901 resultados para Train ferries.
The major thrust of the Education Committee results from the rather urgent need to implement interesting programs in which supervisors may train for examination and certification under the qualifications of the pesticide act. While it is not easy at this time to determine what certification is going to be, what supervisors are going to be involved, what kind of examination they are going to have to take, and how the state is going to interpret all of this, we therefore cannot be specific. The wheels are grinding away, and as you know, the timetable is winding down; and we may be faced with a rather short period of time to get these people qualified. Our industry hopes that we will have the training to offer and that all supervisors from around the country have the opportunity to prepare, take the examination, and be certified.
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability, validity and classification accuracy of the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) in a sample of the Brazilian population. Participants in this study were drawn from three sources: 71 men and women from the general population interviewed at a metropolitan train station; 116 men and women encountered at a bingo venue; and 54 men and women undergoing treatment for gambling. The SOGS and a DSM-IV-based instrument were applied by trained researchers. The internal consistency of the SOGS was 0.75 according to the Cronbach`s alpha model, and construct validity was good. A significant difference among groups was demonstrated by ANOVA (F ((2.238)) = 221.3, P < 0.001). The SOGS items and DSM-IV symptoms were highly correlated (r = 0.854, P < 0.01). The SOGS also presented satisfactory psychometric properties: sensitivity (100), specificity (74.7), positive predictive rate (60.7), negative predictive rate (100) and misclassification rate (0.18). However, a cut-off score of eight improved classification accuracy and reduced the rate of false positives: sensitivity (95.4), specificity (89.8), positive predictive rate (78.5), negative predictive rate (98) and misclassification rate (0.09). Thus, the SOGS was found to be reliable and valid in the Brazilian population.
In this study we examine the impact of Indian Ocean sea surface temperature (SST) variability on South American circulation using observations and a suite of numerical experiments forced by a combination of Indian and Pacific SST anomalies. Previous studies have shown that the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) mode can affect climate over remote regions across the globe, including over South America. Here we show that such a link exists not only with the IOD, but also with the Indian Ocean basin-wide warming (IOBW). The IOBW, a response to El Nino events, tends to reinforce the South American anomalous circulation in March-to-May associated with the warm events in the Pacific. This leads to increased rainfall in the La Plata basin and decreased rainfall over the northern regions of the continent. In addition, the IOBW is suggested to be an important factor for modulating the persistence of dry conditions over northeastern South America during austral autumn. The link between the IOBW and South American climate occurs via alterations of the Walker circulation pattern and through a mid-latitude wave-train teleconnection.
In 2010, an accident occurred in Americana-SP, Brazil, involving two trains and one bus on a Grade Crossing, when 10 people died and 17 were injured including workers. This paper aims to analyze the accident using the Model of Analysis and Prevention of Work Accidents (MAPA). The method provides observation of work, interviews and analysis of documents to understand precedents of the event in the following stages: to understand the usual work from the involved people, the changes occurred in the system, the operation of barriers, managerial and organizational aspects. By the end, measures are suggested to avoid new occurrences. The accident took place at night in a site with insufficient lighting. The working conditions of bus drivers, train operators and watchmen are inadequate. There were only symbolic barriers (visual and acoustic signals) triggered manually by watchman upon train operator radio communication. The fragility of the barrier system associated to poor lighting and short time to trigger the signaling seem to play a critical role in the event. Contrary to the official report which resulted in guilt of the bus driver, the conclusion of the paper emphasizes the fragility of the safety system and the need of level crossing reproject.
The present work employs a set of complementary techniques to investigate the influence of outlying Ru(II) groups on the ground- and excited-state photophysical properties of free-base tetrapyridyl porphyrin (H(2)TPyP). Single pulse and, pulse train Z-scan techniques used M association with laser flash photolysis, absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy, and fluorescence decay measurements, allowed us to conclude that the presence of outlying Ru(II) groups causes significant changes on both electronic structure and vibrational properties of porphyrin. Such modifications take place mainly due to the activation of. nonradiative decay channels responsible for the emission, quenching, as well as by favoring some vibrational modes in the light absorption process, It is also observed that, differently from what happens when the Ru(II) is placed at the center of the macrocycle, the peripheral groups cause an increase of the intersystem crossing processes, probably due to the structural distortion of the ring that implies a worse spin orbit coupling, responsible for the intersystem crossing mechanism.
This study examines the paramilitary training carried out by the Integralist Militia (Militia Integralista), unit of the Brazilian Integralist Action (Acao Integralista Brasileira, AIB) of the extreme right wing political party in Brazil in the 1930s. The training was aimed to create the "integral soldier", a "physically strong, intelligent and soul superior" one. The study analyzes issues of the newspaper "Monitor Integralista", a prescriptive and dogmatic journal of the movement, found in the Public and History Archives of the city of Rio Claro, State of Sao Paulo, and in the "A Offensiva" newspaper, microfilmed an archived at the National Library of Rio de Janeiro. It concludes that Plinio Salgado's goal, the National Head of the AIB, was to train, by using verbal persuasion, speeches, word of mouth and by vote, by force and physical combat, the integralists to defend the causes of the movement.
