958 resultados para Teachers – Continuous Formation


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Graphene films with different structures were catalytically grown on the silicon substrate pre-deposited with a gold film by hot filament chemical vapor deposition under different conditions, where methane, hydrogen and nitrogen were used as the reactive gases. The morphological and compositional properties of graphene films were studied using advanced instruments including field emission scanning electron microscopy, micro-Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results indicate that the structure and composition of graphene films are changed with the variation of the growth conditions. According to the theory related to thermodynamics, the formation of graphene films was theoretically analyzed and the results indicate that the formation of graphene films is related to the fast incorporation and precipitation of carbon. The electron field emission (EFE) properties of graphene films were studied in a high vacuum system of ∼10-6 Pa and the EFE results show that the turn-on field is in a range of 5.2-5.64 V μm-1 and the maximum current density is about 63 μ A cm-2 at the field of 7.7 V μm-1. These results are important to control the structure of graphene films and have the potential applications of graphene in various nanodevices.


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Plasma plumes with exotically segmented channel structure and plasma bullet propagation are produced in atmospheric plasma jets. This is achieved by tailoring interruptions of a continuous DC power supply over the time scales of lifetimes of residual electrons produced by the preceding discharge phase. These phenomena are explained by studying the plasma dynamics using nanosecond-precision imaging. One of the plumes is produced using 2-10μs interruptions in the 8kV DC voltage and features a still bright channel from which a propagating bullet detaches. A shorter interruption of 900ns produces a plume with the additional long conducting dark channel between the jet nozzle and the bright area. The bullet size, formation dynamics, and propagation speed and distance can be effectively controlled. This may lead to micrometer-and nanosecond-precision delivery of quantized plasma bits, warranted for next-generation health, materials, and device technologies.


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We have demonstrated the nonlinear absorption at 532 nm wavelength in an Au semi-continuous film (SF) resulting from smearing of the Fermi distribution and diffusion of conduction electrons into the substrate. The Au SF was irradiated by a pulsed laser with 8 ns pulse width at 532 nm in near resonance with the interband transition of the Au. We determined the temperature increase in the SF for different intensities by electrical measurement. We calculated the temperature increase by using a 1D heat transport equation; comparing the results of the calculation with measured values for the temperature increase, revealed the nonlinear absorption in the Au SF. We employed this deviation from linear behaviour to determine the nonlinear absorption coefficient.


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The charge and chemical composition of ambient particles in an urban environment were determined using a Neutral Particle and Air Ion Spectrometer and an Aerodyne compact Time-Of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer. Particle formation and growth events were observed on 20 of the 36 days of sampling, with eight of these events classified as strong. During these events, peaks in the concentration of intermediate and large ions were followed by peaks in the concentration of ammonium and sulphate, which were not observed in the organic fraction. Comparison of days with and without particle formation events revealed that ammonium and sulphate were the dominant species on particle formation days while high concentrations of biomass burning OA inhibited particle growth. Analyses of the degree of particle neutralisation lead us to conclude that an excess of ammonium enabled particle formation and growth. In addition, the large ion concentration increased sharply during particle growth, suggesting that during nucleation the neutral gaseous species ammonia and sulphuric acid react to form ammonium and sulphate ions. Overall, we conclude that the mechanism of particle formation and growth involved ammonia and sulphuric acid, with limited input from organics.


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The formation of Ge quantum dot arrays by deposition from a low-temperature plasma environment is investigated by kinetic Monte Carlo numerical simulation. It is demonstrated that balancing of the Ge influx from the plasma against surface diffusion provides an effective control of the surface processes and can result in the formation of very small densely packed quantum dots. In the supply-controlled mode, a continuous layer is formed which is then followed by the usual Stranski-Krastanow fragmentation with a nanocluster size of 10 nm. In the diffusion-controlled mode, with the oversupply relative to the surface diffusion rate, nanoclusters with a characteristic size of 3 nm are formed. Higher temperatures change the mode to supply controlled and thus encourage formation of the continuous layer that then fragments into an array of large size. The use of a high rate of deposition, easily accessible using plasma techniques, changes the mode to diffusion controlled and thus encourages formation of a dense array of small nanoislands.


