelgebirge, Steinwald) reveal the Late Glacial and Postglacial history of the regional vegetation. Radiocarbon data in comparison with those from the neighbouring regions (Rhön, Oberpfälzer Wald, Bavarian Forests) show a time lag in the development of the arboreal vegetation due to migration processes. The Fichtelgebirge is the southernmost part ofnortheastern Bavaria where the early Alleröd period (pollen zone IIa) is characterised by a dominance of birch forests. Hazel reached maximal values around 8000 BP in the area from the Fichtelgebirge to the Bavarian Forests, e.g. about 600 years earlier than in the more northern Rhön mountains. For spruce there is a considerable time lag between the Bavarian Forests and the Fichtelgebirge. Spruce spreading started in the Fichtelgebirge during the older part of the Atlantic period (pollen zone VI). At the same time, spruce already was the dominant tree in the Bavarian Forests. During the younger part of the Atlantic period (pollen zone VII) spruce and mixed oak forest tree species frequently occurred in the Fichtelgebirge. At the end of pollen zone VI, spruce came to dominance. At the same time, the immigration of beech started. During the Subboreal period (pollen zone VIII), spruce remained being a dominant member in the forests and at the end of pollen zone VIII, fir began to spread rapidly. During the first part of the Subatlantic period (pollen zone IX) spruce, beech, fir and pine formed the mountainous forests in the Fichtelgebirge. In the area of the Bavarian Vogtland, however, fir was a dominant forest tree during pollen zone IX, while spruce and beech played a less important role. During the 12th century, human colonisation started in the area of the Fichtelgebirge. This is 400 years later as in the area of the Rhön mountains. Indicators for earlier forest clearances are rare or absent.


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The modern Indian Ocean summer monsoon is driven by differential heating between the Asian continent and the Indian Ocean to the south. This differential heating produces a strong pressure gradient which drives southwest monsoon winds during June, July, and August. Satellite and meteorological observations, aerosol measurements, sediment trap studies, and mineralogical studies indicate an atmospheric mode of transport for modern lithogenic sediments in the northwest Arabian Sea. Analyses of lithogenic grain size and mass accumulation rate (MAR) records from the Owen Ridge indicate that eolian transport has been the primary mode of transport for the past 370 kyr. Visual inspection shows that the MAR record is positively correlated with global ice volume as indicated by the marine delta18O record. In contrast, the grain-size record varies at a much higher frequency, showing little correlation to either the MAR or the delta18O records. Spectral analyses confirm these relationships, indicating that the lithogenic grain-size and MAR records are coherent only over the precession band whereby the grain size leads the MAR by 124° (~8 kyr). We conclude that an eolian transport mechanism is the only mechanism that allows for this phase difference and at the same time is supported by comparison of the grain size and MAR with independent eolian records. We use lithogenic grain size as a paleoclimatic indicator of summer monsoon wind strength and lithogenic MAR as a paleoclimatic indicator of source-area aridity. These interpretations are supported by comparison of the lithogenic records to independent indicators of wind strength (Globigerina bulloides upwelling record) and aridity (a loess record from central China). Such comparisons indicate high coherence and zero phase relationships. Our work supports the findings of previous studies which have documented the link between monsoon strength and the Earth's axial precession cycles. Both the lithogenic MAR and the grain-size records have high coherency with precessional insolation. Maximum lithogenic MAR (source-area aridity) is in phase with delta18O (global ice volume) and leads maximum precessional insolation by 88° (~6 kyr). We attribute this lead to the influence of glacial conditions on the aridity, and therefore the deflation potential, of the source areas. Maximum lithogenic grain size (summer monsoon wind strength) lags maximum precession by 148° (~9 kyr). We attribute this lag both to the influence of global and/or local ice volume and to the availability of latent heat from the southern hemisphere Indian Ocean, the two of which combine to determine the strength of the Indian Ocean monsoon.