We used an assembly of electrodes C3 and C4-Cz in order to activate the motor cortical area of the corticobulbar tract to elucidate the motor-evoked potential of the contralateral mentalis muscle. We compared this setup to that of an assembly with electrodes C5 or C6-Cz using a train of electrical pulses and a single electrical pulse. This analysis was made in 23 consecutive patients who underwent several varied surgeries and were prospectively operated on at Santa Paula Hospital between January and June 2011. The results showed that the assembly with C5 or C6-Cz produced a multisynaptic motor-evoked potential in the contralateral mentalis muscle in 86.9 % of the patients, whereas 82.6 % of patients stimulated at points C3 or C4-Cz presented the same response. However, both assemblies showed similar behavior with the use of a single electrical pulse for peripheral contralateral nerve stimulation. We concluded that the C5 or C6-Cz assembly was similar to C3 or C4-Cz in obtaining a multisynaptic response in the contralateral mentalis muscle, although it required less intensive stimulation than the C3 or C4- Cz assembly.
Background: In this study we evaluated the rehabilitation profile of Brazilian soccer players which underwent lower limb muscle lesions. Methods: This is a descriptive investigation. We evaluated 139 professional soccer players (1724 years old). We evaluated the following variables: muscle lesion diagnosis, symptoms, non steroidal anti-inflammatory used, physiotherapy treatment, which physiotherapy recourses was used if treated and train adaptation. Results: In great part of the athletes muscle lesion remained between 2 weeks and 1 month. Around 54% were diagnosed by a physician; the other part was diagnosed by a physical therapist. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory were prescribed by physicians in 42% of the cases; in 7% the physical therapist prescribed the medication while in 49% of the cases the masseur prescribed the drug. More than 1/4 of the athletes received physiotherapy treatement between 48 hours and 5 days. Isometric exercise therapy was applied in 15% of the cases. 63% were not accompanied by the physiotherapist on their return to the field. 48% received massages immediately after injury. Conclusion: We presented discrepancy between the recommended theory described by several researches and the practice. We indicate the necessity of recycling in a general context the rehabilitation of muscle injuries.
During the period of 2001 and 2008, the Brazilian Gymnastics Confederation implemented the gymnasts training boarding center system at the Curitiba Training Center (TC). Using the former Soviet Union model of sports boarding schools, the Brazilian gymnasts started to train together under the supervision of a technical team led by a renowned foreign coach. This article aims to discuss the context of the TC and the system of centralized preparation of the Brazilian women artistic gymnastics (WAG) showing the point of view of the coaches. We conducted a field survey and we interviewed 34 coaches of 29 sport institutions. Among the positive aspects, the coaches reported about the better infrastructure available to the gymnasts. The negative aspects refer to the problems regarding rigorous training, the polarization and the consequent monopolization of athletes showing lack of adaptation of the Soviet model to the WAG characteristics developed in Brazil.
A specific separated-local-field NMR experiment, dubbed Dipolar-Chemical-Shift Correlation (DIPSHIFT) is frequently used to study molecular motions by probing reorientations through the changes in XH dipolar coupling and T-2. In systems where the coupling is weak or the reorientation angle is small, a recoupled variant of the DIPSHIFT experiment is applied, where the effective dipolar coupling is amplified by a REDOR-like pi-pulse train. However, a previously described constant-time variant of this experiment is not sensitive to the motion-induced T-2 effect, which precludes the observation of motions over a large range of rates ranging from hundreds of Hz to around a MHz. We present a DIPSHIFT implementation which amplifies the dipolar couplings and is still sensitive to T-2 effects. Spin dynamics simulations, analytical calculations and experiments demonstrate the sensitivity of the technique to molecular motions, and suggest the best experimental conditions to avoid imperfections. Furthermore, an in-depth theoretical analysis of the interplay of REDOR-like recoupling and proton decoupling based on Average-Hamiltonian Theory was performed, which allowed explaining the origin of many artifacts found in literature data. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background The genetic mechanisms underlying interindividual blood pressure variation reflect the complex interplay of both genetic and environmental variables. The current standard statistical methods for detecting genes involved in the regulation mechanisms of complex traits are based on univariate analysis. Few studies have focused on the search for and understanding of quantitative trait loci responsible for gene × environmental interactions or multiple trait analysis. Composite interval mapping has been extended to multiple traits and may be an interesting approach to such a problem. Methods We used multiple-trait analysis for quantitative trait locus mapping of loci having different effects on systolic blood pressure with NaCl exposure. Animals studied were 188 rats, the progenies of an F2 rat intercross between the hypertensive and normotensive strain, genotyped in 179 polymorphic markers across the rat genome. To accommodate the correlational structure from measurements taken in the same animals, we applied univariate and multivariate strategies for analyzing the data. Results We detected a new quantitative train locus on a region close to marker R589 in chromosome 5 of the rat genome, not previously identified through serial analysis of individual traits. In addition, we were able to justify analytically the parametric restrictions in terms of regression coefficients responsible for the gain in precision with the adopted analytical approach. Conclusion Future work should focus on fine mapping and the identification of the causative variant responsible for this quantitative trait locus signal. The multivariable strategy might be valuable in the study of genetic determinants of interindividual variation of antihypertensive drug effectiveness.
