968 resultados para Topological entropy


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The BEBO (bond energy-bond order) model of Johnston and Parr is examined with the results of ab initio MO calculations on a series of metathetic reactions which involve hydrogen transfer. Energies are calculated at the 6-31G**/PMP2 = full//6-31G** level while the bond orders are estimated using the 6-31G** basis set with the geometry optimisation at the single configuration unrestricted Hartree-Fock frame. Our analysis reveals that the bond-order exponent in the BEBO theory is greater than unity for the reaction series and the entropy term becomes implicitly present in the BEBO model.


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A geometrically polar granular rod confined in 2D geometry, subjected to a sinusoidal vertical oscillation, undergoes noisy self-propulsion in a direction determined by its polarity. When surrounded by a medium of crystalline spherical beads, it displays substantial negative fluctuations in its velocity. We find that the large-deviation function (LDF) for the normalized velocity is strongly non-Gaussian with a kink at zero velocity, and that the antisymmetric part of the LDF is linear, resembling the fluctuation relation known for entropy production, even when the velocity distribution is clearly non-Gaussian. We extract an analogue of the phase-space contraction rate and find that it compares well with an independent estimate based on the persistence of forward and reverse velocities.


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We study the hydrodynamic properties of strongly coupled SU(N) Yang-Mills theory of the D1-brane at finite temperature and at a non-zero density of R-charge in the framework of gauge/gravity duality. The gravity dual description involves a charged black hole solution of an Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton system in 3 dimensions which is obtained by a consistent truncation of the spinning D1-brane in 10 dimensions. We evaluate thermal and electrical conductivity as well as the bulk viscosity as a function of the chemical potential conjugate to the R-charges of the D1-brane. We show that the ratio of bulk viscosity to entropy density is independent of the chemical potential and is equal to 1/4 pi. The thermal conductivity and bulk viscosity obey a relationship similar to the Wiedemann-Franz law. We show that at the boundary of thermodynamic stability, the charge diffusion mode becomes unstable and the transport coefficients exhibit critical behaviour. Our method for evaluating the transport coefficients relies on expressing the second order differential equations in terms of a first order equation which dictates the radial evolution of the transport coefficient. The radial evolution equations can be solved exactly for the transport coefficients of our interest. We observe that transport coefficients of the D1-brane theory are related to that of the M2-brane by an overall proportionality constant which sets the dimensions.


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We analyze here the occurrence of antiferromagnetic (AFM) correlations in the half-filled Hubbard model in one and two space dimensions using a natural fermionic representation of the model and a newly proposed way of implementing the half-filling constraint. We find that our way of implementing the constraint is capable of enforcing it exactly already at the lowest levels of approximation. We discuss how to develop a systematic adiabatic expansion for the model and how Berry's phase contributions arise quite naturally from the adiabatic expansion. At low temperatures and in the continuum limit the model gets mapped onto an O(3) nonlinear sigma model (NLsigma). A topological, Wess-Zumino term is present in the effective action of the ID NLsigma as expected, while no topological terms are present in 2D. Some specific difficulties that arise in connection with the implementation of an adiabatic expansion scheme within a thermodynamic context are also discussed, and we hint at possible solutions.


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The Gibbs free energy of formation of the orthorhombic form of CaZrO3(o) from monoclinic ZrO2(m) and periclase CaO(p) has been determined as a function of temperature in the range 950-1225 K, using an electrochemical cell incorporating single-crystal CaF2 as the solid electrolyte. The results are corrected for the small solid solubility of CaO in ZrO2. For the reaction, ZrO2(m) + CaO(p) --> CaZrO3(o), DELTAG(phi) = -31590 -13.9T(+/- 180) J mol-1. The ''second-law'' enthalpy of formation of CaZrO3 obtained from the results of this study at a mean temperature of 1090 K is in excellent agreement with the high-temperature solution calorimetric measurements of Muromachi and Navrotsky at 1068 K (J. Solid State Chem., 72 (1988) 244), and the average value of the bomb and acid solution calorimetric studies of Lvova and Feodosev (Zh. Fiz. Khim., 38 (1964) 28), Korneev et al. (Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Neorg. Mater., 7 (1971) 886) and Brown and Bennington (Thermochim. Acta, 106 (1986) 183). The standard entropy of CaZrO3(o) at 298.15 K from the free energy data is 96.4 (+/- 3.5) J K-1 mol-1. The results of this study are discussed in comparison with high-temperture e.m.f. measurements reported in the literature on cubic zirconia solid solutions.