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Im Fichtelgebirge, im Harz und in der Rhön wurden die spätglazialen und frühpostglazialen Ablagerungen von vier Mooren in 625-805 m Meereshöhe pollenanalytisch hinsichtlich von Makrofossilien (Samen, Früchte) und stratigraphisch untersucht. 1. Nur im Fichtelgebirge konnte in 625 m Höhe ein vollständiger Spätglazialablauf aufgedeckt werden. Es handelt sich dabei um einen ehemaligen kleinen See südlich Fichtelberg, der wahrscheinlich durch Tieftauen eines begrabenen Firn- oder Schneefeldes entstand. Betula pubescens wurde kontinuierlich vom Ende der Älteren Tundrenzeit bis zum Boreal nachgewiesen. Auf nahe Vorkommen von Kiefern darf man seit IIb (Jüngere Allerödzeit) schließen, sie wurden aber durch die Jüngere Tundrenzeit, während der es noch zu Solifluktionserscheinungen kam, von ihren höher gelegenen Standorten wieder verdrängt. Die allerödzeitlichen Birken- bzw. Birkenkiefernwälder müssen in diesen Höhen noch licht oder parkartig gewesen sein. Verbreitet waren Rasengesellschaften, die hauptsächlich aus Gramineen und Artemisia bestanden. Auch Beutla nana und Pollen von Ephedra cf. distachya wurden nachgewiesen. In der Seelohe (770-780 m) ist nur der Ausklang einer waldarmen Zeit, offensichtlich der Jüngeren Tundrenzeit, erfaßt. Großreste von Bäumen fehlen. 2. Im Oberharz (Radauer Born, 800 m) wurde nur ein kurzes Stück der Jüngeren Tundrenzeit aufgedeckt. Großreste von Bäumen fehlen hier ebenfalls. Aus dem Praeboreal stammt der erst fossile Nachweis von Betuala nana im Oberharz. Die Zwergbirke wächst auf dem Moor noch heute und gilt hier als Eiszeitrelikt. 3. Eine Datierung der spätglazialen Ablagerungen vom Roten Moor in der Rhön ist zur Zeit nur mit Vorbehalt möglich. Zwar wurde hier der Laacher Bimstuff gefunden, er ist jedoch umgelagert und unmittelbar über dem Tuffhorizont befindet sich eine Schichtlücke. Wahrscheinlich zeigt die Bimsstuffschicht aber doch noch den Allerödhorizont an. 4. Während der Jüngeren Tundrenzeit dürfte im Fichtelgebirge die Waldgrenze bei etwas 600 m gelegen haben. Das bedeutet gegenüber der heutigen Waldgrenze eine Erniedrigung um rund 700 m. Am Schluß der Älteren Tundrenzeit lag die Waldgrenze wahrscheinlich wie in der Allerödzeit höher als 600-650 m, aber unter 800 m. 5. Pollenkörner der Ericalen sind in den Ablagerungen aus dem Harz wesentlich häufiger als in den anderene Gebieten. Häufungen von Ericalen-pollen sind besonders für Spätglazialablagerungen solcher Gebiete charakteristisch, die heute im subozeanischen oder ozeanischen Klimabereich liegen (Niederlande, Irland). 6. Während sich die Bodengegensätze in der heutigen Vegetation der drei Untersuchungsgebiete sehr deutlich bemerkbar machen, wurden keine nennenswerten Unterschiede im spätglazialen Pollenniederschlag der drei Mittelgebirge gefunden. Vermutlich erfolgte die Auswaschung der Nährstoffe aus den an sich nährstoffkräftigen Granitverwitterungsböden während der Späteiszeit nicht so rasch, wie es heute der Fall ist. Die Niederschlagsmengen dürften geringer und das Klima weniger humid gewesen sein. 7. In der Liste der spätglazialen Pflanzen überwiegen die Arten mit borealzirkumpolarer Verbreitung. Arktisch-alpine Arten treten zurück. Kontinentale und subatlantische bzw. subozeanische Arten sind etwa gleich stark vertreten.