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The controlled growth of ultra-small Ge/Si quantum dot (QD) nuclei (≈1 nm) suitable for the synthesis of uniform nanopatterns with high surface coverage, is simulated using atom-only and size non-uniform cluster fluxes. It is found that seed nuclei of more uniform sizes are formed when clusters of non-uniform size are deposited. This counter-intuitive result is explained via adatom-nanocluster interactions on Si(100) surfaces. Our results are supported by experimental data on the geometric characteristics of QD patterns synthesized by nanocluster deposition. This is followed by a description of the role of plasmas as non-uniform cluster sources and the impact on surface dynamics. The technique challenges conventional growth modes and is promising for deterministic synthesis of nanodot arrays.


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Cluster ions and charged and neutral nanoparticle concentrations were monitored using a neutral cluster and air ion spectrometer (NAIS) over a period of one year in Brisbane, Australia. The study yielded 242 complete days of usable data, of which particle formation events were observed on 101 days. Small, intermediate and large ion concentrations were evaluated in real time. In the diurnal cycle, small ion concentration was highest during the second half of the night while large ion concentrations were a maximum during the day. The small ion concentration showed a decrease when the large ion concentration increased. Particle formation was generally followed by a peak in the intermediate ion concentration. The rate of increase of intermediate ions was used as the criteria for identifying particle formation events. Such events were followed by a period of growth to larger sizes and usually occurred between 8 am and 2 pm. Particle formation events were found to be related to the wind direction. The gaseous precursors for the production of secondary particles in the urban environment of Brisbane have been shown to be ammonia and sulfuric acid. During these events, the nanoparticle number concentrations in the size range 1.6 to 42 nm, which were normally lower than 1x104 cm-3, often exceeded 5x104 cm-3 with occasional values over 1x105 cm-3. Cluster ions generally occurred in number concentrations between 300 and 600 cm-3 but decreased significantly to about 200 cm-3 during particle formation events. This was accompanied by an increase in the large ion concentration. We calculated the fraction of nanoparticles that were charged and investigated the occurrence of possible overcharging during particle formation events. Overcharging is defined as the condition where the charged fraction of particles is higher than in charge equilibrium. This can occur when cluster ions attach to neutral particles in the atmosphere, giving rise to larger concentrations of charged particles in the short term. Ion-induced nucleation is one of the mechanisms of particle formation in the atmosphere, and overcharging has previously been considered as an indicator of this process. The possible role of ions in particle formation was investigated.


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We examine the effect of a kinetic undercooling condition on the evolution of a free boundary in Hele--Shaw flow, in both bubble and channel geometries. We present analytical and numerical evidence that the bubble boundary is unstable and may develop one or more corners in finite time, for both expansion and contraction cases. This loss of regularity is interesting because it occurs regardless of whether the less viscous fluid is displacing the more viscous fluid, or vice versa. We show that small contracting bubbles are described to leading order by a well-studied geometric flow rule. Exact solutions to this asymptotic problem continue past the corner formation until the bubble contracts to a point as a slit in the limit. Lastly, we consider the evolving boundary with kinetic undercooling in a Saffman--Taylor channel geometry. The boundary may either form corners in finite time, or evolve to a single long finger travelling at constant speed, depending on the strength of kinetic undercooling. We demonstrate these two different behaviours numerically. For the travelling finger, we present results of a numerical solution method similar to that used to demonstrate the selection of discrete fingers by surface tension. With kinetic undercooling, a continuum of corner-free travelling fingers exists for any finger width above a critical value, which goes to zero as the kinetic undercooling vanishes. We have not been able to compute the discrete family of analytic solutions, predicted by previous asymptotic analysis, because the numerical scheme cannot distinguish between solutions characterised by analytic fingers and those which are corner-free but non-analytic.


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There is substantial attention worldwide to the quality of secondary school teaching in STEM in Education. This paper reports on the use of Outcome Mapping (OM) as an approach to guide and monitor change in teacher practice and a visual tool, shaped as a Star, to benchmark and monitor this behaviour. OM and the visual tool were employed to guide and document three secondary teachers’ behaviour as they planned, implemented and assessed a science unit in the new Australian standards-referenced curriculum. Five key outcome markers in the teachers’ behaviour were identified together with progress markers — cumulative qualitative indicators — leading to these outcomes. The use of a Star to benchmark and track teachers’ behaviours was particularly useful because it showed teacher behaviour on multiple dimensions simultaneously at various points in time. It also highlighted priorities in need of further attention and provided a pathway to achievement. Hence, OM and the Star representation provide both theoretical and pragmatic approaches to enhancing quality in STEM teaching.


