1000 resultados para Técnica de Amostragem Linear
Linear response functions are implemented for a vibrational configuration interaction state allowing accurate analytical calculations of pure vibrational contributions to dynamical polarizabilities. Sample calculations are presented for the pure vibrational contributions to the polarizabilities of water and formaldehyde. We discuss the convergence of the results with respect to various details of the vibrational wave function description as well as the potential and property surfaces. We also analyze the frequency dependence of the linear response function and the effect of accounting phenomenologically for the finite lifetime of the excited vibrational states. Finally, we compare the analytical response approach to a sum-over-states approach
A variational approach for reliably calculating vibrational linear and nonlinear optical properties of molecules with large electrical and/or mechanical anharmonicity is introduced. This approach utilizes a self-consistent solution of the vibrational Schrödinger equation for the complete field-dependent potential-energy surface and, then, adds higher-level vibrational correlation corrections as desired. An initial application is made to static properties for three molecules of widely varying anharmonicity using the lowest-level vibrational correlation treatment (i.e., vibrational Møller-Plesset perturbation theory). Our results indicate when the conventional Bishop-Kirtman perturbation method can be expected to break down and when high-level vibrational correlation methods are likely to be required. Future improvements and extensions are discussed
O estudo teve por objetivo identificar o Índice de Segurança Técnica (IST) da equipe de enfermagem da Unidade de Pediatria do Hospital Universitário da USP, no período de 2001 a 2005. Os percentuais de cada tipo de ausência, dos profissionais de enfermagem, foram obtidos junto ao Departamento de Enfermagem ou calculados com base nas equações propostas na literatura. O percentual de ausências por folgas correspondeu ao maior percentual de cobertura dos trabalhadores de enfermagem. Os percentuais totais de ausências não previstas foram inferiores àqueles referentes às ausências previstas, contrariando o discurso das enfermeiras que relacionam esse tipo de ausência como o principal responsável pela insuficiência de pessoal nas instituições de saúde. A variação dos ISTs apontou a importância de serem realizadas avaliações sistemáticas das ausências da equipe de enfermagem, assim como de se identificarem índices específicos das unidades, como subsídio para a avaliação do quadro de pessoal nas organizações de saúde.
The behaviour of a new elastoplastic shear link dissipator has been analysed in the first part of this paper. The second part describes experimental and numerical studies for a SDOF non-standard dual system protected with shear dissipators. High and intermediate stiff deal systems with this Device have presented smaller values of the shear base force and the interstory drift when compared to linear and elastic systems response. It has been appreciated that most of introduced energy is dissipated when a low ratio between the main frame stiffness and dissipation system stiffness is hold. It has been also observed that a higher ratio between the dissipator yielding force and the total mass drives to a more reduced structural response. Finally is has been appreciated than the absorbed energy might be predicted using the velocity pseudo-spectra and an effective fundamental period, that has been defined by using the minimum secant stiffness of dual system
O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a execução e verificar a adesão à técnica de lavagem das mãos por alunos de um Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem. A pesquisa foi realizada com 113 alunos que estavam cumprindo estágio em instituições de saúde do município de São Paulo. Os dados foram coletados por observação direta utilizando um instrumento em forma de check-list com os passos da técnica. Os alunos do 2º e 3º ano obtiveram melhor desempenho na maioria dos passos na execução da técnica, com diferença estatisticamente significante, quando comparados ao 4º ano. A adesão aos passos da técnica pelos alunos foi muito baixa, pois apresentaram adesão menor que 50% em metade dos passos. A média de alunos que executou todos os passos da técnica corretamente foi muito baixa, 8,8%. Os alunos observados não realizaram a técnica de lavagem das mãos conforme recomendado.
Estudio prospectivo sobre la realización de cirugía cerebral con el paciente despierto para la exéresis de lesiones cerebrales que afectan o se encuentran cerca de áreas elocuentes (área motora, sensitiva, del lenguaje y visual). El trabajo se centra en los grados de resección que se consiguen en esta clase de cirugía, metodología a seguir, tolerancia de los pacientes, evolución de la sintomatología tras la cirugía y complicaciones intra y postoperatorios.
El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la valía diagnóstica de una biopsia de interfase protésica (BIP) preoperatoria para aislar la bacteria en casos de infección periprotésica crónica con aspirado articular “seco”. Para ello se realizó una revisión retrospectiva de 24 pacientes. Los resultados de los cultivos de la BIP se compararon con los resultados de los cultivos de las muestras intraoperatorias. La sensibilidad fue de un 88,2%, la especificidad del 100%, el valor predictivo positivo del 100% y el valor predictivo negativo del 77,9%. La eficacia global fue del 91,6%. La BIP resultó una prueba efectiva.
In a number of programs for gene structure prediction in higher eukaryotic genomic sequences, exon prediction is decoupled from gene assembly: a large pool of candidate exons is predicted and scored from features located in the query DNA sequence, and candidate genes are assembled from such a pool as sequences of nonoverlapping frame-compatible exons. Genes are scored as a function of the scores of the assembled exons, and the highest scoring candidate gene is assumed to be the most likely gene encoded by the query DNA sequence. Considering additive gene scoring functions, currently available algorithms to determine such a highest scoring candidate gene run in time proportional to the square of the number of predicted exons. Here, we present an algorithm whose running time grows only linearly with the size of the set of predicted exons. Polynomial algorithms rely on the fact that, while scanning the set of predicted exons, the highest scoring gene ending in a given exon can be obtained by appending the exon to the highest scoring among the highest scoring genes ending at each compatible preceding exon. The algorithm here relies on the simple fact that such highest scoring gene can be stored and updated. This requires scanning the set of predicted exons simultaneously by increasing acceptor and donor position. On the other hand, the algorithm described here does not assume an underlying gene structure model. Indeed, the definition of valid gene structures is externally defined in the so-called Gene Model. The Gene Model specifies simply which gene features are allowed immediately upstream which other gene features in valid gene structures. This allows for great flexibility in formulating the gene identification problem. In particular it allows for multiple-gene two-strand predictions and for considering gene features other than coding exons (such as promoter elements) in valid gene structures.