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Das Gollum Channel System mit dem untersuchten Kanal gc1 liegt in der Por- cupine Bucht südwestlich vor Irland. Während der ersten Messung im Jahr 2000 (ANT-XVII/4) fielen vier Kanalabschnitte mit markanten Rückstreuungen ins Au- ge. Diese Bereiche weisen eine abwechselnd starke und schwache Rückstreuinten- sität auf. Da der Schwerpunkt der Expedition ANT-XVII/4 auf der Erforschung der carbonate mounds lag, wurde eine genauere Untersuchung des Kanals während der Expedition ARK-XIX/3 (2003) nachgeholt. Mit dieser zweiten Messung wur- den die vier unterschiedlich rückstreuenden Sektoren bestätigt. Zusätzlich wurden Sedimentproben entnommen und Videos der Meeresbodenoberfläche aufgezeichnet. (ff siehe Diplomarbeit)


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Glacial-interglacial changes in sedimentary d15N over the last 120 kyr display a remarkably similar pattern in timing and amplitude in core records extending from the denitrification zone in the eastern tropical North Pacific (ETNP), where subsurface denitrification is active, to the Oregon margin, where no denitrification occurs today. Low d15N values (4-6 per mil) generally characterize glacial stages 2 and 4, and higher d15N values (7-10 per mil) are representative of the Holocene, millennial-scale periods within stage 3, and stage 5. The inferred synchroneity of d15N variations along the entire margin implies that the nitrate isotopic signal produced in the oxygen-poor subsurface waters in the ETNP is rapidly advected northward and recorded at sites far beyond the boundaries of the modern denitrification zone. Similar to d15N, primary production indicators (percent Corg, Ba/Al, and percent opal) show glacial-interglacial as well as millennial-scale variations along the NE Pacific margin, with higher primary production during warm periods. However, the relative phasing between d15N and paleoproduction tracers within individual records changes latitudinally. Whereas d15N and primary production vary approximately synchronously in the midlatitudes, production lags d15N in the ETNP by several kiloyears. This lag calls for a new understanding of the processes driving denitrification in the ETNP. We suggest that oxygen input by the Equatorial Undercurrent as well as local organic matter flux controls denitrification rates in the ETNP. Moreover, the differences in relative timing point to a time-transgressive development of upwelling-favorable winds along the NE Pacific margin after the last glaciation, with those in the north developing several kiloyears earlier.


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Grain-size records of the terrigenous and calcareous silt fraction, preservation of planktic foraminifera, and benthic foraminiferal stable-isotope data (delta13C, delta18O values of C. wuellerstorfi) at ODP Site 927 on the Ceará Rise (5°27.7'N, 44°28.8'W), are used to reconstruct variations in the history of bottom current strength, ventilation, and carbonate corrosiveness of deep waters during the time interval from 0.8 to 0.3 Ma. Glacial periods are characterized by generally smaller mean sizes of the terrigenous sortable silt fraction (mean(SS)), lower delta13C values, and poorer preservation of planktic foraminifera compared to interglacials. This indicates lower bottom current speeds, larger nutrient contents and more corrosive deep water. By contrast, larger mean(SS) sizes, higher delta13C values, and well preserved planktic foraminifera indicate strong circulation and a well ventilated deep-water mass during interglacials. The observed changes are most likely related to the weakening and strengthening of circulation of Lower North Atlantic Deep Water (LNADW). Cross-spectral analysis between the mean(SS) and benthic delta18O records reveals that minima in mean(SS) occur about 7.6 k.y. after the maximum in ice volume. This indicates a considerable lag time between ice-shield induced changes in LNADW production and subsequent changes in the velocity of LNADW flow in the western equatorial Atlantic. Striking changes in bottom current speed occur regularly during glacial to interglacial transitions. Extremely fine mean(SS) minima point to an almost complete shutdown of bottom current vigor in response to a cessation of LNADW production caused by an enhanced melt water release during the initial phases of deglaciation. However, each of the fine minima extremes is followed by a rapid shift to very high mean(SS) values that indicate strong bottom currents, and hence, vigorous LNADW flow during the early interglacials. After the onset of glacial Stage 12, generally poorer carbonate preservation and higher variability is registered. This coincides with a global decrease in carbonate preservation during the mid-Brunhes (mid-Brunhes dissolution event). Detailed grain-size analysis of the calcareous fine fraction (<63 µm) revealed a considerable reduction of particles in the fraction from 7 to 63 µm during periods of enhanced dissolution. This indicates a preferential dissolution of larger planktic foraminiferal fragments which leads to an enrichment of coccoliths in the calcareous fine fraction.