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We re-examine holographic versions of the c-theorem and entanglement entropy in the context of higher curvature gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence. We select the gravity theories by tuning the gravitational couplings to eliminate non-unitary operators in the boundary theory and demonstrate that all of these theories obey a holographic c-theorem. In cases where the dual CFT is even-dimensional, we show that the quantity that flow is the central charge associated with the A-type trace anomaly. Here, unlike in conventional holographic constructions with Einstein gravity, we are able to distinguish this quantity from other central charges or the leading coefficient in the entropy density of a thermal bath. In general, we are also able to identify this quantity with the coefficient of a universal contribution to the entanglement entropy in a particular construction. Our results suggest that these coefficients appearing in entanglement entropy play the role of central charges in odd-dimensional CFT's. We conjecture a new c-theorem on the space of odd-dimensional field theories, which extends Cardy's proposal for even dimensions. Beyond holography, we were able to show that for any even-dimensional CFT, the universal coefficient appearing the entanglement entropy which we calculate is precisely the A-type central charge.


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Phase relations in the system Mn-Rh-O are established at 1273 K by equilibrating different compositions either in evacuated quartz ampules or in pure oxygen at a pressure of 1.01 x 10(5) Pa. The quenched samples are examined by optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX). The alloys and intermetallics in the binary Mn-Rh system are found to be in equilibrium with MnO. There is only one ternary compound, MnRh2O4, with normal spinel structure in the system. The compound Mn3O4 has a tetragonal structure at 1273 K. A solid solution is formed between MnRh2O4 and Mn3O4. The solid solution has the cubic structure over a large range of composition and coexists with metallic rhodium. The partial pressure of oxygen corresponding to this two-phase equilibrium is measured as a function of the composition of the spinel solid solution and temperature. A new solid-state cell, with three separate electrode compartments, is designed to measure accurately the chemical potential of oxygen in the two-phase mixture, Rh + Mn3-2xRh2xO4, which has 1 degree of freedom at constant temperature. From the electromotive force (emf), thermodynamic mixing properties of the Mn3O4-MnRh2O4 solid solution and Gibbs energy of formation of MnRh2O4 are deduced. The activities exhibit negative deviations from Raoult's law for most of the composition range, except near Mn3O4, where a two-phase region exists. In the cubic phase, the entropy of mixing of the two Rh3+ and Mn3+ ions on the octahedral site of the spinel is ideal, and the enthalpy of mixing is positive and symmetric with respect to composition. For the formation of the spinel (sp) from component oxides with rock salt (rs) and orthorhombic (orth) structures according to the reaction, MnO (rs) + Rh2O3 (orth) --> MnRh2O4 (sp), DELTAG-degrees = -49,680 + 1.56T (+/-500) J mol-1. The oxygen potentials corresponding to MnO + Mn3O4 and Rh + Rh2O3 equilibria are also obtained from potentiometric measurements on galvanic cells incorporating yttria-stabilized zirconia as the solid electrolyte. From these results, an oxygen potential diagram for the ternary system is developed.


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Combining site of WBAI is extended and encompasses all the residues of blood group A-reactive trisaccharide [GalNAcalpha3Galbeta4Glc]. Though both of the fucose residues of A-pentasaccharide [GalNAcalpha(Fucalpha2)3Galbeta(Fucalpha3)4Glc] do not directly interact, with the combining site they thermodynamically favour the interaction of GalNAcalpha3Galbeta4Glc part of the molecule by imposing a sterically favourable orientation of the binding epitope viz. GalNAcalpha3Galbeta4Glc of the saccharide. Binding of sugars is driven by enthalpy and is devoid of heat capacity changes. This together with enthalpy-entropy compensation observed for these processes underscore the importance of water reorganization as being one of the principal determinant of protein-sugar interactions.


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The topological disposition of Wolfgram proteins (WP) and their relationship with 2', 3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNPase) in human, rat, sheep, bovine, guinea pig and chicken CNS myelin was investigated. Controlled digestion of myelin with trypsin gave a 35KDa protein band (WP-t) when electrophoresed on dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel in all species. Western blot analysis showed that the WP-t was derived from WP. WP-t was also formed when rat myelin was treated with other proteases such as kallikrein, thermolysin and leucine aminopeptidase. Staining for CNPase activity on nitrocellulose blots showed that WP-t is enzymatically active. Much of the CNPase activity remained with the membrane fraction even after treatment with high concentrations of trypsin when WP were completely hydrolysed and no protein bands with M.W > 14KDa were detected on the gels. Therefore protein fragments of WP with M.W < 14KDa may contain CNPase activity. From these results, it is suggested that the topological disposition of all the various WP is such that a 35KDa fragment is embedded in the lipid bilayer and the remaining fragment exposed at the intraperiod line in the myelin structure which may play a role in the initiation of myelinogenesis.