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In recent years fine and ultra fine particles emitted from internal combustion engines have attracted an increasing level of attention. This attention has arisen from epidemiological studies conducted by a number of research groups and pointing to the health effects resulting from inhalation of fine particles. Previous studies on the influence of fuel sulfur level on diesel vehicle emissions were mainly concentrated on particle mass emissions. This study aims at investigating the influence of the reduction of diesel fuel sulfur level on the emission and formation of nanoparticles


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This article analyses ‘performance government’ as an emergent form of rule in advanced liberal democracies. It discloses how teachers and school leaders in Australia are being governed by the practices of performance government which centre on the recently established Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) and are given direction by two major strategies implicit within the exercise of this form of power: activation and regulation. Through an ‘analytics of government’ of these practices, the article unravels the new configurations of corporatized expert and academic knowledge—and their attendant methods of application—by which the self-governing capacities of teachers and school leaders are being activated and regulated in ways that seek to optimize the performance of these professionals. The article concludes by outlining some of the dangers of performance government for the professional freedom of educators and school leaders.


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Cleavage and polyadenylation factor (CPF) is a multi‐protein complex that functions in pre‐mRNA 3′‐end formation and in the RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) transcription cycle. Ydh1p/Cft2p is an essential component of CPF but its precise role in 3′‐end processing remained unclear. We found that mutations in YDH1 inhibited both the cleavage and the polyadenylation steps of the 3′‐end formation reaction in vitro. Recently, we demonstrated that an important function of CPF lies in the recognition of poly(A) site sequences and RNA binding analyses suggesting that Ydh1p/Cft2p interacts with the poly(A) site region. Here we show that mutant ydh1 strains are deficient in the recognition of the ACT1 cleavage site in vivo. The C‐terminal domain (CTD) of RNAP II plays a major role in coupling 3′‐end processing and transcription. We provide evidence that Ydh1p/Cft2p interacts with the CTD of RNAP II, several other subunits of CPF and with Pcf11p, a component of CF IA. We propose that Ydh1p/Cft2p contributes to the formation of important interaction surfaces that mediate the dynamic association of CPF with RNAP II, the recognition of poly(A) site sequences and the assembly of the polyadenylation machinery on the RNA substrate.


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The major structural components of HIV are synthesized as a 55-kDa polyprotein, Gag. Particle formation is driven by the self-assembly of Gag into a curved hexameric lattice, the structure of which is poorly understood. We used cryoelectron tomography and contrast-transfer-function corrected subtomogram averaging to study the structure of the assembled immature Gag lattice to approximate to 17-angstrom resolution. Gag is arranged in the immature virus as a single, continuous, but incomplete hexameric lattice whose curvature is mediated without a requirement for pentameric defects. The resolution of the structure allows positioning of individual protein domains. High-resolution crystal structures were fitted into the reconstruction to locate protein-protein interfaces involved in Gag assembly, and to identify the structural transformations associated with virus maturation. The results of this study suggest a concept for the formation of nonsymmetrical enveloped viruses of variable sizes.


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Current models of HIV-1 morphogenesis hold that newly synthesized viral Gag polyproteins traffic to and assemble at the cell membrane into spherical protein shells. The resulting late-budding structure is thought to be released by the cellular ESCRT machinery severing the membrane tether connecting it to the producer cell. Using electron tomography and scanning transmission electron microscopy, we find that virions have a morphology and composition distinct from late-budding sites. Gag is arranged as a continuous but incomplete sphere in the released virion. In contrast, late-budding sites lacking functional ESCRT exhibited a nearly closed Gag sphere. The results lead us to propose that budding is initiated by Gag assembly, but is completed in an ESCRT-dependent manner before the Gag sphere is complete. This suggests that ESCRT functions early in HIV-1 release-akin to its role in vesicle formation-and is not restricted to severing the thin membrane tether.


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MicroRNAs are small non-coding RNAs that mediate post-transcriptional gene silencing. Fear-extinction learning in C57/Bl6J mice led to increased expression of the brain-specific microRNA miR-128b, which disrupted stability of several plasticity-related target genes and regulated formation of fear-extinction memory. Increased miR-128b activity may therefore facilitate the transition from retrieval of the original fear memory toward the formation of a new fear-extinction memory.