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We drilled three sites (Sites 1071, 1072, and 1073) on the New Jersey shelf and slope at water depths between 88 and 664 m. Grain-size analyses from shelf sites (Sites 1071 and 1072) define five types of sediment: well-sorted fine sand, silty sand or sandy silt, clayey silt, poorly sorted sandy mud, and poorly sorted lag sediments. At slope Site 1073, a grain-size minimum of 3-6 µm is found at 300 meters below seafloor. These sediments are well sorted and lack sand- and clay-sized grains. Horizons of coarse-grained sediments are present in Unit I at Site 1073.


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Constraining the nature of Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) response to major past climate changes may provide a window onto future ice response and rates of sea level rise. One approach to tracking AIS dynamics, and differentiating whole system versus potentially heterogeneous ice sheet sector changes, is to integrate multiple climate proxies for a specific time slice across widely distributed locations. This study presents new iceberg-rafted debris (IRD) data across the interval that includes Marine Isotope Stage 31 (MIS 31: 1.081-1.062 Ma, a span of ~19 kyr; Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005), which lies on the cusp of the mid-Brunhes climate transition (as glacial cycles shifted from ~41,000 yr to ~100,000 yr duration). Two sites are studied - distal Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 177 Site 1090 (Site 1090) in the eastern subantarctic sector of the South Atlantic Ocean, and proximal ODP Leg 188 Site 1165 (Site 1165), near Prydz Bay, in the Indian Ocean sector of the Antarctic margin. At each of these sites, MIS 31 is marked by the presence of the Jaramillo Subchron (0.988-1.072 Ma; Lourens et al., 2004) which provides a time-marker to correlate these two sites with relative precision. At both sites, records of multiple climate proxies are available to aid in interpretation. The presence of IRD in sediments from our study areas, which include garnets indicating a likely East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) origin, supports the conclusion that although the EAIS apparently withdrew significantly over MIS 31 in the Prydz Bay region and other sectors, some sectors of the EAIS must still have maintained marine margins capable of launching icebergs even through the warmest intervals. Thus, the EAIS did not respond in complete synchrony even to major climate changes such as MIS 31. Further, the record at Site 1090 (supported by records from other subantarctic locations) indicates that the glacial MIS 32 should be reduced to no more than a stadial, and the warm interval of Antarctic ice retreat that includes MIS 31 should be expanded to MIS 33-31. This revised warm interval lasted about 52 kyr, in line with several other interglacials in the benthic d18O records stack of Lisiecki and Raymo (2005), including the super-interglacials MIS 11 (duration of 50 kyr) and MIS 5 (duration of 59 kyr). The record from Antarctica-proximal Site 1165, when interpreted in accord with the record from ANDRILL-1B, indicates that in these southern high latitude sectors, ice sheet retreat and the effects of warming lasted longer than at Site 1090, perhaps until MIS 27. In the current interpretations of the age models of the proximal sites, ice sheet retreat began relatively slowly, and was not really evident until the start of MIS 31. In another somewhat more speculative interpretation, ice sheet retreat began noticeably with MIS 33, and accelerated during MIS 31. Ice sheet inertia (the lag-times in the large-scale responses of major ice sheets to a forcing) likely plays an important part in the timing and scale of these events in vulnerable sectors of the AIS.


