848 resultados para Titanium impurities


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Dimethyl methyl phosphonate (DMMP), diethyl methyl phosphonate (DEMP), and fluorophenols undergo rapid decomposition upon TiO2 catalyzed photooxidation in air saturated aqueous solution. The degradation rates of DMMP were determined over a range of temperatures, under solar and artificial irradiation with and without simultaneous sonication. Solar illumination is effective for the degradation and the use of low energy of sonication increases the rate of mineralization. The surface area and the type of TiO2 dramatically affect the photoactivity of the catalyst. A number of intermediate products are formed and ultimately oxidized to phosphate and carbon dioxide. Possible reaction mechanisms and pathways for DMMP and DEMP are proposed. The Langmuir- Hinshelwood kinetic parameters for the photocatalysis of fluorophenols suggest modestly different reactivity for each isomer. The adsorption constant is largest for the ortho isomer consistent with the adsorption onto TiO2 through both hydroxyl and fluoride groups to form a chelated type structure.


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Sea floor dredging by the H.M.S. Challenger, the U.S.S. Albatross, the U.S.S. EPC(R) 857, and vessels of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography shows that extensive deposits of manganese nodules are on the deep sea floor and that crusts of manganese dioxide cover many seamounts. Sea floor photography reveals that in some places these crusts are quite continuous and the nodules are closely packed. These crusts and nodules are fully oxidized and hydrated mixtures of man¬ganese and iron plus earthy impurities. Also, relatively high concen¬trations of the trace elements nickel, copper, and cobalt are present.


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A combinação da Moldagem por Injeção de pós Metálicos (Metal Injection Moulding MIM) e o Método do Retentor Espacial (Space Holder Method - SHM) é uma técnica promissora para fabricação de peças porosas de titânio com porosidade bem definida como implantes biomédicos, uma vez que permite um alto grau de automatização e redução dos custos de produção em larga escala quando comparado a técnica tradicional (SHM e usinagem a verde). Contudo a aplicação desta técnica é limitada pelo fato que há o fechamento parcial da porosidade na superfície das amostras, levando ao deterioramento da fixação do implante ao osso. E além disso, até o presente momento não foi possível atingir condições de processamento estáveis quando a quantidade de retentor espacial excede 50 vol. %. Entretanto, a literatura descreve que a melhor faixa de porosidade para implantes de titânio para coluna vertebral está entre 60 - 65 vol. %. Portanto, no presente estudo, duas abordagens foram conduzidas visando a produção de amostras altamente porosas através da combinação de MIM e SHM com o valor constante de retentor espacial de 70 vol. % e uma porosidade aberta na superfície. Na primeira abordagem, a quantidade ótima de retentor espacial foi investigada, para tal foram melhorados a homogeneização do feedstock e os parâmetros de processo com o propósito de permitir a injeção do feedstock. Na segunda abordagem, tratamento por plasma foi aplicado nas amostras antes da etapa final de sinterização. Ambas rotas resultaram na melhoria da estabilidade dimensional das amostras durante a extração térmica do ligante e sinterização, permitindo a sinterização de amostras de titânio altamente porosas sem deformação da estrutura.


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A thermal evaporation method developed in the research group enables to grow and design several morphologies of semiconducting oxide nanostructures, such as Ga_2O_3, GeO_2 or Sb_2O_3, among others, and some ternary oxide compounds (ZnGa_2O_4, Zn_2GeO_4). In order to tailor physical properties, a successful doping of these nanostructures is required. However, for nanostructured materials, doping may affect not only their physical properties, but also their morphology during the thermal growth process. In this paper, we will show some examples of how the addition of impurities may result into the formation of complex structures, or changes in the structural phase of the material. In particular, we will consider the addition of Sn and Cr impurities into the precursors used to grow Ga_2O_3, Zn_2GeO_4 and Sb_2O_3 nanowires, nanorods or complex nanostructures, such as crossing wires or hierarchical structures. Structural and optical properties were assessed by electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), confocal microscopy, spatially resolved cathodoluminescence (CL), photoluminescence, and Raman spectroscopies. The growth mechanisms, the luminescence bands and the optical confinement in the obtained oxide nanostructures will be discussed. In particular, some of these nanostructures have been found to be of interest as optical microcavities. These nanomaterials may have applications in optical sensing and energy devices.