Error-correcting codes and matroids have been widely used in the study of ordinary secret sharing schemes. In this paper, the connections between codes, matroids, and a special class of secret sharing schemes, namely, multiplicative linear secret sharing schemes (LSSSs), are studied. Such schemes are known to enable multiparty computation protocols secure against general (nonthreshold) adversaries.Two open problems related to the complexity of multiplicative LSSSs are considered in this paper. The first one deals with strongly multiplicative LSSSs. As opposed to the case of multiplicative LSSSs, it is not known whether there is an efficient method to transform an LSSS into a strongly multiplicative LSSS for the same access structure with a polynomial increase of the complexity. A property of strongly multiplicative LSSSs that could be useful in solving this problem is proved. Namely, using a suitable generalization of the well-known Berlekamp–Welch decoder, it is shown that all strongly multiplicative LSSSs enable efficient reconstruction of a shared secret in the presence of malicious faults. The second one is to characterize the access structures of ideal multiplicative LSSSs. Specifically, the considered open problem is to determine whether all self-dual vector space access structures are in this situation. By the aforementioned connection, this in fact constitutes an open problem about matroid theory, since it can be restated in terms of representability of identically self-dual matroids by self-dual codes. A new concept is introduced, the flat-partition, that provides a useful classification of identically self-dual matroids. Uniform identically self-dual matroids, which are known to be representable by self-dual codes, form one of the classes. It is proved that this property also holds for the family of matroids that, in a natural way, is the next class in the above classification: the identically self-dual bipartite matroids.
A systolic array to implement lattice-reduction-aided lineardetection is proposed for a MIMO receiver. The lattice reductionalgorithm and the ensuing linear detections are operated in the same array, which can be hardware-efficient. All-swap lattice reduction algorithm (ASLR) is considered for the systolic design.ASLR is a variant of the LLL algorithm, which processes all lattice basis vectors within one iteration. Lattice-reduction-aided linear detection based on ASLR and LLL algorithms have very similarbit-error-rate performance, while ASLR is more time efficient inthe systolic array, especially for systems with a large number ofantennas.
Os enfermeiros na era da informação precisam desenvolver seus conhecimentos e habilidades para que se tornem competentes nessa área. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o conhecimento dos alunos matriculados no primeiro e no oitavo semestres do curso de graduação em enfermagem dos anos de 2008 e 2007, respectivamente, no que se refere à utilização de recursos da informática. Trata-se de uma pesquisa não experimental do tipo estudo survey descritivo exploratório usado para a coleta dos dados em um questionário baseado em um conjunto de competências em informática. Os resultados mostraram o baixo índice de conhecimentos em informática dos alunos que estão ingressando no curso de graduação. Contudo, na comparação dos aplicativos que os alunos têm maior dificuldade, entre os dois períodos avaliados, a maior porcentagem foi de alunos do oitavo semestre, demonstrando a necessidade da introdução do uso do computador na formação desses novos profissionais para sua posterior adaptação ao mercado de trabalho.
Este trabajo académico consiste en un análisis de los problemas que pueden surgir en las traducciones científico-técnicas, especialmente desde la vertiente del traductor no médico, y en la comparación de las soluciones que proponen diversas fuentes de consulta disponibles.
An important statistical development of the last 30 years has been the advance in regression analysis provided by generalized linear models (GLMs) and generalized additive models (GAMs). Here we introduce a series of papers prepared within the framework of an international workshop entitled: Advances in GLMs/GAMs modeling: from species distribution to environmental management, held in Riederalp, Switzerland, 6-11 August 2001.We first discuss some general uses of statistical models in ecology, as well as provide a short review of several key examples of the use of GLMs and GAMs in ecological modeling efforts. We next present an overview of GLMs and GAMs, and discuss some of their related statistics used for predictor selection, model diagnostics, and evaluation. Included is a discussion of several new approaches applicable to GLMs and GAMs, such as ridge regression, an alternative to stepwise selection of predictors, and methods for the identification of interactions by a combined use of regression trees and several other approaches. We close with an overview of the papers and how we feel they advance our understanding of their application to ecological modeling.
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar a forma farmacêutica dos medicamentos preparados para serem administrados por cateteres e o perfil dos erros cometidos durante o preparo. Trata-se de estudo epidemiológico transversal, de natureza observacional, conduzido em uma unidade de terapia intensiva com amostra de 350 doses de medicamentos preparados por 56 técnicos de enfermagem. A coleta de dados ocorreu no mês de março de 2010. Os resultados mostram que 92% dos medicamentos eram sólidos. Os erros foram agrupados nas categorias diluição e mistura para formas líquidas, acrescidos de trituração para sólidos. As taxas de erro foram superiores a 40% em todas as categorias. Concluiu-se que: a trituração indevida pode ter comprometido o resultado terapêutico em comprimidos revestidos e de liberação controlada; não diluir xaropes pode ter contribuído para a obstrução de cateteres; misturar medicações ao triturá-las pode aumentar o risco de interações farmacêuticas.