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Records of total organic carbon (TOC) and C37 alkenones were used as indicators for past primary productivity in the western and eastern Arabian Sea. Data from GeoB 3005, an open ocean site in the western Arabian Sea upwelling area, are compared with similar records of GeoB 3007 from the Owen Ridge, Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 723 from the continental margin off Oman and MD 900963 from the eastern Arabian Sea. TOC/C37 alkenone records together with other proxies used to reconstruct upwelling intensity, indicate periods of high productivity in tune with precessional forcing all over the Arabian Sea. Based on their phase-relationship to variations in boreal summer insolation they can be divided into three groups. In the western Arabian Sea the precession-related phasing is different between productivity proxies and those for summer monsoon wind strength and upwelling intensity. TOC and C37 alkenone records from the western Arabian Sea lag the other monsoonal indicators by about 5 kyr, but lead productivity indicators from the eastern Arabian Sea by 3 kyr. Based on the differences in phase relationships associated with the precessional cycling between productivity and monsoonal proxies in the western Arabian Sea it is proposed that the TOC/C37 alkenone signal in the western Arabian Sea document a combined signal of moderate SW monsoon winds and of strengthened and prolonged NE monsoon winds. In the eastern Arabian Sea the phasing hints to coincidence between maximum productivity and stronger NE monsoon winds associated with precession-related maxima in ice volume. In contrast, variations in paleoproductivity at site GeoB 3007 from the Owen Ridge indicate productivity maxima during glacial substages 8.2, 6.2 and 2.2, whereas precessionrelated changes are of only minor importance at this location. The results of frequency analyses confirm that productivity at site GeoB 3007 responds predominantly to glacialinterglacial climate changes, while site GeoB 3005 from the open ocean upwelling region near the Gulf of Aden is dominated by precessional insolation. A possible explanation for the pattern revealed at the Owen Ridge is the periodic NW-SE displacement of the Findlater Jet axis, which separates the region of open ocean upwelling to the northwest from downwelling to the southeast ofthe jet. The carbon isotopes of planktic foraminifera reflect nutrient related d13C variations of dissolved inorganic carbon. The difference between the planktic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber (w), living in the upper 50 m of the water column, and the deeper Iiving Neogloboquadrina dutertrei (Delta d13Cr-d) of core GeoB 3005 displays nutrient variations in the upwelling area near the Gulf of Aden. The results of cross-spectral analyses between Deltad13Cr-d of GeoB 3005 and proxies for SW monsoon intensity indicate, too, a dissociation of productivity from monsoonal upwelling intensity. Instead, productivity depends mainly on the availability of nutrients, while upwelling intensity of sub-surface water masses seems to be of only secondary importance. Additionally, sea surface temperatures (SSTs) were reconstructed using the unsaturation ratio of C37 alkenones. Alkenone SSTs reflect annual mean temperatures rather than explicitly the season of upwelling. This is evident from alkenone SSTs in a transect of surface sediments extending from the inner Gulf of Aden into the western Arabian Sea. The alkenone-derived SST records of GeoB 3005 from the open ocean upwelling region near the Gulf of Aden and GeoB 3007 from the Owen Ridge reveal similar variations with high SSTs during interglacial and low SSTs during glacial periods. The glacial marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 6 remains relatively warm and was not as cold as MIS 3 to 4 and 8 according to the alkenone SST. Similar variation-patterns were reconstructed in the coastal upwelling area off Oman for ODP Site 723 as weIl as in the eastern Arabian Sea for MD 900963, where upwelling is not as pronounced as in the western Arabian Sea. Spectral-analyses indicate that SST changes are in good agreement with the modulation of low-latitude precessional insolation changes by eccentricity. However, they do not show the pronounced cydicity in the precessional frequency band, which is characteristic for variations in paleoproductivity. Although the overall variation pattern is very similar, a dose comparison between the western (GeoB 3005) and the eastern Arabian Sea (MD 900963) shows larger differences between both sites during cold intervals than during periods of warm SSTs. This is attributed to a more effective cooling of surface waters in the western Arabian Sea by prolonged NE monsoon winds during times of expanded Northern Hemisphere ice-sheets, thereby lowering the annual mean SSTs stronger than in the eastern Arabian Sea.