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An energy landscape view of phase separation and nonideality in binary mixtures is developed by exploring their potential energy landscape (PEL) as functions of temperature and composition. We employ molecular dynamics simulations to study a model that promotes structure breaking in the solute-solvent parent binary liquid, at low temperatures. The PEL of the system captures the potential energy distribution of the inherent structures (IS) of the system and is obtained by removing the kinetic energy (including that of intermolecular vibrations). The broader distribution of the inherent structure energy for structure breaking liquid than that of the structure making liquid demonstrates the larger role of entropy in stabilizing the parent liquid of the structure breaking type of binary mixtures. At high temperature, although the parent structure of the structure breaking binary mixture is homogenous, the corresponding inherent structure is found to be always phase separated, with a density pattern that exhibits marked correlation with the energy of its inherent structure. Over a broad range of intermediate inherent structure energy, bicontinuous phase separation prevails with interpenetrating stripes as signatures of spinodal decomposition. At low inherent structure energy, the structure is largely phase separated with one interface where as at high inherent structure energy we find nucleation type growth. Interestingly, at low temperature, the average inherent structure energy (< EIS >) exhibits a drop with temperature which signals the onset of crystallization in one of the phases while the other remains in the liquid state. The nonideal composition dependence of viscosity is anticorrelated with average inherent structure energy.


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Experimental charge density distribution in 2-chloro-4-fluorobenzoic acid and 4-fluorobenzamide has been carried out using high resolution X-ray diffraction data collected at 100 K using Hansen-Coppens multipolar formalism of electron density. These compounds display short Cl center dot center dot center dot F and F center dot center dot center dot F interactions, respectively. The experimental results are compared with the theoretical charge densities using theoretical structure factors obtained from periodic quantum calculation at the B3LYP/6-31G** level. The topological features were derived from Bader's ``atoms in molecules'' (AIM) approach. Intermolecular Cl center dot center dot center dot F interaction in 2-chloro-4-fluorobenzoic acid is attractive in nature (type II interaction) while the nature of F center dot center dot center dot F interactions in 4-fluorobenzamide shows indication of a minor decrease in repulsion (type I interaction), though the extent of polarization on the fluorine atom is arguably small.


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In the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, we consider possible ''phase turbulent'' regimes, where asymptotic correlations are controlled by phase fluctuations rather than by topological defects. Conjecturing that the decay of such correlations is governed by the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) model of growing interfaces, we derive the following results: (1) A scaling ansatz implies that equal-time spatial correlations in 1d, 2d, and 3d decay like e(-Ax2 zeta), where A is a nonuniversal constant, and zeta=1/2 in 1d. (2) Temporal correlations decay as exp(-t(2 beta)h(t/L(z))), with the scaling law <(beta)over bar> = <(zeta)over bar>/z, where z = 3/2, 1.58..., and 1.66..., for d = 1,2, and 3 respectively. The scaling function h(y) approaches a constant as y --> 0, and behaves like y(2(beta-<(beta)over bar>)), for large y. If in 3d the associated KPZ model turns out to be in its weak-coupling (''smooth'') phase, then, instead of the above behavior, the CGLE exhibits rotating long-range order whose connected correlations decay like 1/x in space or 1/t(1/2) in time. (3) For system sizes, L, and times t respectively less than a crossover length, L(c), and time, t(c), correlations are governed by the free-field or Edwards-Wilkinson (EW) equation, rather than the KPZ model. In 1d, we find that L(c) is large: L(c) similar to 35,000; for L < L(c) we show numerical evidence for stretched exponential decay of temporal correlations with an exponent consistent with the EW value beta(EW)= 1/4.


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This paper describes an algorithm for constructing the solid model (boundary representation) from pout data measured from the faces of the object. The poznt data is assumed to be clustered for each face. This algorithm does not require any compuiier model of the part to exist and does not require any topological infarmation about the part to be input by the user. The property that a convex solid can be constructed uniquely from geometric input alone is utilized in the current work. Any object can be represented a5 a combznatzon of convex solids. The proposed algorithm attempts to construct convex polyhedra from the given input. The polyhedra so obtained are then checked against the input data for containment and those polyhedra, that satisfy this check, are combined (using boolean union operation) to realise the solid model. Results of implementation are presented.


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A unique correlation has been established between Kauzmann temperature (Tk1) and the odd–even effect in n‐alkanes. The derived new parameter, i.e., Tm/Tk1 obtained from entropy conservation at Tk1, when plotted against chain length, provides a much sharper odd–even contrast than entropy of fusion plot reported earlier. © 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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Interest in the applicability of fluctuation theorems to the thermodynamics of single molecules in external potentials has recently led to calculations of the work and total entropy distributions of Brownian oscillators in static and time-dependent electromagnetic fields. These calculations, which are based on solutions to a Smoluchowski equation, are not easily extended to a consideration of the other thermodynamic quantity of interest in such systems-the heat exchanges of the particle alone-because of the nonlinear dependence of the heat on a particle's stochastic trajectory. In this paper, we show that a path integral approach provides an exact expression for the distribution of the heat fluctuations of a charged Brownian oscillator in a static magnetic field. This approach is an extension of a similar path integral approach applied earlier by our group to the calculation of the heat distribution function of a trapped Brownian particle, which was found, in the limit of long times, to be consistent with experimental data on the thermal interactions of single micron-sized colloids in a viscous solvent.