Em 1989, Brandão descrevia o Triângulo Mineiro como “fruto da ambiguidade de seu estigma de fazer parte de Minas, mas ser articulada economicamente a São Paulo.” A mesorregião do Triângulo Mineiro e Alto Paranaíba, faz fronteira com os estados de Goiás, São Paulo e Mato Grosso do Sul, interligando também com a Central Mineira e com o Oeste de Minas, sendo a característica de “rota de passagem” como principal fator do desenvolvimento de sua economia. O posicionamento estratégico da região, como eixo de ligação da capital paulista ao chamado Brasil Central, pode ser considerado um importante fator no estreitamento dos laços entre a região e São Paulo, somado ao sentimento de não pertencimento do Triângulo ao estado de Minas Gerais, o qual resultou por décadas em manifestações separatistas na região. A arquitetura moderna produzida no Triângulo Mineiro e Alto Paranaíba deu um salto significativo no momento de construção da nova capital federal, em finais da década de 1950, onde o papel de mediação, principalmente da cidade de Uberlândia, no processo de infra-estruturação da nova cidade foi determinante nos avanços construtivos do Triângulo. Esse momento coincidiu com o início do processo de verticalização das principais cidades da região e o aumento de arquitetos residentes nas cidades. Por meio, em especial, dos edifícios para as estações ferroviárias da Cia Mogiana, de Oswaldo Arthur Bratke em Uberaba e Uberlândia (déc. 1960) e do Terminal Rodoviário Presidente Castelo Branco em Uberlândia, dos arquitetos Fernando Graça, Flávio Almada e Ivan Curpertino (1970), este trabalho objetiva conduzir uma discussão acerca da produção de arquitetura moderna no Triângulo Mineiro ligada às estratégias de transportes intermunicipais como própria cultura de desenvolvimento econômico da região. Nos interessa valer do debate entre o uso da estética brutalista, e da própria escolha por uma arquitetura moderna, como artifício no plano de desenvolvimento das empresas de transporte, e dos governos locais. Sobretudo, discutir as interlocuções do Triângulo Mineiro com São Paulo, rebatendo-as na formação do conjunto arquitetonico moderno produzido na região. Este trabalho é fruto da pesquisa de mestrado da autora cujo tema central é a difusão da arquitetura moderna no Triângulo Mineiro e Alto Paranaíba, pelo Iau/Usp, e financiado pela Capes.
We report the control of Au nanoparticle (NP) formation by using shaped 30 fs pulses, in a solution containing HAuCl4 and chitosan. By using a sinusoidal spectral phase, a periodic train of pulses is generated. When the period of the pulse train matches certain Raman resonances of chitosan, the reducing agent of the process, an enhancement of the Au NP formation is observed. Theoretical quantum chemical calculations indicate that the outer groups of the chitosan are mostly influenced by low Raman frequencies, which is in reasonably agreement with the experimental data and indicates an enhancement in the Au NP formation as the pulse train period increases (low frequency).
[EN] Leptin and osteocalcin play a role in the regulation of the fat-bone axis and may be altered by exercise. To determine whether osteocalcin reduces fat mass in humans fed ad libitum and if there is a sex dimorphism in the serum osteocalcin and leptin responses to strength training, we studied 43 male (age 23.9 2.4 yr, mean +/- SD) and 23 female physical education students (age 23.2 +/- 2.7 yr). Subjects were randomly assigned to two groups: training (TG) and control (CG). TG followed a strength combined with plyometric jumps training program during 9 wk, whereas the CG did not train. Physical fitness, body composition (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry), and serum concentrations of hormones were determined pre- and posttraining. In the whole group of subjects (pretraining), the serum concentration of osteocalcin was positively correlated (r = 0.29-0.42, P < 0.05) with whole body and regional bone mineral content, lean mass, dynamic strength, and serum-free testosterone concentration (r = 0.32). However, osteocalcin was negatively correlated with leptin concentration (r = -0.37), fat mass (r = -0.31), and the percent body fat (r = -0.44). Both sexes experienced similar relative improvements in performance, lean mass (+4-5%), and whole body (+0.78%) and lumbar spine bone mineral content (+1.2-2%) with training. Serum osteocalcin concentration was increased after training by 45 and 27% in men and women, respectively (P < 0.05). Fat mass was not altered by training. Vastus lateralis type II MHC composition at the start of the training program predicted 25% of the osteocalcin increase after training. Serum leptin concentration was reduced with training in women. In summary, while the relative effects of strength training plus plyometric jumps in performance, muscle hypertrophy, and osteogenesis are similar in men and women, serum leptin concentration is reduced only in women. The osteocalcin response to strength training is, in part, modulated by the muscle phenotype (MHC isoform composition). Despite the increase in osteocalcin, fat mass was not reduced.