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Surface modification of rutile TiO2 with extremely small SnO2 clusters gives rise to a great increase in its UV light activity for degradation of model organic water pollutants, while the effect is much smaller for anatase TiO2. This crystal form sensitivity is rationalized in terms of the difference in the electronic modification of TiO2 through the interfacial Sn−O−Ti bonds. The increase in the density of states near the conduction band minimum of rutile by hybridization with the SnO2 cluster levels intensifies the light absorption, but this is not seen with modified anatase. The electronic transition from the valence band to the conduction band causes the bulk-to-surface interfacial electron transfer to enhance charge separation. Further, electrons relaxed to the conduction minimum are smoothly transferred to O2 due to the action of the SnO2 species as an electron transfer promoter.


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Cu(acac)2 is chemisorbed on TiO2 particles [P-25 (anatase/rutile = 4/1 w/w), Degussa] via coordination by surface Ti–OH groups without elimination of the acac ligand. Post-heating of the Cu(acac)2-adsorbed TiO2 at 773 K yields molecular scale copper(II) oxide clusters on the surface (CuO/TiO2). The copper loading amount (Γ/Cu ions nm–2) is controlled in a wide range by the Cu(acac)2 concentration and the chemisorption–calcination cycle number. Valence band (VB) X-ray photoelectron and photoluminescence spectroscopy indicated that the VB maximum of TiO2 rises up with increasing Γ, while vacant midgap levels are generated. The surface modification gives rise to visible-light activity and concomitant significant increase in UV-light activity for the degradation of 2-naphthol and p-cresol. Prolonging irradiation time leads to the decomposition to CO2, which increases in proportion to irradiation time. The photocatalytic activity strongly depends on the loading, Γ, with an optimum value of Γ for the photocatalytic activity. Electrochemical measurements suggest that the surface CuO clusters promote the reduction of adsorbed O2. First principles density functional theory simulations clearly show that, at Γ < 1, unoccupied Cu 3d levels are generated in the midgap region, and at Γ > 1, the VB maximum rises and the unoccupied Cu 3d levels move to the conduction band minimum of TiO2. These results suggest that visible-light excitation of CuO/TiO2 causes the bulk-to-surface interfacial electron transfer at low coverage and the surface-to-bulk interfacial electron transfer at high coverage. We conclude that the surface CuO clusters enhance the separation of photogenerated charge carriers by the interfacial electron transfer and the subsequent reduction of adsorbed O2 to achieve the compatibility of high levels of visible and UV-light activities.


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For the SNO+ neutrinoless double beta decay search, various backgrounds, ranging from impurities present naturally to those produced cosmogenically, must be understood and reduced. Cosmogenic backgrounds are particularly difficult to reduce as they are continually regenerated while exposed to high energy cosmic rays. To reduce these cosmogenics as much as possible the tellurium used for the neutrinoless double beta decay search will be purified underground. An analysis of the purification factors achievable for insoluble cosmogenic impurities found a reduction factor of $>$20.4 at 50\% C.L.. During the purification process the tellurium will come into contact with ultra pure water and nitric acid. These liquids both carry some cosmogenic impurities with them that could be potentially transferred to the tellurium. A conservative limit is set at $<$18 events in the SNO+ region of interest (ROI) per year as a result of contaminants from these liquids. In addition to cosmogenics brought underground, muons can produce radioactive isotopes while the tellurium is stored underground. A study on the rate at which muons produce these backgrounds finds an additional 1 event per year. In order to load the tellurium into the detector, it will be combined with 1,2-butanediol to form an organometallic complex. The complex was found to have minimal effect on the SNO+ acrylic vessel for 154 years.


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We present data on the depression of the superconducting transition temperatures of YB(6) and ZrB(12) by rare earth impurities. These data show unusual features. Ce in YB(6) is in some ways analogous to Yb in ZrB(12), and this analogy also appears to hold between Ce in CeB(6) and YB in YbB(12).